An Exclusive love

Chapter 168 Woman, Did You Just Give That Man Your Money?

"Your family is willing to let you go?"

Meyer laughed bitterly. "I was disowned by my family. Right now, other than a house, I've got nothing else."

"So that's the price of freedom, then," Xin Qing said, expressing her sympathy. "Where are you getting the funds to start your firm from?"

"Well, I was planning to look for my teacher," Meyer said a little sheepishly. "I wanted to ask if any of them are willing to be my guarantor for my bank loan."

Xin Qing lowered her head and stared at the coffee cup on the table. Meyer could barely sit still; he had no idea what was going through Xin Qing's mind right now. His actions had nearly killed Xin Qing before. Facing her right now no doubt came with a certain amount of guilt.

"Meyer, will you allow me to make an investment?" Xin Qing asked all of a sudden.

"You... What did you say?" Meyer looked at her in shock. "You want to invest in my start-up?"

Xin Qing laughed. "You haven't heard me wrong. Yes, I want to make an investment. We'll each own half of the shares. Well, your half would consist of technical skills, of course."

"But you'll be at a disadvantage." Meyer disagreed. "Plus, you nearly died because of what I did..."

Xin Qing nodded. "That's right. That's why you have to repay me by helping me earn money!"

"Xin Qing!" Meyer exclaimed. He was too worked up to say anything else.

"Calm down," Xin Qing said. "I'll give you three years. I'll withdraw my funds if you don't make any profits within three years." Xin Qing laughed. "However, I trust you. Although I know nothing about business, I know a thing or two about design. You're a brilliant designer. So I believe that you'll be successful!"

Meyer stood up. "I won't let you down. Thank you so much, Xin Qing!" Meyer grabbed her hands and burst into tears.

Xin Qing was aghast at Meyer's outburst. "Hey, aren't you overacting? Why are you crying?"

"You've got no idea..." Meyer's expression turned melancholic. "There's been a new development in Ailey's case. There is new evidence to prove that she wasn't at the scene at all. There was a change in the judge's ruling. She was now charged with illegal distribution of prohibited drugs. She'll be released at the end of this year. But right now, I can't even take care of myself let alone take care of her. As an ex-convict, her reputation is already in shambles. The family had decided to marry her off to an old widower. I can't just stand by and watch her be the family's sacrificial lamb. Therefore, I must succeed. Thank you for giving me the chance!"

A wave of emotions swarmed Xin Qing's heart. Although she disliked Ailey, that did not change the fact that Ailey was not a murderer. She truly hoped that Ailey would have a good head on her shoulders after getting out of prison instead of acting like the way she did in the past.

"Come on, that's enough. Instead of crying, it's better to use your time to come up with a plan. You also have to decide on your company's location, addresses and all that stuff. You have to go plan out everything in detail and make necessary start-up preparations. Don't look to me to do anything, because I'm just a someone who gives out the orders!"

Meyer was still emotional when he left the house. He vowed to come up with a plan as quickly as possible. After that, Xin Qing sent an email to her lawyer; she wanted to see how much money she could use for the investment. Unless she was mistaken, she had just over ten million she could use. Her lawyer got back to her quickly and the actual amount turned out to be more than she had expected; she currently had nearly twenty million worth of liquid assets. That had greatly reassured Xin Qing. Now she only had to wait for Meyer to do his part before they kickstarted the preparation works.

Around the same time, Ying Qingcang received a phone call from the lawyer. What Xin Qing was unaware of was that the woman who acted as her lawyer was actually the wife of that bespectacled lawyer who did their asset transfer last time; hence, her lawyer had notified Ying Qingcang immediately.

"Ah Cang!" Tang Shuang said, looking at him caringly. She had noticed the change in Ying Qingcang's expression after the phone call.

Ying Qingcang kept a straight face and went back to his meal. "It's nothing. Just work stuff."

Rong Siman's gaze kept going back and forth between Ying Qingcang and Tang Shuang. "I heard that you haven't had your honeymoon yet," she said. "Why don't you stay in England for a few more days. You can treat it as your honeymoon!"

