Blue Phoenix

Chapter 506: Pill of Clarity

Chapter 506: Pill of Clarity

The three together entered the room. Hui Yue saw that although it was small a lot of detail had gone into making it look welcoming, the walls were beautifully adorned with carvings and a desk with three chairs was placed in the middle. Two on one side and one on the other.

The woman gestured for the two to take a seat before she sat down herself, “It must be luck that we met outside. I am an appraiser here and will do my best to assist you.” Hearing her voice, Hui Yue felt slightly pressured and even Huli, who was the strongest being that Hui Yue knew seemed slightly nervous in this small room.

"Let’s see your items." The woman said and Hui Yue, looking around frowned. "I have too many for this room..." He said shyly startling the young-looking woman. This was because most Gods would not carry too many materials on them at one time. Although they were quite easy to get from other worlds, it was mainly merchants who visited these worlds to gather and trade such things. But in front of her was a person who was clearly not a merchant yet he had so many materials to sell. That was definitely something not ordinary.

"Follow me," the woman said curiously as she moved towards another room. She was rather apologetic this time for having made them enter one room first and then another afterwards, but the second room they entered was many times larger than the previous one. It was so large in fact that when Hui Yue waved his hand, and a whole mountain of materials appeared in front of her it didn’t even take up too much space in the room.

These were the materials from the Divine Beast World. Although they were not worth much, in such quantities, they were still able to get quite a profit, not to mention some of the things that Hui Yue had within his collection were really quite valuable.

The woman started going through his many materials, and although no words were said, her lips kept moving as she was calculating the prices of the items. She picked up a bottle which she opened with curiosity. As soon as she saw this item, her eyes shone with excitement. She picked up all the pill bottles that Hui Yue had summoned forth from his storage treasure.

"These pills are simply too rare nowadays!" She said excitedly as she looked at them. "You even have a pill of Samsara made by the Alchemist God himself. For this pill alone we will pay fifty thousand Worldpower Stones for."

“Sadly, that is a pill I won’t be selling.” Hui Yue sighed while saying. Although he was here to make money, he was not interested in selling something the Vermilion Bird had gifted him.

"What a shame.” The woman said, but her attention quickly shifted to the rest of the items. “The treasures are not bad, I can give a total of forty thousand Worldpower Stones for them, and for the materials, although simple, there are some we don't see often so we can offer you a total of one hundred and eighty thousand Worldpower Stones for them."

"The rest of the pills I will need to look into. They seem to have been concocted with the Alchemist God’s pill formulas, but it's obvious that he did not make them. You’re not by any chance an apprentice of the Alchemist God?" She asked full of curiosity towards Hui Yue who shook his head. He did not go into detail about where or how he gained these pills.

"Although they are not made by the Alchemist God, they are still made with his pill formulas. His creations are among the best in all of alchemy, and therefore his pills are very high quality. I can pay you a hundred thousand Worldpower Stones for all of your pills, excluding the pill of Samsara of course."

Contemplating for some time, Hui Yue came to the conclusion that what he needed now was not pills or materials but money. He still had the pill formulas so he just needed to gather the herbs once more and with enough money this would not be a problem.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, the woman stopped him as she looked at the materials. "I will pay you an additional twenty thousand Worldpower Stones if you tell me which world you got these materials from. You have some divine flowers which I very much want to know more about. They only grow on specific worlds, and they are quite hard to obtain. If you manage to get more of these flowers, then please sell them to us. They are in demand and needed for alchemy, but very hard to find."

The woman kept no secrets from Hui Yue. Although she wished to get the items for the best price, she was also aware that since he could produce so many materials, he would find more later on. If she were to cheat him on the price now, why would he ever come back to Treasure Mountain in the future? Even though this was not a massive transaction, it was one she was happy to make. There was always buyers for materials and to get more of them was their goal.

Just as Hui Yue was about to accept the offer, Huli waved her hand, and three pill bottles appeared. "I want to sell these three pills the Alchemist God concocted. They are a Deep Freeze Pill, a Truefire Flame Pill, and the last is a Pill of Clarity. Check them please."

Having said this, Huli placed the pill bottles on the table and allowed for the woman to appraise them. None of the pills had any medicinal scent, and they had various hues to them. Looking at them, the face of the woman changed.

"You’re sure you wish to sell the Pill of Clarity? The Deep Freeze pill and the Truefire Flame Pill are both great and not too rare, but the Pill of Clarity allows one to focus their mind on the Dao; it opens up the mind so one can more easily comprehend the universal laws."

