Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 390: Troublesome Frank

Chapter 390: Troublesome Frank

The way they passed through the final part of the Cloud Road was clearly different from that of Zen, who walked slowly on that part.

Led by Frank, five of them had eventually finished the fifth stage of the Cloud Road. A smooth path that led directly to the finish line of Cloud Road greeted them at the end.

At that moment, all of them wanted to be the first place.

The Death Road was much shorter than the Life Road, so if they chose the former they could save time. It also meant that the possible first placer could be among the five of them.

However, Frank still regretted not getting the blood pool.

The first one who got aware of the current situation was Lewis. Although he was carefree, he had a keen mind. Then he made a dash for the finishing point.

The others soon realized what happened as well, and rushed out when they saw Lewis run ahead of them.

Now, it was time to see who had the best speed and endurance.

Although Lewis was extremely quick and had a strong, explosive power even stronger than Frank's, he had a low endurance.

They were still far from the destination. Lewis was far ahead of the other four people in the first half of the race.

However, Frank eventually caught up with him with his extraordinary speed and endurance in the middle of the race.

An unexpected incident suddenly broke out. When Lewis boosted his speed, he attacked Frank. It was as if he turned into someone else.

It was clear that Frank got very angry about it.

He was both regretful and upset when he was reminded of the chance he lost last time. Thus, he was determined to take the first place this time. However, he never thought that Lewis would make things difficult for him. 'How can you treat me like a sickly cat? I'm actually a sleeping tiger!' Frank thought. Thus, he began to strike back as he had a burst of speed.

They only wanted to disturb each other, so they didn't really fight that much.

A few moments later, the other three had also caught up with them while they fought.

Frank and Lewis kept on fighting, which slowed their pace down, thus making Rocher become the first one who rushed into the whirlpool.

Now, Rocher thought that he was the one who won the first place. However, when he looked around, he saw that Zen had already sat beside Fernandez and the other masters.

Rocher could hardly believe his eyes at this moment.

Zen was unexpectedly there as if by magic. It was really an incredible thing.

'This is absolutely impossible. No one can explain this!' Rocher thought.

'At that time, I witnessed Zen fell into the gaping abyss. Even if he was lucky enough to have defeated the flood dragon and survived, how did he run ahead of me?' he thought again.

Rocher and his companions kept going forward without any breaks after they had passed through the Death Road. According to their plan, the five of them would arrive at the destination first since the Death Road was much shorter. They would make a record that was unprecedented in history.

However, he saw Zen had already been sitting in meditation to practice when he got to the finish point. It seemed that he had waited at that place for a long time.

How could Rocher think that Zen came here by riding a flood dragon puppet? Besides, he had spent a lot of time dividing the treasures on the island with Tia.

On the other hand, another person had arrived while Rocher stood there in a trance. It was Frank.

He looked livid as he gasped for breath. It took him a great effort to get rid of Lewis, who was quite hard to deal with.

I've only gotten second place…

It was hard for Frank to accept the fact that he had fallen behind Rocher. To be the first in everything was his motto. For him, there was no point in being second place.

'If Lewis hadn't gotten in my way, I would definitely have been first place. He's like a mad dog, so dealing with him took long. I will lay my hands on him after he gets to Cloud Hall, ' Frank thought.

However, Rocher heard what he said and shook his head. “You're not the second to arrive,” he said.

What? Can you say that again?” Frank was stunned. He obviously did not understand Rocher's words. At first, he thought that maybe Rocher would say something to console him, like “If Lewis hadn't disturbed you, you would have been first.

You finished third,” Rocher answered.

The third place?” Frank said. He couldn't believe what he heard. “Who got the first place?” he said with a glare.

Rocher pointed at Zen who was not far from them. “He's the first to arrive here,” he said.

When Frank saw Zen, he was so stunned that his eyes widened to the size of a plate. “Zen? How can he be here? Isn't he dead already?” Frank asked in shock. He was more confused about this compared with Rocher.

He had never imagined this.

He never thought that Zen had conquered the flood dragon and eventually got the first place.

Could it be that…

Could it be that the flood dragon had brought Zen here?

Frank was an intelligent man, so he had thought of that possibility. However, he was confused as to why the flood dragon didn't eat Zen and sent him to the terminal point of the Cloud Road instead.

Was it possible that the flood dragon didn't eat people, but helped them pass through the Cloud Road?

It wasn't easy for him to think all of those scenarios. However, he would have never imagined that the flood dragon was really a controlled puppet. Moreover, he had never thought that the blood pool, which he tried so hard to get, was obtained by Zen! He had barely imagined that the rewards Zen had gained were tremendous!

It was Zen who stole everything that belonged to him, he thought.

Many things in the world were the results of serendipity. If Tia had dragged Frank into the abyss instead of Zen, Frank might still have failed to destroy the enchanted barrier with his white spear and get the treasures of the Blood Fiend Emperor.

After a while, Lewis had arrived after the whirlpool revolved for a bit.

Frank stopped thinking about how Zen came first to the destination and turned to Lewis. “Lewis, how dare you block me!” he shouted angrily. “I will make you pay the price!

He was still mad about the situation, although he was aware that he wouldn't have gotten the first place even if he had run ahead of Rocher.

Lewis simply laughed at Frank's words.

Haha, I just wanted to stop you. But what can you do to me?


Fury consumed Frank so much that he couldn't say a word. What he wanted to do the most was to fight with Lewis.

At that exact moment, the old man in white from the Auspice Sect appeared and said, “Lewis, come to me!

Lewis was the personal disciple of the old man and was also the pride of the Auspice Sect. The old man was afraid that Lewis might suffer defeat. He also didn't want to offend Frank's father, Emanuel. Thus, he called Lewis to his side just in time.

Meanwhile, Lewis was also surprised to find that Zen was still alive.

The next one who came out of the whirlpool was Patrick, followed by Lois.

The cultivation method Patrick had practiced was that of Buddhism, so he failed to run fast. Thus, in terms of running, he was only a little quicker than Lois. The two of them rushed out of the whirlpool at almost the same time.

They were also amazed at how Zen had come here and looked at him in shock.

Why do you all look at Zen that way?” Fernandez asked. “It's really amazing that Zen has outrun all of you, but you don't need to stare at him like that. He isn't a ghost!” he said.

Zen stood up from the ground when he saw Rocher and Patrick. He went up to them and clapped them on the shoulder with a smile.

The three disciples of Cloud Sect had passed through the Cloud Road and got the first, second, and fifth places, respectively.

Kenneth was quite satisfied with the results. Their sect only had three places for this competition since they were just a second-grade sect. However, their three disciples who participated in the match all ranked in the top five.

For Kenneth, this had made him even happier than when he found a buried treasure!

Zen, I saw you fall into the abyss. Weren't you eaten by that flood dragon?” Frank suddenly asked Zen sharply in front of everyone. “Doesn't that flood dragon eat people? Did you come to the destination by riding that flood dragon? Where is the mysterious disciple of Cloud Hall? Is he with you?” Frank fired more questions at him.

He was aware that Zen wouldn't answer his question in private. Thus, he chose to ask Zen in front of Fernandez and the other masters.

That was his real intention.

Fernandez and the other masters all looked at Zen when they heard that he had met the flood dragon.

'This guy really wants to cause me more trouble…' Zen thought with a frown.

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