Because I simply love you

Chapter 96: I'm so proud of you

Chapter 96: I'm so proud of you

A while later Huian finally reached the hospital. The nurse receptionist told that Jinhai is on the fifth floor.

“Huian!”, Mother Xiang called out.

She turned and said, “Mom! Dad!”

She came rushing towards them and hugged them hard. She started sobbing.

“Mom. Do you know how scared I was? They were so disgusting. They dumped me on the ground and with Suyin they…”

Mother Xiang patted her back and cried, “Thank God you are safe. We were terrified thinking of what would have happened to you. And yes, I know about Suyin. The doctor said she has very serious injuries.”

Huian felt bad. She felt like she could still hear her screams, begging them to let her go.

Father Xiang said worriedly, “You are also hurt a little. Let’s quickly go the doctor and get you treated.”, He continued coldly, “And don’t worry. I will definitely find out those men even if I have to dig through hell. I will get you justice for sure.”

“Dad…”, she hugged him crying.

“Don’t worry, child. Where is Jinhai?”

She froze. She remembered how they found Nana in the shed lying in the pool of her own blood. Jinhai carried her in his arms and ran out of there.

Jinhai…Why was he so worried about her? He left me and took off. He didn’t look back at me even once. This was the first time I saw him like that. He looked so crazy…


“Huh?”, she snapped back from her thoughts.

“Where is Jinhai? He didn’t come with you?”

“He…”, how should she tell them?

“We had to take Nana with us.”, Liu Hai’s voice came from behind.

Xiang Wei saw him coming and asked, “Nana?”

“Yes, she was also badly hurt. Her head was bleeding a lot. We could hardly sense her breathing. I panicked and told Jinhai to immediately take her away. Huian would have felt uncomfortable seeing the blood so I told her to come from my car.”

Huian gulped. Somehow her condition frightened her.

Well, Jinhai took Nana not thinking of the consequences and the answers he would have to give. So, Father Liu took it on him.

“Oh dear.”, Mother Xiang said sadly.

“She is being treated now.”

They nodded.

Outside Suyin’s ward, Mother Chen asked Jianyu frantically, “Jianyu. Where is Nana? She was also trapped with Suyin and Huian, right? Is she okay? I want to see her.”

Jianyu widened his eyes in shock.

Nana? Nana! I…I completely forgot about her.

“Jianyu? Why are you not saying anything? You are scaring me now.”



“I…I’m sorry Mom. First I saw Suyin badly injured and then she began bleeding…I couldn’t think of anything else. I took Suyin with me and immediately left from there.”

“What!?”, Chen Liling asked stupefied. But Tang’s were there too. She grabbed his hand and dragged him a little far away.

“How could you do this!? How could you forget Nana? Jianyu, I understand Suyin was in a horrible state but Nana could have been as well. You had just reached there when you first saw Suyin. How do you know that nothing bad happened with Nana? How could you have been so sure that she was safe? So, how could you leave her!?”

No, he didn’t. He didn’t find out about her condition. Jianyu felt ashamed of himself.

“I…I’m sorry. I just lost it when I saw Suyin..-“

“Do you still love her?”, she cut him off.


“Did your old feelings come back to you when you saw her helpless?”

He fumbled.

“Jianyu. I know this is not the time to think about your past with Suyin. I don’t care if I may sound harsh with this but Suyin is nothing more than a friend to you now. It’s fine if you helped Suyin. That was a part of your friendship and your humanity. But afterwards, you could have at least given Nana that respect of looking for her.”, she furiously looked at him.

Her every question hit him like sharp, pointed arrows.

“Nana is your girlfriend. She will be your fiance in just a month’s time. Have you imagined how Nana would feel when she realizes that you forgot her? Is this your sense of responsibility towards her?”


“Shut up! Her to-be husband who chose his ex where the thought of his girlfriend didn’t even cross his mind…I’m so proud of you, Jianyu.”, she mocked him.

She shook her head and left.

Jianyu banged his fist on the wall.

Shit. Shit, shit shit! How can I…I’m horrible. I’m sorry Nana. I’m so sorry.

Over at Jinhai’s place, it had been more than an hour but the operation was still going on.

The twins were continuously praying hard.

Finally, after an hour and a half, the doctor came out.

Jinhai immediately stood up and asked, “Nana? How is she?”

Liu Hai and the twins also surrounded him.

“She is out of danger now. But the surgery was very complicated. The floor where she hit her head on was not plain. We found tiny bits of glass pieces that penetrated her wound. It could have been life-threatening for her. Her brain could have got damaged. That’s why the surgery took time.”

All were dumbfounded.

“What…our sister got hurt that much?”, the twins couldn’t believe it.

“Yes. But everything is fine now. Mr. Liu Jinhai brought her in time. So, we could save her. Apart from that, she has twisted her right ankle, probably when she stumbled. She will need cane support for a few days to walk. Don’t worry. She will regain consciousness in a few hours.”

They sighed in relief and nodded.

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