Big Life

Chapter 49: Follow Me If You Can (4)

Chapter 49: Follow Me If You Can (4)

This is interesting…!

Jung So-Mi was already smiling even before she reached page thirty.

This novel was much more serious and quite different compared to the other novels Ha Jae-Gun had written before. The concise writing style and rapid scene changes enabled better readability despite the novel’s seriousness.

So that’s why the title is Dragon Rider. The protagonist really rides a dragon while traveling around. Oh, but Writer Ha’s novel naming ability is really… Am I the only one who thinks that it’s not great?

It was only when Jung So-Mi arrived at the entrance to Star Books’ office that she finally took her eyes off of her phone, as she needed to put her finger on the fingerprint reader to enter the premises.

As soon as she arrived at her desk, Jung So-Mi opened the novel on her computer and continued reading from where she left off. It was much more comfortable reading the novel on a larger screen.

“Ms. So-Mi, you’re here quite early today,” said one of her colleagues, Deputy Lee.

Jung So-Mi looked up from the screen and replied, “Ah, good morning.”

Deputy Lee was the closest female colleague Jung So-Mi had within the company.

Deputy Lee was good-natured with a friendly personality, so she wasn’t the type to bully people. Thanks to that, Jung So-Mi was able to treat Deputy Lee quite comfortably, even though Deputy Lee was ten years older than herself.

“But you’re quite early yourself, too, Deputy Lee,” Jung So-Mi remarked.

“I’ll have to come early every day for the time being since I have to figure out their style.” Deputy Lee yawned as she returned to her desk. What Deputy Lee meant was to grasp the new editor-in-chief’s working style, who was here to replace Kwon Kwon Tae-Won.

“Right, do you still remember how Deputy Ko made a fool of himself during the company meal?” Deputy Lee said as she turned around in her chair to face Jung So-Mi before continuing. “The way he’s running around for the new editor-in-chief will make the others think that he’s a personal secretary. He should just try just as hard at work instead of flattering the new guy. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”


“Anyway, Star Books is doomed. I’m not sure what’s going on in the president’s mind. Getting his son, daughter, and son-in-law… Who knows, even his grandchildren might get a position in the company sooner or later.”

“Deputy Lee, you’re loud.”

“Whatever. It’s just us here, anyway.” Deputy Lee took her cup and headed to the pantry.

Just as Jung So-Mi was about to resume reading the novel, Deputy Lee returned with two cups of coffee in hand and handed one to Jung So-Mi.

“What are you reading?”

Ah, thank you for the coffee. I’m reading Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s newest novel.”

“Writer Ha Jae-Gun? He’s got a new novel?” Deputy Lee was so shocked that her cheeks flushed. “Isn’t there still quite some time until the last volume of Records of the Other World gets published? Plus, it hadn’t been long since he sent over that manuscript, and he’s already started writing a new novel?”

“Yeah, isn’t he incredible? He even sent three volumes of it over.”

“What a surprise. I’ve been in the industry for seven long years, but it’s the first time I’ve ever met someone who writes this fast.”

“I know, right?”

“Does he have a group instead of writing as an individual? Are you sure he didn’t gather nine other people and write novels as a group?”

“I’ve been to his place, but it didn’t seem that way. He just types away furiously on his keyboard on his own.” Jung So-Mi smiled and took a sip of the hot coffee. The taste and scent of the coffee were impeccable.

“So, how is this novel?”

“It’s interesting as well. I personally feel that this novel is the best out of all his works.”

“Really? I send it to me as well, I want to read it.”

“It’s in the shared email, so you can access it over there.”

“Got it.” Like Jung So-Mi, Deputy Lee then returned to her desk and started reading Ha Jae-Gun’s latest novel.


It hadn’t been twenty minutes since, but Deputy Lee was already shouting.

“This is going to be awesome!”

“Yeah, it’s very interesting, right?”

Deputy Lee said sarcastically, “The president’s shoulders are going to be bobbing up and down like crazy with this. He had been reprimanding Editor-in-Chief Kwon so much before for missing out on Writer Ha’s two other fantasy novels, but now, his wish is about to come true.”

Jung So-Mi smiled bitterly upon recalling Kwon Tae-Won’s face, who had recently left the company. He had to be struggling somewhere else at this point while looking for a new job.

Huff! Puff!

