Blue Phoenix

Chapter 482: Riluo City

Chapter 482: Riluo City

Hui Yue and the others followed behind the Law and entered into the small village. None of them spoke, and they were all respectful as they quietly followed behind. None of them lingered to look at the community the Laws had built.

The Law brought them to the largest house in the village. This was a big round building built from bamboo located in the middle of the village. This building was only one story high, much like all the other buildings, but the handiwork that had gone into it was quite something. Looking at the building, Hui Yue was surprised that this small group of Laws had managed to build something so amazing in the years they had been free.

"So tell me, why did you reenter the Dungeons of the Divine? Did you think I would thank you for releasing my brothers and sisters?"

The Law was still shocked and her words were harsh, but Hui Yue saw that the hostility within her eyes had diminished. Now her eyes were brimming with unshed tears.

"I am Hui Yue." Hui Yue said as he stepped forward. "I just returned from the Central Palace where I underwent a trial created by the four Divine Beast Gods." He explained, and the moment he mentioned the four divine beasts, he saw a tremor run through the Law in front of him. It was clear that she had not heard them mentioned for a very long time.

"I was also lucky and became the successor to the Vermilion Bird." He continued as he observed the Law watching her every movement. "I am now a Primordial God, but also a sovereign. I am the sovereign of a realm created by the four Divine Beast Gods. Amongst my brothers and sisters are some of the second generation beasts who roamed the world alongside the Divine Beast Gods." Hui Yue continued to speak as he saw a hazy glaze appear in front of the Law's eyes. She was clearly remembering days from long ago.

"I will become the Crowned Sovereign of this Divine Beast World until the four descendants of the divine beasts return to their rightful position. I will return this world to the world it once was. A place where any race and creature has equal rights to live. A place where we are all united against the world outside. Although I cannot force everyone to share my opinion, I will use all my power to see my goal achieved if that is what’s needed."

Hui Yue was straightforward, and the words he said were harsh but completely true to himself. He needed this world to be united. If he were to ever enter a fight where he needed to draw on the energy of this world, then it was important that it could heal in the least amount of time. To do so, the world had to be united. Internal struggle and battles would just worsen this situation.

Hearing the decisiveness in Hui Yue's voice, the Law was greatly shocked. He was nothing like what she had expected their savior to be like.

"Hui Yue!" Someone called out as Sun came rushing into the building. Hui Yue instantly remembered Sun, the woman whom he had saved in the tunnels, and the Law also recognized her. Unlike what Hui Yue had expected, she did not stop Sun but smiled gently and allowed for the older woman to enter the group.

"I once told you that I wished to see the world, and you made it possible." Sun said excitedly, "one day, we Laws want to see the rest of the world, is this possible too?"

When Hui Yue had met her in the tunnels, she had been dignified and aloof. She had been uncaring about the world around her as she had already given up seeing anything else, but now she was different. Now she had escaped her prison and was experiencing new worlds, and because of this, her personality was emerging once more.

"You can already visit any place in this world." Hui Yue said with a smile. "If you were to encounter danger then you have the power to protect yourself. With such strength, you could go and experience anything you wish within this world.” He said while smiling as he looked at the changed woman in front of him. He was happy that the woman had changed the way she did. He was happy to see that she was no longer apathetic to the world but filled with curiosity and happiness. This was how he felt everyone should be. Especially those who were forced to stay within a specific world forever.

"We wish we could protect ourselves." The stern Law said with a sigh. "We do want to protect ourselves and go visit the world, but you need to remember that we are a part of this world. Our power is held by the world, and the Crowned Sovereign can release this power and let us freely wield it if he wishes. Right now there is a Crowned Sovereign but he cannot control the lifeforce or Ancestral Worldpower of this world. Therefore, he cannot release the Ancestral Worldpower we need to fight back against our enemies, and we are forced to hide instead."

She paused slightly and looked at Hui Yue with a peculiar expression on her face. "If you truly plan on becoming the Crowned Sovereign there is only two ends for us. One is that you keep all the power for yourself and don't share it. The other is that you give us back our power and we can live as you dream about."

Hui Yue was surprised to hear that their powers were sealed within the world but it made sense. Otherwise, why would these Laws allow for the Dragon Corps to imprison them? It made no sense. Even if some of them were as uncaring as Sun had been before, others would not be as willing to be tortured over and over again.

