Big Life

Chapter 59: Not Alone (4)

Chapter 59: Not Alone (4)

Her actions are so cute, like a puppy, definitely my cup of tea. Her skin also looks soft and supple because she’s young.

Park Kyung-Wook stood up from his desk, full of regrets, but thought that he would have more chances in the future since they worked in the same office.

In an attempt to comfort himself, Park Kyung-Wook called his friend.

“Hello, Jung-Taek. This is Park Kyung-Wook, do you want to have a drink today? I’ll treat us to a nice place. Huh? That same place again? I’ve already memorized all their faces and names, man. Let’s go somewhere else. Yeah, okay. I’m leaving the office now, so let’s meet at Yeoksam in thirty.” Park Kyung-Wook hung up the phone and started whistling as he left the office.

He walked to the elevator to find a few people standing waiting for the elevator as well, but he couldn’t spot Jung So-Mi among them.

Did she leave already? That was fast.

Park Kyung-Wook joined the crowd entering the elevator. As the elevator doors closed, Jung So-Mi sneaked out of the washroom.

It’s not good for them to run into each other.

Jung So-Mi knew where Park Kyung-Wook usually parked his car, so she intentionally guided Ha Jae-Gun to the parking lot opposite the office. It was all because she thought that it would be bad if they met. Jung So-Mi took a detour and used another elevator, heading to the basement.

Ha Jae-Gun was enjoying some music while waiting for Jung So-Mi.

"I'm sorry for making you wait."

"It has only been fifteen minutes. Anyway, are you done?"

"Yes, everything is settled." Jung So-Mi smiled and hopped into the passenger seat next to Ha Jae-Gun. It was toasty in the car as the heater hadn't been turned off at all.

"Now, what would you like to have for dinner?"

"Mm…" Jung So-Mi raised her index finger as a dish came to mind. "Since the weather is cold… what about seafood soup? I know a place that sells delicious seafood soup, and it's not very far. I can guide you there as well."

"Sounds good. Let's go, then," Ha Jae-Gun agreed coolly and stepped on the accelerator.

They arrived at the restaurant in five minutes and parked the car somewhere near the restaurant. It seemed like a popular location because the restaurant was packed with customers.

“Welcome. How many?”

“Just two…”

“Please come this way.”

Ha Jae-Gun and Jung So-Mi were led by the server to a table in a corner of the restaurant. Ha Jae-Gun took off his coat and flipped through the menu, and then he started ordering.

“Please give us a large seafood soup.”

“Writer Ha, we won’t be able to finish it,” Jung So-Mi dissuaded immediately, but Ha Jae-Gun didn’t listen to her.

“We will be able to finish it. We have to order a large one so that we’ll get more ingredients. Isn’t that right?” Ha Jae-Gun asked the server.

Hahaha, yes. I’ll make that happen,” the server said before leaving their table.

When the soup arrived, a mountain of seafood ingredients was in the pot. The server helped them cut the food into bite-sized pieces with a pair of tongs and scissors.

“Please give it a try first, Writer Ha.”

Oh, it’s really tasty and chewy, too.”

“Try this, too, I’ll cut more for you. Here,” Jung So-Mi served a wide variety of seafood onto Ha Jae-Gun’s serving plate, and Ha Jae-Gun kept on exclaiming for quite a while as he tasted the seafood.

Ha Jae-Gun finally returned the ladle to Jung So-Mi and said, “You should have some, too, Ms. So-Mi. I’m eating alone right now.”

“I’m going to eat as well. How do you find their food?”

“It’s delicious. I think I’ll come here more often. Are you a regular here?”

Jung So-Mi shook her head and said, “I’m the youngest editor in the company, so this place is too expensive for me to come here regularly. I came here once before with my colleagues. I found the soup well-seasoned, the seafood is fresh, and it reminds me of my hometown, too.”

“That’s right, it’s really delicious. Thank you for sharing this restaurant with me.”

“I should be thankful to you instead for letting me enjoy such an expensive meal again.”

