Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Tortus Travel Journal 56 I Don’t Believe in Something Like Probability!

Hajime and co teleported in front of the entrance of the great dungeon that was located in a corner of Gruen Great Volcano’s peak. The first one to raise their voice was Myuu who had just almost fallen into darkness.

「Waa! Amazing nano! The sky is so vast nano!」

She was being carried by Remia while trying to grab the sky by energetically lifting up both her hands. Seeing that made everyone patted their chest in relieve.

And then, seeing the giant desert storm once more surrounding the internal space, and the sky above that looked like a wide round hole made everyone raised their voice in admiration.

「For a summit this area is really……wide. Could it be this is a trapezium type mountain like Ayers Rock?」

Koichi asked while looking at the surrounding.

Certainly they wouldn’t be able to guess that this place was the mountain summit if they came to there without climbing from the bottom like this time. Just from a glance, they could only see steam spouting out or perhaps the ground discharging lava. The distance until the edge was extremely far away.

Hajime gave an affirmative while telling that the size of this place was actually several times bigger than Ayers Rock. It caused everyone to raise their voice in admiration again.

「Yue, try using the proof of conquest to see if we can prevent lava discharge or monster encounter with it. But please keep a barrier up at all time just in case the worst happen.」


「Tio, you’re in charge of the past replay this time. Kaori too, I want you to keep ready to heal anytime in case something happen.」

「I see. Acknolwedged.」

「You’re right, that way might be better.」

Hajime was giving instructions while he himself was summoning several Cross Velt. He also instructed Shia, Shizuku, and Aiko to stay around the parents.

The parents obediently gathered at the center. Even so Shuuzou asked Hajime with puzzlement.

「Hajime-kun, you’re being really strict with security here compared to the other dungeons. Is this place really that dangerous?」

「In term of danger level, this place isn’t that different than the others. But, this great dungeon had erupted once in the past.」

「O-oi oi. You mean this place might blow up anytime!?」

As expected something like that would make them hesitate to come sightseeing here……Tomoichi said while his face was turning white. Kaoruko and the others also seemed to feel anxiety welling up inside themselves. They were looking at the great dungeon’s entrance with fear.

Hajime smiled wryly seeing that and shook his head.

「This great dungeon has something called “keystone” that is suppressing the volcano’s eruption, but when we conquered this place, Freid Bagwa who were lying in wait for us had destroyed that item.」

「……He tried to blow us up together with the great dungeon just because he couldn’t win against Hajime.」

Yue pouted in displeasure when she recalled that time. Shia soothed her while continuing the explanation.

「Even so as expected from a great dungeon, it seems it can gradually repair itself including the keystone. The repair had progressed really far even at the time before we went back to Japan.」

Shuuzou nodded in understanding.

「I see. So you’re saying that perhaps the proof of conquest won’t work depending on how far the repair is ongoing.」

「Yes. There’s also a possibility that even the internal structure has changed, so if we’re going to sightsee there, it will be for the best to be on our guard.」

「Even so, there art no need to be so worried correct? Unlike the time when we challenged this dungeon, the most troublesome aspect of this great dungeon──was the fatigue that was caused by the heat, but thanks to Goshujin-sama’s artifact, we will be able to avoid that completely this time.」

Tio puffed out her chest while saying that even any monster or trap here weren’t any threat anymore to them. Hajime also nodded to that with an expression that was filled with confidence. Yue and the other girls were also nodding with conviction, so Tomoichi and others became reassured.

「Well, it’s also possible that the repair is still not over at all and in the first place we won’t be able to even enter. In that case we will simply go accept the invitation of Duke Zengen.」

Hajime concluded like that. In addition he gave various other warnings like how they absolutely mustn’t get out of the barrier, or take off the temperature adjustment artifact, and so on. Only after that Hajime invited the group to the inside of the dungeon.

「Uwah, amazing! Magma is flowing in the air!」

「I-it’s true. I had heard the story but, it’s really an outrageous sight when seeing it for real like this.」

「Myu……it’s scary but, pretty, pretty but scary……it’s a mysterious feeling nano.」

「This is a beauty that only flame has huh……」

Unexpectedly it was Kaori and Shizuku who raised their voice in high spirits at the sight that was unique to the volcano great dungeon. The magma that was emitting scorching radiance became a river that flowed in the air. Such sight was certainly sufficient to astonish the two.

It went without saying how Sumire and the others felt. Even Liliana, Myuu, and Remia who should be a resident of fantasy world were watching the scorching world in rapture.