Deputy Ko only appeared in the office at about 8.30 a.m. He was panting heavily when he appeared, so it was clear that he had run over to the office.

He approached Jung So-Mi and asked abruptly, “Ms. So-Mi, what are you doing right now?”

“I’m reading Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s latest novel. Would you like to take a look as well?”

“Writer Ha’s new novel? That’s not an issue right now…! Ms. So-Mi, do you know how to differentiate plants?”

“Plants? What about them?” Jung So-Mi asked with a surprised look.

Deputy Ko rummaged through his bag while answering her, “The editor-in-chief sent a message, saying that the office looks monotonous and dry, so he asked to bring in a few potted plants. Ms. So-Mi, do you know where to find the nearest flower store?”

Jung So-Mi was dumbfounded to hear that.

Deputy Lee chuckled softly from behind her monitor.

“Can you go with me? I don’t know much about potted plants.”

“But it’s soon office hours…” Jung So-Mi replied, hesitating.

Deputy Ko’s eyes turned serious, and he straightened himself up before saying, “Ms. So-Mi, we’re buying potted plants for the new editor-in-chief. This is considered part of our work as well. Now, let’s hurry.”

With that, Deputy Lee stood up to save Jung So-Mi, who was in a tight spot.

“Deputy Lee. How is buying potted plants part of our work? Plus, he didn’t say that you must get it before he comes into the office, so it shouldn’t be urgent.”

“What? Of course, but…” Deputy Ko trailed off, but his eyes darted around. For him, Deputy Lee had always been the most difficult to deal with, and he couldn’t really retort because Deputy Lee was right.

“Ms. So-Mi is busy right now. She’s working on Writer Ha’s novel right now, and she would also have to look at many other novels today. The florist is on the first floor of the next building, so if you’re in a hurry, why don’t you get it yourself? Plus, the owner would be there, so I’m sure they can give you better recommendations, too.”

Umm… That sounds like a good idea. I’ll go ahead and buy them on my own then…” With nothing else to say, Deputy Ko hurried out of the office with his wallet in hand.

Deputy Lee frowned at Jung So-Mi for a while before returning to her monitor.

What should I do…?’ Perhaps it was because of Deputy Lee’s words, but Jung So-Mi couldn’t stop thinking about Kwon Tae-Won.

She definitely found Ha Jae-Gun’s novel interesting, but the problems that surfaced in real life were distracting her from enjoying the story.

Has he not told Writer Ha about his resignation? He said he would bring it up personally to Writer Ha, but why? Writer Ha would have taken his side if Editor-in-Chief Kwon had explained his situation…

Unfortunately, Kwon Tae-Won had already left the company, so she shouldn’t have these thoughts as a Star Books employee. It was a mindset that was against the company’s interests, and of course, Jung So-Mi was well aware of that fact.

“Is this written by Writer Ha Jae-Gun?” A voice echoed behind Jung So-Mi.

Jung So-Mi felt like someone had poured a bucket of cold water on her as she was pulled back to reality.

The one who had spoken was the new editor-in-chief, Park Kyung-Wook.

He was bent eye-level behind her and was looking at her monitor.

Oh, you’re here, Editor-in-Chief.”

“How interesting is it that you didn’t even realize that I was standing behind you? I have been standing here for quite a while now.” Park Kyung-Wook, who was in his mid-30s, looked just like his father, President Park Jae-Gook.

He was physically fit, and he looked quite masculine, which left a relatively strong first impression.

“I’m sorry… I was thinking about some things,” Jung So-Mi replied rather than chuckling at his joke. To be honest, she felt quite uncomfortable around him. He would always be all smiles, but his eyes would never reflect the same smile. Park Kyung-Wook’s two-faced expression made her feel quite uncomfortable.

“Is this really Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s new novel? How is it?”

Ah, yes. It’s a fun read. I’ve read over two volumes by now. The composition is sturdy, and it’s great.”

“Is that so? Contact him then. Set up a meeting with him, it doesn’t matter if it’s today as well. There are some things that I want to tell him in person as well.”

“Yes… I’ll make the arrangements.”

Park Kyung-Wook then left the office while calling someone else on his phone. As soon as Park Kyung-Wook left, Deputy Lee swiftly dragged a chair over to Jung So-Mi and said, “He must be planning to offer Writer Ha an exclusive contract this time, seeing that he’s looking to meet him personally. What do you think?”

