Because I simply love you

Chapter 164: Nana's long list of admirers

Chapter 164: Nana's long list of admirers

Nana thoroughly felt the hostility emanating from Jinhai’s tone when he said the last word.

She merely smiled. “It’s really nothing.”

“Of course, she is popular!” Jing said. “She is so pretty, and on top of that such a great cook. She is a Goddess.”

Jinhai said, “Hm, I understand that. So, Miss Nana.”

“Y-yes?” Her heart was thumping loudly in nervous anticipation.

“How many times do you get such ‘roses’?”

“Practically everyday.” A cheerful voice said.

She coughed hard.

Who said that!?

They saw Yukira coming in, holding a tray of another dish they had ordered.

Jing pouted. He’s not my Yukito. Where is he?

Jinhai smiled. “Did you choke on yourself? Here, drink some water.”

Her hand was shaking, taking the glass from him. She didn’t dare to look him in the eye.

His smile is scary!

Liu Chunhua never saw her son act like that before. He was pissed off about something; and she was starting to realize just what it was.

Liu Hai eagerly asked to know more. “Really? Everyday?”

Uncle! Why are you putting oil in the fire?

“Oh?” Jinhai raised his eyebrows.

Yukira nodded his head. “Yes! Nee-chan is an airhead, but practically every other guy that comes here has a crush on her. We have lost the count. Many don’t have the guts to express it, but some guy once in a while does things like giving their number or some flowers or try to help to manage Natsukashi just as an excuse to spend a little more time with her.”

Please, my dear little brother. I beg you to stop! She was crying inside.

“Ho…I see…”

One may think that this isn’t affecting Jinhai at all, but a volcanic eruption was raging inside.

“You know what happened one time?”

“What, what!? The father-son duo was acting like typical gossiping aunties.

Nana quickly said, “I don’t think that-“

Under the table, Jinhai clutched her hand tighter. “It’s okay. Let him say it. I am also eager to know.”

Her mouth twitched.

Yukira laughed. “There was this one crazy guy who went one step ahead. He made a huge banner, and it was painted in huge letters, ‘I love you, Nana.’ He flashed it in front of Natsukashi for the whole day! It became a spectacle for passers-by. Nee-chan politely rejected him, but he just wasn’t ready to budge. We finally had to call the police to take him away. Gosh, what a day that was!”

Liu Hai and Jing burst into a loud laughter. Liu Chunhua also couldn’t control giggling.

Nana wanted a hole to crawl into.

On Jinhai’s end, his jealousy broke all the records and reached to a whole another level. It was now hard holding it in.

“And then another time-“

Nana interrupted in sheer panic. “I think that’s enough, Yukira. We all got the point.”

She didn’t dare to stay even a second longer.

“Uncle Liu. I should get going. There is a lot of work.”

She tugged her hand and looked at him pitifully. Jinhai finally let go, but not before eyeing her to say, ‘This is not over yet.’

She immediately got up and said, “Please enjoy your food.” She ran away as fast as lightning.

An hour later, they finished their dinner and were ready to leave. Jinhai quietly slipped his phone under the covers and stood up.

Outside the entrance, Nana came to see them off.

“Thank you all for coming here.”

Liu Hai patted her head. “Thank you for treating us to such a delicious meal.”

Liu Chunhua said, “Yes, dear. We really enjoyed it. After so many days we, as a family, got to have such a good meal together.”

“Sister Nana is the best!”

“En.” Jinhai nodded.

She felt shy. She bade them goodbye and left.

Phew! It is finally over. God knows what Liu Jinhai would have done if he had got the chance to meet me alone.

She imagined all sorts of terrifying results.

She shuddered. Forget about it for now.

Over at their end, everyone got in the car when Jinhai said, “I think I forgot my phone inside. I will get it and come back.”

Jing said, “Oh yes, I also have seemed to forget my wallet. I will come back in just a minute.”

Both the brothers set off. Liu Hai shook his head. God save that brother-sister pair.

Jing stood in front of the back kitchen window and whispered. “Yukito!”

Yukito was startled and saw Jing with a goofy grin on his face.

He looked at him scornfully. “Yes, Mr. Liu Jing. Why are you openly acting as a thief? Or should I say a pervert.”

“Aww…You are so cute even when you are angry. Doesn’t this give a feeling of a secret rendezvous between two lovers?”

“Will I still be cute if I punch that goofy face of yours into a pulp?”

“You’ll still be cute even if you kill me.” Jing smiled.

Yukito looked away.

He held Yukito’s hand in his and said, “I’m here to declare that I, Liu Jing, am pursuing you right from this very moment. So, be prepared. Because no matter what, I will definitely make you fall in love with me.”

Yukito raised his eyebrow. “Sure. Try as hard as you can because I’m not swayed that easily. You will give up in the end.”

“Never.”, he said with determination. “One thing I know for sure is that I will never give up on you.” The look of his eyes was resolute.

Yukito stared at him hard. He grabbed his collar and pulled Jing to him. Their lips were hardly millimeters apart. He smiled like an enchanting seductress. “Alright. Let’s see who wins. Make me fall for you so hard that I won’t be able to see anyone else but you.”

Jing fell in love with him all over again.

My Yukito is so cool!

He smirked. “I will. I promise.”

But, apparently, Yukito was not done yet. He crossed that last millimeter and kissed Jing on his lips.

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