Because I simply love you

Chapter 282: Shocking news

Chapter 282: Shocking news

The next morning, Nana was resting on her bed, having some tea. Jinhai was in the shower.

Jinhai’s phone buzzed. Nana looked towards the bathroom door and figured it would take a while for him to come out. She picked it up.

“Sir.” It was Assistant Xin.

“Ah, I’m Nana. Jinhai is busy in the shower.”

“It is okay, Madam Liu.”

“Do you want me to give him a message?”

“It’s nothing important. I just called to inform sir about the conference.”

“Okay. I will tell Jinhai to call you back.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

As Nana cut the call, she accidentally opened the Gallery app and saw a photo of herself on Jinhai’s phone. She was wearing a yellow dress in that, working in Natsukashi.

Nana’s lips curved into a faint smile. But then somebody suddenly snatched the phone from her hands.

“Hey!” Nana whined. She glared at Jinhai, who was out from a bath. “Why did you snatch it suddenly? I want to see what pictures you have of me.”

Jinhai’s gaze was a little complex, but he quickly smiled in return. He sat on her side and flung his arm over her shoulder.

“My library is filled with your photos. It will take forever before you see all of them.”

“Just how many photos do you have of me?”

Jinhai silently gazed at her. He tilted his head. “What if I have a secret room entirely filled with your photo frames?”

Nana laughed and smacked on his forehead. “Silly. Who does that?”

“Who knows…Maybe I do.” Jinhai meaningfully smiled.

The smell of shampoo from his hair wafted through her nose. His well-toned body was warm and moist with water droplets. Nana’s face flushed in red.

“Like what you see?” Jinhai chuckled.

Nana sheepishly giggled and drew a circle on his chest. “A lot.”

“Well then…”

Jinhai leaned forward, narrowing the distance between their lips. Nana put her hand on his mouth and blocked him. “I know where you want to go with this, but have you seen my tummy?”

Jinhai kissed her palm. He huskily whispered into her ear, “There are many positions that we can try. And…” Jinhai bent and kissed the nape of her neck, “the doctor has said that it is good to have sex in the third trimester. It can ease labor pain during childbirth.”

Nana’s mouth twitched. “You are impossible!”

Jinhai laughed. He turned her head and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Their wet kiss went on for a long time before they finally separated.

His hands started wandering around her body, but she slapped them away. “Mr. Liu Jinhai. You have work!”

“Yes, I have, but I don’t have to go to the office anymore.” He smiled.

“Eh? Why?”

Jinhai pecked her lips again. “Because my dear wife, starting now, I will do all my work from home until you give birth. At this stage, I don’t want to leave you alone. As your husband and the to-be father, I should be with my wife at her side taking care of her. Nothing is more important than you and our baby.”

Jinhai thought that this was for the best. In the office, he would always worry about Nana for no reason, and his mind was always here at Liu villa, thinking about her.

Even yesterday, when Jinhai came to know that Nana wasn’t at home, he panicked. She said she was at the hospital, and for a moment, he felt as if his heart stopped beating. He thought that she went there to meet Huian. But that wasn’t the case.

Nana’s heart melted like butter.

Really he is such a sweet talker.

But wait. She remembered something.

Nana had promised to meet Huian again since they couldn’t talk yesterday. But then how will she meet her if Jinhai would be with her?

She knew Huian had something important to say to her about Jinhai. And whatever it was, Nana wanted to talk it out with Jinhai and clear it out if there was any misunderstanding.

For now, she could only send her a message informing about the situation.

Nana rested her head on his shoulder. “En. Thank you for being here with me.”

Jinhai kissed her forehead. “Anything for my wife.”

City X hospital.

Huian was impatiently waiting for Nana. She looked towards the door, but nobody came in.

Where is Nana? Why hasn’t she come here yet?

Huian was starting to feel anxious. Then her phone buzzed with a message.

Huian slowly raised her arm and picked up the phone. She read Nana’s message and was stunned.

Nana cannot come here anymore!?

