Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Chapter 63 To Become A Saint

Chapter 63 To Become A Saint

The Vampire fell silent for a few seconds while he put his thoughts together and then recited,

Before I tell you who the Twelve Major Saints are, I think it's important to first explain what sets the different realms of Sorcerers apart and how the Saints differ from them. It's not just a matter of magical power.'

'I'm listening.' Ikaris nodded calmly.

They had put off this conversation for too long. Now that they were in the Warring Lands, knowing someone's Sorcerer rank was the most reliable method he had of gauging their power if he couldn't use Appraisal.

Since this skill often failed on living beings with some talent for magic, this knowledge was of paramount importance if he wanted to survive here without offending the wrong people.

With the boy's attention, Magnus pretended to clear his throat and began the crash course,

'The key factor in determining a Sorcerer's rank is the level of development of his Divine Spark. Since your System uses extremely precise numerical values, I'll start with a basic concept. The value of your Divine Spark determines your magical output. With a Divine Spark of 1, you theoretically have an equivalent stamina/magic exchange rate.

'To put it very crudely, this means that if you cast a spell to move 100 meters at a certain speed you won't spend more stamina than if you had actually run that distance at the same speed.

'Of course, in reality it doesn't work like that. What I just told you is only true if the wish, the intention behind the spell is clearly stated. That doesn't mean perfect or even correct visualization, but it must be clear. Basically, it works well for spontaneous spells like hitting harder, running faster, and so on, but the efficiency drops quickly if you try to cast more ambitious spells like manipulating hundreds of rocks at the same time or performing a spell you don't really understand, like creating a storm.

'On the other hand, if your Soul Spark is highly developed, the output can far exceed this theoretical value. A better understanding, a better intention, a better visualization, a conscious sacrifice, can increase the power of your magic tenfold, a hundredfold.'

Ikaris felt a sudden pressure on his shoulders. If he had a Divine Spark with a value of 1, based on his prior performance he would probably be unstoppable. Guessing the teen's thoughts, Magnus chuckled and explained,

'A Divine Spark of about 1 is the minimum threshold to qualify as a Sorcerer. Like your Secondary Sparks, your Divine, Soul and Life Sparks can also evolve. Secondary Sparks gain levels according to a rule of 10. For example, your Stealth Spell went to level 2 by reaching a value of 1 point. It will go to level 3 at 10 points.

'In the case of Primary Sparks, especially the Divine Spark, it follows a rule of 3. Your Divine Spark will rise to level 2 when it reaches a value of 1 point, and level 3 when it reaches 3 points and so on. Each of these levels will bring substantial upgrades that are game changing for Sorcerers.

'For example at level 2, most Divine Sparks unlock a second attribute called Magic Defense. Its value is equal to your Magic Power but it makes you immune to spells whose magic power is less than or equal to the value of your Divine Spark.'

At that moment, Ikaris' face was struck by a flash of realization.

'Shit! So this is how Malia resists my spells?' He mentally exclaimed in a frustrated tone. 'Does that mean she's already a full-fledged Sorceress?'

'Most likely.' Magnus confirmed with a sneer. 'Well, let's not waste any more time, here are the ranks.

'A Divine Spark of 0.1 qualifies you for the rank of Novice Sorcerer. A value of 0.3 qualifies you for the rank of Apprentice Sorcerer and as said before a value of 1 is the lowest threshold for a Sorcerer. Keep in mind that the first two ranks were decided arbitrarily by the Confederation since the Divine Spark does not receive any significant upgrade. However, these two ranks have not been decided randomly. They reflect a certain reality.

'A statistical reality. In the Forsaken Lands, about one in 100 people are born with a Divine Spark value ranging from 0.1 to 0.3. That makes them innate Novice Sorcerers. About 1 in 1000 people are born with a value between 0.3 and 0.9. These are innate Apprentice Sorcerers. As for the innate Sorcerers, they are the exception among millions but they do exist. You may already know this, but to reach the top, having too good a start is not necessarily an advantage...'

Ikaris nodded again. An overdeveloped Divine Spark would provide high magical power from the start, but it also meant that the Secondary Sparks would have a significant gap to bridge.

When the Divine Spark exceeds a value of 3 points, a Sorcerer becomes a Lord Sorcerer.' Magnus continued. 'His Divine Spark then gains a second passive or active ability that varies from individual to individual. The most common is Passive Amplification. For example his Magic Defense will be twice as high as his Magic Power. Another is Specialization. For example the magic power of all Destruction spells will be doubled.

'At approximately 10 points, a Lord Sorcerer is promoted to the rank of Master Sorcerer. At this level the individual variations between Divine Sparks start to branch out and many combinations and evolutions are possible.

'At 30 points, a Master Sorcerer can become a Grandmaster Sorcerer. This rank is a milestone in the growth of a Sorcerer. Remember the rule of 3? Every 3 realms there is a major change in the Divine Spark. The first was at the Sorcerer rank when Magic Power doubles as Magic Defense. At the Grandmaster Sorcerer rank, the Divine Spark unlocks a third attribute called Magic Aura. At this level, a Sorcerer becomes a formidable opponent without the need to use any spells.

'When you reach 100 points... you become a Magus. At this rank, one is already among the elite of the Forsaken Lands. There are only 16 million of them. It may seem like a lot, but that's because you don't yet realize how vast this continent is.'

Ikaris would be lying if he said he wasn't shocked, but as he put it into perspective he realized that it was only to be expected. After all, the Warring Lands alone were ten times larger than Earth. But, Magnus was not done surprising him.

'By exceeding 300 points, one reaches the coveted and venerable rank of Archmagus. By the way, that was my rank before I died. At last count we were only 106,389.'

Seeing the stunned look on the boy's face, the Vampire ghost cackled pretentiously. If he still had those two legs to strut about like a rooster with his chin up, he would have definitely done it.

'Bet you're impressed, eh?' Magnus boasted proudly. Do you respect your esteemed mentor a little more now?

The boy conveniently ignored him and yawned.

'Damn it, can't you cut me some slack for this little shining moment? Kids these days are so fucking ungrateful and uncivilized...' The Vampire ranted like a sulky child who didn't get his toy.'

Realizing that Ikaris wasn't playing along, he sighed and picked up where he left off.

'Above Archmagus, there are the Sacred Magi. They are rumored to be 1869 on the mainland, but this information should be taken with a grain of salt, as they are usually quite low key. The current Confederation leader is one of the most powerful Sacred Magus in their recorded history. If anyone can become a future Saint, it is him.'

Ikaris was speechless. And you want me to dethrone or kill this Sacred Magus?

Magnus turned a deaf ear and shrugged,

'Anyway! Now that you know the different realms of Sorcerers, I can finally broach the subject of the Saints. The Saints, when they were alive anyway, were just very powerful Sacred Magus who did great things that deeply affected the Forsaken Lands. But not everyone who did great things became a Saint.

'What I'm about to say to you would probably be considered blasphemy by many, but who cares! I'm already dead, hehe. So open your ears and listen to me...

'To become a Saint, you have to be a selfish bastard!'

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