Blue Phoenix

Chapter 513: Start of the Auction

Chapter 513: Start of the Auction

A small tear fell from Huli's eye as she was thinking about her past, but with a firm shake of her head, she smiled at Hui Yue and continued her story. "After he died, I buried him in the cave where we spent all those years together, and afterwards I left the world to travel through the galaxy.”

"I was alone for a long time after that and experienced one dangerous situation after another before I was found by the Alchemist God. At that time I was severely wounded, and he gave me some medicine that let me quickly recover. As a result, I ended up following him. He never forced or even asked me to make a beast contract with him, but because of his kindness, something I had not felt for countless years, I decided to follow him.

"A while later when one of his beloved apprentices was going to go out experiencing the many worlds for himself, he asked me to follow and assist him. Alas, who would have thought that this idiot would get killed and his soul flee to the Divine Beast World?"

Huli sighed, "I had sworn to protect him, but in the end, I was even incapable of saving his unlucky life. Still, he placed his soul in the tomb he made in the hopes that one day he would be able to resurrect, and I promised to stay by his side, so I had no other option than to wait in the tomb.

"Who would have known that I ended up meeting you..." Huli smiled. "Life is strange, there are many things that we cannot control, and it all seems to happen for a greater purpose. One day I might even meet him again," Huli sighed happily before she looked at Hui Yue.

"But for now I am glad that I am with you. Life is always filled with something new, and it’s refreshing. Every moment with you is refreshing and new. I will not let anyone harm you, no one will even dare to try," Huli said with a tender voice, and Hui Yue could feel the love from her.

Deep within himself, he felt a trembling; a longing spread out from his soul, and he quickly closed his eyes to take a closer look.

Deep within were nine caves of previous lives that he had lived and one of these caves was shaking uncontrollably. It was still closed behind an energy wall. Hui Yue had never seen whatever it was that was within this cave.

Currently, Hui Yue had the red mist, the blue cloud, and the green mist completely merged with him. He had the cave of the red gem and wings opened, but he had yet to merge with these two yet. However, the intense pressure waves he felt was coming from neither of these two but the closed off cave that had not been opened. But now it seemed that the words spoken by Huli caused cracks to appear in the energy wall. As Hui Yue looked at the cave, he could see black energy surging out from within; this black energy had white specks of light shining within looking like stars in the night sky.

Soon the energy doorway crumbled into nothingness and from within he saw the silhouette of a person shrouded in black energy. This silhouette was so dark and the aura it released so heavy that Hui Yue had a difficult time just breathing; the pressure he felt from this silhouette was almost overpowering.

Hui Yue spent a lot of time observing this silhouette, but nothing else happened. It did not move, nor did it show any signs of using the energy revolving around it to do anything.

Perplexed Hui Yue opened his eyes again and noticed that Huli was attentively looking at him along with everyone else in the restaurant.

"Sorry, I had a lucky breakthrough," Hui Yue said with a sheepish smile on his face, and his words caused many of the observing experts to almost vomit blood. Cultivating was in no way easy, therefore to make a breakthrough while eating was simply unfathomable. It should be impossible unless someone were cultivating the dao of food and looking at Hui Yue, it was clear that he was no chef.

"Why are they all staring at me?" Hui Yue awkwardly whispered to Huli who just smiled. This genuine smile made her seem incredibly attractive. "Just before an overpowering aura which seemed impossible to resist erupted from your body. It only lasted for a brief moment, but it shocked everyone greatly."

Hui Yue nodded his head as it made sense. "It was just a minor breakthrough that caused such a commotion, sorry for interrupting everyone’s meal." Hui Yue said with a loud voice before he nodded at everyone to apologize for having interrupted their meal.

Huli was not stupid; she knew that this was not some minor breakthrough, but instead had something to do with his previous lives. But this was not the place to discuss such things, so instead, she clapped her hands excitedly. "Congratulations!" She said while her hands grabbed onto Hui Yue’s. Had they not been sitting on different sides of the table it was impossible to tell what she would have done to congratulate him. "To think you managed to breakthrough here of all places, how fortunate for us!"

'Why do you think my previous life exploded with such desperation now?' Hui Yue asked Lan Feng who was silent for a long time before he answered, 'I think it has to do with the story Huli told you. Her story about how she was left behind and lost someone she loved was similar to how you were left behind and lost Wang Ju Long. I assume it was your need to get stronger, your need to get Wang Ju Long back, which sparked this sudden outburst of energy. Your desire to resurrect Wang Ju Long could have forced it open is my theory.'

Hui Yue secretly approved of the explanation that Lan Feng gave him because he could not see any other reason for it. He smiled at Huli, "Yes, I was indeed fortunate. Let’s finish eating," he said with a smile as he dug into the meal on his plate.