Tio immediately activated the past replay and showed the past Hajime and others who were already looking worn out from the sweltering heat.

「If I remember right, Kaori wasn’t with them because you were treating the rampant sickness at Ankaji Dukedom weren’t you?」(Kaoruko)

「Yes, that’s right Okaa-san.」

「Aa, is that the stillness stone that got mentioned before?」

Tomoichi pointed at the past replay. There Hajime and others were currently collecting a little bit of ore.

「Yes. It had gotten completely mined at the surface, so we gave up searching there and aimed to mine a lot at the deep part.」

There was only scene of searching a path until the seventh layers. Hajime suggested to take the shortest route if there wasn’t any change to the internal structure of the dungeon. The group kept progressing while watching spewing spring of magma and three dimensional river.

「There isn’t any change to the structure until here.」

「……Hajime, how is it going with the proof of conquest?」

「There isn’t even any gushing magma near us as though it has been set up like that.」

「Ou, so it looks like everything is alright. Well, let’s keep our guard up just in case.」

It seemed there wasn’t any obstacle to their sightseeing here. In fact, they were able to get down until the eighth floor where monster appeared without any trouble. And then,

「I understand that monster isn’t normal animal but……seeing them living inside magma made me realize that really keenly.」

「Originally we shouldn’t be able to see this kind of sight until we die huh.」

Sumire and Shuu’s gazes were directed toward a magma cow, a monster that the group encountered inside the volcano the first time in the past and Shia defeated. It only had its face popping out from a spring of magma, but, when it saw Hajime it quietly dived in and left to somewhere. Seeing that happened, it seemed that it was possible for everyone to do something like taking picture here.

It was a creature that they couldn’t possibly touch, in addition they even casually scattered magma everywhere just like how a wet puppy would shook its body all over to get water off its body. As expected even the Yaegashi family wouldn’t wish to get near such thing. They were patting their chest in relieve.

There also wasn’t any change in internal structure from there on. Monsters also only showed themselves sometimes, but they didn’t attack.

They were going down the layers while watching the past Hajime and others getting really troubled by the scorching heat and fighting against magma monsters.

「Just looking at papa and others make Myuu feel boiling nano……」

「My my, it’s my first time seeing Yue-san’s eyes looking that hollow.」

The past Yue was looking at the magma river and started to say things like If you think of it as water, see, it feels cool…… with lightless eyes. Myuu and Remia were smiling wryly seeing that sight.

「At that time, we were also racing against time because of the strange disease incident, so our countermeasure against heat was also insufficient. Really, what a headache.」

「We got drenched with sweat instantly. It was simply unpleasant the whole way desu.」

「……Nn. But, Hajime’s heart skipped a beat seeing us sweaty like that. That was great.」

「Say Yue, is there any need to say that?」

Sumire and Shuu went 「Hohou?」, while Kaori and others were staring fi~xedly at Hajime. The fathers’ wry smile and the mothers~ 「My my」 were unbearable.

「Umu umu. That was the first time Goshujin-sama reacted to me! His gaze was drawn toward the globe of sweat trickling down mine chest! Fufufu」

「It just entered my sight by chance. I immediately averted my eyes that time.」

「……Yes, that was like an incident. Rather, it was Tio’s chest that was at fault for entering Hajime’s sight.」

「Art not that too mean!?」

「……In the end, Hajime got absorbed in wiping my sweat. Someone like Shia didn’t even enter his gaze. Fuh」

「Seriously won’t it be better to not say that!?」

「Eh? Is Yue-san picking a fight?」

「That smug face, I wisheth to slap it very much.」

「Hey, wait. What do you mean by wiping sweat? Hey, what does that mean? Hey hey! Don’t tell me, did Yue also take off Hajime-kun’s clothes……how far? Hey, tell me how far did you two wipe each other!」

「Kaorii! Just what in the world are you asking! Otou-san think something like that is a bit not good!」

The excited Kaori and the sorrowful Tomoichi-san. Shizuku and Kaoruko set out to each calm them down. Meanwhile Yue was turning her gaze everywhere restlessly. But then she immediately tilted her head.

「……That cave that Hajime created for resting, it’s gone?」

「Aa, well, it was something that originally wasn’t a part of this place after all. It must got filled up during the repair.」

「……Hajime, there. Make space once more. We can’t see the past replay like this.」

Yue checked the location with past replay and pointed. Hajime shook his head with a displeased look.

