Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1113 A Team Looking For Revenge

Chapter 1113: Chapter 1113 A Team Looking For Revenge


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“This is a momentous day for the Xu Family!” boomed Xu Hai, his imposing stature and booming voice commanding the attention of the assembled crowd. “A day for vengeance! We’ve come prepared to exact justice for our fallen kin,

Xu Mang! That wretched cur, Lu Yu, will pay dearly for his transgression!”

His grip tightened around the weapon in his hand, his knuckles turning white with barely contained fury.

The assembled Xu Family members mirrored his solemnity, their gazes locked on their leader.

“Our target resides within a villa in the city,” Xu Hai continued, outlining their plan. “We’ll infiltrate the area under the cloak of darkness, encircle the villa, and capture Lu Yu like a turtle in a jar. No one will dare intervene!”

A wave of confidence rippled through the ranks. “Fear not, brothers!” Xu Hai declared, his voice ringing with conviction.

“Carry out your mission with unwavering resolve. No force will stand in our way! Now, double-check your equipment—we depart for our target location at once! Today, the Xu Family reclaims its honor!”

Just as excitement crackled in the air and the Xu Family readied themselves for action, a lone figure emerged from the shadows, halting their momentum. It was a petite woman, Zhao Qingya’s assistant, and her expression was a mask of seriousness.

“Hold a moment, everyone,” she interjected, her voice surprisingly firm despite her small stature.

“I am Assistant to Madam Zhao, and I come bearing a message specifically for you, Xu Hai. Locating your hidden base proved a challenging task, but with the help of my network of informants, I managed to track you down.”

Xu Hai, his initial surprise giving way to suspicion, approached the woman. “We are aware of the hunting team’s affiliation. That Lu Yu you speak of is a mere underling within their ranks. I advise you to stay out of this squabble.

Siding with him against the Xu Family will bring you nothing but misfortune.”

He puffed out his chest, attempting to intimidate the assistant with his imposing presence. “A single rookie patrolman dares compare himself to the might of the Xu Family? Do you grasp the immensity of our wealth? Tens of millions of dragon coins flowed through our coffers last year alone! Now step aside and allow us to proceed.”

The assistant remained unfazed by his display. “On the contrary,” she countered, shaking her head firmly, “Lu Yu is far from an ordinary rookie.”

“Don’t play coy with me,” Xu Hai scoffed. “He’s just another face in Hu Zhan’s squad. An inconsequential position with unremarkable abilities. There’s no need to risk a conflict with the Xu Family for his sake. Perhaps some…

compensation could be arranged if necessary.”

But the assistant wouldn’t budge. “There seems to be a misunderstanding, Xu Hai,” she declared. “Lu Yu is no longer a lowly patrolman. He is about to be promoted.”

A flicker of amusement crossed Xu Hail s face. “Promoted, you say? Deputy captain, perhaps?”

“Even higher,” the assistant replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

“Higher? How much higher could it possibly be?” he scoffed.

“Deputy Mayor,” she announced, enunciating each word carefully. “His position is second only to Madam Zhao herself.”

The revelation struck Xu Hai like a bolt of lightning. His eyes widened in disbelief, and his booming voice was reduced to a bewildered stammer. “D-Deputy Mayor? Did I hear that correctly?”

“Indeed,” the assistant confirmed calmly. “Lu Yu is now the Deputy Mayor of Skyplume City.”

A harsh laugh erupted from Xu Hai, devoid of humor. “Enough with the charade! There’s no way a newcomer to Skyplume City could be promoted to Deputy Mayor within a few days! It’s ludicrous!”

“Then allow me to extend a formal invitation,” the assistant continued, unfazed by his outburst.

“We are currently preparing for an inauguration ceremony to honor the new Deputy Mayor. You and your men are welcome to attend and witness the occasion firsthand.

Xu Hail s face hardened at the assistant’s unwavering seriousness. “There really is an inauguration?” he pressed, a sliver of doubt clinging to his voice.

“Absolutely,” the assistant replied coolly. “Come and see for yourself. Lu Yu’s waiting for you. Attendance is optional, but witnessing the truth firsthand might be wise.”

The assistant turned to leave, then, with a sly flick of her finger, beckoned Xu Hai to follow.

Xu Hai, momentarily stunned and speechless, could only stammer, “No, no, I believe you! I believe you!”

But a new question gnawed at him. “Though, I can’t help but wonder… if he can become deputy mayor, why can’t I?”

“Think back to yesterday,” the assistant prompted. “Did news reach you about the attempted invasion by the Demon Lord Abyss?”

A slow nod escaped Xu Hail s lips. “Of course. I was actually planning to come intervene myself.”

“Their forces were repelled,” the assistant continued, his voice grave. “Do you know by whom?”

A frown creased Xu Hail s brow. “The city guards, I presume?”

The assistant shook his head. “Negative. Lu Yu single-handedly vanquished the entire enemy army.”

Xu Hail s jaw slackened. “Alone? You’re saying he defeated…?”

“Not defeated,” the assistant corrected. “Vanquished. Annihilated. All three Poison Dragons.”

“Annihilated?” Xu Hai sputtered, disbelief coloring his voice. “He… he killed all three Poison Dragons by himself?”

“Precisely,” the assistant confirmed. “Let’s not mince words. Our esteemed Madam Zhao isn’t one for whimsical promotions. Consider this a lesson. Now, you have a choice. Go about your business, but attacking Lu Yu now would be akin to declaring war on the entire department.”

The weight of the situation slammed into Xu Hai. He swallowed hard. a knot forming in his throat.

“I understand,” he finally conceded, defeat lacing his voice. “We’ll return. As for revenge…”

“Wise decision,” the assistant interjected. “Pursue this vendetta, and your fate won’t be pleasant. We won’t even need to intervene. Lu Yu himself could handle all of you.”

Xu Hail s heart pounded against his ribs. He could only manage a series of meek nods. “Y-yes, of course. We won’t return. And please, put in a good word for Lu Yu. Tell him… tell him we don’t need his… care anymore.”

The assistant eyed him dismissively. “Just leave. I have an inauguration ceremony to attend. Farewell.”

With that, the assistant turned and walked away, leaving Xu Hai staring after him with a heavy sigh. “It looks like we underestimated things this time, brothers,” he admitted to his men. “This isn’t a fight we can pick. We retreat for now.”

Dejected but with no other options, Xu Hai led his team away, the weight of their thwarted revenge hanging heavy in the air..

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