Huli glared at the woman with a sour expression on her face. "I know what the pill does. Do you want it or not?" She asked sourly, and the woman quickly shut her mouth. She wanted to buy the pill; she really wanted to buy the pill.

"I can give you seven hundred thousand Worldpower Stones in total for these three pills." She sighed. This was her highest bid, and she was praying that the woman would accept it.

Thankfully Huli seemed satisfied with the price and nodded her head. "Give all the money to him." She said lazily, and the cat lady did not dare waste any time. She instantly bowed after which she left the room. She headed to pick up the Worldpower Stones for the two guests.

It took her no longer than five minutes before she returned to the room. In her hand was a small ring and a black card.

"This ring is a storage treasure we'll gift you. It contains all of your Worldpower Stones. This card is a VIP card, and every time you come to shop with us, you will get a ten percent discount."

"We will hold an auction in three days, and there might be things there that catch your eye." The woman hid nothing from them, and Hui Yue just nodded his head.

"I would like to buy some information." Huli said as she looked at the cat lady. "We already know that many people are currently coming to this world, but we are not sure why. We have been holed up in a smaller world for a couple thousand years, so we are not aware of what is going on in this galaxy."

The woman looked at Huli confused at first, but when she heard that they had been in a small world for thousands of years, she finally eased her expression. "It is simple. I can just let you know. However, I might sell you something afterward." She said with a big smile.

"Yanluo is in control of the Netherworld. Directly under his command are the ten Judges of Hell. These judges have been under his control for eons but three years ago one of the judges, the tenth judge, went out to explore the universe. While adventuring, he perished, but no one knows how or where."

"Now Yanluo is in search of a new expert to become the new judge of the tenth Court of Hell. Experts from all over the world have appeared in the hopes of gaining the position. To work under Yanluo, it is the dream of many." The cat lady said with a smile on her face. "I happen to have a file which explains the level of strength of all the esteemed guests who have arrived and the experts who are expected to arrive. If you are interested, you can buy this book at the low price of twenty thousand Worldpower Stones, and that is with the ten percent discount."

Hearing the price, Hui Yue's eyes widened, but he quickly agreed to buy the book. In his heart, a plan was forming. If he could become the tenth Judge of Hell, would that not mean that he would be able to meet up with Yanluo and get an answer about Wang Ju Long's condition? His expression was cold as he thought back to how she had sacrificed herself for him.

Looking at Hui Yue, Huli instantly guessed his thoughts and a gentle smile appeared on her lips. The cat lady left to get the book, but had she been in the room, the two contrasting expressions would have confused her.

"This is the book." She said as she placed a monstrous amount of papers on the table. Looking at this book, Hui Yue almost got a headache as it was simply far too massive.

"This is the briefest summary of each expert that is expected to participate in the trials, and only those of a certain strength have been included." She said while thinking about whether or not she should add this young man in front of her to the list.

It was weird. When she looked at Hui Yue, she saw an expert who had become a God recently, but the more she observed him, the more she was unable to see through his strength. It was as if he was intentionally showing a weak front but was, in fact, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The reason that it was so hard to see through Hui Yue's level of strength, alongside how hard it was to see if he was a human or a beast, was because his aura was constantly contradicting itself. In one way it said that he was human, but at the same time, it also said that he was a beast. He had the aura of a new God ranked cultivator but also the aura of a God which could fight with the strongest of the Gods in the book she had just sold him.

The reason for this was obviously Hui Yue's past lives. He shared his body with fragments of memories, and thus his aura was chaotic. He was neither fully human nor beast. Not a new God or an old one. He was an enigma, and this was what confused anyone who tried to find out his level of strength.

Huli by his side was just as mysterious. When looking at this beautiful woman no one would notice anything. She seemed as plain as any other God out there. At first glance, she seemed the most average amongst others, but her eyes were filled with a sharpness that the cat woman instantly recognized to come from the strongest of experts. Just who were these two who had appeared out of nowhere?

It seemed true that they had been on a small world for thousands of years, how else had they managed to get their hands on so many materials? Why had she never heard about these experts before? Could it be that they were even older than her? The cat woman was confused, but in the end, she decided not to ask anymore questions. She did not wish to insult these two individuals if anything she wanted to build a friendship with them. There was some feeling she kept getting that it would be beneficial for her to be their friend.

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