Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

2nd Season Blu-ray SS Chapter 5

2nd Season Blu-ray SS Chapter 5

Screams escaped from Yue and others from the sudden sense of weightlessness that assailed them.

Large drops of rain water and powerful wind battered them hard inside the dimly lit world. They were outside. They were teleported in the air above the surface. The water of the underground lake and a part of the control room fell like waterfall along with them.

On the ground was the Pseudo Spirit of Great Snake(Gran Replica). On top of it were Shia and Kaori. The Pseudo Spirit of Centaur(For Replica) was midair behind them. And then at the sky was――

Hajime instantly grasped the whole situation and performed three things simultaneously.

First, he summoned Fernier before the authority that dispersed magic power was activated, using it as a foothold.

Second, he fired Pile Bunker and Schlagen to Gran Replica and For Replica respectively.

Third, he deployed Cross Bits to create an umbrella of space isolation above their heads.

His actions were done half reflexively based on past experience. It saved his life just by a hair’s breadth.

Instantly, a gigantic lighting struck down. The flash blinded everyone’s sight. The thunder struck their eardrums.

Everyone other than Hajime shrunk into themselves in fear, but that was all. The damage to everyone was only the pain in their butt from hitting the deck hard.

『Shia――no, Kaoriii! Strike!』

Kaori’s gaze snapped to the intended direction. The head of the great snake right now had a huge stake driven slightly into it. Pile Bunker was a close range weapon. Its power fell when aimed at a target that was hundreds of meters away from it.

Kaori sensed that it was shallow and broke into a mad dash with the dumbfounded Shia carried on her shoulder. Using the power of regeneration she leaped up before she fell off,


Struck the bottom part of the giant stake with a full powered swing of her great sword. The giant stake was driven even deeper. With that, a part of the magic circle on Gran Replica’s head lost its shine.

「Slow down a little with that-」

Hajime’s aim was the magic circle that had the function of proxy to use the great spirit’s authority. It was the only weak point that was installed deep inside the golem.

It seemed that the information that “she” left behind was accurate. The magic power dispersion effect didn’t appear. Almost at the same time For Replica that had its forehead pierced through with Schlagen also lost its midair foothold and fell.

「This one is for you-」

The queen of the sky(Harpy)―― Pseudo Spirit of Four Seasons(Lei Replica) showed itself by coming out from the dark cloud.

Hajime exchanged Pile Bunker with Orkan. He fired all the missiles & rockets that were loaded into it. In addition, Fernier also fired the weapons that it was loaded with continuously. Just like a battleship that was firing a barrage.

Flame blasts and magical shockwaves fiercely spread out in the sky above like crimson ripples overlapping with each other. But Hajime didn’t even dare to waste time with checking the result and poured his magic power directly from the deck into the airframe to make it fly in full speed.

「Kaori! Get on-」

「Yep! Let’s go Shia!」

The reply came back in the form of 「Hiee~」 scream. Kaori splendidly jumped with Shia on her shoulder onto Fernier that was flying very low above the ground.

「Kaori! Thank god you’re safe!」

「That’s my line you know! Shizuku-chan-」

Shizuku ran toward Kaori and embraced her. Kaori too hugged her back while her eyes became tearful.

「We’re withdrawing!」

Only Shia and Kaori who didn’t know that Yue now might become able to reproduce the magic for retrieving soul protested that decision.

Hajime took out “Gate Key” from his pocket. It would be impossible to teleport Fernier alongside them, so he opened the “gate” on the deck while keeping the worst possibility of abandoning the ship in mind――


It seemed “his shadow” wouldn’t let Hajime and co escaped. Perhaps it considered them as too dangerous or knowing too much.

「Tsk, this isn’t authority. Just a plain space magic huh-」

In the sky, the missiles and even the flame blasts were all repelled. It was gravity magic. If Lei Replica could use Yue’s magic, naturally it could also use space magic. Yes, it could also obstruct the opponent’s teleportation or teleport its allies.

For Replica leaped out. Its war hammer was rested on its shoulder. Then it immediately swung it down from overhead stance.

「Hold on something!」

There wasn’t even time to click the tongue. Yue and others hurriedly grabbed on the railing on the deck. At the same time Fernier turned to the side while diving down. It was a tailspin evasion to the side of For Replica as though to gouge its flank. Yue and others screamed because of the very drastic movement, but Hajime couldn’t waste time to bother about it.


This time it was Gran Replica. A roar that dealt direct impact to the soul rippled through the battlefield.

「Tskk, so it already recovered!」

It wasn’t just thanks to its natural regeneration ability. It must be using the regeneration magic that it got from Tio in parallel.

Its recovery was faster than expected. It seemed even after it was hit at its weak point, it could redeploy if it had 40 seconds.

The field of magic power dispersion spread out. Hajime clicked his tongue at that while intentionally driving Fernier toward Gran Replica. At the same time he took out an ore that looked like unprocessed diamond from “treasure warehouse”,


He threw it with all his strength. The inhuman muscle strength came from using the skill “Mighty Arm”. It threw the ore with speed like a cannon ball and it hit Gran Replica’s head.

The true identity of that object was a “treasure warehouse”, one that was scrapped after being used to stockpile sun’s heat to power the heaven’s light――the sunlight convergence laser “Hyperion” that managed to evaporate the majority of the demon king army at the capital but then broke and became unusable because it was still a prototype.

It was a failed product that might explode just from a little damage to it, so Hajime planned to destroy it in the future when he was in a place with nobody around. He had two of such items and used one here.

As the result, a small sun appeared on the surface. The surrounding rain water was instantly evaporated. The head part of Gran Replica was wholly melted. But,

「So it still regenerate even after that. But, that’ll buy us a bit of time-」

The whole coiling giant body shined and it started regenerating bit by bit.

The authority of magic power dispersion was the most troublesome aspect from it. Therefore Hajime used one of his hidden aces but, it seemed that it was insufficient to finish it off. Although, it didn’t change the fact that the enemy was sealed temporarily with that.

「Hajime! There’s a black twister behind!」

Yue screamed a warning. At the same time Fernier jerked hard as though it had gotten its legs grabbed. Its speed lowered.

「Dammit! I can’t shake it off-」

Gravity magic “Calamitous Sky”had seized Fernier. The sight of countless lines of raindrops being sucked in to a single point was impressive, but it was nothing short of a disaster from the point of view of the target.

Naturally, the opponent wasn’t of the sort that would overlook that opening.

「Hajime-kun! It’s coming!」

For Replica whose authority had also similar recovered created space isolation barrier midair as foothold and it turned toward here. It sped forward with a mighty stomp.

「We aren’t gonna be able to dodge fully! Kaori!」

「Leave it to me-」

Hajime summoned all seven Cross Bits that included the spares too and they deployed space isolation barrier with maximum output.

The attack from the giant war hammer fiercely shook space itself. Two Cross Bits sputtered out white smoke after that.

Even so the attack was blocked successfully. It was the perfect moment for counterattack that Kaori didn’t miss.

Disintegration magic targeted For Replica’s head.

「It endured!? Geez, Shia’s characteristic magic is just too troublesome!」

It must have raised its guard after getting hit by the previous attack and used Foresight.

Although, the timing of this side was perfect. It couldn’t evade completely and the giant war hammer became a sacrifice. The handle got disintegrated and the head part fell.

「Nice job, Kaori!」

Hajime fired all the airship’s weapons to all direction, laying out a barrage that wouldn’t allow For Replica to get closer.

Meanwhile Hajime aimed Schlagen at “Calamitous Sky”. He was going to shoot its “core” and scatter the magic――

Fierce tremor ran through the space in an instant. *PAANN* There was a sound of destruction from the space isolation barrier getting pulverized.


「No way-, even though it blocked even the attack before this!?」

Shia pressed down her rabbit ears while crouching. Suzu looked up with an expression of despair at Lei Replica that had just used “Quaking Sky”.

There roars of thunder and explosion overlapped. “Five Heavenly Dragons” rushed down from inside the lightning clouds.

In addition, something burst out from the back of Lei Replica. That thing that looked like aurora was actually countless flying objects. They were small harpies. There must be a hundred of them.

「So that thing also has small version of itself……」

「W-what art we going to do!? There art so many of them, Nagumo-donoo!」

Yue looked up with a grave expression, while Tio was shaken up.

