Blue Phoenix

Chapter 462: Second Generation

Chapter 462: Second Generation

Chapter 462 - Second Generation

The beast looked curiously at Hui Yue. "You seem to be excited to fight me." He said with a very low and husky voice while his eyes showed some surprise. Hui Yue could not help but grin as he looked at the rhinoceros in front of him. "To fight a beast of the second generation, how could I not be excited?" Hui Yue answered, and his words caused the big beast to look at him in shock.

"You know about our generations? A human like you, eons after the creation of the Divine Beast World, how could you know about us?" The rhinoceros was not only shocked, but he was also intrigued. At first, he had not put this arrogant human in his eyes, but now he understood that the human in front of him was not so simple.

"I was told by my teachers." Hui Yue said honestly, and when he said teacher, the phoenix within his dantian rustled his feathers in delight. To be acknowledged as a teacher was definitely not bad.

"Who is your teacher?" The big beast continued to ask. If there were a beast still alive after all those years, then he would be delighted.

"My teachers are Lan Feng and Wan Qiao." Hui Yue said honestly. Both of these two beasts were his teachers; they had both taught him about the world of cultivation, and although Lan Feng was his best friend, he was also his first teacher.

The face of the rhinoceros looked at Hui Yue with disbelief. "The young master is your teacher?" He asked stunned. "The young master whom the divine master adored more than others actually found a student? Not to mention that old hawk Wan Qiao. To think that she is still alive!"

Hui Yue's words had shocked the beast so much that he was at a loss, and after contemplating for some time, he still had no idea.

"I could forfeit this match out of respect for the young master, but I cannot do that. I promised the divine master to test anyone who enters this chamber, and I will do so."

"I would not want otherwise." Hui Yue said determinedly. He nodded his head in approval and the rhinoceros looked gratefully at him.

"In that case, let the fight commence!" He called out, and without waiting, the big beast rushed forward at Hui Yue. The speed with which he moved was shockingly fast considering his large body. Hui Yue had no other option than to activate Velocity Flow and dodge.

'Although he is huge, his speed is not bad, but his strength and defense are his pride. Do not take a hit head on!' Hui Yue heard Lan Feng's voice in his mind and was instantly slightly startled. His speed was already so outstanding, but it was not enough for him to be proud of it? Hui Yue felt a shiver run down his spine, but he did not withdraw from the battle.

Dodging left and right, the young man did everything in his power to avoid the attacks from the rhinoceros, and every single missed attack made the big beast even more frustrated. Although he had such amazing strength, he could not use it if he could not catch this youngster.

The big beast was also able to see that Hui Yue was using his Qi to move around, something which he could do for a very long time before he ran out of Qi. Although the rhinoceros was definitely stronger, his strength was of no use right now. The longer the battle went on, the more he became agitated but also astonished. Velocity Flow was an ability which he recognized. It was an ability which the Vermilion Bird had used and passed down to Lan Feng, who had now passed it down to this youngster. Even though he was agitated by the fact that a human was able to avoid him, he was also grateful to once more see the ability of his divine master displayed to perfection.

Hui Yue, unaware of what thoughts were going through the rhinoceros' head, was constantly thinking about which way he could defeat this mountain in front of him. The next trial was not even in his mind, all he could think about was the beast in front of him.

"Stop moving around you little sh*t!" The rhinoceros suddenly roared causing a shockwave of energy erupted from the body of the beast. This energy filled the entire room, making it feel as though gravity had increased significantly. This made it much more difficult for Hui Yue to keep moving about so swiftly.

"Let us see how you will avoid me now!" The beast called out, and suddenly his body started changing. His body which had previously been a full rhinoceros was now turning into a half human half beast. After changing, he stood up on his hind legs and moved around as though he was a mixed blood beast. His strength had decreased slightly, but his speed had increased; he was now much more dangerous.

His strength, although not as strong, was still more than enough to deal with Hui Yue. Now that the rhinoceros’ speed had increased and gravity was pushing down upon him more than normal, Hui Yue understood that it was not possible for him to keep avoiding as he had before. He needed to do something different.

"Your scales are made from iron?" Hui Yue suddenly thought as he looked at the rhinoceros in front of him, a smile appearing on his face.

Iron. This was simply too perfect. Smirking, Hui Yue spread out his arms and blue flames sprung to life on his body. The blue flames shocked the large beast in front of him, but even though he was shocked, he was not frightened.

"Let us see what your flames can do against me." He mumbled while Hui Yue kept using the Ancestral Worldpower within his body. Soon his entire body was lit with blue flames. Hui Yue soared into the sky as he felt his body melt together with the flames; his appearance became blurry, and his figure slowly vanished.

