Blue Phoenix

Chapter 477: Secrets

Chapter 477: Secrets

'She most likely did not have the heart to tell you that she had to leave.' Hui Yue sighed. 'I cannot imagine how I would feel if I were asked to leave my loved ones behind.'

'I know.' Lan Feng sighed too and shook his head. 'I don't blame her, and now that I’ve seen her again, I am happy more than anything else. Happy to know that she is still alive, and happy to know that she has not been experiencing dangers after another.'

'If I had my own body, I would rush to her, but right now you and I are together. Thus there is nothing I can do.'

'Let us speak with her.' Hui Yue decided. 'They need to know about you anyways and deserve to know what happened with the other descendants of the Divine Beast Gods. We need to let them speak with Little Dragon too.'

Lan Feng panicked when he heard this. 'No! I dare not face her again!'

This was the first time that Hui Yue heard Lan Feng act so shocked and childish, but he had become stubborn now. 'These Gods are our comrades now. Leave this to me, and when it is time you will just have to accept your emotions. What she feels, we cannot know but only time will tell.'

Hui Yue would simply not accept a no for an answer and instead just made Lan Feng’s decision for him. Lan Feng knew Hui Yue well enough to know that there was no changing his decision, and therefore he did not try. Instead, he closed his eyes and tried to calm the surges of emotions that were crashing within him. He too knew that he had to make himself known to these second generation experts sooner or later.

"I need everyone to gather up before we start." Hui Yue called out, and everyone followed his orders, even the Gods did not question or tarry as they rushed towards him. Their faces showed excited expressions. Everything they experienced was far more entertaining than their last many thousands of years.

"I will need everyone to make a blood oath." He said seriously. "I will not require much, just that as long as I work to make the Divine Beast World into a peerless Heavenly World, you promise not to betray me. I have some secrets I cannot tell you unless you swear such an oath. This is also a secret which has something to do with this particular world in question." Hui Yue said, and his words caused the Gods to have different expressions on their faces.

Some were angry, others were hesitant, but the bull and the snake-woman were the first to nod their heads and step forward.

She was in her human form, but suddenly her fingernail grew long and sharp. She cut the palm of her right hand swiftly. Looking at the blood which flowed freely, she showed no signs of pain, but she still took a heavy breath before she looked into Hui Yue's eyes. "I have never been given a name, but all my friends used to call me Xiao She. I swear on my blood that as long as you do not force me to kill my brothers, my loved ones, or my family, I will follow you until the day the Divine Beast World becomes a peerless Heavenly World. Should I betray you, or try to harm you in any way, then let my blood corrode and kill me in moments!"

The oath was sworn and the blood slowly coagulated while the wound vanished without a trace. It might have seemed as though nothing had happened, but both the snake-woman and Hui Yue were aware of how big an oath she had just sworn.

After seeing Xiao She swear, the bull stepped forward. He also cut his palm and allowed for the blood to flow after which he repeated the words said by the snake-woman word for word.

Although many of the Gods were indignant and unhappy with the fact that they needed to swear a blood oath, the oath that Xiao She had sworn was not bad. It allowed them a way out, and they accepted this compromise.

After all of them had sworn an oath, Hui Yue stood in front of them. His face was serious, and his eyes no longer containing hints of laughter. Anyone who looked at him understood just how important what he was about to say was.

"I am Hui Yue. I control nine incarnations of my life, and they have all given me special energies." Hui Yue said as he lifted his hand and a blue cloud appeared above his palm. The energy within this blue cloud was so profound and different from anything these Gods had seen that they instantly understood that it came from another plane. A place which did not rely on the essence of the heavens and the earth.

After the blue cloud had vanished a green energy surged from his arm. Hui Yue threw a punch in the air causing cracks to appear in the fabric of reality. The strength he produced was far greater because of how he had used lifeforce to attack.

This was not all, after this, Hui Yue, who no longer had Wu Wei, used Ancestral Worldpower with the wings that resided in one of his caves and what he had named the Wu Wei Wings now turned into Ancestral Worldpower Wings. They formed on his back at an astonishing speed. Soon he flew into the sky with a pair of wings that were over five meters wide, before he landed on the ground once more.

Next, he took on his wolf form. His body transformed to that of half-man, half-beast, after which he transformed into a full seven meters long, four meters tall wolf. This utterly terrifying wolf had the most ferocious appearance of any wolf they had ever seen before

Returning to his own body, Hui Yue sighed deeply. "I still have another five caves, but I do not have the ability to open them just yet." He said while shaking his head in regret. "One of them looks like a red gem, but as for what it does, I have no idea. The other caves have yet to open and reveal what is hidden within."

Hearing Hui Yue give an explanation of all the various energies that were contained within his body, they were all shocked. For one person to house so many different types of energy, should be simply impossible, but Hui Yue had just shown that it was, in fact, possible.