「No, we don’t really need to watch the past there right?」

「……But then, Okaa-sama won’t be able to watch Shia and Tio losing patience and getting carried away after that, how they writhed around with their chest hanging open.」

「Eeeeh? Yue-san, as I thought you’re picking a fight aren’t you? You’re giving an incomplete information there you know? Is it alright if I give you a spanking?」

「Truly. The way thee said it made us sound like mere pervert. Thou art being a bit misleading.」

「No, Tio-san is just a pervert so she isn’t wrong there. What I want to say is that don’t group me together with her.」

「Eee? Shia, art thou picking a fight with me too?」

Putting aside that conversation between the three.

「Cough. Anyway, the heat here was so bad that everyone went a bit off in the head.」

Hajime forcefully led everyone away from their resting spot in the past.

Naturally everyone was extremely curious just what kind of situation happened there in the past, but Shia and Tio didn’t deny about the part of “their breast hanging open”, so everyone accepted that it would be bad to watch the scene in that case and followed Hajime while smiling wryly.

Of course, it was impossible for the Nagumo couple who like to take delight in their son’s mishap to not tease him.

「Hajime, regardless of what you say you’re still a boy huh.」

「Even though a great dungeon is a dangerous place, you got that absorbed with Yue-chan……eh? Isn’t that not that much different from at Orcus?」

「……I’m reflecting a lot at my lack of preparation and understanding of the great dungeon. So please don’t bring it up anymore than that.」

「Hey, Hajime-kun. About the sweat wiping matter just now──」

「Shizuku! I leave this hidden pervert to you!」

「Yes yes.」

「Mama, is wiping body not okay nano? Myuu always get wiped during bath though……」

「Err……you will understand it when you’re older Myuu.」

Hajime and co finally arrived while having such conversation. They arrived at the junction where they carelessly gathered stillness stone in the past, which caused magma to gush out and forced them to go through the shortcut course.

Hajime, Yue, Shia, and Tio’s eyes widened when they saw that place.

「Oo? The stillness stone is restored?」

It was just as Hajime said. They should have collected a lot of stillness stone there, enough to save the Ankaji Dukedom. But that place was now returning to look the same like in the past reply.

「Fumu……stillness stone hath the role to envelop air in magic power to control the flow of magma. It’s an important factor in supporting the structure of this great dungeon, so perhaps it wouldst also get restored automatically when so much of it get harvested that it might affect the magma flow.」

Everyone went 「I see」 in understanding at Tio’s conjecture. Meanwhile the heart of the princess that was as sharp as drug-sniffing dog when it came to money was barking woof.

「Hohou? In other words, we can gather stillness stone endlessly here? This precious stillness stone? No, calm down Lily. This is the dukedom’s territory. The right to mine belong to Duke Zengen. Smuggling carry a great risk. In the first place the hurdle to mine it safely is too high……but, if I can just overcome that problem……can I sign a trade agreement? No, wait. In the first place this location is a great dungeon. If I proclaim it as a kind of sacred area then perhaps there is a chance?」

Mutter mutter, mutter mutter……her round eyes were blazing dazzlingly. It might be just everyone’s imagination, but it felt like they could see $ symbol in her eyes.

「Mama, Lily-oneechan is……」

「Shh, you mustn’t look over there Myuu.」

Certainly this seemed to be bad for a small girl’s education to be a good girl. The princess didn’t even notice the exasperated gazes of Sumire and the others looking at her. Her head was full with how to wrench the right of this place from Ankaji Dukedom.

The expressions of Hajime and others told how they were feeling.

Where in the world the “other world’s lovely princess” who was filled with kindness and concern and grace who greeted them when they got summoned to this world had gone to?

You……have really changed huh……they thought.

「Oi, Lily.」

「Hajime-san. There’s a saying that a wise man is he who listens to counsel. What if a gate hole is also set from here to the kingdom──」

「Look over there.」


With a single exchange of glance, Tio immediately guessed what he wanted and replayed the relevant scene of the past. In that moment, not only Shuu and Sumire and the other parents, even Kaori and the others were going 「Ah……」.

*Bwoosh* It overflowed. Scorching magma burst like a flash flood.

The magma’s raging stream filled the whole place instantly. It made everyone felt cold to their core even knowing that it was just a past replay. The past Hajime’s group was also lacking concentration because of their overheating head. Their faces that looked somewhat in a daze could be seen clearly tensing with shock from the slap of grave danger.

