Because I simply love you

Chapter 232: A ray of hope

Chapter 232: A ray of hope

The next day in Natsukashi, Nana was lost in a daze when Serena came in. She saw how Nana worried and upset, and a sense of guilt flashed past her eyes.

She inhaled deeply and called out, “Nana.”

Nana said, “Oh, I didn’t see you coming.” Her voice was a little weak.

Serena asked, “What happened? You don’t look so good.”

Nana stayed silent.

Serena took a look left and right and asked in a low voice, “Is it about that blackmailer? What happened to the plan you made?”

Nana pursed her lips. “It didn’t work. I don’t know how that master came to know about my plan. I didn’t even realize that there was a spy in Natsukashi too.”

Serena said nothing. As Nana said, she didn’t dare to look in her eye.

“That person warned me to stop snooping around. Now he also sends me pictures of Jinhai; sometimes he is in the car or entering someplace. He always has his sight on him. He wants to say that if I plan anything, he can harm Jinhai anytime.”

Every day was a dread to her. Sometimes, she believed that he wouldn’t keep his promise and hurt him. The constant worry of Jinhai’s safety gnawed her heart.

“O-oh. That person is really devious.”

“Just one clue Serena. Let me get just one hint to know about this person’s identity. I feel that I can get somewhere. I can finally start somewhere.”

‘The one who can get you anywhere is only me, Nana. But I cannot do that.’

“So, what are you planning to do?” She tried to pry.

Nana shook her head. “I-” Just then, her phone buzzed. It was Jinhai.

‘Please come early tonight.’

Nana furrowed her brows. What is Jinhai planning to do?


“Huh? Oh, nothing. I’m still thinking about it. But I won’t give up.” She said seriously.

Serena said, “Okay. Tell me whenever you decide anything. I will also try to help you as much as I can.”

Nana held her hand. “Thank you, Serena. I feel so much better that you are with me.”

Serena awkwardly smiled.

Once again, the blackmailer called Nana.

“A little birdie told me that your husband is planning a nice, little surprise for you. Awww, is it to mend the differences between you two?” The voice laughed from the other end.

Nana gritted her teeth. “You are finding this all entertaining, don’t you?”

“Of course! Your ruin is my fun. I will only rest when I see you alone and heartbroken.”


“Why do you hate me so much?” She knew she wouldn’t get any answer, but she couldn’t help but ask.

“Why shouldn’t I? You have snatched a lot of things away from me. I’m just giving you back what you owe me.” The voice was filled with hatred. “I would have been so happy if you hadn’t even born. You deserve to live a lonely life, whether you were a child or now.”

The person didn’t explain anything further and hung up.

Nana stared at her phone for a long time. Something bugged her mind.

Why did that person say that I shouldn’t have been born? How does that blackmailer know about me being an orphan? The way that voice that said it, it sounded personal.

Now that she thought about it, the only thing that she entirely didn’t know about in her life was her birth.

She didn’t know who her parents were, or were they even alive?

Is it…anyway connected to my birth? It sounded like that person knew about my childhood, and maybe much more than I do. Perhaps I can get a clue if I visit the orphanage once.

She decided she would visit the orphanage to know the truth. It was time to visit anyway. She would always take some time to visit the orphanage, where she lived for three years.

It was a short time, but there were still good memories. The caretaker was very kind to her. So she donated a part of her earnings as her goodwill. She spent the time with those kids and would do a simple cooking class with them as a fun activity.

Nana finally got hope. She had a feeling that she would definitely learn something from the orphanage.

The maid was working with her usual chores when she got a call. She saw it the master’s number and immediately went to her room and locked the door.

“How is it going?”

“Master, everything is going as planned. The distance between the first young master and Nana is widening day by day. I have also seen the first young master avoiding Nana. He doesn’t talk to her. We have successfully planted doubt in his mind about Nana and Chen Jianyu’s relationship.”

The voice from the other end said, “Good. Keep your eye on them. And whatever surprise Liu Jinhai is planning, make sure that Nana doesn’t fall for it.”

“Yes, master.” The maid sounded a little breathless and excited as she said, “Master, once Nana is kicked out of young master’s life, you will fulfill your promise to me, right?”

A chuckling voice came. “I remember my promise. Just do as I say. Nana out, you in. Don’t worry, you help me in destroying Nana, and I will help you become the next Lady Liu.”

The maid, Qian Mei’s eyes sparkled as she heard this.

Lady Liu…Liu Jinhai’s wife. She couldn’t contain her excitement. She already started dreaming standing beside Jinhai, him pampering her, both of them going to banquets together…

She was just an ordinary maid working in Liu villa. But, she always envied those rich heiresses born with a silver spoon. She also wanted to live such a life where she doesn’t have to work so hard. She was dazzled by their social class.

But she accepted her fate and continued working, until one day she got a strange parcel. There was only one sentence written in it.

‘I can help you in becoming Lady Liu if you help me in ruining Nana’s wife.’

At first, she thought it was a joke, but while shopping groceries one day, an unknown man approached her and took her to meet the master. The person was sitting in the car, and the window glasses were tinted in black.

“Did you think about the letter I gave you?” a low voice came from inside the car.

Qian Mei was a little terrified at first. She thought of them as Liu family enemies who came to torture her for any information. But then she remembered the letter.

“Y-you were the one who sent that letter?” She asked nervously.

“Yes. I’m your ally. You don’t have to be suspicious of me. I will fulfill my promise that I wrote in the letter.”

“Why are you doing this? What grudge do you have against Lady Liu?”

“You don’t need to know that. You just have to think about the result you would get when we succeed. Whatever Nana has now would become yours, the title of Lady Liu, the wealth and Liu Jinhai. You won’t be an ordinary maid anymore.”

Qian Mei didn’t answer.

“Think about it.” And the car left.

Coming back to Liu villa, Qian Mei was thinking about that unknown person the whole time.

After the conversation, her sight would frequently wander off to Jinhai and Nana. His gentle, loving gaze, and warm smile made her imagine herself in place of Nana.

She couldn’t help but want it. The promise sparked a desire within her that she had locked up deep inside her heart. Her envy made its way to the surface, wishing to be a part of the family.

‘If Nana can have it, then why not I? She also isn’t any rich heiress.’

Although she was afraid of betraying the Liu family, that person had promised to have her back. A number was given to her to contact the person.

One day, she dialed it and said, “I’m ready.”

At Huo family villa, a woman was quietly sitting on a chair. Even in her early forties, she had maintained herself quite well. She just ended the call with Qian Mei.

She snorted.

“Such a fool. She thinks that she can become Liu Jinhai’s wife. But it’s better for me that she is stupid.” She clicked her tongue. “But, if not for Zhilan, then I almost had run into Nana’s trap. Quite gutsy, she is. Even though I’m threatening her with Liu Jinhai’s life, she is still taking the risk to expose me.”

She stood up, went over to the cupboard. She pulled out a drawer and took out a shiny object in her hands. She stared at it for quite long.

“But she doesn’t know that she can never succeed. I will have my revenge. She has to pay the debt of what she owes me.”

Her eyes was laced in ruthlessness. “And I won’t rest until that happens.”

She called a number. It was picked up on the third ring. “Zhilan. Make sure that Nana comes next week in the banquet.”

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