On the ground, Gran Replica had started moving before it finished regenerating its head. The magic circles on its torso shined and brought forth gale and flame. There were only several minutes left until it deployed its authority once more.

For Replica was enduring the barrage from Fernier with teleportation and barrier. It then took position midair in front of Fernier to block the way――while taking out a new weapon, a giant sword from empty air.

The present situation was like a chess.

As though the pieces had been positioned to checkmate the opponent. The time limit would be until Gran Replica had finished recovering completely.

「Ha, haha……they seriously ain’t gonna let us get away huh.」

「This isn’t for repelling intruder anymore. It feels more like they’re trying to erase those who know too much isn’t it?」

「Shit-, what now-」

Ryuutarou and Shizuku’s expressions were twitching. Kouki was looking anxious.

A strangely calm voice spoke up in the middle of that.

「As expected, Yue’s ability is the most troublesome huh?」

Things like weather manipulation was just extra. Their attempt to retreat was blocked by space magic, but they would be able to manage somehow if it was only by the deteriorated authority of For Replica. The gravity magic didn’t allow their attack to land, and there was even “Five Heavenly Dragons” that were subordinates which combined offense and defense into one package. And then now, the opponent came at them with overwhelming quantity.

It would be next to impossible to defeat the golems. Their firepower was insufficient because the golems had regeneration magic. It would be a different story if they had “Hyperion” but there was no use crying for something that didn’t exist. Their prospect of getting away from this place was extremely weak.

「What are you saying so suddenly. You insolent fel――Hajime?」

Yue got a bad premonition from Hajime’s expression and she swallowed back her words.

Hajime smiled at such Yue. It made the bad premonition that she was feeling to get stronger.

「Kaori, take care of the steering.」

「Eh? Eeeh!? So suddenly!?」

The ship was getting dragged into the gravity vortex behind, so Kaori hurriedly took over the steering.

「Nagumo-kun? Do you have a plan?」

「W-what are we gonna do, Nagumo.」

Shizuku and Ryuutarou looked at Hajime with gazes of expectation. Suzu, Shia, and Tio’s expressions lit up innocently, thinking that as expected if it was Hajime then he would be able to do something.

Only Yue was staring hard at Hajime who was sorting out his equipments dispassionately as though she was trying to burn a hole into him.

「Don’t tell me…… you are not going to use yourself as bait aren’t you?」

She asked him with a voice that was trembling with anxiety. Kaori and others became taken aback hearing that.

「The key for victory, is you Yue.」

There was no grimness or even resignation there. There was only fighting spirit that was burning hot. Kaori and others felt reassured seeing that, though it only lasted for a moment.

「Leave this place to me and go ahead.」

Hajime looked back across his shoulder and jokingly said that line. Yue’s eyes widened to the limit.

Kaori yelled in exchange of the speechless Yue.

「What are you saying!? There’s no way we can leave――」

「I have a way. Get some distance from here with “gate” as soon as you manage to get out from this battlefield. I can buy you guys time for at least half a day. Use that time to somehow complete the soul recovery magic.」

Hajime gave instructions rapidly without giving any room for refusal.

Hajime tossed the “Gate Key” to Yue while everyone was speechless from those resolute words.

Yue reflexively caught it. Hajime smiled at her briefly before he turned around.

「There’s no time for discussion. Go.」

He turned his back on them and magic power burst up from his body. Crimson radiance whirled up as though to scorch the sky.

There were fighting spirit and tenacity to live so thick it felt stinging on their skin.

Hajime’s back resembled a warrior who was going to throw himself into a deathly battle, just like when he was struggling at the bottom of the abyss, something that only Yue had ever seen before.

That was more than enough to convince them that Nagumo Hajime would surely keep his words.

Yes, surely, it would be just like when he returned alive from the hell that made anyone thought that his chance of survival was zero percent.

Even if he had to pay with his limb and eye once more as compensation for it.

That was why, nobody could said anything about that overwhelmingly heavy resolve, or even stop him when he was going to jump off from the deck――except one person.

「I firmly refuse!」

The dignified voice made even Hajime went 「Eh」 and turned around again.

The “Gate Key” was tossed away in front of Hajime’s eyes like it was a garbage.

Yue walked toward the taken aback Hajime. Then she grabbed his collar and pulled him toward her.

Her crimson eyes were blazing in a distance where their noses touched each other.

「You insolent fellow!」

「Eh, ee?」

「Don’t you dare look down on me!」

「N-no, I’m not looking down――」

「Five minutes. I won’t need any longer than five minutes just to create a new magic!」

Hajime’s eyes widened like saucers. Yue told him 「That’s why!」.

「I won’t allow you to leave my side. You, and I……are the strongest when protecting each other right?」


Yue stared at the dumbfounded Hajime from point blank.

The small harpies were flocking around the ship. The lighting was getting stronger, and the roars of the “Five Heavenly Dragons” were making the atmosphere trembling.

On the ground, Gran Replica had finished regenerating its head. It then spent several more seconds to perfectly regenerate before raising its head.

The two were staring at each other even though the situation was really pressing like that. It was like a scene straight from comic book.

As though, the flow of time was different around them.

Kaori and others became speechless in a different sense this time……No,


「「「Aaa~~~~」」」 Kaori, Shia, and Tio’s yells overlapped on each other. Because Hajime had pulled Yue closer and stole her lips. He was kissing her as though to devour her. 「Hyaa」 slipped out from Shizuku and Suzu. Ryuutarou and Kouki reflexively averted their gazes.

When Yue was freed, 「Nnaah」 she let out a voice that was like a moan and stared at Hajime with a feverish face. A second later, she turned an enchanted gaze toward him.

「My lips are not something cheap you know?」

「I’ll buy you time without fail after this. Just like you expected from me.」

Very good, Yue said with a smile that was like blooming flower. That smile looked exactly the same like when Hajime promised her at the bottom of the abyss to bring her back with him to his birthplace.

A fearless grin formed on Hajime’s lips and he ran his gaze to Kaori and others.

「So as you guys can see, come with me.」

「「「So casual-」」」

Everyone retorted that such line really wasn’t suitable as invitation to a deathly situation but……there was no objection. All of them, even Shia were wearing a determined face.

Hajime laughed again seeing that and rang the gong for the second round.

「I’m not gonna held anything back. The weather prediction today is heavy rain of Pile Bunkers.」

That was a method that he kept in reserve for retreating. One of the items that he created at the spot where he and Yue fell into, before going to investigate the ruins――Ornis(bird shaped scouting drone) that was loaded with “improvised treasure warehouse filled with only giant stakes inside”. He had slipped it among the missile barrages to fly to the sky far above.

The super heavy and hard giant stakes became a heavy rain from the altitude of 5000 meter and penetrated the lightning clouds, pouring on the ground. The trajectory of those stakes could be adjusted to some degree thanks to gravity stones.


Lei Replica screamed when it was hit by tremendous impact on its wide back.

One of its wings was seriously damaged. Fragments scattered from the spots that got battered. Its altitude dropped drastically. It immediately rallied itself and defended using gravity field and space isolation barrier, but it couldn’t avoid having its focus distracted.

Fernier was liberated from the yoke of gravity vortex.

On the ground, Gran Rpelica was moving in panic. Its location was right above the underground lake.

It used the ground manipulation authority in order to protect the facility from the giant stakes’ impacts. It started creating wall of earth by whittling the surrounding mountains for it.

「You can dodge if you want y’know? The facility might get smashed even more though!」

Hajime laughed Ka-ka-ka-ka-. Shizuku and others were creeped out by that.

Originally Hajime planned to launch even more indiscriminate attack toward the ruins at this moment so Yue and others could run away. Depending on the situation he would infiltrate into the underground lake again so that the defense system would give him as high priority as elimination target.

He used the sunlight bomb at the beginning to draw attention. If a person with such destructive power launched a suicide attack into the ruins, the enemies would be unable to just ignore him.

Although, in that case he might be unable to hold back Lei Replica until the end even after going that far. The small harpies would be even more beyond his capability. That was why he instructed Kaori and others to stay with Yue as insurance.

They would be able to turn the table if only Yue could be revived. In that case, even if he died here, there would be a big enough possibility that Yue would be able to revive him later. That was his thought. He was really resolved to fight to the death before this.