Just when it looked like they were going to be swallowed completely, the group managed to escape from danger in a hair’s breadth by boarding a small boat that was made with transmutation. But then they got washed away into a dark cave that looked like the jaw of a giant monster.

It was truly the scene of The End if they watched only this part. After that, nobody ever seen them again……they could imagine such text scrolling down.

Hajime pointed at that while putting his hand on the slender shoulder of the dumbfounded Liliana. And then he spoke with a gentle expression.

「Do you know, apparently greed can bring you to ruin sooner or later.」

「I-I’ll keep that in mind.」

Seeing that she didn’t start saying things like “This can be overcome with strength and trump card!” or “It’ll be fine if we have Hajime-san’s artifact!”, it seemed that this princess was still not that far gone.

「Err, so Hajime-kun. What now? I think, the regular route is over there isn’t it?」

Aiko who was smiling wryly at that exchange with Liliana turned her gaze to the left back corner.

At the opposite side of the cave, a stone gate with thin streams of magma over it that looked like capillary vessel could be seen. A path that looked like a spiral staircase with gentle slope to below could be seen at the other side.

「I guess. If you want to watch our past then we should go down that cave though……」

「……Even so, you can only watch us going through a river of magma there.」

「if it’s our fight against Gruen monster then we already watched some on the way here.」

「I’m a little bit curious. What kind of trial art waiting if we go through the regular route. What do thou think Goshujin-sama?」

Tio sent Hajime a mischievous glance. Hajime shrugged. His expression told what he was feeling the most eloquently. He wanted to see it.

Tomoichi chuckled with a smile.

「Isn’t that fine? You guys have been doing nothing but showing us around, but this trip is also a trip for Hajime-kun and others.」

「True. We’re already here, so let’s try going through the regular route.」

Kaoruko also agreed. Next Shuuzou and the others also gave no objection. Rather they looked happy because Hajime and others might also be able to enjoy the sightseeing with a fresh feeling.

「Although it’s unknown what we will find there, there won’t be any danger for the current all of you correct? And it looks like the proof of conquest is also working.」

「That’s true. Then, let’s try going through the regular route.」

Shuuzou’s words became the last push. Hajime and others started going through the unknown route.

「It has been a long time since I’m feeling this excited. Hajime-san, if we encounter an unknown enemy, let me be the one to face it please.」

「This rabbit is really bloodthirsty huh.」

Shia took out her Vire Drucken from her treasure warehouse and tapped it on her shoulder. The corner of her lips was rising. Her rabbit ears were flapping.

「Shia-oneechan, you look just like Tracy-oneesan nano!」


Vire Drucken vanished back into the treasure warehouse. Her expression became gloom, her rabbit ears flopped down limply. The innocent comment was apparently far more damaging than a monster attack.

「Well, even though the proof of conquest can make it so that monster won’t attack, it doesn’t look like it also have minor function like allowing us to fight a particular monster only, so if you want to fight then I think it’ll be better if you’re the one who take the initiative to attack.」

「……Nn. The monster will attack back normally if you stimulate their survival instinct.」

「………………If I do that, then I’ll really be no different than a mad dog desu.」

Shuu and Sumire were walking down the gently sloping spiral staircase while peering on Shia’s face from both sides. They looked a bit worried.

「Shia-chan, could it be that you have stress piling up? Do you have this unbearable urge to go wild? But, as expected……even though it’s a monster, attacking a creature that has no will to fight indiscriminately is……」

「She’s a genuine superhuman after all. The feeling of wanting to use her overflowing power to her heart’s content is the most popular motive for villain to go into a rampage in Hollywood movie. That’s why, it’ll be better if you vent up that feeling at Hajime before you lose control and attack the innocents.」

「Kaa-sama and Tou-sama, are you two mistaking me as some kind of berserker or something?」

Shia couldn’t help but stare fixedly back at the two’s gentle expression of concern.

It was extremely lamentable that the parents-in-law who she loved and respected were thinking of her as similar to a certain mad dog princess(Tracy) who would indiscriminately attack someone with no will to fight based on her own unique principle.

「Listen Shia-chan. You should first start with a dialogue no matter what.」

「Your fist should get directed at Hajime first.」

「Tou-san, are you recommending DV? This is Shia you know? It won’t be funny if she do it for real.」

「Aah geez! Kaa-sama and Tou-sama are horrible! We need to have a little bit of talk desu!」

Because……at the trial of the ice and snow cavern Shia-chan, you took care of thing with overflowing violence without even listening to what the other side had to say even when it was your other self……

At this point, there’s no denying that you’re the type who beat up the opponent first before thinking so……

Okaa-san and Otou-san are concerned with Shia-chan’s future you know……

Shia averted her gaze.

