Blue Phoenix

Chapter 490: Refining Pills

Chapter 490: Refining Pills

Hui Yue spent the whole night thinking, but even so, he did not understand any more about the word devour and why he felt that it was so important to him. He did, however, know he was getting closer and closer to solving the mystery and he knew that he just needed to meditate on it for a little longer.

As the sun rose in the sky, Hui Yue sighed deeply. "Huli you have had your fun for long enough, move; I need to work." He said seriously, and although it seemed as though Huli had been sleeping the entire night, she suddenly moved a little. She turned into her fox form and no longer entangled Hui Yue; she no longer held him down with force.

Feeling the sudden freedom, Hui Yue instantly moved from the bed and down onto the floor. He did not leave the room, instead, he sat down in meditation and calmed himself. He completely emptied his mind before he found various materials and started concocting pills.

The materials he had picked were all those he had gained from the Grave of the Unknown. Although he had a limited supply of these medicinal herbs, he did not hesitate to use them. This was for the sake of his parents and his only younger brother. How could he not do everything in his power to assist them and let them live longer?

The pills were very hard to concoct, and they needed his utmost attention. He did not have enough materials to make more than one or two mistakes when creating all of them or he would run out of materials; therefore, his focus was at its peak as he looked at the many materials in front of him.

The flame within his body had changed to become an eternal flame, and consequently, he needed to be extra careful so as to not burn the materials while refining them. Even Huli, who wanted to be stuck to him all the time, slowly slipped out of the door. Without Hui Yue noticing, she placed herself in front of the door in her human shape guarding it. Anyone who came close to the door was glared at until they left.

A few maids who wanted to enter, upon seeing Huli were instantly scared witless and left promptly. By the time the sun was high in the sky, Huli could feel dense energy waves coming from inside the room. Although these were nothing for a God such as her, for normal mortals, they would be terrifyingly overwhelming. She knew that Hui Yue was fighting his very hardest.

Hui Yue had not only gotten a much more potent flame than his old elemental flame, but he had also managed to reach the God rank. His entire body had been reformed, and it required so much from him to control his power to make a pill such as this. Mortal pills were supposed to be made by mortals, and thus the difficulty was rather high.

"What are you doing here?" A cold voice suddenly boomed through the silent corridor, and Huli, who was vigilantly guarding Hui Yue's door, upon hearing the voice became agitated. It was clear she didn’t want anyone to make trouble near Hui Yue, yet this person was clearly not giving her any face.

"Quiet down, or you will disturb master!" Huli hissed with an aggressive voice which carried a slight bit of her aura with it.

Sha Yun who had just arrived and instantly attempted to start an argument with Huli turned quiet and looked at her with a complicated expression. She really did want to argue with Huli more than anything. She hated this fox because she was so close to Hui Yue, but on the other hand, she did not want to cause trouble for her love.

She had visited Wang Ju Long earlier to discuss the matter, but the woman just shrugged her shoulders saying, "I trust Yue. Whatever he decides, I’ll support. Whoever he chooses to love, I will accept. I know his love for me is unyielding; I know his care is fathomless. To share such great love is astonishing, and to be allowed to experience this makes me truly satisfied with my life. If he truly feels this way for more than one person, who am I to force him to do otherwise?"

The answer had been so calm, so tranquil, that it caused Sha Yun to feel panicked. Was she just acting petty and feeling threatened by Huli? She did not feel the same way about Wang Ju Long, nor did she think she would have been jealous but there was something threatening about this fox woman, a feeling that she could not place.

Still, seeing that Hui Yue was doing something important, Sha Yun decided not to cause any trouble, so she quickly turned to leave. A quiet snort could be heard as she turned around, and although Huli was annoyed with her and wished to teach her a lesson, the fox-woman did not make a move. Instead, she stayed obediently in front of the door.

During the day a total of twenty-seven people came to visit Hui Yue, but everyone was shooed away by Huli, and they were not even allowed to state their purpose.

The few who were more insistent had been scared silly as Huli had let out some of her aura while for the rest just seeing her was enough to cause them to leave. The fox was truly doing everything in her power to protect her master's serene working atmosphere.

As the sun was setting in the sky the day’s quietness had been of great use, and a strong energy wave exploded outwards from within the chamber.

A heavy medicinal scent exploded from his room and wafted through the entire mansion before it entered the village and laid like a blanket over the surrounding valley. It was as if the density of the essence of the heavens and the earth within the village had multiplied many times over and every cultivator, child and old alike, sat down to meditate and absorb the energy.

Hui Yue finally left his room. Walking out, he looked at the fox-woman by his side. Seeing her, a smile appeared on his face, and he gently petted the woman's head. "Thank you." He said. Although he had been fully focused on the refinement of the pills, he was aware of how she had assisted him. Because of her, he had lost no medicinal herbs during the creation of these pills.