But, Yue said that she just needed five minutes. She told him to believe in her. She said that he wouldn’t allow him to leave her. Those were what his beloved said to him. Then he had no other option except to answer her expectation.

「――”Limit Break – Supreme”-」

The skill quadrupled all statuses by five times, in exchange the time limit was short and the after effect was extremely heavy. Not to mention that this was Hajime’s second time using it in short interval. He would definitely get rendered unable to fight when the effect ran out.

It was a trump card for short and decisive battle that was unsuited for buying time. He used it here without hesitation. He believed on Yue and would give it his everything for the next five minutes!

*DONN-* There was shockwave. Kouki and others raised their voices 「Uwaaah」 as they stumbled. Hajime’s stomped on the deck so hard that Fernier tilted.

The next moment, Hajime was already in front of For Replica. He thrust Schlagen on its forehead and pressed the trigger.

As expected from the pseudo spirit that was specialized for combat with Shia’s soul installed in it. It dodged a moment earlier while also circling to behind Hajime. Without pause it swung down a powerful attack from overhead――

「Of course you’ll do that. It’s impossible that you’ll use teleportation to open the distance from a charge of someone like me.」

Also, if it was Shia then she definitely would also move like that. Hajime said with a laugh.

He casually tossed something to his back. It was the “sunlight bomb”. A star manifested. The pseudo spirit reacted too late. It never even expected that Hajime would use such thing in a distance that would definitely catch him too in the area of effect. It also had no room to escape with teleportation.

「You’re tough ain’t you. The premonition of death doesn’t activate right?」

That was its difference from Shia. For Replica that was very hard to kill couldn’t use “Prediction of Death” that activated automatically. That was why For Replica could only use its giant sword as shield.

The giant sword melted into slag. The golem’s head and left half was also destroyed. For Replica had its authority sealed once more and it descended.

Naturally Hajime too didn’t get away unscathed but……

「Y-you’re too reckless! Hajime-kun!」

Just as he anticipated, the light of regeneration magic was regenerating the body parts that Hajime lost. It was a storm of intense agony that ordinary person wouldn’t be able to endure. But, he had finished experiencing regeneration and collapse of his body in loop during his stay in the bottom of the abyss. Therefore, he was a monster. Therefore, he laughed. His smile was fearless throughout all of that.

Hajime got back on the deck with a single jump. He poured magic power into the airframe while announcing to everyone.

「Everyone, hold on. Or else you’ll die.」

「「「「「Eh-」」」」」 The faces of Shizuku and others were twitching with bad premonition. Hajime sent Cross Bits at them while Fernier swooped down at the same time. 「「「「KYAAAAA~~~~」」」」 Everyone’s scream trailed behind.

「N-Nagumo-donooo-, what art thou thinking!?」

「You aren’t thinking to crash this thing aren’t you!?」

「As expected from Yaegashi. You’re sharp.」

The words that Hajime said so easily caused everyone’s 「「「「「Eh!?」」」」」 to overlap once more.

The ground was approaching in high speed. Everyone was going pale while clinging on Cross Bits. Shia’s scream 「Nagumo-san is deranged desuu~~」 was something that they all agreed on inside their heart.

Right after that, Fernier’s kamikaze attack landed. On Gran Replica that was protecting the ruins using earth barrier and its own giant body from the high altitude bombardment of giant stakes.

For a moment, Hajime felt like his eyes met Gran Replica’s for a moment. Maybe it was just his imagination but it seemed to be trembling. As though it was yelling 「You’re crazy-」.

An impact that was like an attack from a giant war hammer exploded with Gran Replica at the center.

The ground quaked. The surface was undulating fiercely.

It was a heavy weight attack. Something like magic power dispersion was useless against that. Gran Replica desperately used its earth manipulation authority to neutralize the impact.

Hajime and others also wouldn’t get away unscathed if they didn’t float away just a moment before the crash.

「Do your best propping up the place okay? If not the increased weight gonna crush that important place y’know?」

*ZUN* Fernier’s weight increased exponentially.


Gran Replica shrieked. It was emitting its magic power dispersal authority, but the weight increase didn’t get reduced meaningfully.

Of course that was the case. The weight increase was caused by the countless gravity stones placed inside Fernier increasing their own weight. Just like body strengthening. It wasn’t an emission type magic.

Therefore, Gran Replica had to focus its full strength to its earth manipulation authority. Like a bridge that was connecting mountains, it had to support Fernier by pushing up and hardening the earth with its own giant body at the center.

「Tio, I’ll leave the control of the ship to you. I’ll give you my magic cystal stone too, so keep this guy nailed here.」

「M-me? I hath never used this kind of artifact before though?」

「The current you is a good-for-nothing that can’t do air combat despite being a dragon after all, so at least do this somehow.」

「G-good-for-nothing!? Thou impudent-, how dare thou said such thing to me――kuh, haa haa, what? I shouldst be irritated, and yet what art this blazing feeling welling up from inside mine chest!?」

Eei-, just watch me accomplishing this task! Tio took over the control while going haa haa with her face turning bright red (she was nine years old inside). Isn’t that your hardcore M soul reacting……nobody pointed that out.

「Kaori, go to above the cloud. There aren’t many giant stakes left up there. I’ll slow down the pace, in exchange you bombard the land with disintegration magic. You should be able to at least float in place even if you can’t do air combat right?」

「I-I get it! But, I won’t be able to see the ground from there, what if I hit ally……」

「Wear this choker. I had put coordinate stone on them. You should be able to sense their general location with that.」

Since when, Kaori reacted with surprise even while taking the choker. Then Hajime continued to reassure Kaori as she spread open her silver wings.

「I already know how shitty your control is. But, it won’t be a problem even if you caused friendly fire. You can just fix human or thing even if you break them right? Just fix them later.」

「Shitty!? It’s the truth but, sugarcoat it a little! After all I won’t feel good from hearing that kind of thing like Tio okay! Okay!」

Kaori flew to the sky while her cheeks blushed faintly. Silver light broke through the lightning cloud above.

「Shia, keep smashing this guy’s head. In the worst case use this thing if it looks like it’ll get away.」

Hajime took out the second improvised treasure warehouse. It was filled with several giant stakes that had huge curved blade attached. Those things that were like cross spear were for severing the great snake’s torso, just like the method of splitting large rock by nailing a stake into it.

「U-understood. I-I’ll do my best desu-……that’s why, please reward me for it later!」

Shia showed a glimpse of shamelessness like when they met for the first time before she took dashed away. Hajime smiled wryly at that while turning his gaze to Shizuku and others next.

「You guys go to the bridge and protect Yue. Don’t let anything bother her. ……I’m counting on you guys.」

「Yep-, we will protect Yue-oneesama without fail!」

「Ou-. We’ll manage it somehow-」

「Looks like I’ll be able to pay you back a little for saving Kaori with this. Just leave it to us.」

Suzu, Ryuutarou, and Shizuku talked boastfully even though they were wearing nervous expressions. On the other hand, Kouki too nodded although there seemed to be hesitation somewhere inside him. The state of his mind was clear to see based on how he was fearfully grabbing the handle of the holy sword. Although this also wasn’t the time to worry about that.


The giant stake bombardment became sporadic and the focus of the queen of the sky(Lei Replica) got directed to the surface once more. The flock of harpies would also arrive nearby soon.

For Replica too had regenerated a fair amount of the upper half of its centaur body. It still hadn’t restored its authority, but this time it took out a giant halberd from empty air before sprinting forward fiercely.

Yue ignored all those things and stared solely at Hajime.

「Take care」

She stroked Hajime’s nape with her fingertip. She offered her best smile along with the words to see him off.

Hajime too caressed Yue’s cheek and nodded back with a fearless smile. Then he leaped toward the battlefield.

Yue saw off his back lovingly before she looked back across her shoulder while putting off glasses.

「Now, to the inside. I’m going to concentrate, so everyone, I’m counting on you.」

She gave instruction with a surprisingly glamorous atmosphere, like a madam who took command in the place of her husband.




Lei Replica moved as expected after it saw Gran Replica’s situation.

「Can’t do anything drastic aren’t you!」

There was already a collapse in this area and the underground lake had also already be damaged from the forceful defense of the pseudo spirits. There was no way they would apply things like space quake or super gravity field to Fernier that was acting as a super heavy weight.