Hui Yue nodded his head. "I will release your power as long as you make sure to not massacre humans as a way of getting revenge. As a matter of fact, we already killed everyone whom you would want to get revenge on anyways. Anyone who claims to be from the Dragon Corps, or any of the other beast corps have already perished. We announced that anyone associated with these corps will be killed, so I doubt that they will be able to survive. If they do survive, I will personally track down and kill all of them."

Hui Yue's eyes were ruthless as he spoke, but every word was a promise he intended to keep. If he were going to do something, he would ensure that everything was done properly and according to his wishes.

Standing up, he bowed to the Law that had led them into the house and turned to leave. "Take good care of all the Laws." He said as he left the house, his friends quickly following him. "No need to lead us out. We are in a hurry to go somewhere so that we can merge with this world." Hui Yue sighed. "We have some things to take care of for the divine beasts, so please take care of yourselves. I hope that in the future we will see you in the world!"

Without saying anything else, Hui Yue went through the door and the village. Looking around, he saw that the Laws who were awake all rushed to the place where the unconscious Laws had been laid on blankets in the streets. Some were being washed by a few females while others were being bandaged. Although no wounds would last forever, the more Ancestral Worldpower which had been drained from these Laws, the longer it would take for them to revive and restore their energy. Considering these Laws had been held captive for years, it was clear that they were on the verge of never fully healing.

Hui Yue shook his head and his hatred for An He grew even more. To steal strength from others like this was something he detested. Although he killed those in his way, he would never torment them for years for personal benefits such as this. Even those whose soul he had devoured were more fortunate.

Hui Yue and his group quickly left the village, and once they were a great distance away they once more took to the skies. They flew quickly towards the location within the Taiyang Kingdom that Hui Yue had spent most of his life at, Riluo City.

"We are going to Riluo City first to buy some materials and items before we go to the small village where my family lives." Hui Yue still remembered the worn down buildings, the few cattle and goats, and the ground which was hard to farm. He had not been home for a long time, so this time he wished to bring a lot of food and materials with him once more. He wanted to ensure that at least his family could live a painless life. He had a younger brother whom he had not seen in a very long time; he could not wait to see just how much his brother had grown.

Sensing that Hui Yue was filled with excitement, everyone was quite happy. The air between them was light, and the only one who did not speak was Xiao She. She spent most of her time looking at Hui Yue with a complicated expression on her face. Sometimes she would open her mouth as if to say something but then she would shake her head and change her opinion. She was at the very back of the group, and therefore no one noticed her odd behavior, not even Hui Yue or Lan Feng.

The flight was long, but Hui Yue and the Gods each took one of the lower ranked friends and wrapped them with Ancestral Worldpower. This made it easier to travel a greater distance without being exhausted.

"Descend." Hui Yue said as soon as he saw the outline of Riluo City in the distance. Although it took them an extra day to walk to the city, it was better than drawing attention to themselves.

Each of them adjusted their aura so they seemed like a group of King ranked experts. They appeared not too strong but nor were they too weak either. No one would cause this group trouble, but no one would think that they were hiding their strength either. It was the perfect balance.

Moving through one small village after another these places dared not do anything to them, and everywhere they went they were treated with respect.

After they reached Riluo City, Hui Yue walked through the streets for a long time looking at the familiar but now foreign streets. Many things were as they used to be, but a lot of things had changed as well. New shops had appeared everywhere. His mansion had been demolished and instead another school rested there.

What Hui Yue saw the most were small schools which taught the commoners how to cultivate, and also quite a few buildings which fed the homeless.

The city was bursting with life; it seemed as though no poor people lived here, but Hui Yue knew better. Although Lord Rong Liang did all in his power to strengthen the city, it was impossible to fully combat poverty.

Seeing that his mansion had been removed, Hui Yue sighed, but he did not feel mad. He had left the mansion for a very long time and had never returned; it was only natural that one would expect that he had died. It was natural to assume the city would reclaim the land and use it for other purposes.

"Let’s find an inn." Hui Yue said as he turned to leave yet just as he was moving away, he spotted a few black-cloaked men walking down the street. Everywhere they moved, everyone would get out of the way. Seeing this, Hui Yue frowned. He could recognize these men anywhere; they were clearly Crusaders!

"The hunt is on." He mumbled. With focused eyes, he kept staring at these black-cloaked men as they walked past them.

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