Blue Phoenix

Chapter 475: Returning Home

Chapter 475 - Returning Home

Looking around the dark room, Hui Yue was at first disoriented, but after thinking for a moment, he understood what happened.

When they first entered this realm they had opened a door and stepped through it. It was obvious that this realm had been placed within a room in the Central Palace and now that they had moved it into the Universe Box, they were left in an empty room.

When Hui Yue entered the only ones who had been with him were his friends, but now that he was leaving, he had nine new friends by his side. The force behind Hui Yue was now so strong that no one in the entire world could challenge him.

Still, although Hui Yue knew the strength of his current party, he also understood that they were far from being able to compete with what he had seen in the memory that he experienced. Just one of the divine beasts, or those terrifyingly powerful human experts, could kill everyone present with just a thought.

Though this fact was not discouraging to Hui Yue, instead, it was quite motivating. He had to climb to the top; he had to become the strongest so that he could protect those he held dear.

Taking a few deep breaths, the Gods were all feeling emotional. A few of them even had tears in their eyes that they quickly wiped away. "We have not been home for so long." The bull explained. Even his face was slightly red from thinking about how long he had been gone.

"This is the Central Palace." Hui Yue introduced. "It has been left alone for a very long time. Currently, no one lives here, and I guess that the entire world is now very different from how it used to be."

"Sadly, in this present age, beasts and humans no longer mingle with one another. Humans hunt beasts and beasts hunt humans. There is a hatred between the two that has been engrained in both for centuries now. Because of this, I would suggest that everyone take on human form." Hui Yue started talking about how the world had changed and what they should expect now that they had finally come back to their old world.

"I am known as the Grand Marshall of the Shenyuan Beast Army because I tread the ground belonging to both humans and beasts; I support both humans and beasts."

"He was the Grand Marshall of the massive beast army in a war that happened some time back." Deng Wu cut in and explained, causing Hui Yue to shake his head. It sounded like Deng Wu was bragging which he did not wish to do, but he could not refute what Deng Wu had said.

"The reason I say this is because in your human forms none of you will look like the average brown eyed, black haired human. Every beast I have seen have, in their human shape, looked different from the ordinary humans."

"Your appearance is not a bad thing, but some people will treat you disrespectfully because of it. They will call you mixed-blood b*stards or other such names."

"It’s not okay for beasts to be treated as inferior beings like this, but it is something we will deal with slowly. Though If you feel like someone has gone too far, you can kill them." Hui Yue continued, and his last words shocked his friends greatly.

"We have to reshape the Divine Beast World." Hui Yue said seriously. "I will not tolerate such discrimination in my world; we need this world to become united once again. There is already one country where beasts and humans live side by side, and it is known as the Siban Empire. But the only reason that it is possible is because the beasts invaded and allowed humans to keep living there."

"While I say that I will allow you to kill those that cross you, you cannot massacre the humans as you please. I want everyone to live together, not start a war."

"Some beasts are meant to be hunted and eaten." The Jackal-like beast said. "But if we can make it possible for the high ranked and intelligent beasts to live with humans then that will be beneficial. We will make sure not to kill too many people." He assured, and the others nodded in agreement.

Hui Yue was grateful upon hearing this. He went to the door, opened it, and together with his friends left the room in which they had been standing.

"We need to find somewhere calm, somewhere close to nature, for you to merge with this world." The bull said as he looked around. Hui Yue nodded his head as a smile played on his lips. "I know the perfect place. I haven't been there for years. It is about time for me to return home and see how my family is doing. They live close to a forest which will be perfect, and also Sha Yun can visit her family too." Hui Yue said decisively, and no one went against his words.

"It was possible for us to sneak into the mansion, but I doubt it will be easy for this many people to sneak out." Hui Yue mused. "It seems like we will have to fight quite a bit! Although I can fly, and I know that you can fly too." He looked at the other Gods. "My friends are incapable of flying thus we will have to walk."

The Gods showed no displeasure with this, and all agreed readily. Walking and experiencing the Divine Beast World once more was not something they felt was discomforting.

"We will meet some humans on our way out of this mansion. More like a whole army probably." Hui Yue continued. "These humans belong to An He. Kill them all."

Hui Yue's eyes were emotionless as he made the decision. He knew that they followed An He's orders because they had harvested the Ancestral Worldpower that the Laws were made from and delivered it to An He. This was not acceptable, and Hui Yue was suddenly standing still, contemplating before he started moving once more.

"Before we go anywhere we are going to destroy the Dungeons of the Divine. We will make it possible for the inhabitants living underground to leave their prison-like cave system and also free all the Laws that might have been caught while we were away."

