Because I simply love you

Chapter 143: Chen celebration banquet: The Plan (2)

Chapter 143: Chen celebration banquet: The Plan (2)

The encounter with the girl sparked a tiny flame in Jinhai’s heart. He didn’t understand why but he just knew by instinct that he needed to find her. He wanted to know more about her. He felt like something will change if he meets her.

He felt utterly guilty of thinking selfishly even at his grandmother’s deathbed. But he had made his choice.

The next day, as decided, Jinhai rejected her proposal.

“I’m sorry Grandma. I cannot do this. Please forgive me.”

Only he knew how guilty he felt. He tried hard to say ‘yes’, but he just couldn’t. His thoughts would always go back to that girl he met.

“Jinhai, How could you? Can’t you respect my one last wish?”, Grandma Liu couldn’t believe it.

“Please don’t force me, Grandma. I should leave now. Take rest.”

Now she and Huian were at their wit’s end. Huian felt as if her last hope also extinguished.

She felt like a fool looking at the marriage registration papers in her hand with her sign already on it.

How overconfident I was!, She mocked herself.

Glancing at the empty sign beside her, she was suddenly struck with an idea.

What if I somehow accidentally make him sign? I can probably…mix these papers with some other of his official papers.

She told her plan to Grandma Liu. It was definitely a risk, but they could try. In the worst case, they will just say that they lost the papers and it ended up there.

So Huian did just that. She inserted the papers among the bundle Assistant Xin had arranged.

To make Jinhai unable to pay much attention, Grandma Liu started an act that she won’t have any medicine or food until he agrees. She made sure that her worsening condition reached his ears.

“No! Tell Jinhai to come here and talk to me. Otherwise, you can start preparing for the funeral.”

“Mom!”, Liu Hai was stressed out.

At home, Jinhai came to know the news. He felt tired.

Earlier that morning, Xin as usual, brought the papers for him to sign. He was not in the mood, but he thought to finish them off and then rest as much as he wants.

Since Xin had already sorted them out, he didn’t care to check. He trusted Xin, so he signed on the papers wherever his signature was required.

Later that evening when Huian came in Liu’s villa, she sneakily checked and found his signatures right beside her.

She was ecstatic. Her dream finally came true.

She happily met Jinhai and said, “Jinhai! I’m so happy. You listened to Grandma. She will be so happy hearing this news.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you acting ignorant now? I meant that you agreed to marry me. You signed on the papers.”


She feigned innocence.

“Yes. Here, look at them.”, she handed out the papers to him.

He read the papers and was shocked.

“What is the meaning of this Huian?”, He asked grimly and in a very low voice. She shuddered feeling his dark aura seeping her pores.

She looked startled. “W-what? Don’t you know? Grandma had sent the papers here. She thought that you may think over your decision once again and may change it. She kept them ready for you to sign. And you agreed, right? Isn’t that why your signature there?”

He tried hard to contain his fury. “No. I only signed on some business documents.”

“How could it be? …I-I think the papers must have got mixed somehow. They must have got included in your own papers. Didn’t you check them while signing?”

He glared at her.

She bit her lips and was about to cry. “J-Jinhai…why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything. In fact, I thought that you finally agreed but now…Please Jinhai. Don’t back out now. Don’t take this happiness away from me.”, tears started rolling down.

He gritted his teeth.

“We are married now. At least give it a chance. I love you. And I will try hard to make you fall for me too. And Grandma too…is not in a good condition. If she comes to know that you signed the papers but are backing out now saying it was a misunderstanding, then she won’t be able to take it.”

He clenched his fingers in a fist.

That girl…he won’t be able to look for her now. With what right will he? That tiny ray of hope holding onto which he could have probably fallen in love was all gone now.

He suddenly felt an emptiness envelope his heart. The world before him turned black and meaningless. The meeting was perhaps only for a minute, but he nevertheless sensed a great loss, a foreboding that he has terribly missed an important part of his life.

It was as if the encounter was nothing but just a fleeting moment; like how the footprints on the sand vanish as soon the sea waves wash over them…

He blankly stared at Huian, his eyes being lifeless. For Grandma Liu, just for her, he had to accept this marriage.

He said nothing and walked away.

Huian clearly saw the pain in his eyes. Her heart was overcome with guilt. But, it was already done.

She came to visit Grandma Liu and told her the news. She was ecstatic.

“Finally you two are together now. Huian dear, you cannot imagine how happy I’m to hear this news. God bless you both.”

After a few days, Grandma Liu again acted like she has slowly recovered.

Huian happily announced that they got married. Needless to say, everyone was shocked, but she covered it up saying it as a last-minute decision. She confessed, and he agreed.

Liu Hai was skeptical, and he waited for Jinhai to clarify on his part, but he never did. Seeing Grandma Liu, Liu Chunhua, and Mother and Father Xiang so excited, he chose to remain quiet.

Jing hated Huian more than ever now. Jinhai was always a quiet person, but day by day he became more withdrawn and reserved. Even his presence in the villa couldn’t be felt anymore.

Jing wanted to stay by his side, but it was time for him to leave abroad to complete his studies. He urged to stay, but Jinhai convinced him otherwise.

That’s how their married life whose base was nothing but lies and deceit, began.

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