“Do you want some soju? I can call a substitute driver later.”

“You don’t have to do that because of me. I’m fine without drinking.”

“Let’s have soda instead of alcohol tonight, then.”

Ha Jae-Gun and Jung So-Mi enjoyed their dinner over a pleasant conversation.

There was no awkwardness between them, even without alcohol.

The two had met in summer, and the New Year was now just around the corner. They had encountered lots of things together in the short few months since they met, and they grew closer to each other as they spoke without the help of any alcohol.

“Ms. So-Mi, can’t you show me more of your drawings?” Ha Jae-Gun asked. He was starting to feel full, so he was also starting to eat slowly.

Ha Jae-Gun had been holding back from asking more about Jung So-Mi’s drawings, but he finally couldn’t hold his curiosity back.

“My drawings?”

“You draw really well. I see illustrators often have their portfolios ready with them at all times. And I’m thinking that there’s more to that tablet you always carry around with you, you know?” Ha Jae-Gun smiled mischievously as he eyed Jung So-Mi’s bag. The tablet that he mentioned was peeking out of the bag.

Jung So-Mi’s instantly perplexed look confirmed Ha Jae-Gun’s guess. “Ah… I’m not really sure if I want to show them to you right now because I’m shy, and I only have a few completed illustrations as well.”

“I really want to see them. Just a peek, pretty please?”

Um, okay then. I’ll show you a couple.”

Jung So-Mi took out her tablet and turned it on. She tapped on the screen a few times before handing it over to Ha Jae-Gun. Jung So-Mi then buried her face in her hands in embarrassment.

“Wow!” Ha Jae-Gun exclaimed at the sight of the first illustration on the screen.

He thought her drawings were cute and feminine, but it was the total opposite. It was a historical drawing depicting a cavalry in armor, and the way the character was outlined made it seem as if it were alive.

“This is awesome! Are you always this good at drawing male characters? Wow, the female characters you have here look quite masculine as well. You have such a great variation, too!” Ha Jae-Gun continued gasping in shock as he swiped through the illustrations.

The female characters weren’t those from the typical storyboards seen in romance comic books. Her drawings would definitely be well-received by males because they looked extremely captivating.

“They’re really great. How could you say that you’re not talented enough? Isn’t that being too harsh on yourself, Ms. So-Mi?”

“Please don’t compliment me so much. I’m too embarrassed to even look up now.”

All of a sudden, a young woman cautiously walked up to Ha Jae-Gun’s side, and her shadow cast a shade over his shoulder.

Um, excuse me,” asked the young woman.

Um… Yes?”

Ha Jae-Gun and Jung So-Mi both looked up at the same time.

The young woman was a customer seated a few tables away. Her group of three to four friends was whispering among themselves at the table.

“What is the matter?”

Um, are you possibly Writer Ha Jae-Gun?”

Ah, yes. That’s right,” Ha Jae-Gun coolly replied.

This wasn’t the first time that Ha Jae-Gun was recognized in public, so he wasn’t flustered at all.

The woman covered her mouth in shock and gestured to her group of friends. “Hey, come over. It’s really him!”

Her friends rushed over to Ha Jae-Gun and Jung So-Mi’s table in a heartbeat. The group of ladies seemed like they were in their thirties. They sat around Ha Jae-Gun and started chattering.

Oh, my, it’s really Writer Ha Ha Jae-Gun!”

“I enjoyed Foolish Woman a lot, Writer Ha. I’m part of a reading group with office workers, and we were all touched by the story. I think each of us here has read it at least three times.”

“You’re much more handsome in real life than in the photo in Navin’s interview article.”

“What novel are you working on right now? Is it another drama genre like Foolish Woman? I like that kind of novel more.”

A rain of questions descended on Ha Jae-Gun, and they kept on asking him questions that he couldn’t even answer them. However, Ha Jae-Gun remained calm, and he still replied to them.

“Why did they gather over there? Is that man some celebrity?”

“I’m not so sure. I watch most TV shows, but I haven’t seen him before.”

