Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1101: Greedy for Success

Chapter 1101: Greedy for Success

Li Tianen squirmed under Huang Yueling’s icy demeanor. Here he was, a man of high standing and undeniable charm, yet her disinterest stung.

While she wasn’t quite on Zhao Qingya’s level in terms of power or influence, Huang Yueling held a respectable position as a professor at Skyplume Academy. Ignoring her wouldn’t do.

“Professor Huang,” he interjected smoothly, “with Lu Yu’s unknown background and motives, it’s best to steer clear of him.”

Huang Yueling offered a helpless shrug. “Our interaction has been minimal—barely two hours, actually.”

“Excellent,” Li Tianen beamed. “Now, about me! Recently, I’ve achieved some remarkable feats, and an advancement might be on the horizon. You should focus your attention on those who truly shine, don’t you agree?”

His words dripped with self-importance, like a man accustomed to adulation within Skyplume City. Huang Yueling, however, remained unimpressed.

Lu Yu leaned in, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Li Tianen, enlighten us. What groundbreaking accomplishment are we celebrating?”

“The eradication of the monstrous Wild Giant Crocodile, of course!” Li Tianen declared proudly.

Lu Yu’s brow furrowed slightly. “The… the Giant Crocodile? Is this related to the news circulating today?”

“Precisely!” Li Tianen puffed out his chest. “It happened this very morning. I was on a casual hunting expedition when I stumbled upon the creature. Seeing the threat it posed, I felt compelled to act. After all, as a public servant of Skyplume City, it was my duty to contribute to its safety.”

He paused dramatically. “The news must have spread quickly. The entire city knows of my heroic deed! I attempted to keep a low profile, you see.”

A triumphant smile stretched across his face. “Now, the forest is safe for all to enter, thanks to me!” He glanced at Huang Yueling, seeking her admiration.

Huang Yueling, however, wore a mask of confusion. She turned to Lu Yu, a silent question hanging in the air.

Li Tianen, oblivious to the growing skepticism, let out a hearty laugh. “Don’t doubt me, Professor! It may sound unbelievable, but who else in Skyplume City possesses such prowess?”

Lu Yu simply shook his head, stifling a chuckle. “Let’s back up a bit. You claim to have killed the Giant Crocodile. What weapon did you use to achieve such a feat?”

Li Tianen faltered for a moment, then shook his head dismissively. “Misinformation! The crocodile wasn’t cut down. Its entire body was crushed from head to toe!”

He cleared his throat, adopting a more serious tone. “In all honesty, it wasn’t a solo mission. My valiant team played a crucial role. The Giant Crocodile’s remains were… unrecognizable by the time we finished. Perhaps a touch excessive, but such is the nature of battle.”

A hint of unease crept into his voice as he spoke, betrayed by a forced sigh.

Lu Yu couldn’t hold back a laugh at this point. Li Tianen’s charade was as transparent as glass. It was easy to imagine the sequence of events, receiving news of the slain crocodile, mobilizing his men to secure the scene, disfiguring the corpse, and finally claiming the glory. With no other contenders, Li Tianen saw an opportunity and seized it.

“So, you’re adamant the creature wasn’t sliced open, just obliterated beyond recognition?” Lu Yu pressed, his voice laced with amusement.

Li Tianen puffed out his chest once more. “Absolutely! As I mentioned, our intervention might have been a tad too forceful, resulting in the unrecognizable state of the remains. There was no deliberate dismemberment.”

Huang Yueling, her curiosity piqued, interjected. “The Giant Crocodile has plagued the forest for months. Why the sudden action now, General Li? Weren’t you aware of the threat all along?”

Li Tianen cleared his throat again, a slight cough escaping his lips. “We, uh, had other pressing matters to attend to. As one of Skyplume City’s foremost experts, you must understand that the weight of responsibility can be quite overwhelming.”

Li Tianen offered a tight smile, the strain evident around his eyes. “Indeed, a series of pressing matters delayed the inevitable. It’s a shame the crocodile caused such trouble for so long.”

Huang Yueling wasn’t buying it. She shook her head, her voice laced with disbelief. “Li Tianen, save the theatrics. We both know this accomplishment is a feather in your cap and a boost to your team’s morale. But you can’t fabricate facts. The Giant Crocodile was clearly sliced clean in two.”

Li Tianen’s facade crumbled, replaced by a mask of fury. “Huang Yueling, what are you implying? Are you questioning my integrity? That’s a blatant lie! Split in two? That’s nothing but a rumor, and spreading it is no small offense. Believe me, I can have you arrested for such slander!”

Jiang Ling, her youthful spirit flaring, sprang to her feet, placing herself protectively in front of Huang Yueling. “Don’t you dare threaten her!”

Li Tianen, his voice laced with a dangerous edge, repeated his threat. “Anyone who spreads rumors about me will face the consequences!”

Huang Yueling, though initially flustered, quickly regained her composure. She glared at him, her voice dripping with disdain. “You truly are shameless! This whole situation doesn’t concern you in the least. Your greed will be your downfall someday.”

Li Tianen bristled, his fists clenching at his sides. “Are you lecturing me?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Huang Yueling countered, her voice unwavering despite a flicker of fear in her eyes. “Do you think I’m afraid of you resorting to violence? Don’t forget, I’m affiliated with Tianyu Academy.”

“Tianyu Academy, you say?” Li Tianen scoffed. “Who holds the true power behind that institution? Deep down, you know the answer—the City Lord. And I, Li Tianen, am the City Lord’s most trusted confidante. Dealing with a troublemaker like you wouldn’t be a problem, would it?”

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air. Huang Yueling couldn’t ignore the truth—antagonizing Li Tianen could have dire consequences. She instinctively took a step back, her fear palpable.

Seeing her fear, Lu Yu stepped forward, his voice firm and unwavering. “Enough with the charade, Li Tianen. Let me make this perfectly clear: the Giant Crocodile’s death wasn’t at your hands. Don’t delude yourself.”

Li Tianen, his anger barely contained, sputtered, “If not me, then who? Could it possibly be you?”

Lu Yu met his gaze with a steady nod. “Indeed. I was the one who slew the Giant Crocodile. You have no part in this.”

Li Tianen’s face contorted in disbelief. “You? You dare steal my credit? What audacity! Have you no respect for me?”

Jiang Ling, unable to hold back her frustration, chimed in. “Lu Yu did it, Li Tianen! Why can’t you accept that? You’re nothing but a fraud! Can’t you just admit it?”

Li Tianen ignored Jiang Ling, his narrowed eyes fixed on Lu Yu. “Very well,” he said through gritted teeth. “If you insist on taking credit, I won’t argue with you here. I’ll take this matter directly to the City Lord. He’ll be the judge. Let’s see if he believes me or some random nobody like you!”

With a glare that encompassed all three, Li Tianen stormed out of the room.

Huang Yueling, shaken by the encounter, grabbed Lu Yu’s arm urgently. “We have to stop him! If he reaches the City Lord first and spins his tale, you’ll be in a tight spot. We need to get ahead of him!”

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