Huli, who was seated in front of him had a small tear in her eye as she nodded her head, forcefully suppressing the longing and impatience which was burning inside of her.

While the two kept eating their meal many of the experts within the inn kept sneaking peeks at them. Some of these experts frowned as they thought back to the book they had bought which explained the strongest experts that had arrived at Skydragon Fortress, but no matter how much they looked into it, no one seemed to match this strange couple that was quietly eating their meal.

As they stood up and were about to leave the restaurant, many other experts followed suit as they walked into the street, these experts followed a short distance behind them. It was pretty obvious that they were not going to attack, but they seemed to want something. But no matter how Hui Yue thought about it, he had no idea what they could possibly want since none of them had any killing intent towards Hui Yue.

"Do you want to go to the auction today or should we return to the inn?" Huli asked curiously. Hui Yue had clearly experienced some connection with an old memory, and Huli wondered what happened. It was not something they could talk about outside the inn, especially not when a group of experts were watching their every move.

"No, it's fine," Hui Yue smiled to Huli. "I will need a long time to comprehend my new breakthrough so going back now or later will not matter much."

Huli nodded her head and went closer to Hui Yue. She snuggled up against his arm before she squeezed his hand. The two of them moved closer and closer to Treasure Mountain where they had been before.

"They must be going to the auction," many of the followers guessed, and at this thought, they could not help but be excited. When they entered the auction house, they could request the servants at Treasure Mountain to get them all the information available on this couple.

The reason why so many experts had followed behind Hui Yue was indeed for information about him. Hui Yue had released an utterly domineering and overpowering aura just then, and although it was merely for a brief moment, it was enough to shock everyone present. It especially shocked the higher ranked experts who had expected to be leagues ahead of their peers. They had read all the information about the high ranked Gods, but even so, they knew nothing about this terrifying white-haired youngster.

As they entered Treasure Mountain Hui Yue was greeted by a servant who asked what she could do for them. "We would like to join the auction," he said as he flashed their VIP card. Seeing this card, the servant bowed deeply and led the way to their seats.

They had walked through the majority of the mountain before they reached a massive room. Looking at the size of the room, it took up half of the tower's ground floor. Within this large room was an auditorium and seat after seat on the ground with booths and VIP boxes higher up for anyone that could pay their exorbitant costs.

Hui Yue and Huli could not afford such booths, but they were led to the front of the auction house where a group of seats were reserved for normal high ranked customers.

Behind him, quite a few experts had entered the auction house and asked the receptionist in the front for information on the white-haired young man that had just entered.

"After the auction has ended we will return with all the information we have on these two experts." Was the common reply everyone received. After a short wait, the auction hall was filled to the brim with people and the lights dimmed.

"Is there anything specific you are looking for?" Hui Yue asked curiously as he looked around at everyone participating in the auction. Only a small part of the customers were looking at the stage; the majority were gauging the strength and factions of all the experts that had shown up.

Today's auction was not so much a show of wanting to buy items but more a show of wealth; it was a way to display one's wealth and get fame for themselves. Although the position as a Judge of Hell could not be won by being rich, one had to have the power to back such a position they were all wooing for.

A middle-aged man appeared on stage under the dimly lit lights. This man had blue hair like Deng Wu and eyes as golden as the sun. He was clearly a beast of some kind though as for which kind, Hui Yue did not know.

"We welcome everyone to Treasure Mountain’s auction! We have a large set of items up for bid today, and I hope to see these items we worked hard to obtain get new owners tonight!"

"First we will go through pills, and the first pill up for sale is a batch of twelve Dragon Bone Cleansing pills. The beginning price is fifty thousand Worldpower Stones."

"Dragon Bone Cleansing pills are made from a flood dragon's bone marrow," Huli whispered in Hui Yue's ear. "The pill is made to enhance one’s body. These pills are very useful to magical beasts and allow for their bodies to be stronger, and therefore, allow the beast to control more Ancestral Worldpower as a result. The exact results, though, depend on the efficiency of the pill that the beast can consume."

Hearing this, Hui Yue nodded his head. These pills had no interest to Hui Yue as he was not a magical beast, but looking at Huli, he wondered if they might be useful for her.

"Don't worry about me; I have plenty of pills the Alchemist God gave me long ago." She said with a grin on her face before she looked at the stage. Grasping Hui Yue’s hand once more, she rose it to her lips and kissed it after which she winked at him. “Thank you for thinking about me, though.” She said as she lowered his hand and placed it in her lap, squeezing it a little. Hui Yue was dumbfounded by the sudden show of affection and was at a loss for what to do. Instead of worry about this, he shook his head and focused on the bidding war that was slowly erupting within the auction hall.

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