Because I simply love you

Chapter 126: Chen celebration banquet: The switch

Chapter 126: Chen celebration banquet: The switch

Huian had just reached the elevator with Jinhai when the lights went off.

What? What happened to electricity?

She waited for two minutes. But, it was still dark. Jinhai’s condition was worsening.

Damn, I can’t wait anymore. Guess, I will have to use the stairs.

His room was on the thirteenth floor just like hers.

Oh God! Climbing three flights of stairs carrying Jinhai?

The banquet hall was on the tenth floor.

She sighed.

She switched on her mobile flashlight and started climbing the stairs. After just one flight, she was panting hard.

Five minutes later, she somehow reached the twelfth floor.

Finally. Only one more left.

But just as she was about to go for the last flight, the man wearing a black leather jacket and a cap stepped behind her and covered her mouth and nose with a cloth.

Huian panicked.


“Mmm! Mmm!”, she tried to scream and move but her voice was muffled. She was struggling but his grip was hard. She couldn’t free herself.

She lost her hold of Jinhai.

What is happening!? Who is he?

She tried to shake the man off but to no avail. She desperately tried to reach Jinhai for his help, but the man had firmly held her.

The man patiently waited pressing the cloth harder.

A few moments later, Huian began to lose consciousness. The world in front of her dimmed, and she fainted.

The man put her down near the stairs.

Jinhai was dealing with his own worsening condition. He was resting his body on the wall. He was terribly sweating now. He couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to lay on the bed. He slowly started walking towards the rooms.

The unknown man didn’t do anything. He merely shone the flashlight along Jinhai’s path. Jinhai followed the flashlight that stopped in front of a room shining on its door.

Room Number 1206.

He opened the door, went inside and shut the door.

After watching him enter the room, the man then carried Huian and took her to her own room, on the thirteenth floor. He unlocked it and laid her on her bed.

He turned to look at the bathroom door staring hard at it. He walked towards it and unlocked the door. He saw Assistant Xin lying on the floor, knocked out.

He didn’t try to wake him up. He took Xin out of Huian’s room and settled him in Jinhai’s room, two rooms ahead.

He left the thirteenth floor to complete one last thing.

On the other end, Suyin was also facing the same dilemma. She had no choice but to climb up the stairs.

What rotten luck! Why did the lights go out at this time?

She was irritated because the drug from the wine glass was also starting to take its effect. It was agonizing, and now she had to carry Nana all the way to the twelfth floor.

Nana’s condition was now just like Jinhai. She couldn’t do anything else but to bear it.

After much effort, Suyin reached the twelfth-floor huffing and panting.

She quickly shone her flashlight towards the rooms and found the one she was looking for.

Yes. Room number 1206. Where I told those men to stay.

She dragged Nana and stood in front of it. She opened the door and pushed her inside.

It’s strange. I cannot hear their voices, she thought.

But she had no strength to think over it. The men already called her informing that they are in 1206, plus she was too tired, so she didn’t bother to check inside.

She sneered.

That’s it, Nana. This is your doom. You will suffer the same fate that I suffered that night. This time nobody will save you.

She was about to leave when she faltered in her step. The drug’s effect was now at its peak. She held her head in pain and rested her body for support on the door of the opposite room – 1205.

The door was slightly ajar and with her push, she fell inside.

The man wearing the black jacket and a cap came out from the shadows. Just as he had previously switched the room numbers 1205 and 1206, he once again took out the numbers 5 and 6, and put them back in their right places.

Then he quietly left.

Over at the banquet hall, the event turned into a full commotion. The guests were increasingly complaining about the power. Obviously, the air conditioning was off too, so by now, everyone was feeling hot and sweaty. On top of that, it was very dark and the place could only be illuminated by their mobile flashlights.

“What the hell is wrong here? Where is the manager?”

“It’s been thirty minutes already. What are they doing? God, this sweat will ruin my makeup.”

“I always have my parties here. This is the first time that this is happening.”

“This is the top high-class hotel in our country. Why is it taking so much time? Don’t they have emergency generators?”

While the guests were busy dissing, the manager of the hotel quickly met with Jianyu.

Jianyu asked, “What the hell went wrong? Thirty minutes back, everything was alright.”

The manager wiped his forehead. “Sir. I have no idea. This is the first time that this has happened. When the generator didn’t switch on, we immediately went there to check. The main fuse and generators, both wirings are all messed up somehow. We have called the technician to fix it.”

He sighed. “But how did the wirings suddenly mess up? Anyway, fix it as soon as possible. You can already hear the commotion.”

“Yes, sir.”

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