They arrived at the bottom of the stair even while holding such conversation.

Even for Hajime and others, this was their first time being in this floor. There was a large spherical space there. Ahead of the stair there was a single bridge like in Orcus’s 65th floor that connected until the bank at the other side. Everywhere else other than that was filled with magma.

The heat was tremendous. To a degree that it was transmitted to them through their sight alone from across the artifact and barrier. The magma was also opposing the gravity and reached until the ceiling and wall.

And then,

「Uwaa, so big……the monster looks like it’s in a different level from all the other monsters before this. Right, Shizuku-chan?」

「True. Perhaps this is where the midboss finally made its appearance?」

「It looks like a big mister lizard nano! So cool!」

「E-ee? You think that’s cool Myuu? The pressure from it is really heavy you know? Mama, feel a bit scared……」

Perhaps its length was around 30 meter. From a glance it certainly looked like a giant lizard, its movement was swift and smooth like a snake.

It was swimming inside the magma by wriggling its body. It coiled around the bridge, then it abruptly turned around and leaped. It sprang up to the magma pool on the ceiling.

Its tough limbs and sharp claws, its head that looked like dragon with jaws that possessed brutal fangs lining up the inside, its figure that was clad in magma all over as though it was only natural, they made even Aiko and Liliana to gulp while muttering.

「That’s an amazing body movement……it feels like that giant body can move with unimaginable speed.」

「Its tail looks especially troublesome with how long and how wide it is at the tip. It’ll be able to attack at wide area just from slamming it down, and it looks like it’ll also be able to scoop up magma and scatter it around.」

Right after Liliana said that, the monster spread the tip of its tail like a fan and scooped up magma with it before scattering it everywhere as though to say 「It’s exactly as you say」.

The magma flew with an arcing trajectory over the bridge and splashed everywhere.

「We have to fight that thing in this limited terrain? ……No, perhaps the dungeon is telling us to slip through and reach the other side rather than defeating it.」

「As expected from Shuuzou-dono. I’m also just thinking if that art the case here.」

「I see desu. Certainly in a great dungeon, the entrance will be blocked from the start in case we need to defeat the opponent. The mechanism will be like, the path will only open after the opponent is defeated.」

Hearing Shuuzou, Tio, and Shia’s observations made Tomoichi and the others nodded in understanding with a slightly tense expression.

Right after that, it seemed the monster had noticed them. its excessively sharp slitted pupils glinted as it focused on them. It made them froze up from feeling like a frog being glared by a snake.

The monster twined around the bridge and approached while trickling magma. Someone could be heard swallowing their saliva.

「……Hajime, is the proof of conquest working? I don’t feel any hostility from it though……Hajime?」

Yue asked while stepping forward just in case, but for some reason Hajime wasn’t replying.

Oh? Yue looked back across her shoulder. For some reason Hajime was staring intently at the monster with his eyes opened wide. Or rather, Shuu and Sumire had also been strangely quiet since some time ago. Their expression was exactly the same like their son.

Yes, their atmosphere was like someone who unexpectedly encountered something traumatizing.

The other girls and parents finally also noticed the abnormality in Nagumo family and looked at them with puzzlement……

There, Shuu suddenly hanged his head down powerlessly.

It was unknown what he was thinking. He took a step forward, than one more step while swaying unsteadily like a ghost. Then he raised one hand with unsteady movement too and pointed at the monster.

Nobody could hold him back because everyone had gotten swallowed by the abnormal atmosphere. Then Shuu yelled the cause of Nagumo family’s abnormality with hair-raising tone that was filled with many years of resentment.

「……You’re Alm*dron right? Hey, you, are magma Al*udron right!? Right! LEAVE BEHIND YOUR MANTLE ALREADYYYYYYY!!!」

「「「「「What are you sayinggg!?」」」」」

He was talking about a certain famous game about hunter hunting monster. Of course, the members of other families who never played didn’t get what he was saying.

Yes, there was no way they could.

「You Alm*dron fuckerrr!! Do you know how many of you I’ve defeated while it felt like my vein would pop from your shitty annoying movement!! I stopped counting after reaching thirty! And yet I didn’t find even a single mantle after all that, just what’s the meaning of thattttttttt-」

The devil with the name of greed sensor had smiled on him at that time. The material item that should be dropped from the monster didn’t come at all. That period of struggle was a time of despair.