Naturally Hajime didn’t overlook the opening from when the opponent split its focus from attacking to sending reinforcement. He fired missile attacks using Orkan in succession.

Of course, there was also no way an opponent with Yue’s tactical thinking would be easy to deal with. In addition it had far greater output than the actual person.

The “Five Heavenly Dragons” went out to intercept. The gravity fields inside their mouths sucked every single missile and devoured them.

But, that was fine. From the start it was only a part of the two stages diversion that Hajime prepared.


*DOUU-* Angel’s ladder pierced through the lightning clouds. It was beautiful like sunlight, but in actuality it was the world’s most atrocious bombardment.

It smashed through the space isolation barrier that was deployed as countermeasure against the giant stakes. A huge hole was opened up in the torso of the sky queen. Its flying posture was disarrayed and held off from falling down by using gravity magic in full force, but as expected its reinforcement toward Gran Replica was cut off with that.

『It’s fine! This time……I’ll be the one protecting Hajime-kun!』

Silver lights rained down one after another accompanied by such “Telepathy”. It was a terrific pounding. Even For Replica that had restored its authority was focusing on evasion by jumping around using midair footholds.

『Nice job Kaori. ……You can last for five minutes right?』

『I’ll make it last!』

『Awesome. I’m counting on you.』

『Tsu, yep-, leave it to me! Fuheh』

The reply came back with a laugh that was exuding happiness. The intensity of the bombardment was increasing at the same time.

Of course, it wasn’t because Kaori had suddenly gotten more skilled. It was her clever trick. She regenerated the disintegration magic itself using her specialty the regeneration magic. With that she managed to cut the time needed to reconstruct the magic.

She was using age of god magic in parallel, so naturally the magic power consumption also rocketed up by several times. But, even so Kaori would surely made it lasted to the end.

Just like how in the past, she believed in Hajime’s survival to the end even when everyone around her had already given up.

The earnest and severe attack from the bullrushing maiden forced even Lei Replica to split its focus for recovery and defense.

It was diverting the bombardment with multiple gravity spheres while also flying in high speed and using “Gate” to endure it.

Kaori was forcing an opponent that ought to be called as a superior version of Yue to focus on running away. It was unclear whether he should call it as Kaori being amazing or that Yue’s tactic was amazing for being able to endure against the heavy rain of silver lights that were like god’s punishment.

Hajime felt impressed with both Kaori and Yue inside his heart while turning around and fired Schlagen behind him without even taking aim.

「You yourself also got goddamned stronger in your own way.」

For Replica used “Prophetic Vision” to see the future several seconds ahead. With that it saw through the random pounding of the disintegration bombardment perfectly and avoided getting hit. It then used teleportation to appear behind Hajime. The bullet that was specialized for piercing rushed at it but, it had predicted even that and dodged.

「The rulebook for this kind of situation is using attack that will hit even if the enemy can see it coming huuh!」

It was swinging around its giant halberd casually as though it was hammer. But its slash also possessed sharpness as though it would cleave through the atmosphere.

Hajime braced his legs against that so hard that his foothold that was made from “Air Force” might cracked. He gritted his teeth, put the strength of his whole body into his artificial hand, and launched an uppercut. The strain to his body caused the vein on his forehead to swell up. Crimson magic power sparked fiercely around his body.

The inhuman physical strength of the monster of the abyss, times five. That description wasn’t just for show.

The super heavy and fast attack that would definitely turned an ordinary person into minced meat got bounced up at the same time with a terrific thunderous sound. Steam leaked out from between the teeth that Hajime gritted.

He swiftly aimed Schlagen once more for counterattack. There,


“Lightning Dragon” and “Azure Dragon” launched a pincer attack. The “Stone Dragon” came from above while the “Storm Dragon” came from below. The “Ice Dragon” also attacked from behind.

It was a co-op attack with For Replica. A saturation attack while Hajime was being held in place. It was the same way of fighting like when Yue and Shia teamed up. The tactic of not minding even if they got hit by their teammate’s attack because they could regenerate later was also similar to Yue.

「This tag team of cheat and bug is just nightmarish.」

He couldn’t help but praise the demon king army(Freed)’s decision to split the two of them from each other even though they were enemy.

Hajime thought so while smiling wryly. At the same time he deployed a barrier using Cross Bits while he himself charged toward the “Stone Dragon” above. It would be relatively easier to endure its attack as long as he could slip through the gravity field inside its mouth.

The Cross Bits screamed from the overwhelming pressure of the integrated gravity field. They were letting out white smoke from the heavy burden but――they endured.

Hajime broke through the smoke of petrification as though tearing through a dragon’s stomach.

For Replica circled to right above his head and slashed at him. Hajime intentionally dispelled the barrier while bending backward as though doing limbo dance midair to evade.

Schlagen fired. It was dodged. A diagonal slash came. He dodged. He shot once more, it was evaded, a strike came, and he dodged again.

The giant centaur and small monster rushed through the air freely while carrying out a dizzying exchange of offense and defense.

Red lightning and light blue lightning were running in parallel in the air. The battle was too high speed that only the after images of those two colors could be seen.

Even the “Five Heavenly Dragons” couldn’t interfere. They couldn’t hit the target even if they gave backup using gravity field or breath attack. They couldn’t even perceive the going on. Instead they got hit by counterattacks from Cross Bits and got blown away.

It was truly an extraordinary combat ability that was worthy for someone called the monster of the abyss.

Although, it didn’t mean that the backup from the “Five Heavenly Dragons” was completely pointlessly. Also, as expected, being “big” gave pure strength on its own.

Just for a moment, no different than an instant, the breath attack of the “Ice Dragon” slowed the artificial arm’s movement. Hajime’s evasion using the arm’s recoil slowed down slightly, and the giant halberd grazed him.


It wasn’t a direct hit. But, the shockwave from that huge size and irrational power dealt serious damage just from grazing him.

His flesh and blood right shoulder was dislocated. An impact like it came from a dump truck passed through his internal organs. He couldn’t breath. Blood got vomited from his mouth.

Hajime forcefully slotted back his shoulder even while getting blown away. Intense agony assaulted him but he had not the slightest leeway to pay it any mind. For Replica was already closing the distance within his slowed down sight.

In addition he caught sight of lightning converging within the rainclouds at the sky above. Lei Replica’s authority would bring down a lightning strike from the heaven soon.

(I can endure-. Endure-)

He put on his greatest defense using Cross Bits. Surely the space isolation barrier would be able to block the consecutive attack of For Replica’s full body blow and the lightning strike. But, most likely the Cross Bits would reach their limit there.

The corner of his lips unconsciously curled up. He imagined the hard mode that would be waiting after he lost the tools for his greatest defense.

Bring it on. He thought in high spirit. He glared at the giant halberd that was swung down toward him――in that moment.

「It, missed?」

The slash veered off course. The giant halberd only grazed the barrier. The cause was For Replica’s foothold. The space isolation barrier that it created using its authority suddenly vanished and it lost its balance.

It didn’t stop there. The lighting inside the rain cloud that had reached critical load also vanished with a puff.


He looked around. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but it felt like that the stormy rain and thunder were also weakening.

And then he noticed, at one point on the ground.

A streak of pure white light was rising from above Fernier.




Going back slightly in time.

After Hajime and others leaped out, Yue quickly sat on the captain seat.

「I won’t die from a little attack, so no need to be so tense.」

As soon as she said that, all emotions fell off from her face.

She rewatched the recording of the past through the glasses while fully operating her skill “Image Composition”, a skill to construct magic circle using her imagination. She combined her analysis and hypothesis and repeated her trial & error with extremely fast pace inside her brain.

A faint golden aura enveloped her. Her crimson eyes were shining blazingly. She cut an out of the world figure like that. Someone unconsciously muttered 「Pretty……」 at such sight. They were overwhelmed by the indescribable ghastliness and sacredness they felt that made it hard to approach Yue.

A magic prodigy. The greatest talent ever since the founding of vampire country.

It didn’t matter whether she had lost her memory or not. Something like lack of knowledge posed no problem. The figure of the magician of the age who could comprehend a hundred from just one could be witnessed there.

It was then a fierce shaking ran through Fernier. The impact came up from right below them.

「Nuwah, eei! Be still over there!」

Tio got on all fours and poured magic power into the ship while crawling. The hundreds of gravity stones shined and increased in weight even more.

