Black Iron's Glory

Chapter 550 - Return of General Birkin

Chapter 550 Return of General Birkin

On the morning of the 27th of the 11th month, Birkin returned to force headquarters. Claude gave him a warm hug to welcome him back. The two later went to Claude’s office for a private conversation.

Birkin had departed on his trip back during the 9th month, whereas Monolith 1st and 2nd Folks would take one more month before they reached the region. The reason Birkin came back earlier was to take over management of force headquarters from Claude, who would in turn go to the mainland. There were many things that he, the commander-in-chief, would have to discuss with the bigwigs in the royal capital.

Claude opened a bottle of fruit wine and sipped it with Birkin as they talked. Birkin gave him a briefing on the mainland’s situation, the Nasrian region, the Great Plains of Canas, the development of the region’s fiefs as well as the Askilinian and Rimodran regions held by the region’s troops.

During the 8th month, the reorganised Reddragon took over Polyvisia int he Nasrian region while Griffon took over Audin Mountain Range and the Sidinsian region. Monolith 1st and 2nd Folks were transferred to the Rimodran region as they prepared to return to the autonomous region.

After Monolith’s return, there would still be four folks of Thundercrash and eight garrison lines, a total of 200 thousand troops, stationed at the mainland. They would be waiting for Claude to go there to reorganise them according to the new standards.

“There are three main objectives you have to pay attention to after taking over things here. The first is to restructure Monolith into four folks per the new standards. 3rd Folk has already been reorganised and is stationed in Cape Lodocus. Now that we’ve swallowed that territory, we’re never giving it back. As for how we’ll develop it, Lord Militant Bolonik already has a proposal. It isn’t the business of the military administration, so we’ll just do our best to cooperate.

“The second priority is to continue executing Operation Wildfire. Currently, the pamigar republic can be said to have stabilised. War is the most potent stimulant for a person and a nation’s potential. While the pamigar suffered more than 100 thousand casualties, their forces are now plenty experienced and well trained. Their three corps are counterattacking into Wasilisk’s colony and forcing the Wasiliskian settlers to request military aid from Opsaro.

“Initially, our first phase was to force the natives in Moloshik’s colony, Lesnia’s second colony, Wasilisk’s colony, Fochs’ third colony and Opsaro’s colony to found their own nations. After that, we would swallow Cape Loducus.

“Based on the current situation, we’ve overestimated our ability to carry out the first phase. The pamigar did liberate themselves and founded a nation, but the losman is really disappointing. Not only did they not cooperate with us in the initial stages, they even went on a killing spree to avenge their great chieftain’s death, killing nearly all the 300 thousand Lesnian settlers in the colonies. Only the young women were allowed to live.

“The two voluntary Shiksan folks we stationed there even stepped out to stop their massacre and rescued some of the women and elderly, only to be attacked by the losman who thought they were siding with the Lesnians. We had the violent aggressors killed, but that prompted the losman to unite and demand us to leave their land. They even cut off supply aid for the two folks.

“The biggest issue for the losman is the death of their great chieftain, Unamas. There is no longer a leader capable and charismatic enough to unite all of them. After Unamas’ death, his nephews began fighting for power amongst themselves. They formed their own forces and none of them are backing down. Conflicts break out between their own from time to time.

“So, while Lesnia’s second colony is entirely reclaimed, the losman are still a mess. If the three million losman are not able to found a nation, our plan will have no use for them. In fact, they might even become a burden for us. But if we interfere and force them to pick a leader as soon as possible, we’ll be regarded as enemies, so this has me really troubled.

“The department of strategy came up with many plans. Some even suggested for a total extermination of the losman so the region can take over Lesnia’s second colony. However, that isn’t of any benefit to us. We’ll have stepped out from behind the curtains, no longer being able to deny our involvement, and will have huge military spending to worry about.

