Blue Phoenix

Chapter 492: Snow Dragon Mountains

Chapter 492: Snow Dragon Mountains

Although Sha Yun’s sisters were not present, she could not do too much about it so, instead, Hui Yue went to speak with Old Snake about what they needed. The snake was incredibly polite as he felt that the aura from Hui Yue was on a much higher level than his own. He felt like an ant standing on a mountain and wanting to overcome it in a single day.

During the conversation, Hui Yue stood in Old Snake’s room with Sha Yun on one arm and Huli on the other, feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. Old Snake was glaring at him the whole time while Sha Yun was glaring at Huli, and during all this, Huli completely ignored everything happening around her.

Sighing, Hui Yue felt a headache coming his way. He loved Sha Yun and felt bad for making her jealous, but he was uncertain what to do to make her feel better. It was not like he could just toss Huli away. Although she had turned into an attractive young woman, which he had not expected, this young woman was still Huli. She was still the fox which had saved his life before and the fox which he enjoyed cuddling with when he felt stressed. It was hard for Hui Yue to forget about all of this and therefore he accepted that she was attaching herself to him like this.

Sha Yun was not willing to give up, and for some reason, she had a strong reluctance to accept Huli. Thus she spent all her time by Hui Yue’s side as well, making it impossible for him to move without the two women right next to him.

While this was a source of a headache for Hui Yue, it was very entertaining for everyone else; even Wang Ju Long found it rather funny to watch Hui Yue in this kind of sticky situation.

"The most desolate area nearby would be the Desolate Valley in the Snow Dragon Mountain Range." Old Snake said with a glance at Sha Yun and a glare at Hui Yue. He had taken in Sha Yun when she was a small child and looked after her like a father. To see his adopted child acting so jealous caused him to be slightly startled, but even more so he was upset that Hui Yue would treat her like this.

"Do you have a map?" Hui Yue completely ignored the glare that was being shot his way and asked instead. He was not too familiar with the different mountain ranges in the area and would need some help getting there.

Seeing that Sha Yun was not mad at Hui Yue, but just glaring daggers at Huli, Old Snake decided to help out drawing a map on the ground.

The Snow Dragon Mountain Range was about three hundred thousand kilometers away from them, but with their speed, they could reach the mountain range within a day.

Nodding his thanks, Hui Yue did not wish to stay within the Magical Forest for much longer and seeing that her sisters were not present, Sha Yun was not too keen on staying either. So they instantly took to the skies.

The Snow Dragon Mountain Range was a mountain range filled with volcanoes. These volcanoes were very active which is what made this a desolate region.

The whole mountain range was filled with volcanoes and magma flowed freely. Seeing the volcanic lands come into view, Hui Yue could not help but think back to the red realm they had spent quite some time in..

The closer they got to the area, the more he noticed that this place was not actually devoid of life. Fire-type magical beasts were all around, but none of them had reached a very high rank. This was definitely a very suitable location to place the formation at. This place was quite similar to the world they had been before, and it was also filled with low ranked monsters. It was remote enough that no one would stumble past it. There was nobody here to kill monsters because they were simply not worth it.

Finding a specific mountaintop, Hui Yue sat down and looked at the surrounding area. Smoke filled the air, and a sulfur stench dominated the surroundings. The whole area seemed toxic which made it the perfect hiding place.

"I will need everyone’s help." Hui Yue said with a smile on his face, and together with everyone, the Ancestral Worldpower of the entire area started twisting and churning.

"Master, please allow me." Huli said, and with a smug look at Sha Yun, she stepped forward. The moment her foot touched the ground all the earth seemed to turn upside down. The active volcanos seemed to be emptied of lava, and with a step, Huli created a big round hole in the middle of the volcano ahead of them. "Follow me." She said as she lightly flew into the empty volcano where she quickly carved out a whole cave.

"You should make the preparations to set down the formation here." Huli said to Hui Yue as her hands kept moving back and forth. Her Ancestral Worldpower gushed from her body and created net after net of protective layers over the cave.

Seeing that Huli was busy forming protective barriers, Hui Yue decided to trust her and waved his hand. A small version of the Formation of Life appeared in his hands and started to grow rapidly. The density of the essence of the heavens and the earth around them also started to increase at a rapid pace. Wave after wave of energy entered the world, and Hui Yue could feel the surrounding area undergoing a heaven-defying change.