During Ying Hao's birthday party yesterday, Rong Siman had noticed something: Ying Qingcang did not seem to be so enamored with Tang Shuang like the press had claimed. At least he was able to look at Tang Shuang with calm eyes, unlike the way he had looked at Xin Qing as if she were a precious treasure. Whenever Ying Qingcang looked at Xin Qing, his eyes were practically dripping tenderness and affection.

At that comment, Tang Shuang turned to look at Ying Qingcang expectantly. The latter nodded after a few moments of thought. "Alright. Then let's depart this afternoon."

"Wow, Ah Cang is so nice to you!" Rong Siman said in a strange tone, though Tang Shuang paid her no mind at all. Instead, Tang Shuang was grinning happily. Just when she was about to open her mouth to thank him, she heard Ying Qingcang said, "We'll go to France."

That was when her face fell. "Why go to France?" Could he be planning to visit Xin Qing? Tang Shuang's heart was suddenly thrown into a state of turmoil.

"Oh, dear. I think it's better to listen to the woman when it comes to things like honeymoons. Ah Cang, you should ask Tang Shuang for her opinion! Besides, wouldn't it be awkward if you run into a certain someone in France? Right, Tang Shuang?" Rong Siman said with a smirk.

Tang Shuang glared at Rong Siman. She was not blind. The way Rong Siman had behaved during last night's party told her that this stepmother had intentions towards her own stepson. Shameless indeed!

"If you don't like it, we'll go somewhere else. I'll still go there later," Ying Qingcang said slowly. "Something went wrong with the shipments in France. They were the ones who called me just now."

Tang Shuang thought Ying Qingcang was trying to explain things to her. Still, how could she allow Ying Qingcang to go there alone? She nodded quickly. "I'm good! Anywhere will do. After all, I've never been to France before. So I'll listen to you!"

Rong Siman was about to say something, but Ying Qingcang shot her an icy look, causing her to shudder. She clamped up instantly.

"You should go pack our luggage. I'll say goodbye to the old man in the study." Now was not the time to deal with this woman. Did Rong Siman really think that they were unaware of what she had been doing behind their backs? Rong Siman and Tang Shuang, neither of them could get away with this unscathed. He would deal with them one after the other!

Ying Hao had obviously been waiting for Ying Qingcang to come to him; he snorted the moment he saw Ying Qingcang entering his study. "I thought you aren't planning to explain anything to me."

"Oh, no. I have no intentions of explaining anything to you. I'm just here to tell you that I'm leaving." Ying Qingcang sat down on the couch, his attitude as obstinate as ever. Ying Hao was so furious at that point that he felt an urge to pick up his walking stick and then bludgeon his own son with it.

"What is it that you are trying to accomplish?" Ying Hao asked patiently. "Why did you divorce Xin Qing out of the blue? Why marry Tang Shuang?"

Ying Qingcang glanced at his father briefly. "Why, didn't your Ancestral Behest tell you anything? Why don't you go burn a bunch of joss sticks and get your beloved behest to work its mojo?"

"Do we really have to speak to each other like this every time?" Ying Hao sighed. "I'm just worried about you."

"I obviously have my reasons for the things I do, just like how you have your reasons for keeping that woman around. I didn't get in your way, so I hope you don't get in mine either," Ying Qingcang stood up and headed towards the door, halting his steps as he was opening it.

"If you're so free, you shouldn't stay in the house all day. Don't want you to end up with Alzheimer's."

A tight line formed on Ying Hao's lips. "This brat!" he thought.

Monica was dead set on tagging along when she found out about Ying Qingcang and Tang Shuang's plans to go to France. This time, Tang Shuang did not hold anything back at all. She flat out denied Monica's request to follow them. In the end, Ying Qingcang had no choice but to toss Monica out of the car, literally. Tang Shuang waved smugly at Monica who was now sitting on the pavement. Then she hugged Ying Qingcang's arm and said, "Ah Cang, you're so nice to me!"

Tang Shuang felt a little pleased with herself. "Hah! He's so unwilling to marry me at the beginning. But look at him now. Isn't he head over heels in love with me already?" she thought. She recalled Ying Qingcang's endless demands in bed last night, causing her to feel a tingle in her lower abdomen. It seemed like she was enjoying the stuff in bed more and more.

"Why's your face so red? Are you unwell?" asked Ying Qingcang.

Tang Shuang shook her head quickly. "It's nothing! Maybe I'm just feeling too warm."