And most of all, the opponent that he fought during that period of struggle was a shitty monster that made him trembled from its completely annoying movements and attack patterns that it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it the most annoying monster among all the monsters (Based on personal decision and prejudice. Objection shall be accepted). The irritations and frustrations from that time…!!

「There’s a chance if we’re using real life luck here!! LEAVE BEHIND YOUR MANTLEEEEEE!!」

「……Nnn, O-Okaa-samaaa!? Please calm downnnnnn!! Don’t charge aheaddd! Eh, wait, so strong!? Kaoriii helppppp!」

「Wawawa, this is bad! Ai-chan-sensei, it’s Soul Repose’s turn!!」

「Awawawa, this is bad! Right awayyy!」

「No good, Chichiue-dono art also charging ahead!?」

「I’ll take care of it Tio! More importantly Hajime──」

「Youu bastard, do you bastard know! The feeling of our family! In the end, your mantle was the only thing that we didn’t get! That feeling of defeat when we filled up that 『???』 in the material list using coin exchange! Do you understand our feelinggg!!」

「Hajime-san!? I don’t understand what you’re sayinggg! Please calm down! Nnah, Limit Break!? This is a lie right!? Dammit all! Body Strengthening Level VIII desuuuuu!!」

It was chaos.

The Magma Alm*dron look alike unintentionally jerked back and trembled. That was just how terrifying the overflowing gamer soul of Nagumo family was.

After all, the expression and shriek of Shuu and Sumire who were nothing more than ordinary human made a monster that was a midboss of a great dungeon to wander around with fear of meeting their gaze.

Rather than Hajime who was bursting with crimson magic power which was the sign of Limit Break, it was the two who caused it to be shaken and glancing at them while thinking something like 「Eh? Eh? H-have I done something wrong!?」──or that was how it looked like.

──Listen Shia-chan. You should first start with a dialogue no matter what.

The husband and wife who just now preached to Shia how she must not rely on violence to solve a problem easily were showering a monster who didn’t harbor any hostility toward them with unreasonable killing intent. Such ugly sight could be seen there.

「This is why Nagumo family is just……」

Tomoichi spoke while looking like he had a headache. Surely all his feelings toward Nagumo family was crammed into those words, as could be seen from how everybody else could only smile wryly when hearing that.

The Magma Almu*ron look alike slithered backward slowly while diving into the magma. It was like a person who encountered bear in winter, the way it was backing away quietly so as to not provoke the bear.


By the way, what caused the three of them to return to their senses after that was the uncompromising fist to the head from Shia.










「Ohohoho, everyone, sorry about that. it looked like we lost our cool a little there.」

「「「「「A little?」」」」」

「Ahaha, we got stubborn that we even used our paid holidays for the whole family to do a joint effort, but in the end it still wouldn’t come out you see.」

「「「「A family joint effort just for a game?」」」」

「Our trauma got poked there……I shudder when I imagined if this happened in the past when challenging this dungeon.」

「……Really, it was good luck that we didn’t go through the regular route……」

「Zee zee, desuu! Hajime-san even almost entered Supreme there, it has been a long time since I’m terrified like this! Geez!」

In the end, they were able to cross the bridge without meeting any obstacle. Nagumo family was explaining about what just happened while going down the spiral staircase they found there that connected to even further below.

Everyone couldn’t help but stared fixedly at them. Just how much of a gamer this family was? Of course, if they were asked that question then they would answer that they were game to the bone.

「If you’re going to play a game then do it with all seriousness. Myuu has learned.」

「M-my my……mama beg you Myuu, don’t learn that. A hole will open inside Mama’s stomach.」

Perhaps, it was too late already. In the not far away future, she would become a kid who would seriously play a real game of dog fight using radio control against JSDF. At this time Remia mama had no way at all to know about such future.

「As I thought, our family should take custody of both Hajime-kun and Myuu-chan temporarily to teach them just what is common sense ──」

「Whoops, it looks like we arrived already at the next floor Tomoichi-san! Now, let’s brace ourself!」

「Which mouth is saying that?」

Hajime took the lead to avoid the matter from getting pursued any further. He went down the spiral staircase to the lowest level. There was another gate at the front. He passed through.