The bull was shocked as he stood still on the ground. It had not feared the small blue flames. Although he knew that they were scorching hot it wouldn’t have mattered, but now that he saw a blue Phoenix Descent, he was once again stunned speechless. In the few moments before Hui Yue's attack reached him, the rhinoceros turned back into its full beast form to keep his defenses as high as possible.

"This brat is too smart." He mumbled to himself. "Although my scales are made from iron, not many think about attacking me with fire attribute attacks, and this is the first time I've seen anyone other than the divine master use Phoenix Descent."

"Did he learn it in the previous trial…" The beast thought as he did nothing to avoid the attack. He knew he would not be able to, therefore, he could only stand still and wait for this youngster to arrive. While waiting, he was hit with a lot of emotions that fluttered through his mind.

"Although this attack is strong, and even fortified by the blue flames instead of the red ones, it should not be able to kill me." He mused. "But it will probably be enough to make me incapable of continuing to fight. Oh well, this is not too bad. The kid is young master's student, and he has understood the entire Phoenix Descent. Although I do not wish to be resurrected by the Nirvana Phoenix Flame, being resurrected once is not a bad thing. I just have to make sure it does not happen again."

Hui Yue could not hear anything that the rhinoceros was saying but he saw that he had stopped struggling so deep inside him joy began to spread. It was clear that this attack was the right choice. Still, he was not certain that his blue flamed Phoenix Descent was enough to defeat this strong beast, and thus he used all the Ancestral Worldpower he had absorbed during his stay within this broken world.

The flame were scorchingly hot, and Hui Yue felt his entire body vanishing. He became fire as he let go of a resounding phoenix cry and descended upon the rhinoceros.

During the impact the rhinoceros grit his teeth as the iron hide on his body turned red and cracks appeared all over. Blood started to seep out from the broken flesh within as the stone beneath his feet cracked spreading through the entire chamber. The heat and power of the attack was too extreme so it had destroyed the floor, yet the moment it had broken the floor repaired itself.

His body shuddered before he fell to his knees. His eyes were closed, and although he could fight against the urge to scream, he could do nothing about the blood which he kept vomiting. His internal organs had been severely injured, but at least he was still alive. Deep within a sigh of relief could be felt as he allowed for himself to succumb to the intense pain. Still, he was grateful that he did not need to use the Nirvana Phoenix Flame.

Hui Yue staggered a few steps forward after arriving on the ground. He too fell to his knees, but with a determination unlike any other, he managed to stay awake. He managed to look at the large rhinoceros which slowly vanished from the room.

"Congratulations, you have..." Hui Yue did not get to hear any more before a black curtain descended on him as he faded into a world of comfortable numbness.

Although both fights against the two guardians had been relatively short, both of them had required Hui Yue to use an outstanding amount of energy. The first person forced him to use the wolf head attack which was so powerful that it absorbed souls, while the other had made him use his strongest attack; an attack which caused him to faint afterwards. All his power had been drained, but when he finally woke, he was still excited that he had passed the trial. Looking around, he had no idea how much time had passed.

"Kid, you are truly reckless!" The Vermilion Bird's voice sounded in the room once more. "Although it was almost a tie, you did indeed succeed in defeating the second of my personal trials, only one remains. Be aware that this final trial is far different from the other two trials you have gone through. You already proved your strength, but strength is not all I seek. To have reached this far you have proven that you have a firm martial heart and outstanding determination but what I need is different. I am going to test your soul. So far no one has managed to pass this trial, but maybe you will be the one!"

"However, before we get too carried away with the final trial you need to get the rewards I have for you."

"This is two medicinal pills created by the Alchemist God. The Alchemist God is, as one would expect, the best alchemist in the entire universe. To have him concoct these pills for me was gained through luck and many years of hard work. To be honest, I have already given away the majority of these pills, and those I have left are all so outstanding that I cannot stand to part with them. Still, a promise is a promise, I owe you these two pills."

"The first pill is called the Eternal Flame pill. This is a medicinal pill which contains an eternal flame and it can refine the elemental flame of an expert which will increase one’s control over fire. Not only will your control over fire be far stronger but this will change your blue flame into an eternal flame! This is a flame so strong that it is even higher ranked than your blue flame!"

"Oh, how it pains me to let go of this pill. I only had two of them, and one was consumed by me eons ago. The other was for my son, but now I will leave it in your hands."

"The final pill is the pill of Samsara. As for what it does, I do not wish to tell you in detail, however, if one day you are in problems and are about to die then take this pill and it will save your life.”

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