『Shia-dono! What art thou doing! Simpy crush the head of the opponent whilst they art unable to move!』

Tio yelled angrily through “Telepathy”, but what came back was a crying voice.

『Hiiin. Don’t speak like it’s so easy desuu! Thre are flames and wind blades and so many things flying at me here――hiiiih, I’m going to dieee! I’m getting a lot of death foresight hereee~~』

As expected it seemed the opponent couldn’t be dealt with normal means.

Shizuku hurriedly looked outside. The surrounding ground was surging toward them like tsunami. She could see the ground bulging up and sinking down repeatedly. In addition *GAN GAN GAN-* the sound of metal being hit was ringing endlessly. The flock of small harpies had finally landed on the ship.

「We too can’t just stand around doing nothing! Suzu, please put up a barrier around the bridge! We will take care of the ones that get through! Ryuutarou and me will be at the sides, while Kouki take care the front!」

Naturally the front window was the most brittle part. Although it was made from crystal, it was thin and weak because it prioritized clear visibility. That was why Shizuku wanted to place Kouki there as their greatest firepower but……

「M-me? But……」 Kouki paused and glanced at the holy sword.

「Tsu, it can’t be helped if it’s a problem! Please take care of the left side Kouki!」

Shizuku didn’t wait for a reply and stepped forward. She understood in general what Kouki was worrying about, but there was no time to think about it right now.

「Shizushizu! They’re coming!」

As expected, the small harpies gathered at the front part. They must be filled with the souls of flying type monsters. Their movements were wild and animalistic. Just like the harpy in legend.

Although they were small type, their length was nearly two meters. They were monstrous enough from human perspective. The sight of such monsters grouping up and charging forward was quite terrifying. Among them there were also individuals that breathed flame, launched lightning, or wrapped their claws in light. It made them even more terrifying.

「But if it’s just this much-」

Certainly their attacks were intense, but Suzu’s “Divine Severance” was holding up. The protection of the girl who was summoned from earth and obtained the vocation “Barrier Master” wasn’t just for show.

But, as expected the power of Lei Replica, or rather Yue’s power was dangerous.

「Wha-, a gate!?」

There was no denying that the opponent didn’t have much leeway right now because of the disintegration bombardment from above. As expected it seemed that it couldn’t do something major like sending in the whole flocks all at once, even so apparently doing something like creating a gate that connected the outside and inside of the ship wasn’t a problem for it.

Fortunately, most likely it could only create a gate within its line of sight. In other words, the gate appeared at the front part.


Three harpies shrieked just like their queen and got inside. One of them launched a swift attack at Shizuku.

「Suzu! Narrow your range! Protect Yue-san!」

Shizuku gave instruction while stepping forward, then a flash. The sharpness of the black katana and Shizuku’s skill worked together to easily behead the small harpy.


Ryuutarou ran at the right side. He let out a yell of fighting spirit and executed a stunning “Seiken Tsuki(straight punch)” at the torso of a small harpy that was leaning back to breathe out flame. As expected it seemed just one punch wouldn’t be able to finish it off, but Ryuutarou immediately added the second and third strike that destroyed it successfully.

Although they were inferior compared to Hajime’s gang, they were summoned people who boasted specs that were nearly ten times of Tortus people. The two had enough strength to comfortably intercept the small harpies.

Meanwhile, Kouki also succeeded in defending the left side, but his movement lacked luster.

A part of that was because the after-effect of “Limit Break” was still affecting him but, as expected the biggest cause was how he wasn’t sending his specialty, the light element magic into the holy sword smoothly.

Although, it couldn’t be denied that he was already at a disadvantage just from having to fight a flying type golem indoor like this.

Suzu’s barrier shrunk down and increased in hardness to protect Tio and Yue better. With that they were able to hold out somehow even with the small harpies flying in one after another.

Like that, they fought with desperation for some time while giving back up to Kouki sometimes.

(Isn’t it already ten minutes at least!?)

Actually only around three minutes had passed. A time that could only fit one round fight.

Even so the battle was too intense and required them to give it their all. They were also required to position themselves as guard for others, which was something they had no experience in. Shizuku and others were already running out of breath after just three minutes.

And then, those three minutes were enough to exhaust Tio who was using up magic power like crazy.

Perhaps that length of time would also be enough to make Shia who had been continuously crushing the head of Gran Replica while under the storm of flame and lightning to finally commit a blunder.

『I-I’m sorry-. I failed――』

「N-not good! I couldst not last――」

The ship’s frame was assaulted by quake and vibration. It tilted greatly to the back. Everyone almost lost their balance and fell on their knee.

In addition, a despairing sight unfolded at the other side of the front crystal window.

The ground rose up. Rocks that were formed to look like mountains of swords pulverized the front part of the ship. The wall was finally swept aside.

The small harpies rushed in all at once. Furthermore, a tremendous roar thundered as though it had been aiming for this timing.

Gran Replica’s anger was mixed inside that roar. It dealt direct impact on the souls of Shizuku and others. They bit their lips to desperately keep hold of their consciousness while enduring the attacks of the small harpies, but that was their limit.

That was why, nobody couldn’t move right away even when they noticed that Suzu’s barrier was flickering.


One small harpy fired multiple ice javelins toward Yue. Although she reacted late, she still made it in time to put her body in between them. That was something that was only possible for the fastest swordswoman Shizuku.

But, even so, there was no helping it with the instant she had already lost.

「Aguh, tsuuu! Aaa-」

The best Shizuku could do was cutting down several of the javelins. Her shoulder was hit, her side and right leg were gouged. And then, one javelin pierced Yue’s chest.

「No way-, Yue-san!!」

Shizuku went pale. More than regret, she felt fear welling up inside herself because she couldn’t protect her completely. Shizuku half fell into panic, but the words of the strongest vampire didn’t contain any falsehood.

There was no change at all to Yue’s expression even with her chest soaked in blood that poured out like geyser.

She simply kept muttering in small voice while continuing to focus at the recording of the past that was projected on the air and the magic construction inside her brain.

And then, even that wound……the ice javelin slipped out on its own before the hole was closing in the blink of eye.

「Ahaha……you’re really, out of the norm.」

Yue struck a composed and aloof figure. She was focusing her whole focus only on keeping her promise with Hajime. That sight made Shizuku felt overwhelmed and she regained her calm.

「Shizushizu, sorry-」

Suzu redeployed the barrier with voice that sounded like she would cry. At the same time she sent healing magic at Shizuku.

「It’s fine Suzu! Do your best! Ryuutarou! Don’t lose focus! Look to the front!」


No matter how undying Yue was, they guessed that it would still be bad if her head got crushed. Perhaps she would still regenerate even from such damage, but at the very least it didn’t seem likely that she would be able to continue thinking in such state.

That was why Shizuku scolded her comrades. They had been saved twice. And yet they hadn’t managed to pay back their debt even once.

They would be without any human decency if they didn’t give it their all here. It would be a stain in their honor!


Shizuku roared. She threw away any thought of defense and cut, cut, cut.

Perhaps it was because the situation was so extreme. Even though her fatigue had reached the peak, even though it was hard to even breath, her technique flowed smoothly. Its sharpness increased. Her Yaegashi school’s techniques were executed naturally like flowing water.

Even her comrades widened their eyes seeing her aura that was like a sword demon. But one of them made Shizuku snapped seeing him being so out of it.

「Koukiiii! Stop being so cowardly and grab the holy sword already!」

「C-cowardly? Me with the holy sword? Don’t be stupid!」

Surely exhaustion wasn’t the only reason why Kouki wasn’t using magic through the holy sword. Shizuku had seen through that as his childhood friend.

Although, Shizuku understood well that it would only bring the opposite effect if she scolded him even more here. She suppressed her irritation and spoke once more to Kouki with a strong conviction in her voice.

「If you say that the holy sword is going out of control, then it’s your job to help it out!」

「Me……helping it?」

「It’ll be fine. If it’s you Kouki then you can do it. Because, you’re the hero who’ll save the world right? And the holy sword, is the partner that will help you with that right?」

Kouki’s eyes widened hearing those words. His gaze fell toward his hand.

The color of his eyes changed a beat later. His grip that was somewhat shaky before tightened on the handle like a vise.