“One look from the map and you’ll be able to tell that a fourth of the inland colonies are nothing but wastelands and deserts. One colony alone is easily three times the size of one of our region’s states. Conquering the colony will place a huge burden on us, not to mention the losman that live within it.

“In other words, the region will not even consider taking the losman’s land so long as there’s no tangible benefit. We already have enough territory and we shouldn’t sacrifice our soldiers’ lives for a barren piece of land. The losman is far more valuable to us than their land. These former nomads are a good source of soldiers and can be trained into good cavalrymen easily.

“We can only hope that a wise leader emerges among them soon to work with us. Naturally, they have no other choice but to work with us thanks to the blood feuds they’ve triggered with Lesnia. The massacre of 300 thousand settlers will not be forgiven by Lesnia.

“Word from Southern Freia is that Moloshik, Lesnia and Wasilisk are fully preparing for war. They’re recruiting and forming new corps for an expedition during the latter half of next year to attack the independent pamigar and the savage losman. If the losman don’t understand the severity of the situation, they’ll have nothing to look forward to but cruel vengeance and bloody massacres.

“Additionally, the founding of an independent pamigar republic and the losman’s cruel revolt has put the other western colonies on guard. They have strengthened their hold over the natives and are going to transfer more troops from Southern Freia to increase their local defences.”

He felt rather parched after all that talking and took a few swigs of wine. Birkin listened silently, turning to the map on the wall from time to time, and mulled over what he just heard. Claude opened another bottle and poured himself half a glass before coming to the map.

He pointed at the pamigar republic. “Based on the current situation, I predict two wars will be started next year to exterminate nations. The western colonies will definitely not permit an independent nation run by natives. It would have a huge impact on their colonial rule that stretches back three centuries. They wouldn’t let the pamigar to be an example to the other natives here.

“I believe Moloshik, Lesnia and Wasilisk would start attacking the pamigar republic first before going for the losman. According to news from Southern Freia, Moloshik and Lesnia are forming three corps respectively, whereas Wasilisk will be forming two. There will be around eight corps of around 500 thousand troops.

“Bick, let’s be frank. This burden will be a heavy one. You’ll have to be hold off against the 500-thousand-strong army at least for eight months. That’s to say, if war breaks out during the 8th month next year, you’ll only have nine months left to prepare. Your third mission is to eliminate the enemies and protect the pamigar republic. Make sure it continues to exist.”

Birkin nodded. “How many forces do I have at my disposal?”

Claude made a pained smile. “To be honest, I don’t even know. Currently, there are three pamigar corps fighting Wasilisk. We don’t know when and how it will end. In the original plan, the skro and jisdor in Wasilisk’s colony should be starting armed revolts with the pamigar and losman’s help to defeat the colonial forces of Wasilisk, reclaim their land, and found their own nation and united government.

“Currently, the losman are suffering from internal strife, so the planned 100 thousand soldiers are gone. The skro’s armed conflicts so far are all bark but no bite, making more noise than actually accomplishing anything significant. They’re easily put down by the local garrisons.

“While the three pamigar corps are rather capable, they’re help back by one Wasiliskian corps and another Opsaroan corps. They do have the advantage, but they can’t breach the enemy’s defence line and are still in a standoff.

“If things had gone as planned and the jisdor and skro managed to form their own nations in Wasilisk’s colony, the three pamigar corps would be able to rest and recover. The losman would also be able to provide two light-cavalry corps. Coupled with the one corps from the jisdor and another from the skro, there would be seven native corps in total. We only have to send another corps to help them to have a total of 500 thousand troops. That way, we wouldn’t have to worry about the troops from those nations.

“But now, the only ones we can count on are the three pamigar corps. The losman can’t be bothered to send help with all their infighting. As for the jisdor and skro, they’re even worse off. The only thing you can do is to convince the pamigar to form two more corps to prepare for battle. That way, you’ll at least have five corps to your disposal.

