Because I simply love you

Chapter 91: Her plan that went horribly awry

Chapter 91: Her plan that went horribly awry

A little before Nana, Suyin and Huian were supposed to reach the place Suyin had planned, Sun Dong and his men got in a trifle with few drunken men passing by. The men had heard Sun Dong talking about three girls and so they asked him about them.

“Get the f*ck out of here. None of your business.”, he said angrily.

“C’mon. Don’t be such a spoilsport. If there are girls coming, then we can also have some fun with them.”, a man sneered.

Sun Dong didn’t give any face but after a while, that ended up in a huge fight when things got physical. The other men won. They will still five in number as compared to his four-member gang. One even had a wooden bat so they won easily.

The leader grabbed Sun Dong’s hair whose face was now beaten into a pulp, “Now tell me. Who are those girls? Or do you want to die?”

“I will tell! I will tell you everything! Please don’t beat me anymore.”

“Spit it.”

“One woman had given us money to…to **** a girl and video shoot her whose picture she sent. Only her. Not her and her friend. That’s all. We were waiting for them.”

The leader smiled, “But now we will wait for them. Now scram. If you tried to alert the woman…”

“No-no-no! We are leaving. Get up boys!”

They got up and ran with tail in between their legs.


“So, all pretty ladies. Please come out.”, the leader smiled.

Suyin was in a horrible state. They got attacked by a real gangster!

She went mad with rage and revenge after she was forced to apologize to Nana in front of the whole media. On top of that, Chen Liling announced the engagement shattering all her hope. Jianyu admonished her in front of everybody taking Nana’s side. She couldn’t handle such humiliation. She only wanted one thing. To completely destroy Nana.

She remembered how Jianyu had told her about Nana’s fight with Sun Dong when he harassed one of her employees. And that’s when she made her cruel plan.

No…what happened to Sun Dong? They were supposed to fake an attack on us. But these are real gangsters! How will we get out of here?

Nana was sweating hard. She felt unable to breathe. Adrenaline rushed her veins. The way they looked…it only ticked off one alarm in her mind.

Huian was in no better state. Her already jittery mind became way more chaotic.

“Y-you you! Don’t mess with us. You don’t know we are. Let us go now!”

One man laughed, “Sure we’ll let you go. But after having some fun.”, he said while eyeing her from top to bottom.

She shuddered under his gaze.

“Be nice and follow us.”, he said and suddenly dragged Suyin by her arm.

“No! Leave me! Don’t touch me! Somebody help! “

“Nobody is going to come here baby. This is our area. You won’t even hear the sound of anyone breathing. Not without our permission”, they all laughed.

Huian said tremblingly, “Look. We will give you as much money as you want. Just please let us go. How much ever you demand, we are ready to give you.”

The leader smiled, “We will take that too. But first a little entertainment time.”

Nana desperately tried to help Suyin.

“Hey back off.”, he warned and pushed her hard.

She got stumbled back. But there was a gentle slope behind her. She lost her footing and fell. She rolled down.

“Ah!”, Nana screamed.

Huian and Suyin’s eyes widened in shock.

“F*ck! She fell down!”, a man shouted.

“What now?”

The leader said, “Shit! It’s getting dark too. We can’t waste our time looking for her.”

“I don’t think she can do anything. She must have hit her head by now on some rock and got knocked out.”, another man said.

“Yeah, the slope is quite long too. She won’t be able to climb back.”

The leader thought for a while and nodded. “Forget about her. Just take these two with us.”

They dragged Suyin and threatened Huian to come out.

Suyin shouted, “No, you can’t do this! I’m Tang Suyin. You all will be dead if you touched even a strand of my hair. Let me go you bastards!”

The man dragging Suyin slapped her hard.

“Shut up! We are already pissed off that we lost one of you. And now you are f*cking annoying us. Enough. We will start with you first. You could have got a little more time if we had started with this other friend of yours but not now.”


Tears started flowing from her eyes.

They took them in a small shed-like building. The man behind Huian dumped her on the ground.

Suyin got crazy. “Get your filthy hands off me!”

“You still don’t learn, do you?”

He dragged Suyin to another filthy room adjacent to where they kept Huian.

Huian was scared shitless. She fumbled with her phone but one man grabbed it from her.

“This was a bad move. Take their phones and dump them far away.”

They took their phones and broke them.

All the men laughed. “Let us start with this girl who is shouting non-stop. I would love to hear her moan loudly when she is pinned under us.”

They didn’t bother to tie Huian. She was alone and the door was rusted. She wouldn’t be able to budge the door anyways with her little strength.

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