(That’s right. I’m the hero. The holy sword……is the hero’s partner! I can do it if it’s me!)

Answer me, answer me, I’m begging you please answer me! Help me save my friends! Kouki strongly, strongly repeated that mantra inside his head, praying to push back the thought from Urdia.

Yes, what was needed was only that. Because the holy sword was the hero’s partner no matter in what era.

It would answer to the hero anytime if the hero believed and strongly wished to it.

*Flash-* Light exploded.

The holy sword was enveloped in light as though it had been drawn out from its sheath just now. That pure white light became a ripple that spread out. 「Eh?」 Astonished voice escaped from Kouki’s mouth.

「What the hell Kouki! It’ll be a pain if you go out of control again y’know!?」

「N-no, a thought, no, an image is……can I, do that? Something like that……」

「Anything is fine! Just fight already!」

「Forgive me but……I’m, truly at mine limit……mine magic power……art used up-」

The ship’s frame tilted even more and then it got overturned. But just before that happened, Kouki lifted up the holy sword.

In that moment, a streak of light shot out from the holy sword and it pierced the sky.

The undulation of the ground instantly settled down. The sharp protrusions from the ground also crumbled into dirt.

「What in the world……Kouki! What did you do!?」

「Uguuh, the holy sword……has the power, to control……authority-」

To be more accurate it was an interference ability against authority. In order to help the great spirits who were faced with difficult battles, the great tree created the holy sword at the end. Although it was impossible for it to neutralize the authorities, it was possible to at least support or suppress authorities. In a sense it was only natural for the holy sword to have such function.

The long passage of time had degraded many of the authorities. It also applied to the holy sword. But that extremely limited power was awakened in this critical moment was due to the hero’s attribute as expected.

「It cost-, a lot of magic power-……I won’t last long――」

「Keep it up even if it kills you-! I’ll kill you myself if you don’t keep it up!」

「Ah, yes-」

It felt like the small harpies’ attacks were also loosening up. Perhaps the holy sword was also affecting Lei Replica.

In any case, this was a chance. Shizuku beheaded three harpies in one breath.

She got a little breathing room. She focused on her limbs that were starting to tremble from fatigue and put her strength into them while looking up to the sky. And then,


She saw a silver light was swallowed by a “gate” just moment before it pierced through Lei Replica, before it was returned back toward the sky from a different place. She also saw the whole sky above was ravaged by a fierce quake of the space.

These three minutes were also enough time for the queen of the sky to set up a checkmate.

Those were enough time to grasp the position of Kaori who was hiding herself above the lightning cloud, and also to finish constructing “extra large Quaking Heaven” to blast off the whole air battlefield without shaking the ground as much as possible.

The result went without saying.


A hole was opened in the lightning cloud above the mountain range. Kaori was falling from there. She looked battered. It was only natural because the most atrocious magic got sent back to her as it was. She was still retaining her original shape was solely thanks to her apostle body.

On the other hand, Hajime wasn’t falling. In exchange, all his seven Cross Bits were falling in pieces.

He must have defended using space isolation barrier. But, they couldn’t endure the burden and broke down. In addition he also didn’t manage to defend completely. He was covered in wounds.

He was standing on “Air Force” but his body was tilting and he looked like he was about to collapse anytime. He was shedding blood as though a bucket of it had been splashed over his head. Blood was also continuing to flow from his eyes, nose, and ears.

He wasn’t moving. Was he unable to move, or was he unconscious while still standing?

The holy sword’s interference with the authorities didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter for the monster that had taken away the ability of the strongest vampire princess who could control all kind of age of god magic.

*Ji ji ji* Sparks crackled at the empty space that Lei Replica was glaring at.

A small sphere appeared. A whirling black ominous star――the gravity magic’s final secret art “Black Sky Destitution”.

It was gradually getting formed bigger and bigger. It was turning gigantic. It had a scale that must be impossible even for Yue. Perhaps it should be called “Mega Black Sky Destitution”.

It swallowed anything and everything and annihilated them. The air and raindrops were forming a vortex while getting pulled toward it.

Shizuku couldn’t hold back and yelled. Perhaps it was because of worry, anxiety, or perhaps simply because she wanted to cling on something.

She herself didn’t know what she was feeling. She simply yelled.





Hajime felt like someone was calling his name. He gasped and regained his consciousness. It seemed that he fainted for a brief moment because of the space blasting that was out of the scale.

He saw Kaori falling at the corner of his sight and hurriedly jumped toward her.

(My body reacts slowly. And there’s also no pain even with all these wounds. Haha, so I’m dying.)

Hajime muttered inside his heart as though it was someone else’s problem. He caught Kaori just barely. It seemed she was unconscious.

When he looked up, there was an extremely vicious black star was enlarging bit by bit.

「There’s still around 90 seconds until the promised time huh? Hah, bring it on.」

There was no time for him to place Kaori at a safe place. “Mega Black Sky Destitution” would be completed in approximately 30 more seconds.

That was why, he placed Kaori on his back as gently as possible and fixed her in place using the wire installed in his artificial arm. It was just like what he did to Yue when fighting the pseudo scorpion in the past.

「I’ll crush you!」

Faced with despair, Hajime leaped forward with his fighting spirit not fading in the slightest. His aim was Lei Replica.

A “gate” appeared on his way and For Replica showed up to obstruct him.


Fierce sparks covered Hajime. He let out a piercing war cry as though to consume his own soul to overcome beyond the limits of his limits.

He tossed a “Bola”. The target was the giant halberd that just got swung down. From the momentum and For Replica’s physical strength, the best it could do would be just to stop it for a second.

But, that second was enough. The giant halberd kept swinging down even while its momentum was getting held back. Hajime punched it with his artificial arm right from the front. He transformed the recklessness that was no different from a suicidal act into a good chance using “Vibration Destruction”.

His artificial arm cracked before bursting and shooting metal fragments everywhere, but the giant halberd also got smashed.

「Don’t get in my wayyy-」

Hajime got into point-blank range in one go. Then he fired all the ammo inside Orkan from that zero distance.

Its foothold must also be unstable because of the authority suppression. Or perhaps it was overwhelmed by Hajime’s aura that gave no damn for his own death as long as he could bring it down with him. For Replica was hit fully by the shots and they blew it away.

A roar to shake the soul was let out from Gran Replica. But he didn’t even feel it anymore.

He simply charged with the rage toward the scoundrel that dare to use her beloved one’s power as it pleased.

The control of “Mega Black Sky Destitution” must be taking a lot out of it. It didn’t attack Hajime with powerful attack, but in exchange it fired a swarm of black spheres at him. It was the basic of basics in gravity magic. The gravity bullets “Black Spheres” that had weight in them.

He met them with gatling gun, but the gravity messed his bullets’ trajectories and veered them off course.

「Goh, gahah, guah」

He felt like a sandbag. Even though he had activated “Vajra”, his body that had been heavily wounded all over became even more damaged.

His consciousness almost flew away. Strength was seeping out from his hands. The gatling gun also got hit and thrown off from his hand. His body was in a state that was unable to move physically――

「――”Absolute Phenomenon”」

Kaori opened her eyes and spoke with a hoarse voice from across his shoulder. Her consciousness was hazy. Even so, she must have sensed the danger Hajime was in.

「It’s, fine……this time, I’ll protect you, for sure……」

Her remaining magic power must be scarce even before this. The injury and her running out of magic power made Kaori fainted once more. She casted the regeneration magic using only her willpower, so Hajime’s state was still far away from full recovery.

But, even so, his broken artificial arm was restored. His internal organs had also been healed that they now could feel pain.

「Thanks a lot. That definitely protected me!」

He was just a step away from death’s door. There was no way of getting out from this desperate situation, but a smile formed on his face. He deflected the heavy rain of “Black Spheres” with great shield while breaking through with brute force.

「Stop acting like a high and mighty queen!」

Lightning, flame bullet, ice spear, light sword, wind blade. Elemental bullet storm also got added in pounding the great shield. Hajime threw away the smashed shield and crossed his arms in front of his head while breaking through with only “Vajra”. He jumped toward Lei Replica’s head. What he took out there was naturally the Pile Bunker.

「Just fall already!!」

The sounds of blasting and pulverizing thundered. Lei Replica that was standing straight at midair while looking up at Hajime got a huge stake planted into its face.

