Because I simply love you

Chapter 141: Chen celebration banquet: Unmasking Huian (3)

Chapter 141: Chen celebration banquet: Unmasking Huian (3)

Jinhai narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”

Huian screamed. “Assistant Xin! Stop lying!”

He ignored her.

“Sir. I investigated the fourth letter and gathered all the papers that you signed during the time Old Madam was hospitalized. I found that there were four sets of papers, but I had marked the entry as five. There was one set missing. I immediately checked the footage and discovered that when I had arranged all the papers and went out to attend a call, Lady Liu sneaked in my office and inserted some papers of her own in between the stack. On zooming, I saw that ‘Certificate of marriage’ was written on them.”


Liu Hai frowned. “I don’t understand. What letter? Tell me everything from the beginning.”

So, Assistant Xin told everything how it all began from their marriage anniversary night. The first and then the subsequent letters, the ruling out of any other company’s involvement, and how they eventually figured out the link between the letters and Huian and Grandma Liu.

Jing exclaimed, “I knew it! I knew something was fishy about the marriage. It was impossible for my brother to marry her willingly. He must have rejected her a thousand times. Why would he suddenly marry her?”

Jinhai’s chilling stare made her take a step back in fear.

This came as a massive shock.

“What!? So Huian was rejected by Liu Jinhai?”

“That means Huian’s love was always one-sided. He was never interested in her.”

Now that some socialites remember, Jinhai and Huian never attended any events as dates or fiance. It should have been like that since they were childhood friends. They must have dated for a while or got engaged, but they never heard anything like that. There were not even any rumors.

Liu Hai looked at Jinhai seriously. “Jinhai. So many things happened and you didn’t even say a word to me. Why?”

“I thought I will tell you once everything is figured out.”

Xiang Qingge grabbed Huian’s shoulder and shook her. “Huian. What is going on? Tell me the truth. Are you hiding something?” She was already dreading what was to come next.

Grandma Liu quickly interjected. “No, Qingge. It’s a misunderstanding.”

Huian said, “Yes mom! He is lying.”

“Why will he lie Huian?”, Jing asked. “What will he achieve by framing you or Grandma? He is my brother’s assistant, not your enemy.”

“Xin.”, Liu Hai said gravely. “I want to hear the truth. Tell me. How is everything connected?”

“Sir. We got the first letter that read ‘In cahoots with’. Then sir got a third letter – ‘A tip to emotional blackmail someone. Have a fake attack. It always works’. We started investigating but couldn’t find any links. That’s when I got to know that…”

“What? And what about the second letter?”

“That is what I came to know. Han Ru, whom we recently hired to work in the CEO’s office, told me that Lady Liu asked him to keep an eye on any letters that sir gets. He saw a letter, that was actually the second one in line, and handed it over to her. But then he confessed one day when I narrated the whole incident to him.”

Huian was shaking.

“The second letter was ‘It all started two years back when a certain someone’s patience finally ran out’. I didn’t understand Lady Liu’s sudden involvement. I searched for any such major event that took place two years ago. And there was only one…”

They held their breaths in anticipation.

“Old Madam’s heart attack.”

“Nonsense!!”, Grandma Liu roared. “How dare you accuse me!?”

Xin said indifferently, “It’s not an accusation. It’s the truth. We felt suspicious, and contacted Dr. Xie who handled your case.”

Her heart started racing in fear.

Liu Hai asked, “What did he say?”

“It was weird. There was absolutely no problem with Old Madam’s health. She was fit. They did many tests and every one of them came as negative. There was no underlying cause for the attack. He assured her that there was no problem, but she insisted that she was suffering from an attack.”

“It was the truth! I did feel unwell. I felt like…those were my last moments…”

Chen Liling asked, “But, what is the connection between Mom’s attack and their marriage?”

Jinhai said, “It was during that time when Grandma urged me to marry Huian…as her last wish.”

Murmurs ensued among guests.

“I didn’t answer right away. I thought about it a lot, and finally gave my decision that I won’t marry her.”

Liu Hai tilted his head, “If you already decided against this marriage, then why did you declare after a few days that you both got married?”

Jinhai mockingly smiled at Huian. “Why don’t you tell them how we got married?”

She bit her lips hard. She clutched her dress.

“We are waiting.”, Jing smirked.

“T-that…When Grandma asked Jinhai to marry me, we immediately issued marriage registration papers. I had already signed on them. We thought Jinhai would agree. But l-later on when he rejected, Grandma sent those papers at the villa in the hope that he would think about his decision once again. But they got accidentally mixed with Jinhai’s business papers. Before I could retrieve them, he had already mistakenly signed on them.”

The guests and reporters weren’t stupid. How convenient is that?

Obviously, this was all planned before!

“And we know why and where they got mixed up in the first place.”, he sneered.

Huian always thought their plan was perfect. They never included any third person in their plan. It would have been easier if they had bribed Dr. Xie to give fake reports, but firstly, he was an honest doctor. He wouldn’t have compromised. And secondly, Grandma Liu was cautious. She didn’t want anybody else to pose as a threat later on. So, they strictly kept it to themselves.

But no matter how much you carefully plan your ploy, you will always miss something out that leads you to your eventual doom.

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