“Also, Bick, your first assignment is to reform Monolith. You may use the extra troops left over to form a voluntary corps to help with the pamigar’s fight. The other thing you can hope for is the selection of a new leader for the losman to work with us and provide two light-cavalry corps.”

“Why don’t you get the two voluntary Shiksan corps to fight Wasilisk?” Birkin asked, puzzled.

“We can’t!” Claude sighed. “There are two reasons. The first is Cape Loducus. Before we settle the matter of ownership with the Fochsian ambassador, the two folks will have to be stationed in the losman’s territory. In the show we put up with the pamigar to everyone else, the voluntary Shiksan corps have been hired by the losman. If they fight for the pamigar against Wasilisk before the losman situation settles down, our lie will be exposed.

“The other reason is Shiks has sent an ambassador to contact the voluntary Shiksan folks. Fortunately, the losman found out and caught them. That darned Majid III still hasn’t given up. His ambassador wanted to convince the officers of the two Shiksan folks to betray us so that Shiks can get another colony on Nubissia. The ambassador offered amnesty for the Shiksan troops’ crimes and would allow them to return to Shiks to return to their families and discharge after they manage to take over a colony.”

Shocked, Birkin said, “They actually sent an ambassador to them?!”

Claude nodded helplessly. He looked for a document on his desk and handed it to Birkin. “Shiks has informants in our region. As we are calling for the captives to join the voluntary folks, the informant reported this to their home nation. Majid III wants to turn them against us to get a colony for himself.

“Look at this document. The ambassador was clear in his testimony that Majid III personally gave the order. Fortunately, the folks are now stationed in the inner continent in the losman’s territory while the ambassador arrived here at a port. As he’s white, he got scrutinised by the losman. Having no choice, he revealed his identity as a Shiksan ambassador. The losman then sent him to the branch office we set up there. Being taken captive, the ambassador cooperated and confessed to everything.

“That’s why we can’t move these two folks. I worry that won’t be the last ambassador to come here. If they make contact without us knowing and are convinced, it’ll bring us huge trouble. It might even put Operation Wildfire to a complete halt.

“Currently, I’m using a few garrison lines to fill in for those Shiksan folks, having them pretend to be Shiksan mercenaries and stationing them in losman territory. The two actual Shiksan folks have been transferred to a secret camp in Robisto to be expanded. The news brought by the escapees from Shiks is spreading. Some of the captives are really enraged. I plan to lead them to attack Shiks next year.”

Things clicked into understanding in Birkin’s head. “You mean to say, we can’t count on the Shiksan folks in the coming year, right?”

“That’s right. After new year’s eve, I will be returning to the mainland to complete the kingdom’s order for an ironclad fleet and to reorganise Thundercrash, form a new corps, Typhoon and gather the Shiksan volunteers to make an advance on Shiks when the opportunity shows itself. We’ll crush this headache of a nation for good so that our kingdom and autonomous region won’t have to worry about them any longer.

“Additionally, I intend to get some war funds from Shiks. Operation Wildfire might take ten or more years to complete. We’ll still have to pour in much more funds into it before then. Our income in the region alone isn’t able to sustain such an expenditure, so I intend to source some of it from elsewhere. During the Second Great Eastern Freian War, our experience in Nasri shows us that nothing makes more money than robbing a nation. Not to mention, Shiks has always been itching on going to war with us.

“Lastly, I hope we can gain enough immigrants from Shiks to our region. The kingdom has sealed off most avenues of immigration to the region, but we still need more manpower to develop. Those 500 thousand Shiksan captives have lived here for many years and like it here. Most of them want to become permanent residents. However, their kingdom has declared them traitors and they can’t return home.

“I used the experience of the two thousand captives when they were sent back to Shiks to stoke their anger. So, now, most of them want to go back to fight Shiks. I decided to expand them to have eight folks and lead them to Eastern Freia. That way, we’ll have enough troops to attack Shiks. Once Shiks is defeated, those voluntary soldiers will bring their families to the region. Think about how many more citizens we can gain by doing this.”

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