It wasn’t just a normal giant stake. It was the only explosive giant stake that he was able to create. It was filled with “conflagration powder” and “abyss made tar” to the brim.

Lei Replica’s head burst from inside. Burning tar with temperature higher than 3000 degree poured inside its body. The rust colored water that acted as medium for Urdia’s power evaporated fast from the fierce heat, causing steam explosion to occur inside. Parts of its body were destroyed by explosions from inside its body.

But, as expected it was troublesome when Yue became an enemy. Because her favorite tactic was to keep attacking without paying any mind to the damage that she received.


It casted “Time of Breaking” which reproduced Hajime’s past wounds. It seemed that it only traced the wounds from a brief period of the past because the magic was formed in an instant, but it reopened the numerous lethal wounds that Kaori had just healed.

Lei Replica descended even while regenerating. Hajime too was sliding down from above its head.

(Not, yet! One, more minute–)

Hajime gritted his teeth and glared at Lei Replica.

But, his body wouldn’t listen to him. The sparks of “Limit Break – Supreme” were also vanishing.

Squeeze out your life until the last drop, he scolded himself with a will of steel. In fact it felt like he heard his soul making a creaking sound that made him shuddered but……

Who give a damn. You already promised after all. Hajime thought and tried to draw out even more power instead――

It seemed, that buying time for thirty seconds was enough.

「Ha, haha. As expected from Yue.」

He laughed in delight and allowed himself to fall obediently.

A gigantic golden magic circle was forming in the sky.

Four minutes. It seemed that genius vampire princess managed to finish a minute earlier than planned.

The golden light instantly widened. It was intricate and beautiful. The magic circle that was shining brilliantly to illuminate the world was like a work of art. It was peerlessly pretty.


The pseudo spirits writhed and screamed. Meanwhile a voice that was overflowing with love reached him.

「……I’ve made you wait, Hajime.」

Yeah, he thought. It was this voice. She had returned back to him.



His body floated lightly. A gravity field was gently enveloping Hajime. In front of him was his beloved vampire princess who was shining golden after taking back everything.

「……Thank you. Sorry.」

「Don’t mind it.」

Yue looked like she was going to cry seeing Hajime’s battered state.

Hajime shrugged. Then Yue was overcame with emotion and leaped on his chest. Then right away she moved for a kiss――

「I too-, cough, had protected……guh, okay!」

「……Tsk. Bakaori. Read the damn mood.」

Kaori’s hand reached out from across Hajime’s shoulder and pushed Yue’s head back. It made Yue clicked her tongue automatically.

Although, that too lasted for only an instant. Yue suddenly smiled and spoke 「Thank you」 while caressing Kaori’s head. At the same time she was healing Hajime and Kaori with regeneration magic.

「……It’s alright now. I’ll take care of things.」

「Ou, I leave it to you.」

Yue turned her back on him. She glared at the battlefield.

The pseudo spirits that had the memory wrenched back from them and lost their autonomy because of that had stopped moving. It seemed that an instruction immediately came from the ruins through Urdia, but their movements were fatally slow.

『……Shia, Tio. Send them flying.』

『There’s no need to even ask!!』

『How unsightly we hath been acting. It shouldst be allowed for me to vent for a liiitle bit just for this time!!』

Yue’s regeneration magic enveloped her two comrades. Right after that, *DONN* a flash of light blue color pierced the sky.


A war cry so loud as though to vent out the owner’s fury reverberated through the battlefield. Gran Replica’s head was slammed up. Its giant body arched backward like a shrimp.

In addition, beautiful black light that could be mistaken as the night sky also swelled up.


A real dragon’s roar thundered electrifyingly in the air. A gallant black dragon took flight with astounding speed.

Her target was For Replica. It held no weapon in its hands, but it raised its powerful arm to meet the dragon’s charge. However, its movement was far different than before when it moved like a martial artist.

Therefore the dragon dodged the fist easily before tackling its body to the ground with a crash. Then it was hit by “dragon’s breath” from point blank while being pinned down.

Naturally, Yue too wasn’t just staying idle.

「……How dare you use my strength to do this to Hajime.」

She slowly turned her hand toward Lei Replica that was fixing its posture.

「Turn to scrap」

The space shifted along with a tone of absolute zero temperature. Countless “spatial cleaves” tore apart Lei Replica’s wings into pieces. In addition it was restrained midair with gravity magic and then “Quaking Heaven” smashed it.

「……I’ll take this “Black Sky Destitution” from here.」

Yue sent a glance at “Mega Black Sky Destitution” that was in the middle of shrinking. It immediately sparked intensely and resumed its enlargement. The magic was the extra large version that the current Yue couldn’t possibly cast, but it wasn’t a problem for her to maintain an already formed magic for a brief moment.

『……Shia, Tio. Checkmate.』

『Yes desu!』


The replies came back immediately. A war cry 「ORYAAAAAAAAA-」 was reverberating from the ground.

Looking there, Gran Replica was minced into pieces. It seemed that it had been chopped up by the giant cross stakes that Hajime handed. Even so each piece was still gigantic. Shia hit them one by one with Drucken toward the sky.

Tio too blew away For Replica that she had split apart with her breath using even bigger tornado to the sky.

Shizuku and others who were watching that had their jaws hanging wide open in astonishment. Meanwhile,

「Get wrecked! Desuu!!」

『Take this! This art the end!!』

The last parts of For Replica and Gran Replica danced in the air. They got caught within the suction range of “Mega Black Sky Destitution”.

「……It’s okay to rest now.」

They were sucked into the whirling black star in the sky together with Lei Replica that was released from its binding.

That was the end of the pseudo spirits that were created by god as a threat to the world.

“Mega Black Sky Destitution” vanished. The lightning clouds were clearing up.

The light of the sun that had reached the zenith was forming magnificent angel’s stairs in the sky.



Shia and Tio rushed through the sky and arrived to Hajime’s side. Tio became a foothold and Shia took Kaori and held her in princess carry.


Yue who was floating in the air embraced Hajime to prop him up.

Hajime stared at Yue, Shia, and Tio with a flood of emotions inside his gaze. Then he spoke a sentence.

「Welcome back.」

He presented them welcoming words with a heartfelt relieve.

Of course, the three of them also smiled back with joy that flooded out from the bottom of their hearts.

『「「We’re back!」」』

They replied like so.




After that, Hajime and others returned to the underground lake once more.

Although they had the soul recovery magic now, they couldn’t just leave the facility and Urdia alone.

There was no defensive measure anymore with the wall and ceiling crumbling. Hajime had also dropped a “Gate Hole” behind before they got forcefully teleported out, so they had arrived to this place in an instant.

Though there were actually small golems entering the broken ceiling and wall to stand guard there but……

There was no need to ask what was the result of that now that Yue and others had recovered.

Also, as expected the improvised soul recovery magic didn’t reach until deep underground, so they would have to collect the golems of the townspeople and royal guards to liberate them later.

「Let’s do this before other golems come.」

Although his wounds had completely healed, Hajime had used up almost all of his equipments. Hajime entered into the central control room in a bit of hurry because he wanted to be spared getting into more battle at this point.

Yue was half floating while sticking on Hajime’s back. She kissed his nape while smiling to reassure him.

「……It’s fine. I’m here. I won’t let even a single hair of Hajime get harmed anymore.」

「Yeah, well, I guess. I guess I’m just worrying needlessly.」

「Please enough with the flirting already.」

「I wonder why. This art the usual sight but it irritated me excessively.」

Shia and Tio’s distance was also close. Extremely so. It seemed the emotions that they were feeling during the memory loss were still affecting them.

Shia was carrying the still sleeping Kaori on her back. Even so she walked right beside Hajime with their shoulders touching each other, while Tio was unusually burning with clear jealousy.

Hajime too was reacting differently than usual. Even though he found it difficult to walk like that, he didn’t complain to Shia or even stimulate Tio’s fetish.

He looked a bit troubled, but there was kindness dwelling in his gaze.

「……In Suzu’s eyes, it only looks like all of you are flirting though.」

「Even though we all had also risked our life giving it our all. But it feels like we’re getting shunned here.」

「You two, weren’t you two getting all bashful when Yue-san gave her praise “Good work all of you” before this?」

「「That is that, this is this.」」

Suzu and Ryuutarou’s eyes were distant. It seemed that their hearts were roughened up from watching other people flirting after the deathly battle.