「? What’s this place……no, I see. How depressing.」

The girls and the parents came in droves from behind Hajime. They were puzzled by Hajime’s reaction, even so they immediately understood the cause.

There was nothing.

Although the ceiling wasn’t that high, it was a spacious rectangle room with width around 500 meters. There wasn’t any cover or monster inside. There was simply an empty lot spreading out.

A gate could be seen at the other side of the room. It wasn’t closed.

「Perhaps this is a place to fight a powerful monster?」

「That’s the standard when finding a wide space inside a dungeon isn’t it?」

「No, it looks like that isn’t the case, Kaori, Shizuku.」

Kaori and Shizuku spoke their guess, but their guesses were immediately denied and they went 「Eh?」 with a puzzled look. Shia and others seemed to feel the same, but Yue alone noticed.

Her eyes quietly narrowed with faint light covering them.

「……I see. It’s an invisible labyrinth?」

「Looks like it. It’s a labyrinth with invisible wall made of the damn space isolation. Normally you seriously won’t be able to advance except by groping around with your hands.」

Shia heard Hajime’s explanation and took out a pinball sized iron ball from her treasure warehouse. She held it up before throwing it with all her strength.

Right after that, the pinball crashed on a spot several meters ahead where there was nothing. And then it fell on the ground.

「Uwaa, so troublesome. It’s impossible to destroy this and advance, furthermore isn’t there teleportation magic circles engraved here and there? Those are probably going to send us away to somewhere inside the dungeon aren’t they? So we have to calculate the correct route and the magic circles’ positions. The mapping’s difficulty level is hellish desu.」

「Uumu. In addition, perhaps this art……」

「……Nn. I think Tio’s guess is right based from the property of the dungeon’s barrier that I see.」

Yue stepped forward. Her eyes must be able to see the spatial walls. She passed beside the iron ball and stepped even further ahead. And then she took off the necklace shaped artifact to adjust the temperature.

She immediately grimaced 「Hot. What’s more it’s super humid……」 while putting on her artifact again in a hurry.

With that Shuuzou, Kirino, and Koichi seemed to realize too. A bitter smile formed on their faces.

「I see. So things get even worse after coming this far.」

「Yes. For the challengers to have to pass through an invisible labyrinth that is in a state like a sauna……」

「Finally this place goes for the kill at the challenger’s ability to focus. Rather the challenger might even lose their ability to think here.」

Apparently this area was filled with heat and vapor even though it was a labyrinth that was made up from barrier of space isolation. The other parents and the girls also went 「Uwaa」 in shock when they realized that.

The liberators are seriously merciless……they seemed to want to say that.

「I’m guessing that after this there must be that. After getting thoroughly exhausted from this labyrinth, there might still be a battle waiting for the challenger at the next level. This time it will be a boss battle where you can only advance after defeating it.」

「If it’s Miledy-san and her friends then they will definitely do that desu.」

「……Really, we were lucky that we went through the shortcut course.」

「After all Yue look like thou art weaker against heat compared to Shia and me.」

Of course, the proof of conquest was demonstrating its effect even here. When Hajime poured magic power into it, he could see with his magic eye how the countless spatial partitions vanished as though they were melting into thin air.

And then it was just as expected. When they passed the room of invisible labyrinth and went down to the floor below, there was a midboss……an existence that made them wanted to tilt their head wondering whether it was really a midboss (?).

「O-oo……this is, that isn’t it? This is the so called minotaurus isn’t it?」

「It’s in full armor that is scorching red though.」

Shuu and Sumire were looking up with expression that was completely twitching.

At the center of an area that looked like a round arena surrounded by magma, a giant muscular monster with height that surpassed ten meters was waiting.

It had a head that looked like a bull with two horns. Its appearance looked exactly the same with a monster that was greatly popular whether in myth or in creative work, Minotaurus.

However, it was just as Sumire said, it wasn’t just a monster but a creature that was decked in full armor.

In addition, Liliana was confirming with Hajime with a face that was similarly twitching.

「Ummm, Hajime-san. Is it just my imagination? That black full armor, it looks like it’s created from Azantium……」

「Lily, you have good eyes. By the way, it looks like the whole equipment set are artifacts.」

Yes, the whole equipment set was made from artifacts that boasted the greatest hardness. Even starting from its giant battle axe, it was radiating ominous aura that wasn’t at all inferior compared to that demon sword Ignis or great scythe Egxess.