Embedding the Formation of Life into the ground was not difficult at all. It was as simple as when he had pulled it away from the small realm, and now he placed the Formation of Life within the cave that Huli was creating.

Huli was going all out, and the power she was using was so outstanding and unfathomable that Hui Yue was unable to comprehend just what level of power she had reached, but looking at the way she was able to weave her energy together, it was clear that she understood a great many mysteries of Ancestral Worldpower that he had yet to grasp.

Everyone could see that Cai Jie was still seated in the exact same position he had been when the formation had entered the Universe Box, and he had not made even the slightest movement. His body was greedily absorbing all the energy of the heavens and the earth, all the Ancestral Worldpower and becoming stronger and stronger.

"I expect that this Cai Jie will take even longer than you did master." Huli commented. "Although he has been a God before, the body he formed was an inferior one created from clay, and he needs for it to become a body fit for an Immortal of Creation. Just this task alone will take him some years to finish. Although master took quite some time within the formation, it will take Cai Jie as long time within the formation if not more."

Hearing Huli's words, Hui Yue nodded his head and looked at his friend who was seated within the formation. He thought back to the time when he himself had been within the formation, and he felt his body changing. Although he had been filled with excitement and power, he also understood that this friend of his was going to become many times stronger than Hui Yue when he finished his transformation. He was going to become an Immortal of Creation!

"I will take care of all the defensive formations." Huli said with a smile on her face. "One would have to be an Immortal of Creation and the Crowned Sovereign of a Heavenly world to break through my defenses. Only the top hundred experts will be able to sense this place and knowing you, you will be bringing this world around with you, so who could take it away from you? None of the experts within this world will be able to stumble across it."

Hui Yue felt excited as he heard Huli's words. She was correct. As soon as he had managed to merge with this world, he was going to train hard until he was strong enough to place this entire world within his Universe Box. Only then would he start his adventures through the many other worlds that were spread over the galaxy.

While he would be busy training to become strong enough to place the world within his Universe Box, his many friends would use the Formation of Life to become Gods. In this way, they would be able to join him in his adventures.

Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Hui Yue sat down so that one hand was within the Formation of Life and the other was touching the ground. Releasing the lifeforce he had gained from killing those in the Dungeons of the Divine, Hui Yue poured it all into the ground beneath him. This lifeforce gently entered the earth where it was accepted almost instantly.

A gentle feeling like a lifelong friend embracing you was felt by Hui Yue as he poured more and more lifeforce into the ground.

Quickly, Hui Yue's consciousness traveled through one layer of soil after another. It traveled through clay and lavastone. He kept going further and further into the ground until he finally reached the magnetic core of the world. Within the middle of this core was a small drop of golden liquid.

There was a calling from this small drop of liquid. A calling, a yearning, that Hui Yue felt in the very core of his soul and without thinking any further, he stretched out his mind and touched this small drop of golden liquid.

The moment he touched it, it felt as if the world exploded around him. Thousands of pictures appeared in his mind. Pictures of how the world was when it was still in its infancy, and there were pictures of how the world had evolved. He felt the evolution of the world and all the changes that had happened. He experienced the hardships that the world had gone through and the happy times when it had four Crowned Sovereigns.

He felt a longing from this world to return to those magnificent days, and he also felt the hope that was being placed upon him; the hope of one day becoming a heavenly world.

The world was living. It had memories and emotions. It had wishes and hopes for its future.

Hui Yue was stunned. Unlike the other world, this one was not young and needed to rely on others. The previous realm had needed to be nursed and gently taken care of while this world was more like a long lost brother. It was not in need of his protection, but it was able to have a mutually beneficial relationship with him.

Hui Yue felt comfortable and happy. He felt immense power surging into him as the golden drop of liquid solidified into a small globe in the cave within his chest next to the other strange phenomena and his elemental flames. He was excited as he opened his eyes and looked at his friends.

Another place far far away, the eyes of a very handsome young man opened. A cold and hateful flash appeared in his eyes.

"I allowed you to live, but you are like a dog that bites its owner's hand! I thought I would let you live for a bit longer to keep me entertained, but now it seems I need to kill you and regain what is mine."

"It is unfortunate that I will be busy the next eight years. I guess it is time to rely on my Generals to step in and crush this annoyance for me."

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