Am I A God?

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Investigation

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“What? Did you meet the masked man? Did you fight?” Inspector Ho stood up in anxiety as he received the report over the telephone.

“Very well, since he is gone, let’s not chase him. For now, avoid any conflict with him.” He instructed.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Inspector Ho sighed and attempted to extract information regarding the masked man from his memory.

In fact, on the very night, the killer cat died, the police had launched a full-fletched investigation on the masked man.

Judging from the information they have, the prediction of the masked man’s powers sent chills down his spine.

Time shifting, mind control, ignition, ghostly powers, hypnosis or casting of illusions were only a fraction of his power. Combined with the fact that the masked man managed to take down the killer cat and ended its killing spree, he instilled fear in all personnel involved in the investigation.

He had the ability to manipulate multiple powers effectively. For the first time in many months, they came to a revelation that the masked man’s powers may be even more destructive than they have imagined.

Worse still, it seemed like there were still some flaws in the masked man’s abilities. If he were to refine his powers and utilize his powers more effectively, the killer cat would have been even more defenseless against him. Inspector Ho put himself in the masked man’s shoes and could easily think of at least 5 to 6 ways of killing the killer cat.

The frightening part was that killer cat alone could already take on ten armed police inspectors at one time.

If the masked man was to give his all, how much power do they need to contain his wrath?

With the power to shift about through time and space and especially in such a big city like Jiangmen city, no one would dare to stand up against the masked man.

With the entire country’s effort, it would certainly be possible to take down the masked man and his cat; Killing them both would become an easy task too. However, who was to take responsibility for all the cost incurred and damage done?

Furthermore, the masked man appeared to be different from the killer cat. He did not use his powers to commit crimes or for any wrongful purposes. In fact, he seemed much more like a normal human being.

This opened up the possibility of negotiation and absorbing him into the friendly force.

Hence the masked man’s identity had been classified as ‘highly confidential’. In the whole city of Jiangmen, only a selected few actually know anything about the masked man and Inspector Ho was one of them.

“Perhaps it’s about time to talk to him.”

… …

Zhao Yao drove Matcha and the kitten to Starry Starry Pet Hospital in his Panamera (car).

Since he had plans to bring the kitten back home, it was only normal to give the kitten a proper screening and bug treatment before he steps into the house.

Suddenly, Matcha was seen sitting on top of the kitten and continuously slapping the kitten’s head as he reprimanded, “Where’s my phone? Return me my phone right now!”

Zhao Yao turned to look and asked, “What’s happening here? How did you guys end up fighting?”

Matcha put up a pitiful look and complained to Zhao Yao, exaggerating matters as spoke.

“Oh? The ability to eat anything?” Zhao Yao recalled how dirty the mall was and finally understood what happened back then.

“That’s impressive but can she spit out what she just ate?”

The kitten growled and stared at Matcha and Zhao Yao with hatred in her eyes. She screamed into both their heads, “What are you looking at!? Release me now, or I’ll eat you both right now!”

“Hah! You admitted!” Matcha said as he continued to rub the kitten’s small head. “Return my phone now, or I’ll really kill you this time!”

Zhao Yao merely shook his head and looked away as the two cats continued to argue.

They arrived at the pet hospital, and it turns out that the kitten was perfectly healthy with no fleas, sicknesses, or diseases.

However, Zhao Yao was called over by Doctor Liu.

Doctor Liu was still wearing a similar white coat; her legs wrapped seductively with a pair of black stockings. She crossed her legs and frowned as she examined the report she held in her hands.

Zhao Yao walked over and Doctor Liu said, “There is a little problem with this cat.”

Zhao Yao asked in curiosity, “What’s the problem? Didn’t you say that this cat is healthy and fine?”

“Well, it is true that she is free from common diseases, but I’m afraid there is a trickier problem.” Doctor Liu explained. “This female cat, she may be a dwarf cat.”

“Dwarf cat?”

“You know dwarfism right? A dwarf cat is basically a cat that suffers from dwarfism.” Doctor Liu continued to elaborate. “It could be due to malnutrition during pregnancy, lack of oxygen or even a genetic flaw but cats like her would not grow any bigger.”

Zhao Yao stared at the palm-sized kitten and questioned, “She won’t grow any bigger? And what problems can that cause?”

“Of course there will be some complications. Dwarf cats are usually more fragile and have a weaker immune system than normal cats. As such, they tend to have a shorter average lifespan.” Doctor Liu sighed and continued,” If you intend on raising this car, you’ll have to devote extra attention and care to her.”

A sudden thought flashed through Zhao Yao’s mind, and he asked, “She looks so small but just how old is she?”

Doctor Liu curled her lips in thought and answered,” I can’t give you an accurate number, but judging from the condition of her teeth, I’d say a good estimate is 2-3 years old.”

“She’s already three years old?” Zhao Yao gasped as he couldn’t believe that the palm-sized kitten is already that old. That means that she is actually older than both Matcha and Elizabeth.

At the thought of this, Zhao Yao gazed at the little cat with a weird expression on his face.

The little cat responded by baring her teeth and screamed into Zhao Yao’s mind yet again. “Stop looking at me! I don’t need your sympathy! Look at me again and watch me dig out your eyeballs.”

Due to her dwarf sickness, she was tiny, and her four limbs were extremely short which made her round, big head look exceptionally huge. She snarled at Zhao Yao in an attempt to express her anger but instead looked extremely cute and harmless from Zhao Yao’s perspective.

He smiled to himself as he thought, “She’s a feisty one. That must have allowed her to survive this long in the streets despite her small size.”

Ignoring her piercing gaze and barren teeth, Zhao Yao reached out and rubbed her tiny head gently. “Rest assured little one; you are safe with us. We won’t do anything bad to you.”

The little cat didn’t reply but looked intently at Zhao Yao with her big gleamy eyes. For a moment, she felt a gush of unimaginable warmth as Zhao Yao continued to stroke her head. She felt like she had finally found peace for the first time in her life ever since she was born.

It didn’t take long before the little cat gently closed her eyes. It was like the feeling of putting down a heavy backpack after a long day of hiking. She purred gently as she slowly fell into deep slumber.

“It’s been so long since I could sleep so peacefully…” were the words that flashed through her mind as she drifted into sleep.

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