Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1177 Meeting ’Friends’ From Another Dimension

Chapter 1177 Meeting ’Friends’ From Another Dimension

As Bai Zemin looked through the room of his this-dimensional self he realized that there were many factors that had resulted in the construction of a personality considerably different from his own.

"It seems that even family matters are different in this dimension, uh..." Bai Zemin looked at the picture framed in front of him and couldn't help but feel complicated inside.

In the picture, a younger version of his past self could be seen holding a certificate and a basketball under his arm.

Beside the smiling young man, versions not very different from Bai Delan and Ye Linger in the dimension from which Bai Zemin came from were smiling happily on either side of the young man; they looked like two proud parents.

"I wonder what's become of Meng Qi's life in this dimension..."

Although Bai Zemin knew that nothing in this place had anything to do with him, he still couldn't help but worry about those who had a deep relationship with him.

After several minutes, Bai Zemin finally sighed and walked over to the window of the room to look at the sunny but chaotic world outside.

Looking at the bee as big as a human face suddenly buzzing towards him, Bai Zemin couldn't help but remember the past.

"Although back then the sun was by no means around."

Quite the opposite, rain was falling like a downpour on that fateful day 1.


The giant bee's body exploded into bloody mist as it entered within 10 meters range of Bai Zemin, there was absolutely nothing left behind.

[Spirit Power: 20]

Bai Zemin indifferently watched the outside world, and after another two minutes finally realized that a different version of the Lilith from his dimension would not appear in this one.

"Lilith said that she was over 50 but less than 100 years old. In other words, it is unlikely that she would be a student at Beijing University at this age... Besides, I can't even be sure that Lilith is a human originally from Planet Earth to begin with. She could very well have been born in another world."

Bai Zemin knew little to nothing about Lilith's past. However, he actually had his own conclusions about it.

"This is also good... Now I'll be able to get some doubts out of my mind, perhaps. However, I should first do something about how I look to avoid drawing too much attention to myself."

Bai Zemin's body swayed and the next instant he appeared standing on the roof of a 3-story building, except that his clothing had been replaced from his combat equipment to casual clothes just like all the college juniors on the grounds.

His otherworldly face had also been adjusted to look more normal, though even with Blood Manipulation to adjust his face a bit was no simple task as he was still too handsome anyway as a result of the extreme purity of all the records he had absorbed to date.

"Although since my race evolved to High Human I have been able to slightly modify my appearance it seems I can't do much about my eyes and hair." He said as he looked at his reflection in a blood mirror, noting that there were still crimson highlights in his black hair.

'Whatever.' Bai Zemin gave one last glance at the hell that was breaking loose below him before turning and walking into the building with an indifferent expression on his face.

He was not surprised when he only encountered five or six zombies inside the building despite its size. At the end of the day, this building was meant for club rooms and the student council hall on the top floor so it was never particularly crowded except in the late evening hours.

Bai Zemin stopped in front of a door, and when he read the dark sign with gold lettering he entered without hesitation before closing the door behind him without bothering to lock it.

'Student Council.'

The room was empty, therefore, Bai Zemin immediately moved to the laptop and began typing with a serious expression on his face.

"Records of past students.... Student records... Records... I got it."

Amidst his mumbling and about 5 minutes later, he finally found the file he was looking for.

The file was huge and there were hundreds of folders per year with thousands of documents each. At the end of the day, Bejing University was an institution with over 150 years of history.

Not only that but there were also vague records of other students from other universities not only from China but also from all over the world. This was because it was the Student Council who was in charge of selecting the brightest to compete against other universities nationally and even internationally for prizes ranging from money to improve facilities to technological devices for laboratories and the like.

"Although it will take time, this is an opportunity I can't let go."

His eyes sparkled with resolution as he began typing.

Why would a level 100 soul evolver capable of fighting level 400 enemies be digging up information from normal humans?

Why in the world would the great Leader of the most powerful human faction on Earth after the fall of Israfel would show interest in a group of students?𝑓re𝘦𝔀𝗲𝘣n𝘰νℯ𝘭.c𝗼m

Bai Zemin was naturally not bored, but he had his reasons for doing what he was doing.

"All this information was lost in my dimension, but here everything will remain on the net for at least a month. Even with the possible differences between the two dimensions it's still better than nothing." Bai Zemin took a deep breath and with a trembling heart clicked on the first document in the oldest folder, "Let's see who you could be..."

He had to wait 1 whole month before he could return to Earth as the only viable way was to activate his Irregular title that would take him home.

"In other words, I have a month's time to slim down the possibilities and make my doubts smaller."

Right. Bai Zemin was seeking information about Lilith.

More precisely, what he was doing was looking for coincidences that would somehow help him confirm or reject his current theory a little more.

"Lilith's blood type is RH negative, the so-called golden blood due to its rarity runs through her veins. Less than 0.1% of the population has that particular blood." Bai Zemin's hands and eyes moved at inhuman speed, finishing one document in less than a second and starting another before the long hand of the clock moved twice.

"In other words, if I find a RH negative female blood carrier there is a high possibility that she is or may be related to Lilith."

