Because I simply love you

Chapter 116: The other person beside Jinhai (2)

Chapter 116: The other person beside Jinhai (2)

Even Huian had her eyes wide open.

She is going to be roasted alive by Jing. He never lets me touch him, forget about her.

Liu Hai looked on for ten seconds and then he was rolling in laughter.

“Ah haha hahaha! That was epic. Even Chunhua and I never did that to our sons. You are awesome, child!”

Liu Chunhua and Grandma Liu looked dumbfounded.

“Sister Nana, please! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please leave my poor ear. I will never smoke again. Promise!”, Jing pleaded.

“You won’t go back on your word once I leave, right?”, Nana asked.

“No! No! Not in a million years!”

Huian looked in disbelief. You would have killed me if I did that to you and you are saying sorry to her!?

Nana stared at him and then released her hold.

“Thank God!! Just how strong are you?”, he was massaging his half-dead ear.

“Smoking is bad for health. And you are only twenty. It will ruin your healthy body. Do you want to get sick so soon?”

“Of course not! Sorry…”, he looked down in repentance.

Jinhai couldn’t help but stifle his laughter.

But Nana heard it. She narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you laughing for? Drinking and driving is just as bad. First, correct your own self before laughing at others.”

His laughter froze. He stood there like a dog who has just been scolded and punished.

Everybody’s reaction was priceless. Even Liu Hai couldn’t help but look in reverence at her.

Nana even scolded first young master Liu Jinhai! The maids wanted to faint.

Huian couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never talked to Jinhai like that. And Jinhai too…is not angry with her?

“You drunk and drove? You could have hurt yourself. And how are you with Nana?”, Liu Chunhua asked worriedly.

“Alright. He must be tired. Let’s talk about that later. Nana is correct.”, Liu Hai said. “You both did some mistakes and you should all give up your bad habits.”, he spoke righteously.

Jing scowled. Oh please. As if you don’t smoke!

Jing ignored him and said, “Sister Nana. Since you are already here, why don’t you stay with us for breakfast?”

Liu Hai got excited. “Yes, that’s a great idea! Come join us.”

“N-no. Thank you but I cannot impose on you.”

He waved his hand. “It’s no big deal. Come.”

Jinhai quickly got changed and came down. Huian didn’t dare to talk to him this whole time.

At the breakfast table, Grandma Liu sat on the head chair, while Mother and Father Liu sat near her.

Jinhai sat on the other chair close to Grandma Liu. Huian quickly took this chance to sit beside him but Jing beat her to it. He helped Nana sit on the nearest chair to her since she was a little tired from walking, and Jing immediately sat beside Nana.

So, now Nana was between Jinhai and Jing. Huian had only one place left. The chair on the opposite corner to where Jinhai sat; the farthest from him. She grudgingly sat beside Liu Chunhua.

Nana noticed it, “I will change-“

Jing interrupted. “Sister Nana. Pass me the sauce please.”

“Huh? O-okay.”

Father Liu said, “Here. Taste this dish.”, and he put some meat on her plate.

“Thank you…”, she felt nervous sitting beside Jinhai.

Jinhai frowned. He took some meat pieces from his dish and put it on her plate.

“You can have it. I’m not that hungry. I already had breakfast at Natsukashi.”

“Traitor!”, both Jing and Liu Hai shouted.

Grandma Liu was shocked. “You were in Natsukashi?”

He said nothing.

“You! Say something!”

Did-did he spend the night there? Huian thought equally shocked. And he also fed her from his plate. He never treated me like that…

Liu Hai asked to divert the subject, “So, Nana. Did you get the news?”

“What news?”

“That brat Jianyu didn’t tell you? Chen’s celebration banquet is preponed to the seventh of this month.”

She widened her eyes. “What? You mean t-this Sunday?”


“But wasn’t it supposed to be on the twenty-third?”

Grandma Liu said, “Yes. But we believe in good days and good luck. And we just got to know that the seventh is an extremely auspicious day. So, I told Liling to change the date. Why? Any problem? Hmph! You young generation nowadays don’t believe it in anyways.”

“No, it’s not like that. Just…”

“Just what Nana? Aren’t you happy that you will be engaged to Jianyu a little more early? You both are such a perfect match. The sooner, the better for the both of you.”, Huian smiled.

Jinhai shot a dangerous look at her and she immediately felt the goosebumps. She stopped talking.

“Y-yes, but it’s really sudden…”

“Nothing is all of a sudden. It’s already decided.”, Grandma Liu harrumphed.

Nana was fidgeting with her dress. In a blink of an eye, it is already the coming Sunday. From a month’s time to merely six days.

Jinhai noticed her all jittery. He wanted to hold her hand but…he couldn’t do anything.

Liu Hai and Jing also noticed how nervous and shocked she was.

Jing snorted. “It’s no big deal Grandma. Anybody will be surprised to know if the date is preponed this early. That doesn’t mean she is disrespecting your beliefs.”

Grandma Liu’s mouth twitched.

After the breakfast was over, Nana was ready to leave. Jinhai said, “Wait. I will drop you, and then I will head to the office.”

Nana saw Huian getting uncomfortable. She didn’t want to be the cause of any more problems.

“Thank you Liu Jinhai. But I will be fine on my own.”

Huian couldn’t take it anymore. “Since when did you start calling him by only Liu Jinhai?”

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