Kouki was half laughing. He then sent a glance at Shizuku. It was amusing.

「Aren’t they being too relaxed? This place might try something again on us.」

Shizuku noticed Kouki’s gaze but ignored it. Then she offered a candid advice without being aware that she was making a sullen expression. Tio then said 「Oops」 and pulled herself together as befitting a senior.

「Indeed, this true what thou said. Although, there art no need to worry Shizuku. Also Suzu and Ryuutarou. The three of thee hath protected me bravely in this ruins before this. It doth not mean that I wouldst do this solely for thanks, but no matter what happened from here, I shall protect all of thee this time.」

Tio looked back across her shoulder and squinted her eyes kindly with a gratitude and a smile. It made Suzu and Ryuutarou blushed. Because it was an extremely destructive smile despite coming from a pervert.

Kouki looked awkward because he was at the attacker’s side at the beginning. Shizuku shrugged with a wry smile.

「I too want to thank Kaori-san desu. She also protected me by risking her life.」

That was why Shia didn’t surrender the role of carrying Kaori even when Shizuku offered to carry her.

Shia looked across her shoulder at Kaori with eyes that were filled with affection just like how she usually looked at Yue. She also rubbed and fluffed her rabbit ears on Kaori’s face, which was a proof of closeness because rabbit race wouldn’t allow anyone else to touch their ears so easily.

「……Muu. This cursed witch, not only her evil hand reached out toward Hajime, but now she’s even making a move toward Shia!」

「I’m glad seeing everyone is acting like usual. More importantly, it’s just like Yaegashi said. Let’s be on our guard inside here.」

When they approached the console that was surrounding a crystal sphere, “his shadow” appeared once more.

*Zaa zaa* The projection was still greatly distorted like before. The face couldn’t be seen as expected.

「……Are you, Ehito just as I thought?」

Hajime asked while being half convinced already, but there was no reply. He poured magic power into the magic circle and picked the display for liberation option, but there was still no reaction. The projection just stood silently.

It was as though that mocking grin from before was just his imagination. In any case, it seemed that it was true that there was nothing else that the ruins’ defense system could do at this point.

「Sheesh. What a completely annoying fellow even though you’re just a dreg now.」

Hajime sighed and chose the liberation option while thinking that perhaps he would look for more data later.


Urdia’s scream was accompanied with the crystal pillar shining red. The cracks on it widened. Water welled up even though the water level had decreased considerably. The well preserved underground lake emitted intense light along with the ice passage magic circle.

The lake surface undulated fiercely. Then the whole space finally rumbled and cracks also appeared in the central control room――

「Aa? Don’t tell me-, it’s self-destructing!?」

「……Tsu, Hajime! “She” surely intended this from the start!」

Certainly, that was the natural conclusion to reach. This was facility that imprisoned her important friend and turned many people into golems. “She” who came until this far to the central control room surely didn’t intend to just leave this facility alone.

Although, Hajime never even imagined that just a small data storage could go as far as activating the facility’s self-destruction protocol too.

The ground was collapsing and horrific sounding sound of destruction could be heard. Hajime glanced at the panicking Shizuku and others before searching for “magic circle for ejection” in order to collect the data storage that was inserted deep into the slot, but……

「Tsk, we run out of time. Can’t be helped. Yue, open a gate!」


In the end, Hajime and others were forced to retreat without even being able to confirm Urdia’s liberation.

They came out to the rare deck of Fernier that was relatively undamaged.

The rumbling became a fierce quake before long. The mountain range was crumbling even more.

「Hajime-san, please just stay there!」

Hajime was going to make the ship frame floated, but Shia stopped him and took the piloting authority as the one who still had much leeway with her remaining magic power.

Fernier floated up even while making a lot of creaking sounds.

The mountain range was crumbling and sinking while also dragging in the surrounding mountains. On top of that the ground became like sludge as though a liquefying phenomenon was occurring to it. Then right after that it was covered with flood.

Ryuutarou and Suzu’s faces convulsed as they peered at the sight below. Then they muttered.

「Seriously? It looks like it’ll turn into a lake ain’t it?」

「Y-yeah. Is this, alright?」

「Don’t tell me, something else will come out again from there……」

「Wait Kouki. Stop that. You’ll trigger a flag saying that.」

It was a flag. A lake between mountains was rapidly forming up.

A mountain of water rose up while making great splashes. It was like the slime shaped monster of the ancient time, “Hell Eater” that they once encountered at the western sea.

「Kouki-kun you idioo~~tt」「No, this isn’t my fault right-!?」 Suzu and Kouki yelled at each other at the side. Meanwhile Yue turned a cold gaze toward the water lump and asked.

「……Hajime, what now? Attack?」

「No, let’s wait for a bit. Perhaps that’s……」

It seemed that Hajime’s guess was right on the money.

The flood cleared up in the blink of eye. At the same time, the water mountain whirled as though it was dancing. Before long it took human form although the shape seemed unstable. It didn’t have any shape that looked like eyes, or nose, or mouth, but its silhouette looked female.

It seemed to be looking up. The sky was sunny with the lightning cloud had gone completely. The form looked nostalgic and also happy seeing the blazing sun above.


That voice caused the being’s attention to go toward them. As expected, it seemed to be the liberated Urdia.

Apparently it couldn’t take the form of beautiful maiden like in the past recording. It had no presence. It looked ethereal, as though it could vanish anytime.

The water lump meandered and its humanoid part slowly approached.

It tilted its head as it observed Hajime and others in turn.

A slight tension ran through everyone. Before long, Urdia’s gaze stopped on Kaori. She stared fixedly on Kaori, no, on “her” face. And then,

――Fri, end

It felt like they heard such voice. The voice sounded extremely sad. She was the spirit that governed over the circle of life. Surely she understood that Kaori was a different person who only had the same appearance.

Even so, the water stream that stretched out from it took the shape of hand and gently caressed Kaori’s face.

After that, it went to in front of Kouki with a quiet flow. It touched the holy sword with a hand of flowing water.

――Mo, ther

Kouki felt a deep sense of longing and he automatically drew out his sword. Then he lifted it on both hands as though to offer it. The water body snuggled on the sword as though to embrace it, and at the end she gave a kiss on the blade.

The human form crumbled. It seemed that it was satisfied with that.

――Thank you, children of other world

Hajime was taken aback by those words. Because it had seen through their true identity.

But, Hajime didn’t ask anything about that.

――Everything, come around……life……in, happiness

The great existence, the maiden of origin. The one who stayed close to all lives living in this world.

The merciful loving rain(Urdia).

She spread out both her hands even while the water body crumbled while twirling on and on.

It was the last dance of the last spirit. There was no way anybody could do anything boorish in front of such spectacle.

Numerous phosphorous lights floated up from the purified lake.

It was a fantastical and mystical sight that made anyone who saw it filled with the urge to cry.

That was surely Urdia’s last role, and her gratitude toward Hajime and others.

「The souls are returning……」

It was Kaori who murmured. It seemed she woke up just now. Although she didn’t understand the situation, she was able to understand what was going on. Hajime and others were also the same.

A part of the lights flew to the south like meteor shower. Surely they were heading to Ur Town.

The rest might be the monsters’ souls. From among them, there were also three souls that looked far more ethereal and weaker than the other souls. But they were naturally leaning toward Urdia with feeling of affection.

Hajime looked at Yue. She responded with a wink. It seemed that her soul recovery magic had also liberated the great spirits’ souls.

「Sun shower huh……」

「……Nn. Pretty.」

「The world look radiant desu……」

「A superb view this is.」

Blessed rain fell from the sunny sky. The lights of souls melted into thin air, returning back to the world.

The phosphorous lights sparkled and a large rainbow arc also appeared.

It was a beautiful sight that made everyone forgot to breath.

And then, Urdia ran her gaze on Hajime and others once more for the last time.

――Go, to your friend

Surely she told them that just as she herself wished so in the past. And then Urdia too was returning back to the nature.

「You don’t need to tell us. We’ll live, together.」

Hajime replied like that with a smile, then he ran his gaze to Yue and others. And then,

「My bad. Sleep. Limit.」

He told them with fragmentary words before his consciousness went off to the darkness.

「HAJIMEEEEEEEEEE!?」 While such scream entered his ears hazily.

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