Customers from the surrounding tables started murmuring while looking strangely in the group’s direction.

If the other customers could hear their conversation, they would find out that Ha Jae-Gun was actually a writer, but the restaurant was way too noisy for that.

He has really gotten a lot more popular.

Jung So-Mi was smiling and was quietly taking in the dazzling sight of Ha Jae-Gun breaking into a cold sweat while getting surrounded by his fans. Ha Jae-Gun looked dazzling not because of fluorescent lights but from a halo that appeared behind him, who had grown tremendously over the past six months.

“Writer Ha, can we please take a group photo?” asked one of the ladies with her phone in hand.

Ha Jae-Gun glanced at Jung So-Mi and nodded. “Yes, it’s fine. Let’s do it.”

“I’ll take the photo for you,” Jung So-Mi asked for the lady’s phone.

The group of ladies gathered around Ha Jae-Gun. They each took their own spots and hurriedly fixed their hair and clothes.

“Here we go. One, two, three…” The flash went off, and a photo was taken.

Jung So-Mi handed the phone back to the lady.

The lady turned to Ha Jae-Gun and asked casually, “I-is she your girlfriend?”

Jung So-Mi almost spat out the water that she was drinking. She hadn’t drunk any alcohol tonight, but her face turned beet red as she hurriedly waved her hands. “No, no. I’m just an editor from a publishing company.”

Ah, I see. You’re really pretty.”

“Yeah, your skin looks so good, and that bunned-up hair suits you a lot.”

“How did the both of you know each other?”

“She said she’s an editor, didn’t she? Did you already forget? Let’s give them their space back. They’re still having their meal.”

Thankfully, a more sober lady in the group regained their composure and cut her friend off. The group of friends kept bowing at Ha Jae-Gun as they returned to their seats, and Ha Jae-Gun had to return their bows in his seat.

Hoo, I’m sorry, Ms. Jung So-Mi.”

“No, it’s fine. It’s my honor to be sitting at the same table with a popular writer.”

“Don’t tease me. Ah, I should continue looking at your drawings.” Ha Jae-Gun picked up Jung So-Mi’s tablet again, and he continued gasping in shock as well.

Jung So-Mi silently enjoyed his reactions, but she was feeling anxious inside.

Once this dinner ends…

When would she be able to see Ha Jae-Gun again after tonight?

Jung So-Mi couldn’t think of any other work reasons for her to meet Ha Jae-Gun again in the future.

It’s going to get harder for a mere editor like me to meet him, right?

Ha Jae-Gun would constantly produce great works, and he would definitely rise to higher heights—Jung So-Mi greatly believed that it would happen—no, it would definitely happen.

“I love your drawings, Ms. So-Mi.”

Jung So-Mi was lost in her thoughts, so she didn’t hear Ha Jae-Gun. It was only when Ha Jae-Gun waved his hands in front of her that Jung So-Mi came back to Earth.

“Yes, Writer Ha. Please speak.”

“I said, I love your drawings. They’re really great,” Ha Jae-Gun said as he returned the tablet to Jung So-Mi. “I think you could even accept commissions at this rate.”

Ah, well, I just…”

“Well, there’s no hard rule saying that you can’t do side gigs, right? If you’re cautious of your colleagues, just use a pseudonym.”

“I don’t really have the confidence.”


All of a sudden, Ha Jae-Gun’s phone vibrated.

It was a message from Kang Min-Ho.

Ha Jae-Gun chuckled as he read the message. Once he was done reading it, he shared the message with Jung So-Mi.

“This guy is a writer as well, and he just asked me if I could introduce him to a good and affordable illustrator. He’s actually preparing to publish a paid serialization novel right now.”

Ah… I see.”

“The management could probably assign an illustrator to him, but there’s a chance that he wouldn’t like the illustrator’s style. It seems that he wants to hire someone out of pocket. What do you think? Do you want to send your portfolio over to him?”

“...!” Jung So-Mi gulped, and her eyes widened at his question.

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