Because I simply love you

Chapter 106: Serena came back

Chapter 106: Serena came back

Nana stared at him for a while and asked, “You still love her, right? I know she was your ex-girlfriend.”

“No!”, Jianyu said with a glint of hate in his eyes. “It’s over between us. I-, he sighed, “I admit that seeing her like that did evoke some remnant feelings of our past relationship. I know you can’t believe me, but I swear there is nothing between us now. You can say that I got the closure I was looking for all this time. Please don’t worry. We won’t have anything to do with each other from now on.”


She sighed, “I understand. When you see your first love in such a terrible condition, no matter if you have broken up, I think anyone would have behaved the same way.”

And who am I to judge anyway? When even I am still affected by him, she thought.

Jianyu took her hands in his and genuinely said, “Thank you, Nana. I promise I will never let you suffer again.”

She smiled but then turned solemn, “How is Miss Tang now? I can imagine how awful.. actually, there are no words to describe her state now.”, she shook her head sadly.

He slightly stiffened.

What will you do if you come to know that it was all actually a setup for you, Nana? That she is the same monster for whom you are feeling sad now.

Am I doing right by hiding this from her?

Outside, Jinhai saw them holding hands and he clenched his hands into fists.

“Sir.”, a nurse called him.

“Hm?”, he said coldly.

“Here is Miss Nana’s complete medical report as you asked. The doctor said that she is getting better.”


She gulped sensing his overwhelming pressure. She quickly handed the file and left.

He studied the file in great detail. He saw them one last time and he left.

“Nana!!!!!! Where are you?”, a loud, panicky voice came.

Nana and the twins were startled. They were shocked to see the person coming.


Serena came into her ward and found Nana resting. Her eyes welled with tears and she dashed towards her in a big hug.

“Nana! How are you!? I heard from your neighbors that you had an accident! What happened? How did this happen? Tell me, who was responsible for this. I will beat the shit out of them. Oh my God! You have hurt your head. No…Have you forgotten everything? Have you lost your memories? Don’t you remember me? Noooo, this can’t be!!”

“Stop!!!”, Nana and the twins shouted in unison.

She immediately shut up although she was still sniffling. The twins got a headache.

Nana sighed, “I’m fine. Seriously, you and your imagination. Just how far does it go?”

“No kidding.”, the twins said.

“Both of you, shut up!”, Serena glared.

They stuck out their tongue.

“But how did this happen!? Tell me. I am gone for a month and when I come back, something like this happens?”

The twins told her about the whole incident.

“What!!? This…”, she looked at Nana in concern. “Are you okay?”

She nodded.

Serena was fuming in anger, “Those bastards. If I find them I will mince them alive into small pieces and feed them to the dogs! No, not dogs! Those creepy bugs and insects!”

“Don’t worry. Liu and Chen family have said that they will deal with them.”

“They better do. Or else I will!”

She smiled seeing her best friend’s concern. “Okay. This is over. Let’s talk about you. Weren’t there a few more days till your return?”

She smiled widely, “Yes, there were. But I performed exceptionally well in my internship so they cleared me earlier than the rest. In the main exam, yours truly created the best design and they decided to send me back and report in Design Premier.”, she said like a proud peacock.

“This is such good news. Congratulations!”

“Yup. Congratulations.”, the twins said.


“When did you come back?”, Nana asked.

“Last night. Oh yes I remembered! You must know this. I met such a handsome guy! He was damn sexy.”

“Really?”, Nana tilted her head.

“You and your obsession with handsome men.”, the twins muttered.

“I heard that!”, she screamed. They shrugged.

She ignored them. “So, where was I? Yeah! We were kind of going to have an accident, but thankfully he stopped his car in time. He offered me a lift as an apology and we had a late-night snack. But poor guy”, she sighed, “he told me his story. Just a little. His ex-girlfriend turned out to be a b*tch. I don’t know why but he said that he loved a cold-blooded monster till now. I felt so sad for him. Such a good man’s first love wasted on trash.”

“That is really sad. I hope this time he finds the one meant for him.”, Nana said.

She nodded. “En. I also said the same thing.”

Yukira teased, “Ho…didn’t you try to hook yourself up with him? I wouldn’t be surprised if you had jumped on him.”

“You are really looking for a beating!”, she glared furiously. Nana and the twins laughed.

Two days later, Nana was discharged from the hospital. Her ankle was still injured, so she had to use a walking cane for support for a few more days.

Nobody knew when but Suyin was quietly discharged the very next night after she was hospitalized.

Even though Jianyu had promised not to tell the truth, she still didn’t want to take the risk by staying in the hospital anymore. What if Liu family found out and they came looking for her? So, she told everything to Tang Feng and Tang Ning and they hurriedly took care of her discharge.

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