Blue Phoenix

Chapter 460: Longevity Blood

Chapter 460: Longevity Blood

"You need to understand this is not a simple decision. While the previous trials have been hard, not many of them have been life threatening. If you choose to continue any further it will, however, truly be dangerous. Of all the people who have decided to continue, most died during these three tests."

"You have already completed the Trial of Fire and you are entitled to go to the Formation of Life, should you wish to do so. If you wish to take on my extra trial, you can give up at any moment and you will be teleported to the formation instantly. Nevertheless, I will say again that even though you can give up at any moment, it is not easy to preserve your life in the coming challenges so continue with caution.”

"What I have told you, I also told every other person who has made it this far in the trial; the risks are as great as the rewards. To get my hands on some many supreme treasures was not easy, so I hope you will be able to be the one to inherit my legacy."

While the voice kept speaking Lan Feng had stopped crying within the dantian cave. He had instead sat down and started meditated. He was thinking about his life before his father entered eternal sleep.

After knowing that Lan Feng was fine, Hui Yue fully focused on the task in front of him. Suddenly, a new energy ball appeared, and this time it shone as bright as a small star. When it took shape, Hui Yue was instantly stunned.

In front of him stood a lamia. A woman who seemed very similar to Sha Yun, except this woman had golden eyes while her scales were as red as blood. Her face was not as gentle as Sha Yun's, but instead, she had a haughty air about her. Her hair was not a curling sea of golden waves, but instead, as red as her scales. Each of her curls swirled around like a small snake.

"Greetings." The woman said with a soft voice which reminded Hui Yue of the sound of water gently flowing down a stream. It was so soft and refreshing that it made him extremely comfortable.

"Junior greets senior." Hui Yue said as he cupped his hands and bowed to the snake-woman in front of him. His reactions causing the snake-woman to become slightly startled but a look of appreciation entered her haughty eyes.

"There is something familiar about you..." The snake-woman suddenly said. It was clear that she was in no hurry to start attacking him, and Hui Yue was the same. Although he wished to end this trial, he was in no rush to throw himself into battle instantly.

"I happen to have a beast core within my body." Hui Yue said honestly, and without waiting for the woman to say anything, his body started changing. His legs turned much thicker than before, his skin turned to red fur, the muscles on his arms expanded, and his entire body grew much larger. Soon he was in his wolf form.

The snake-woman and the wolf-man looked at one another, both having a great first-hand impression of the other which caused this battle to be different from the others.

"You do not need to kill me to win this trial. If I think that your abilities are stronger than mine, then I can let you win. This test is to gauge your talent. Although the Nirvana Phoenix Flame will resurrect me, the aftereffects of using the Nirvana Phoenix Flame is something I prefer not going through." The woman said offhandedly, but her words shocked Hui Yue. He had previously guessed that the Nirvana Phoenix Flame was not all powerful, but hearing that she was so against using this wonderful resurrection ability, he knew it could not be as wonderful as stated by the bull.

"I will let you start." The woman said, and Hui Yue nodded his head. From his lower dantian red mist energy started to enter through his body and he created wolves made from this red mist. All of them looked ferocious and their power was half of Hui Yue's. There were four of them and if they were to attack Hui Yue then even he would have a very hard time.

This was the mist wolves attack he had learned when he fused with the memories of the red wolf, but this was not the only attack that he was preparing. While the red energy rushed through his body, the blue cloud also started moving.

The blue cloud permeated throughout the room laying itself like a blanket across the entire chamber. While this made it harder for the snake-woman to attack, she had no problems protecting herself against the four red wolves.

Seeing this Hui Yue frowned. He had many attacks but if this one was so easily defended against, he would have to pull out his stronger attacks.

"Senior, please prepare. This junior is going to use an attack which even I cannot fully control." He called out before all the red energy within his body rushed through his meridians, as he summoned it all behind him. As the energy was forming, a large, domineering aura came from Hui Yue. An aura which shocked even the snake-woman, and she understood that she could not allow for him to finish this attack. She finally started moving, and her movements were very fast, but Hui Yue, who was in his beast form and using the Velocity Flow, managed to narrowly escape her attacks which rained down on him.

The attacks the snake-woman used were all Wu Wei attacks. All of her attacks used Wu Wei arts and were far more outstanding than what the Saints of the current world could use. Seeing this, Hui Yue was astonished. He had thought himself to be a peak Saint ranked expert, but next to this woman he was merely on the same level.

