Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Chapter 694: Untouchable

Chapter 694: Untouchable

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unbeknownst to them, it was evident that for Gong Xin, acting less haughty would be a failure, an impossibility. Gong Xin savored her corn porridge and pickled vegetables, cradling the assorted snack box that Gu Zi had given her on her lap. She examined it over and over, appreciating the woman’s thoughtfulness. Gu Zi knew that Gong Xin disliked fuss, so she had prepared cold snacks for her convenience.

It was indeed convenient. She could store them in the refrigerator and grab a piece whenever she felt like it. The thought brought a smile to Gong Xin’s heart, but she maintained a serious expression on her face.

“I admit your snacks look very appealing,” she said, “but I didn’t come here just for this snack box. I came because I noticed you don’t have many friends here, and I wanted to bring some moving-in atmosphere. But speaking of which, don’t you have any braised meat here?”

As she spoke, Gong Xin’s gaze drifted towards the refrigerator in the distance. She wished she had x-ray vision to see what was inside!

Gu Zi took a small sip of her corn porridge and nibbled on some pickled vegetables. She chewed slowly, creating a picturesque scene. She saw through Gong Xin’s intentions but chose not to expose them. “I’ve been busy these past few days and haven’t made any. The ones I brought from home are all gone. If you want some, you’ll have to go to town.”

“But you’ll have to time it right,” she added. “Next Saturday, my sister-in-law and others are attending Lin Hun and Gui Hua’s wedding. As Gui Hua’s good friend, my sister-in-law will be in charge of the braised and cold dishes for the banquet. The shop will be closed that day, so don’t make a wasted trip.”

Gong Xin raised an eyebrow. She wouldn’t have time until next Saturday, and she didn’t want to wait another day for braised meat. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she turned to Gu Zi.

“If there’s going to be braised meat at the wedding, why don’t I just go to the wedding? I’ve met Gui Hua before, so we’re acquainted. Let’s settle it then. I’ll come find you early that day, and you can take me with you!”

Gu Zi put down her spoon and looked at Gong Xin, thinking it would be fun to tease her. She pretended to refuse, “Is it really necessary? Besides, it’s not customary to bring extra people to a wedding. It’s not appropriate. It doesn’t match your status, Miss Gong.”

Upon hearing this, Gong Xin puffed up her cheeks in annoyance, clutching the snack box as she stood up. “What’s inappropriate about it? Can’t I bring a red envelope? The more, the merrier at a wedding banquet, right? I think it’s fine. Enough said, you’ll have to take me with you. I have to study this afternoon, so I’ll be going. Bye!”

Without giving Gu Zi a chance to respond, Gong Xin cheerfully made her exit, clutching the snack box. She was afraid that if she lingered, she might hear Gu Zi refuse to take her.

Gu Zi couldn’t help but laugh at Gong Xin’s naivety. She was like a foolish child from a wealthy family.

Gu Zi also noticed how Gong Xin treasured the snack box. She remembered that Gong Xin had always enjoyed the food the original owner made. The food that the original owner made for her beloved Gong Zhan must have often ended up in Gong Xin’s stomach.

In fact, Gong Xin had recognized the original owner’s culinary skills from the very beginning; she just didn’t want to admit it. Gong Xin had spent a lot of money on these housewarming gifts. Since she loved Gu Zi’s pastries so much, Gu Zi decided to make more when she had time.

It just so happened that the Gao family next door, both adults and children, gave her pastries five-star reviews. She would have to make extra to give to the Gao family, especially since the tea gift box was quite valuable.

She could also send some to the workers at the slaughterhouse. Speaking of the newly opened slaughterhouse, Gu Zi hadn’t visited yet. The pastries could serve as a greeting gift from her, the boss’s wife.

Gu Zi loved seeing the satisfied and happy expressions on people’s faces when they ate her food. Making some when she had time was a good thing. With these thoughts in mind, Gu Zi checked the ingredients at home and found them insufficient. She told Su Bing and the others, “Su Bing, Su Li, let’s go to the farmers’ market after we clean up. We’re going shopping in the market!”

Upon receiving the order, Su Bing and Su Li hastened their work and responded, “We’ll be ready soon.”

In no time, the family of four, with little Su Le in the stroller, set off cheerfully.

Back at the courtyard, Gong Xin returned home and carefully placed the pastry box she had received from Gu Zi in the refrigerator as if it were a treasure. She then turned to Mrs. Chen, who was watching TV in the living room.

“Mom, the snack box in the refrigerator was specially made for me by Gu Zi. I’m saving it for myself. None of you can touch it, okay?”

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