She couldn’t help but wonder if Jinhai decided to stay with her on purpose to keep an eye on Nana?

Whatever it was, Huian felt frustrated. Yesterday was such a good chance to tell everything, but she missed it.

“Hey, hey, why such a bad mood first thing in the morning?” Liang Shin chirped happily.

Huian looked at his goofy smile and rolled her eyes. He was such a happy-go-lucky man.

“Hey, don’t roll your eyes at such a handsome doctor. Do you know how many women feign to get hurt just so that they get an excuse for me to treat them?”

Huian looked at him, dumbfounded. “Such a…narcissist.”

Liang Shin shrugged. “It is not narcissism. It is called as appreciation of beauty. You should always appreciate and feel gratitude for anything good that you have or happens in your life. And not just good, even the bad things too.”

Huian looked puzzled. She thought about herself. In the past, she was so obsessed about having Jinhai that she never really appreciated her parents. Unconsciously, she always took them for granted.

Bad things…

Huian stared at Liang Shin. “I…fell from the balcony…I was in a coma…for so long…How can I appreciate this?”

He smiled. “But didn’t it open your eyes to the reality that you are strong?”

Huian widened her eyes.

Liang Shin scratched his head. “Please don’t feel bad, but I had heard a little about how you were *cough* a spoiled brat.”

Huian indeed felt a little embarrassed.

“You were always treated like a princess. You got everything you want. If somebody even accidentally hit you, you would cry and get angry.”


“But you didn’t shed a tear when you were working so hard to recover. It was painful, right? Honestly, I thought you would back out. But you remained strong and bore all the pain. So, with that accident, you realized that you are not as weak as you thought you were.”

And that fall also made me realize how wrong I was in obtaining something that could have never been mine, she thought.

Liang Shin grinned. “It changed something in you. And change is necessary to keep ongoing. Otherwise, life becomes too stagnant.”

Huian slowly nodded.

The fall and her time in the vegetative state indeed changed her perception about Nana, and Jinhai too, and towards the very opposite sides.

Now she feared the man that she once loved all these years.

And towards Nana, whom she hated all this time and treated her as her enemy, she genuinely let go of all the ill feelings that she had about her.

Liang Shin faintly smiled. “My mom says that everything happens for a reason. If we are meant to suffer, then we do. We cannot fight fate. But will that pain make us strong or weak? That is up to us. Will we strive hard to overcome it and bloom like how a lotus does from muddy water? That decision lies with us.”

Huian saw inexplicable grief in his gaze. Liang Shin always had a gentle smile on his face. But today, it felt different.

“Alright, enough of this emotional talk. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. It’s my Dad’s birthday next week, and he has invited your family. I’m also giving you a personal invitation.”

Huian slowly said, “But I’m…just a patient.”

“For me, yes. But Dad is a businessman. He said that he had done a business deal with Uncle Xiang Wei in the past. So, professionally, they know each other.”

“Oh…but, how can I come?” Huian was still unable to get out of bed.

Liang Shin raised his brow. “Why not? Aren’t we doing a one-month regime? By next week, you will definitely be able to sit in the wheelchair. So, we have to work very hard. And with that, let’s start today’s session.”

Huo villa.

Huo Shen was resting in his room. Huo Liwei knocked on the door.


He faintly smiled. “Liwei.”

Huo Liwei sat beside his father on the bed.

“How is work going?”

Huo Liwei nodded. “It’s good.”

After Jinhai attacked Huo Corps a few months back, it took a little while to bounce back, but everything was in control now.

“Did you take your medicines?”

Huo Shen made a sour face.

Huo Liwei sighed. “Dad, you are acting like a child. You don’t like the medicine, but it’s necessary for your health.”

He grumbled quietly. “I will take it later.”

“Take it now.”

Huo Liwei took out two pills and forced Huo Shen to swallow it in front of him.

“There is one other thing too. We have got an invitation for a birthday banquet.”

Huo Shen asked, “Whose?”

“Liang Zou.”


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