"The Laws are caught?" The bull asked surprised. "Why would anyone want them? They are harmless creatures created at the same time as the formation. They are the reason that this world keeps revolving." All the Gods were surprised hearing that the Laws had been caught, and Hui Yue gave a quick overview of what had happened before. The more he spoke, the more aggressive the beasts became.

"Let’s annihilate these stupid beast corps and ensure that they can never do this again!" The turtle said, and the others cheered in agreement. Thinking back to what Hui Yue had said, and their experiences, Hui Yue and his friends felt the same way. Even Lao and Jo who had not experienced this trip to the Dungeons of the Divine with them were disgusted by what they heard.

"Let’s free all the Laws and let them wander the world as they please!" Jo exclaimed excitedly, and their decision was set. Everyone wanted to finish what they had started back when they were very young, and although they had been very busy with other things, the memories and experiences they had from the dungeons were important for them even now.

Leaving the mansion, Hui Yue saw that outside a lot of humans were waiting for them. All of them looked nervous and were sweating, but they were standing in formation looking determined. They all gripped their weapons hard and were staring at Hui Yue and his friends.

"Fire!" Someone called out, and arrows were shot from the back. They whistled through the air and in seconds they were in front of Hui Yue and his friends.

Hui Yue moved quickly. He took a step forward and blocked everything for the friends of a lower rank than himself. The Gods followed suit and eventually ten experts were standing in a line, protecting the ones behind them.

A loud sound broke out the moment these arrows landed on their bodies before they fell to the ground powerlessly. There was not even a scratch to be seen. No blood was drawn, and no pain was felt by these Gods. From the expression on their face, one would think they were merely taking a stroll through the forest.

The faces of the army in front of the Central Palace paled, but they did not retreat; instead, another person called out. "Forward! They are few! Slay the traitors!"

Hearing these words, Hui Yue could not help but snort. "It is clear that there is someone in this world who works for An He, he has been watching me." Hui Yue said, but then a smile played on his lips. "Friends, these are the ones who hunted down and abused the Laws! Kill them! Kill them all, and let them be the first to experience our might!"

Everyone cheered, even the Saints and Emperor ranked friends behind him, and dense energy fluctuations appeared from the group of experts. The army in front of them was five thousand men strong, and the group of friends and Gods counted a measly fifteen people, but although this army would have been able to overwhelm them if they were all Saints, the situation was far different now. There were ten Gods amongst them, Gods who wielded astronomical powers!

"They severely underestimate us." Deng Wu mumbled as the battle begun. Although there were many enemies, they could easily dispose of them and hearing Deng Wu's words Hui Yue couldn’t help but laugh.

"It is simple because of these seniors, Wu." He explained. "The one who ordered these men to come here would never have guessed that so many Gods would appear at once. They would have expected that I had become a God, but most likely only me. Were it just me and the rest of you at Saint and Emperor level then facing so many people we would inevitably be pushed back. But now against our numbers now, they are as useless as the waves crashing against the cliffs. Although they are filled with power and countless energies, they can do nothing against these ten Gods. Look, they are not even using their internal energy, their weapons alone is enough to kill anyone around them!”

"Don't use your internal energy." The bull suggested to Hui Yue as he saw that the younger man was about to rotate some energy through his body. "Your body has an amazing foundation but it has still been reconstructed recently. You need time to familiarize yourself with this body." He continued to instruct while a massive wooden club appeared in his hand. "Us old men have been gone from this world for so long, and it’s about time we exercised a little. We will fight without our internal energy as well. Let's show these youngsters what we can do!"

"Who are you calling an old man?!" The snake-woman's voice boomed through the battleground. Although Hui Yue had asked her to take on a human form, she currently looked how she did when Hui Yue had fought against her. Her tail swept past one row of soldiers after another; her entire body had become a weapon, lethal down to the last scale.

"Uh... I’m sure you misheard me." He said sheepishly as he too started fighting against the many enemies present. Their conversation made everyone laugh, and although they were few against many, there was not even the slightest strain on their bodies. They felt not even the least bit of worry or danger. They were killing soldiers left and right as though they were swatting flies that kept rushing at them. These soldiers were all experts, but none of them were higher than the King rank, and even though some were King ranked, the majority were Dukes and below.

Hui Yue had fought many battles before, but he had never experienced such overwhelming power before. Even without using his inner energies he was unstoppable. He slew one person after another with nothing but his black sword from Cou Ling and his sword of the Icy Tempest. The two swords never paused, never stopped moving, as blood spilled everywhere. Soon the ground of the Central Palace was soaked in blood, and a river started to flow as the five thousand men lost their lives to the fifteen experts.

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