No matter how much Lilith's appearance had changed with her constant evolution or racial change, Bai Zemin who was the user of Blood Manipulation knew better than anyone that blood running through veins could not be modified so easily.

This wasn't about him distrusting Lilith, but it was only natural to want to know more about the person he loved... Particularly considering that Bai Zemin had a bit of a crazy theory regarding the matter.

One... Two... Three... Four days passed one after another.

After closing the last file, Bai Zemin looked at the only matches in front of him with a surprised expression on his face.

"How can this be possible... Can there really be a coincidence this big to be called a coincidence...?"

What he had found might not be definitive regarding Lilith's identity, and maybe he was completely wrong about his theory, but...

Bai Zemin stood up and as the laptop screen illuminated his face he muttered to himself, "This is somehow getting a bit messy... But, if it's those girls then a lot of things would start to make sense."

"What are you doing here?"

A voice as cold as ice cut through Bai Zemin's thoughts, and it wasn't until now that he realized he had been so focused on his task that he didn't notice when someone opened the door and stopped at the entrance.

Even without looking up, it was absolutely impossible for Bai Zemin to mistake that person's voice.

'Although it's been a while since that cold tone of voice was directed on me from her.' Bai Zemin raised his head and his eyes immediately flashed with hundreds of extremely complicated emotions as he looked at the person no more than five meters in front of him.

White hair as pure as snow, blue eyes as cold as ice, a face so beautiful that it put to shame all the female students and teachers Bai Zemin had seen on campus since he arrived in this dimension...

Who else could she be besides 'Shangguan Bing Xue'?

She wasn't nearly as beautiful as the Shangguan Bing Xue from his dimension, but Bai Zemin couldn't help but feel a huge surge of nostalgia as he stared into those blue eyes that watched him with wariness and chilling coldness.

His memories went back to the beginning of his evolution, when he met most of the people who today held important places in his heart. Bai Zemin was so lost in his complicated thoughts and feelings that he didn't realize he had been silent for almost ten full seconds.

"We all know she's beautiful, could you at least say your name before you get stunned?"

"Oh..." Bai Zemin blinked, finally snapping out of his confused state as he heard the voice of another person he knew. He looked next to the version of Shangguan Bing Xue in this dimension, finally noticing that there were three other people next to her.

There was an immature version of Chen He who was gazing at him with wariness and slight jealousy, there was also Liang Peng who made Bai Zemin's killing intent heat up slightly before disappearing when he looked at the other person.

'Looks like my self from this dimension is still quite capable.' Bai Zemin smiled bitterly in his heart as he looked at the arrogant expression of his other self looking him up and down repeatedly; it was precisely him who called out to just now.

He felt grateful since except for eye color there was practically no resemblance between his current self and his self from this dimension. Literally, they were like two completely different people even though Bai Zemin felt that there was something else hidden.

Bai Zemin looked at 'Shangguan Bing Xue' this time calmly and said slowly, "Xun Tian, first year. My selected branch of study is biology."

'Shangguan Bing Xue' frowned slightly as she looked at the young man in front of her.

Just before, this person had been staring at her, which was nothing strange as far as she was concerned. However, to her surprise, the eyes of this person who called himself Xun Tian did not show appreciation for her beauty, let alone lust; it was something different, deeper and more sentimental... If she didn't know better she would even think that the two had been friends for a long time.

Maybe that was why she didn't expose something she noticed right away but nodded calmly and said in a cold voice, "You also awakened powers to fight the monsters didn't you?"

Bai Zemin almost laughed when he heard 'Shangguan Bing Xue's words.

Awakening powers to fight monsters? Now, that did sound more like a light novel.

"Isn't that evident from the fact that he is still quite energetic even though he probably hasn't eaten anything all this time." 'Bai Zemin' remarked as he looked at the surroundings with a faint smile, "There is no food waste at all here."

Bai Zemin simply shrugged and closed the laptop in front of him.

Ignoring everyone, 'Shangguan Bing Xue' silently stared at Bai Zemin for a long time before looking at the closed laptop. Her blue eyes flashed with a strange light before extending her invitation, "In that case, how about you join us? We are 76 students including us, we are temporarily taking refuge in..."

'Shangguan Bing Xue' continued speaking but Bai Zemin was no longer listening to her but began to draw his own outline.

'This is good as well... Maybe I can find one or two things before I go home, mainly after what I found on the computer. Besides...'

Bai Zemin looked at his self from this dimension with complicated eyes before nodding to 'Shangguan Bing Xue' who had just finished speaking, " Alright. I agree to join you for now."

Ironically, he felt like he was starting all over again... except this time he had enough power to destroy the entire world with a couple of attacks.

Where would all this take him? Bai Zemin did not know.

Was his conclusion regarding Lilith accurate after the information he found, or was he wrong? He didn't know either.

Where did the Spiritual Power of this world come from? Unknown.

The important thing was that if he wanted answers he had to follow these people... After all, his other self was there, and Bai Zemin would have to decide what to do about him sooner or later.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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