「……I, obtained soul magic mostly because of the chain of events but……those liberators, could it be they actually didn’t intend to allow anyone to pass?」

「T-this monster is a midboss? No matter how I look it has the presence of a last boss……」

The existence that ought to be called as the magically equipped Minotaurus approached to confirm the proof of conquest that Hajime held up. Its pressure was making the Hatayama mother-daughter to back away automatically.

「……This thing, isn’t it even stronger than the magma snake from before?」

「There art no mistake if Yue also think so. The main part at the end is battle of endurance to the utmost. This thing art without a doubt the strongest guardian of this Great Dungeon Gruen.」

The magically equipped Minotaurus was radiating with overwhelming aura that rivaled the silver headed Hydra of that Orcus and the great tree’s complete version humanoid cock(Uroboros). Even Yue and others were looking at it with a bit of wariness even knowing that it wasn’t a match against them.

After all, all of its body parts that were visible, especially its horns were scorching red. Splash of magma also came out mixed with the breath from its mouth. The surrounding magma was also unnaturally undulating and formed an arch behind the Minotaurus, so it seemed that it also had the ability to control natural magma.

The barrier protecting the parents was strengthened so that there would be no risk of magma splashing on them at the slightest.

But, there was one kid whose eyes sparkled in excitement when faced with that overwhelming magically equipped Minotaurus.

「Soooooo cooooll nanooooooo!!」


Myuu let go of her mama’s hand that was holding her hand and she even left behind Remia’s voice 「Ah, Myuu!」 to get between Hajime and the Minotaurus. She raised her hands high to the air while hopping up and down *pyon pyon*!

The Minotaurus that was glaring down to confirm the proof of conquest turned its terrifying animalistic eyes toward Myuu.

There was no hostility from that gaze, but Hajime instinctually lifted up Myuu from behind, but at the next moment.

The Minotaurus’s chest shined. The fist sized jewel that was buried on the full armor’s chest part, it seemed to be a treasure warehouse. A small something got taken out from there.

And then, the Minotaurus kneeled down on one knee with a movement that was unimaginable performed by something with such ferocious pressure. Rather there was even a hint of grace from its movement. Then its scorching heat was dispelled. In addition the surrounding magma also calmed down.

Its huge claws that looked like they could even tear apart iron plate returned back to its original pitch black color. The tips were skillfully holding something that was presented toward Myuu.

「Eh? For Myuu? Thank you nano!」


It was a single flower. It seemed to be an artificial flower made from crystal. It was very pretty.

Even Hajime papa was watching what was going on in astonishment. Meanwhile Myuu happily accepted that and said thanks. Then very surprisingly,


Mister Minotaurus winked. Looking closer, its eyelashes were really bushy. They curled up as though they had gotten eyelash curler applied on them. Its eyes were large and bright. It felt like there was even kindness in those eyes that were looking at Myuu.

While everyone was dumbfounded, the magically equipped Minotaurus turned around.

It walked to the right side to open a path, and then with a movement that looked elegant as expected, it entered into the magma just like a lady going into the bath.

And then, at the end it gave a thumb up while sinking.

「Bumoomo. Bumomo! Bumoh!」

It said something.

Naturally that whole time nobody said anything. Everyone simply stayed quiet, but they were all watching with their mouth hanging wide open.

There was just one person who replied a back, a small kid just as expected.

「Yes! Thank you for your hard work! Patricia-oneesan!」

Myuu also returned the thumb up with her own sharply.

Of course, Hajime and others who returned to their senses all retorted simultaneously.

「「「「「Who is Patricia!?」」」」」

By the way, Naiz Gruen in the past named a camel-like animal that was like his own family as “Suzanne”.

It was said that it had extremely good look and prideful personality like a noble lady.


AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

The regular route of the volcano, it at least existed even just as a setting. I thought that the stillness stone delivery absolutely wouldn’t make it in time if Hajime and co went through it, so they ended going through the shortcut. I’m glad I can put it out here. Also, in case they went through the regular route, the number of magma snake they had to fight at the end would decrease. Also Mudron-san is a setting that that I got an idea for this time. ……I’m sorry, when I realized I already wrote just as my boiling heart told me……

Also about the final arc. I got a lot of warm words in the comment section. My heartfelt thanks! It made me happy! Thank you so much!

※Material introduction

A monster that appeared in Monster hunter Rise – Sunrise. It has the normal version that control mud and the subtype that control magma. Both are crazy annoying that it might has gone full circle that I like them instead.

It goes without saying, this came from Toyohisa-san of Drifters.

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