“I think so, too, but I’m not very sure myself. Writer Ha had also rejected the offer when Editor-in-Chief Kwon brought it up last time.”

“Well, he must be trying to earn some brownie points because I’m sure that he doesn’t want to hear more rumors about how he only managed to join this company because of nepotism. If he could get Writer Ha on board with him, his life here would become much easier.”

All of a sudden, Deputy Lee pointed at Jung So-Mi’s leg. “ So-Mi, your stockings are torn.”

“Pardon? Oh, my...”

There was indeed a tear on Jung So-Mi’s black stockings, and the tear extended from the inside of her left thigh all the way down to her knee. “This is new, though. How did this happen?”

“I have a pair with me. I’ll give it to you”

“Thank you. I’ll repay you the exact same one later.”

“Just treat me to ice cream after lunch. Go get changed now.”

Jung So-Mi quickly entered the washroom. For some reason, she felt increasingly anxious. Why did her stockings get torn when it was still early in the morning, and she had just worn it?

Jung So-Mi wasn’t exactly superstitious, but she felt as if this was an omen. She locked the door to the washroom and sat on the toilet bowl. Her small hands gripped her phone tightly, and after contemplating for a while, she decided to call Ha Jae-Gun.

— Hello, Ms. Jung So-Mi.

“Hello, Writer Ha. I’ve read up to volume two of Dragon Rider, and I loved it.”

— Hearing that from you makes me feel that this novel will sell above ten thousand copies.”

“This has nothing to do with my personal opinion. It will do well because the novel is great. Anyway, are you available tonight for dinner?”

— Yes, I did say that I could meet up with you today. Where shall we meet? Is Guro fine? Editor-in-Chief Kwon Tae-Won will be coming as well, right? I haven’t seen him around much lately. I’m actually starting to forget what he looks like, haha.

Ha Jae-Gun’s pleasant chuckle tickled her ears. However, Jung So-Mi could not bring herself to smile because she didn’t know why Kwon Tae-Won had yet to share his resignation with Ha Jae-Gun.

Jung So-Mi couldn’t avoid the situation forever, she had to let him know before it was too late.

When Ha Jae-Gun’s chuckle died down, Jung So-Mi muttered, “Writer Ha, I have something to say.”

— Please speak.

“Editor-in-Chief Kwon Tae-Won—he has resigned from the company.”


Hahaha, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m Park Kyung-Wook.”

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you as well.”

They were in a private room in a Japanese restaurant, and the luxurious room’s four walls were decorated with beautiful flower embroidery. The new editor-in-chief Park Kyung-Wook and Deputy Go sat on one side whilst Ha Jae-Gun and Jung So-Mi sat next to each other from across them.

“The sashimi here is great. You won’t forget the taste of the special sashimi platter here. It’s an expensive dish, too.”

Today’s menu was a course meal that cost 150,000 won per head.

Park Kyung-Wook put a lot of thought into choosing the location as an act of courtesy toward the best-selling writer of Star Books. If it were any other writer, he wouldn’t have gone to such lengths—no, he wouldn’t even meet them.

“Excuse me.” Two female servers in kimonos entered the room with the food that they had ordered: abalone porridge, sea cucumber viscera, and a few other simple dishes were soon laid out on the table.

Deputy Ko, who had been reading the room, quietly picked up a bottle of alcohol. Park Kyung-Wook signaled to him with a look and took over the bottle from Deputy Ko.

“Would you accept a drink from me?” Park Kyung-Wook offered.

Ha Jae-Gun picked up his glass with both hands and accepted the drink. This wasn’t a meeting where he could drink comfortably, but he thought that he should still take a glass out of courtesy.

“I’m still lacking in a lot of areas as an editor-in-chief, so I had Deputy Ko and Ms. So-Mi join us here tonight. I would appreciate your understanding if it’s slightly uncomfortable.” Park Kyung-Wook’s words rendered Ha Jae-Gun speechless.

It was a harsh remark that proved that he didn’t really care about Deputy Ko and Jung So-Mi’s feelings. He was speaking his mind without thinking it through, and it became clear to Ha Jae-Gun that the man lacked practical experience.

“I’ve read your latest novel, Writer Ha. As always, it was a great read. We at Star Books are extremely fortunate to be affiliated with you, Writer Ha.”

“Are you saying that all my other novels are good as well?”

Hahaha, of course.”

“What did you like about them?”

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