"There is also something else we need to tell you." Hui Yue said with a sigh. "Four thousand years ago, before An He entered the realm to become a God and find the Formation of Life, he tricked the four descendants of the divine beasts. These four descendants had their souls ripped from their bodies, and their souls were trapped within small items which were spread amongst the many different worlds."

"I happened to come across one of these items and met Lan Feng." Hui Yue said seriously, and his words were like a bombshell that had been dropped. Everyone present was deeply shocked hearing his words. Xiao She was especially shocked and her eyes widened. Her breathing became ragged, and her chest rose and sank rapidly. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at Hui Yue, almost urging him to speak faster.

"I came across Lan Feng... And he became a part of me." Hui Yue said with a sigh. "Lan Feng and I now share this body, and thus it is my goal to help reform his body and return him to his rightful position as one of the four overlords of this world!"

Hui Yue actually had no interest in staying the Crowned Sovereign of the Divine Beast World. This world belonged to his best friend Lan Feng and his three martial brothers, therefore, Hui Yue was determined to look after it and ensure it stayed safe until the day Lan Feng returned to his body. He would protect this world until Lan Feng could become the Crowned Sovereign.

Hearing these words everyone was shocked. "You share a body with the young master?!" The bull exclaimed, unable to keep the disbelief from his voice, and Hui Yue just nodded his head.

"Prove it!" Xiao She suddenly said, with a mixture of hostility and hope within her voice. Her eyes were red from tears that were streaming down her cheeks, and her face was twisted with a strange mixture of hope, regret, and insanity. Hui Yue finally understood that the emotions that Lan Feng felt were not one-sided. It seemed that he was not the only one who had suffered.

Knowing this, he felt a lot better and sighed deeply. 'Are you going to come out?' He asked Lan Feng, but the phoenix was already a wreck and just shook his head repeatedly. He was in no state to show himself after seeing the expression on her face.

"Prove it?" Hui Yue mused for a moment. How could he prove something like this, but he quickly reached a conclusion.

'Since you don't want to show yourself, I’ll just borrow your strength. There is one thing they cannot ignore." Hui Yue said lightly, and Lan Feng, who was a complete mess, nodded his head. He allowed for Hui Yue to do whatever it was he had in mind. The trust between these two was as deep as the endless ocean.

What Hui Yue had in mind was something which he had never done, and only Lan Feng had done it twice before. But Hui Yue believed in the connection between the two of them, and with a deep sigh, he entered the deepest parts of Lan Feng's soul where he found his beast energy.

Lan Feng's beast core was within the body that An He had snatched away somewhere unknown, and it was impossible for him to fully use the beast energy within him. However, Hui Yue withdrew this blue energy and poured all of it through his own beast core before it spread out from his body.

This color was blue and compared to the red beast energy which Hui Yue had released before it was very different. A majestic aura filled the entire area, as all the Gods felt an imposing air coming from Hui Yue. A loud phoenix screech forced it’s way through Hui Yue’s throat.

Hui Yue's body underwent a transformation as the blue energy started erupting from his body. Feathers sprouted from his skin, his arms turned into large wings, and a tail appeared behind him. After what seemed like a very long time, Hui Yue was no longer Hui Yue but a massive blue phoenix which released a resounding cry at the heavens before he flew into the air. As it glided through the skies everyone down on the ground were awestruck, filled with veneration and the Gods all had the urge to prostrate themselves on the ground, kowtowing to this majestic sovereign of the skies. After circling for a short while, Hui Yue landed. His body emitted a powerful air that was so overwhelming that several Gods took a few steps backwards to breath easier. The mighty air of the blue phoenix was truly unparalleled.

As soon as he landed, he transformed back into his usual form, and looking at these may Gods, he now knew that they did not doubt him any longer. Tears slowly dripped from the snake-woman's eyes while everyone else was looking at him with tenderly. Although the second generation and Lan Feng did not have much to do with one another, Lan Feng was their young master, someone whom they valued immensely. To know that he was once again amongst them, they felt happy.

"I now understand why you needed us to make a blood oath." Jia Na, the sea creature, said with a heavy sigh. "This is not something you can tell just anyone, but since we are together, we would have to know. I do not regret accepting, and actually, I do not regret taking the blood oath either. In fact, I understand why you requested it, and I respect you for it. Even more so now that I know you and the young master are connected."

Hui Yue cupped his hands in gratitude and bowed slightly to the now green-haired and green-eyed sea creature in human form. When he straightened himself, a mischievous smile was on his lips.

"I am not done just yet." He said mysteriously, and his words caused these experts to all feel numb. So many secrets and so much power had already been displayed, just what else could this young man have up his sleeve?

"I am not the only one here who possesses the soul of one of the descendants of the Divine Beast Gods." Hui Yue said seriously. "Deng Wu, step forward."

As he called, Deng Wu stepped forward and scratched the back of his head in an awkward way. "Hello." He said as he stood in front of them. "Little Dragon and I happen to share my body as well." He said sheepishly.

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