Because I simply love you

Chapter 139: Chen celebration banquet: Unmasking Huian (1)

Chapter 139: Chen celebration banquet: Unmasking Huian (1)

Suyin blinked her eyes rapidly. She was stunned.

“No! This cannot be 1206. I remember when I switched on my flashlight, the room 1206 was on my right side, that is the opposite room!”

The manager acted confused. “No. The opposite room is 1205. You can check.”

Suyin looked ahead and saw that the other room was indeed 1205.

“H-How can it be? You all are lying! This is a trap! I clearly saw that the number plate on other room had 1206 written on it.”, she was totally confused.

The manager said indignantly, “Please don’t smear my hotel’s name. How can the two rooms get interchanged? You must have made a mistake.”

“Stop it with your pathetic excuses!”, Huian screamed.

“No. I swear I did not make any mistake-“

Chen Liling said furiously, “It’s useless Suyin. You went too far. When we called Nana during the blackout, you even impersonated your voice as hers to make us think that she is safe. So that we don’t look for her. It was all your plan!”

“Call? Which call? I didn’t impersonate anybody!”, Suyin asked in confusion and panic.

Chen Liling said to the guards, “I had enough of this. Take her away from out of my sight. And these men too. Right now.” She felt tired.

“No! I’m being framed! Jianyu please help me. I love you. I love you so much. Tell them to leave me-“, but the guards already dragged her away, her cries echoing till the end. The men were also kicked and dragged out of there.

Huian started sobbing, “Mom, Dad, Grandma…Jinhai and Nana…”

She felt disgusted even thinking about Jinhai and Nana together being intimate. She felt like puking.

Xiang Wei hugged his daughter. He felt so sorry for her. To know that your husband slept with some other woman…she must be so hurting right now. Honestly, even if it was not his mistake, he didn’t want Huian to stay with him anymore. He cannot see his daughter living with a man who had a physical relationship with another woman.

She will be always reminded of it and that will give her so much pain…

Huian looked at Nana. She went up to her and said, “Nana.”

Jinhai narrowed his eyes.

Liu Hai was watching her intently.

Everybody’s eyes were on her. They wanted to know her take on this matter now that she knew that it wasn’t Nana’s mistake.

She clutched her dress. “I…admit that you were drugged. You are the victim too. It was not your mistake. But…you must understand how much it is killing me to know what happened between you two.”, she sobbed.

Nana was also silently crying.

“I’m his wife and the right that is supposed to be only mine…you got that tonight. But, I will not leave Jinhai. I will have to try and forget all of this but you will have to help with this.”

Nana didn’t understand.

“I know it is hard for you but please…I want you to go far away from our lives. Leave this city and settle somewhere else. Only then will be I able to live in peace with Jinhai.”

Nana froze. The twins were shocked.

Huian immediately felt the aura around Jinhai turning more suffocating and intense.

He looked so menacing as if he lost the last shred of his humanity.

The others were also dumbfounded.

Huian chose to avoid his gaze, “Please don’t take me as wrong. But if you will stay here my life with Jinhai will become too complicated. So-“

“Huian!”, Chen Liling shouted, “Are you out of your mind!? You said that she is the victim too. Then why are you demanding this from her as if she is the culprit? Yes, you have suffered but so has she. You don’t have any right to ask her to leave this city!”

“But Aunt-“

Suddenly Jing started clapping.

“Wow, Huian. I must bow down before your shamelessness.”, he sneered.

She frowned. “What are you saying?”

“Heh. We now know who drugged Sister Nana. But bro said that he was drugged as well. You hate Suyin because you think this all happened because of her, which is partly true. But aren’t you forgetting the other person who drugged bro? Don’t you want to blame him or her too along with Suyin?”

She froze.

“What happened? Why are you so quiet now? Don’t you want to know the identity of the other person?”


Seeing Huian afraid like that, Grandma Liu was now sure that she had mixed the aphrodisiac.

Liu Hai said, “Of course. That goes without saying. We have to know who got the guts to plot against our family.”

Chen Liling nodded. “We cannot let that person go. This is a big conspiracy. We have to get to the root of it.”

Huian was internally freaking out.

Assistant Xin said, “I know who drugged Sir Liu Jinhai.”

Huian looked at him in horror. She was secretly signaling him to stop talking.

But he ignored.

Liu Chunhua asked, “What? Do you know? Who is it? Who tried to harm my son?”

Without beating around the bush he said, “His own wife. Mrs. Liu Huian.”


It took a while for all to register what he just said.

Did we hear it correctly?

They expected some kind of a business rival or an enemy, but…the wife?

Nana furrowed her brows.

Huian shouted, “What nonsense are you spouting!?”

Jing said, “Uncle and Aunt Xiang. You must remember what we saw on the CCTV, right? Huian hiding in a corner and pouring something in a wine glass, the same glass that she offered to bro.”

Xiang Wei and Xiang Qingge looked at her aghast.

Chen Liling, Jianyu, and Liu Chunhua couldn’t believe it either.

What? Did they check the CCTV? And I was seen in it?

“N-no. It must be a mistake. Assistant Xin! Watch what you are speaking! I’m his wife. Why would I need to drug my own husband?”

Obviously, that made sense to everybody.

“Why don’t you answer that question yourself after I give the proof? I have the record of you buying the aphrodisiac vial. And young Master Jing, if I may trouble you. You will find the vial inside her purse.”

“With pleasure.” He quickly grabbed her purse and opened it.

“What are you doing!? Give it back Jing!”

He searched through it and took out his hand showing a small empty vial.

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