"So what?" He asked himself through gritted teeth. "I have so many advantages. Not only do I have Wu Wei, but I also have a beast core much like the divine beasts! Not to mention I also have my lifeforce and my blue cloud alongside my black energy. I have Ancestral Worldpower, I cannot give up just because I met a strong opponent. I can defeat her!"

Having regained his confidence, Hui Yue continued to summon all his red mist energy behind him and soon it took the shape of a massive wolf head.

This wolf head was exactly the one Hui Yue had used in the Siban War, but back then he had been much weaker than he was now. Back then, his body had not been able to handle the backlash. Due to the bad taste he had gotten from absorbing so many souls, he had never again used this attack, however, now the situation was different.

He was now a Saint and the attack he unleashed was also many times stronger than before. A whirlwind appeared behind him sucking in all the essence of the heavens and the earth alongside the Ancestral Worldpower that was in the chamber. Even the snake-woman could feel how this wolf head attack was trying to rip her soul from her body so that it could absorb her as well.

She had no doubt that if this attack were to land on her then she would needed to rely on the Nirvana Phoenix Flame, and since she was not willing to do so, she instantly nodded to the young man with her pale face. "I admit my loss." She said before she turned back into a large sun-like orb of energy and vanished from the room.

Hui Yue was already past the point of no return so even though the woman he was about to attack had vanished, he had no other choice than to go through with it. He attacked the empty chamber in front of him.

The attack was so powerful that if Hui Yue forcefully stopped it, then he would have suffered from internal injuries. Even though he felt that it was a waste to attack nothing, he really had no choice.

The attack launched, and a loud howl could be heard throughout the entire structure; the chamber trembled as the wolf head rushed forward from behind Hui Yue's body and engulfed the entire chamber in a red mist.

While the red mist was released a devouring power appeared within Hui Yue's body. This drew in every kind of energy present in the chamber towards Hui Yue who sucked it up like a dry sponge dumped in a bucket of water.

The essence of the heavens and the earth was refined into Wu Wei, but some of it stayed in his lower dantian to be refined into more red mist energy by the beast core that occupied a cave within his dantian.

Hui Yue was excited. Although he had used all the energy within his beast core, after just a few minutes a quarter of his energy had returned to him from all the energy he had just devoured.

"It seems that the wolf's core within me is the core of some devouring beast." Hui Yue mused to himself while feeling excited. He had not expected that the wolf energy did not only consume souls but also energy. This made it much more useful to the young man.

"Well done young hero." The Vermilion Bird spoke once more. "Your decision to use a strong attack at the start was the correct one. You managed to pass the first trial, and I will reward you with an immortal treasure."

"The immortal treasures that I possessed were once so many that it was hard to count, yet after having created this trial more and more of my treasures has left my hands."

"I will let you pick one item you like. Close your eyes and I will let you see which items you can choose." The voice continued, and Hui Yue quickly closed his eyes. Moments after a small stream of light entered his head, similar to when one would use a memory stone, and suddenly lists of items appeared in Hui Yue's mind alongside pictures of these items.

On the list was nothing more than the name of the item. There was nothing about the usage of said item. Looking at all of the fascinating names, Hui Yue truly did not know what to pick.

"The Screen of a Lunar Moon seems promising." He muttered to himself as he continued to look through the items. "Well, this Cauldron of Eternal Flames would be great for alchemy."

"Oh the Flood Dragon's War Horn sounds flashy, I guess it is an item used for attacking."

Hui Yue went through every single one of the items, but although they caused him to be curious, he could not seem to find an item he truly wanted.

On the last page was a lot of seemingly useless items, but amongst these Hui Yue's eyes were drawn to one in particular.

"Longevity blood of the Vermilion Bird." On the picture was a single drop of blood, and although it seemed incredibly normal, Hui Yue was stunned.

"Longevity blood of the Vermilion Bird. Why has no one picked this treasure yet?" He asked himself shocked, but he had already made his choice. The Vermilion Bird was a God of unknown strength, and its longevity blood was without a doubt incredibly powerful.

'It is very risky to try and merge with the blood of a divine beast.' Lan Feng commented. 'It will be easy for you because of our connection, but any normal human would have at most a ten percent chance of success. A magical beast would have at most thirty percent chance of success. A divine beast would never take the longevity blood of another divine beast because their own bloodlines would destroy each other, but you are lucky to have the soul of the Vermilion Bird’s descendant merged with you. I can easily merge with this blood because of our direct lineage. Let’s choose the longevity blood. It is the best and most suited treasure on the list!"

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