Am I A God?

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Earning Commission

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“My extradimensional belly. Come on, the Panamera weighs less than 2 tonnes, it won’t exceed the limit of your power.” Zhao Yao sounded slightly annoyed as he replied.

“No! I won’t eat it! Not even if you beat me to death!” Dust Ball yelled.

Zhao Yao looked straight into Dust Ball’s eyes and said, “You really won’t eat it?”

Dust Ball snapped, “Of course not! I’m not a rubbish bin that eats anything!”

“So you’re not eating it?” Zhao Yao sighed. “I’ll eat it then.”

Instantly, Zhao Yao swapped his power to Dust Ball’s power. He opened his mouth and activated the extradimensional belly power.




Power activated successfully!

Dust Ball stared in shock as she saw the Panamera transform into distorted streaks of light and converge into a single point in a vortex-like manner before disappearing into Zhao Yao’s mouth. The moment it disappeared, Zhao Yao coughed several times; his mouth stank of gasoline.

Dust Ball was completely speechless while Matcha broke into cold sweat.

Zhao Yao nodded in satisfaction and brought the cats into the cat cafe. Baiquan, who was following behind, could not shake the scene of Zhao Yao swallowing the car off his mind. Upon seeing his powers in real life, he had a newfound respect for Zhao Yao.

“Is this Hell’s Magic? I wonder when I’ll be able to control such powers. If I could swallow a car during a live performance, I’m sure many people would be greatly impressed by such a sight.”

As they walked into the cafe, they realized that Xiao Shi Yu came really early in the morning to open the shop. Apparently, she had already diligently arranged the furniture and cleaned the cafe in preparation for the day’s business. As soon as Zhao Yao arrived at the cafe, a wide smile appeared on her face.

As a matter of fact, the reason why Xiao Shi Yu came to work so eagerly at 5 am in the morning is solely for the purpose of awaiting Zhao Yao’s arrival.

She knows that Zhao Yao’s arrival would bring along the soothing aura which she enjoyed so much.

“Whoa aren’t you early? What time did you reach?” Zhao Yao asked Shi Yu as he was surprised to see her in the shop that early. “You don’t have to be here that early. There’s

not much business in the morning anyway.”

“It’s okay! I don’t have much to do at home anyway so I might as well make my way here earlier.” Xiao Shi Yu acted as if it wasn’t such a big deal.

After exchanging their morning greetings, Zhao Yao found a place to sit down in the cafe and began to surf the net on his laptop.

The rest of the cleaning and arranging of furniture were all done by Baiquan and Xiao Shi Yu.

Roly Poly stared at Zhao Yao who had been playing games on his laptop all this while and communicated with the other cats through their minds. “Zhao Yao is getting out of hand. He only knows how to enjoy and play every day while he leaves the rest of the work to all of us.”

Elizabeth nodded in agreement. “That’s right! My celestial beats are the reason why customers are streaming into the cafe. In the end, he doesn’t even pay us for our efforts. Is that even right?”

Elizabeth asked Matcha for his opinion. “What do you think?”

Strangely, Matcha was busy folding his ears and trying to bend the ends of his ears inwards. For a moment, he resembled the looks of a Scottish Fold with his folded ears.

Matcha turned his head around and replied,” Hmm? What did you just say? I’m George Matcha, I just came back from England. I didn’t quite understand what you just said.”

“You fool,” Elizabeth responded. “Why are you even acting like a Scottish Fold? Did you even hear what he said? Even if you manage to bring in customers, you even won’t be paid a single cent. ”

Actually, Zhao Yao had agreed to reward Elizabeth and Matcha if they manage to bring in customers. But seeing how little they were rewarded in comparison to how much Zhao Yao is earning, it seemed like the reward was way too unsatisfactory and naturally felt that it was unfair.

Upon hearing what Elizabeth and Roly Poly said, Matcha pretended to continue folding his ear as he remained silent.

Suddenly, Matcha bolted towards the direction where Zhao Yao was sitting and shouted out loud. “Zhao Yao! Zhao Yao! Those two betrayers are talking bad things about you behind your back and have the intention of stealing money from you! They are unhappy that they aren’t paid a single cent for bringing in so many customers daily and they want to steal money from you!”

As he shouted, Matcha quickly hid behind Zhao Yao’s back as he peered over his shoulder and stared cunningly at Elizabeth and Roly Poly.

“Heheheheh! The limelight is on you guys now.” Matcha’s evil chuckle echoed in Elizabeth and Roly Poly’s mind. “I’m sorry folks, this is the cruel reality. The competition is fierce; there can only be one champion in this cafe. From today onwards, you guys would have to look up to me as the most popular cat in this cafe!”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and snapped, “You stupid fool!”

Just as Matcha finished his sentence, Zhao Yao shifted his gaze towards Roly Poly and Elizabeth.

“You want to steal my money?”

Zhao Yao’s intimidating and murderous gaze sent chills down their spine.

His gaze was as cold as an eternal blizzard; the cats couldn’t help but began to feel more and more anxious. Without even opening his mouth to speak, goosebumps started to appear on their skin as they feared for their lives.

Roly Poly was the first to go down on his knee. He begged for mercy as he stuttered, “Z…Zhao Yao! I don’t know anything at all! It…It was Elizabeth who abetted us to turn against you!”

A stream of yellowish liquid started to flow out from his body. Roly Poly was so afraid that he peed on himself.

“You disgusting betrayer!” Elizabeth yelled into Roly Poly’s mind as her eyes lit up with fury. “You have absolutely no guts at all! Watch closely, this time I’ll get what I rightfully deserve from Zhao Yao himself!”

“But you’re facing Zhao Yao! The fiercest and most evil human being in history! The cat terminator!” Roly Poly turned to look at Elizabeth but Elizabeth’s face remained unchanged. Though you could tell that she was dead serious from her face, the lower half of her body couldn’t help but shiver uncontrollably. Her white fur kept on dropping on the floor like snow as she shivered in fear.

Roly Poly retorted, “Look, you’re so scared that you’re dropping fur. And you still have the cheek to say those words to me?”

Cats tend to easily drop fur when they are nervous and scared.

Zhao Yao noticed how badly Elizabeth was shaking from his gaze. Surprisingly, Zhao Yao seemed pretty amicable as he replied with a friendly tone.

“About what you guys were talking about… I’ve given it some thought these few days as well. In future, if you continue to perform well, I’ll give you guys a dollar each for every customer that visits the cafe. There won’t be a limit to how much you guys can earn. I’ll help register you guys with a bank account each and the money would then be directly transferred to that account. Sounds good?”

Roly Poly and Elizabeth simply couldn’t believe what they just heard. Never did they ever expect to hear such a response from Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao’s offer was much higher than what they had in mind. Roly Poly burst out laughing as he imagined his shriveled wallet growing in thickness.

“Long live Zhao Yao! Long live the king!” Matcha bowed down continuously in front of Zhao Yao’s leg as he chanted.

Even Elizabeth looked really excited after Zhao Yao laid out his offer.

She thought to herself: ‘A dollar for every customer… That’ll be tens of dollars a day! I’ll be able to buy so many things in a month!”

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