Hui Yue was excited. He had succeeded in making the medicinal pills, and all he needed now was to allow for his parents and little brother to take these pills and become Kings. As for how much it would affect their foundations, Hui Yue could not say.

What the Silvermoon's pill did was to solidify the foundations of the consumer. The more of the pill the consumer could withstand, the stronger their foundations would become. Similarly, if they could not consume enough of the medicinal pills properties, they would be incapable of even becoming Kings. They could possibly end up as Dukes, or even Master ranked experts.

They are my flesh and blood, Hui Yue thought to himself, even if their talent is not great, their tenacity is outstanding. I believe they can become Kings!

Contemplating for some time his train of thought continued; They have already experienced many things both fortunate and unfortunate encounters, and their lives have been shaped the way they are now. I have done what I can. It is time to refine my father and mother's bodies before they consume the pill, but my little brother is ready. Although the pain will be severe, he should be able to withstand it; he is a cultivator.

Hui Yue had great hopes for his younger brother, and he instantly went to find his parents and Hui Lei.

The moment he found his parents and his brother, he found that his younger brother was diligently cultivating. He had noticed the dense aura of the essence of the heavens and the earth which had appeared after Hui Yue finished his pills, and he was greedily absorbing it all. Seeing this, a gentle expression appeared on Hui Yue's face.

He did not interrupt his younger brother's cultivation. In fact, the stronger he was, the better it would be as it meant he would face less pressure from Silvermoon's pill. Even just one day’s worth of training was worth more than what one could expect when it came to absorbing the Silvermoon’s Pill.

"Mother, father." Hui Yue looked at them with a smile on his face. "I have succeeded in creating three Silvermoon's Pills. These pills are formidable, and if you can absorb the majority of their medicinal properties you will be able to become a King ranked expert."

"I have high hopes for little Lei." Hui Yue continued with a gentle smile on his face. "He has already trained to a rather high rank, and although he rushed his foundations, he knows his mistakes. I don’t believe he will do so again."

"While I have high hopes for Little Lei, I also expect a lot from the two of you. You are older than little Lei, and although your bodies are not as developed as Lei's, your minds are far stronger. I also believe that you too can become King ranked experts."

"Taking these Silvermoon's Pills will be incredibly painful." Hui Yue warned them. "Although it will be painful it won’t kill you, so you need to endure. Endure as much as you can! The more you endure, the stronger you will become and the longer you will be able to live!"

Hui Yue’s parents could clearly tell that their son desperately wanted them to live long lives and their hearts turned warm at their son’s kindness. "We have been through bandit attacks and beast hordes!" Hui Lifen said with a determined voice and a firm look in her eyes. "Knowing that these pills will merely hurt us, but not kill us, both of us will manage!"

Seeing this, Hui Yue nodded satisfied and summoned forth a single wisp of the Nirvana Phoenix Flame. He found that the more he used this flame, the smaller it became. But to Hui Yue, this little difference did not matter, his family and friends were much more important. The Nirvana Phoenix Flame was not like his own eternal flame. It did not replenish itself if he recuperated. Whenever some of it was used, it would never return. Hui Yue was not worried as there were at least tens of thousands of such wisps of flames he could branch off before the entire flame was used up. There was truly no reason for him to worry about using it for now.

"I am going to refine your bodies like I did with little Lei." Hui Yue said as he touched his mother's shoulder and willed the wisp to enter her body.

"Although I know you have not cultivated before, sit down and meditate. Reflect on life and the state of your body. Feel the energies around you and how they interact with your meridians and dantians. While meditating all the impurities you have accumulated throughout your life will be expelled and your body will be purified and refined. Meditating will make it will be easier for you to advance."

Looking at his father, Hui Yue smiled. "I will refine your body when I have restored my energy, for now, watch over mother." He said as he instantly sat down next to his younger brother, starting to restore the energy he had used.

The dense essence of the heavens and the earth in the surrounding area was finally fully absorbed as the night came to a close. It had been evening when it descended, and although all cultivators, old and young, had been absorbing it greedily, it had still taken so much time to turn their surroundings back to normal.

By the time Hui Lei opened his eyes, Hui Yue had already fully restored his energy. Opening his eyes as well, he waved his hand, and Silvermoon's Pill appeared in his hand. Looking at his younger brother, he handed over the pill.

"This is going to be painful, but it will not kill you. This is not an easy pill to take, but the longer you endure, the stronger you will become. If you absorb the majority of this pill, you will become a King ranked expert."

Hearing these words, Hui Lei was stunned and excited beyond belief. This was a realm that he thought he would not reach for quite a while, and the fact that a mere pill could advance his cultivation so much was shocking to the extreme, He instantly accepted the pill and sat down. He took in a deep breath as his eyes turned solemn. Since his brother had warned him beforehand, this was likely not going to be an easy feat!

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