Ying Qingcang glanced out the car window, saying nothing. "Looks like the drug is beginning to take effect," he thought.

According to Boss Wan, prolonged usage of this kind of hallucinogen would lead to addiction; the user would crave sex more and more. At this rate, it was just a matter of time before Tang Shuang turned into a nymphomaniac. Still, Ying Qingcang held no compassion for this woman. Whether she lived or died, in the end, did not concern him the slightest. The only thing that mattered to him was that she could be of use to him right now.

As for why he was going to France, well, it was because he could not take it anymore. Before, he had heard reports of another man pursuing Xin Qing. Today, her lawyer had called to tell him that Xin Qing had transferred ten million worth of funds. What was she doing? Under such circumstances, the beast that was his yearning, which had been dying to break free from its cage for quite some time, could no longer remain subdued. Ying Qingcang gave himself a reason: he would just go there and have a glance at her. Just one glance would be enough, even if it was from afar.

Young Master Shen arrived in France half a day earlier than Ying Qingcang. Once there, he had to find a way to draw Xin Qing out. When Zhang Mi answered the door, Young Master Shen was prepared for another round of bickering. But Zhang Mi walked off without sparing a glance at him.

"What's the matter with her?" Young Master Shen asked curiously.

Xin Qing glanced at Zhang Mi, who was rushing up the stairs. "She's in love!" she whispered.

"Who on earth would be interested in her?" Young Master Shen said in surprise. For some strange reason, he felt a twinge of discomfort in his heart, though that feeling quickly disappeared. It vanished before Young Master Shen could have a better grasp of it.

"I think it's a senior, I don't know." Xin Qing was far more curious about Young Master Shen's presence. "What are you doing here again?"

Young Master Shen came up with an excuse on the spot. "I've got nothing better to do anyway. So I thought I'd come here to attend the latest fashion show this season."

"Wow, you must be so free," Xin Qing said with a shake of her head.

Young Master Shen's expression turned serious. "Actually, I came here to see you. Why are you suddenly using so much money?" He cursed inwardly the moment those words left his mouth. "Shit. Now Xin Qing must be thinking that we've been keeping tabs on her," he thought. In order to cover up his slip of tongue, he quickly added, "I ran into the manager of your jewelry company during a party. He was the one who told me."

Although Xin Qing had kept her facial expression bland, she was smiling deep down. "You've been watching my every move. You guys think I don't know?" she thought. Then again, she now knew that even her lawyer was taking orders from Ying Qingcang as well!

"Oh, it's nothing. I made an investment, that's all." Xin Qing told Young Master Shen about her partnership with Meyer. Young Master Shen frowned for a long time without saying anything.

"You don't think it'll work?" Xin Qing asked, sensing his doubt.

"It's not that it won't work. I mean, you know his profession better than I do. But can you really trust his character? Don't forget that he's the main reason you got hurt." Young Master Shen thought Ying Qingcang would probably die from rage if he ever found out about this. After all, the guy could barely tolerate the presence of any man around Xin Qing, even if it was purely for business purposes.

Young Master Shen thought for a moment. "If you trust him, then it should be fine," he said. "Come! Dinner's on me! After that, join me for the fashion show?"

"If you're there to hook up with women, why drag me along?" Xin Qing asked. Young Master Shen laughed in response. "Today's Zhang Mi's birthday. Don't tell me neither of you don't remember?"

Xin Qing went into a daze. "Ah!" she exclaimed before stomping upstairs. A while later, she got changed and dragged Zhang Mi downstairs.

"Come, come, come! Let's go out and celebrate your birthday!"

Zhang Mi was delighted at the prospect of ripping Young Master Shen off. She had indeed forgotten about her own birthday. She did not expect Young Master Shen, of all people, to remember.

Before dinner was served, Xin Qing kept shooting searching glances at Young Master Shen. Young Master Shen felt conflicted. "Should I tell her that I'd looked up Zhang Mi's birthday to use it as an excuse to treat her to dinner?" he thought. There was a sudden glint in his eyes. Keeping a straight face, he blinked a few times.

"Xiao Qingqing," he said, "let's swap seats!"

Xin Qing looked at him strangely, but in the end, she still agreed. Just when they were about to start dinner, they heard a high-pitched shriek.

"What are you doing here?"

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