Blue Phoenix

Chapter 515: Chaos Cauldron

Chapter 515: Chaos Cauldron

"Do you think that I, who has existed for eternity, do not have Worldpower Stones in my infinite space?" The spirit asked with disdain in his voice, and suddenly millions of Worldpower Stones appeared in front of Hui Yue.

"Here is seventy million Worldpower Stones. I will not spoil you and give you money all the time, but you must buy this Chaos Cauldron!"

Nodding his head, Hui Yue instantly left the Universe Box. He could not afford to tarry, and just as the auctioneer was about to end the bid, Hui Yue lifted his sign and with a clear voice called out, "two million Worldpower Stones!"

Huli, by his side, was shocked by this sudden increase in price, and almost panicked as she knew that Hui Yue did not have two million Worldpower Stones. How could he suddenly have become so rich?

Not only Huli, but everyone else who was watching the auction turned silent as they stared at Hui Yue. He had previously randomly bid on things to raise their prices, but this time it seemed like he was serious.

Even the auctioneer was shocked when he heard the bid and gave Hui Yue a long glance, "Young man... Do you even have two million Worldpower Stones?" He asked the question many people were thinking. In response, Hui Yue waved his hand, and suddenly a mountain of Worldpower Stones appeared on stage before vanishing seconds later. The wealth displayed just then was way more than two million, and some of the keener experts counted close to ten million Worldpower Stones! To display such wealth one needed complete confidence in their ability and even more so had to have an outstanding background. Despite this, no one knew anything about this young man which was starting to terrify many. Even the auctioneer who had studied every important figure was completely clueless as to who this young man was.

"Can we continue the bidding?" Hui Yue asked sheepishly as he looked around having the semblance of a naive young man clearly eager for the auction to end.

"Two million and ten thousand Worldpower Stones," the one who had bid before said through gritted teeth, but looking at him, Hui Yue just snorted. He had just displayed a bit of his wealth, to think that someone still wished to challenge him. Hui Yue shrugged his shoulders, "Two million five hundred thousand Worldpower Stones!"

Hearing the high jump in price, it was clear that Hui Yue wished to buy this item and now many people started wondering what was so special about it.

It was just a small black cauldron, and the auctioneer had mentioned it was called the Chaos Cauldron. It was obviously for alchemists, but as for what else it could do, the auctioneer had not gone into details. He just said it was found in the Immortal Ruins of a foreign world. It was likely that Treasure Mountain did not know the true usage of this cauldron, but the two who was bidding clearly knew.

Although many were curious, no one joined the bidding, and even the other bidder stopped when he heard the high bid Hui Yue had thrown out. His face contorted in an ugly expression but he could no longer stand up. It seemed that Hui Yue had gone above what he would pay for this cauldron.

"We will have to be careful when we leave," Huli mumbled by Hui Yue's side. "Although we should be fine since fighting is forbidden within Skydragon Fortress, many people might group together against us this time. The wealth you showed will attract thieves and bandits while the cauldron you bought will also attract the attention of others."

"Don't worry," Hui Yue said as he rustled Huli's hair. "I just had a breakthrough. I don't think they'll be able to sneak up on us for now."

He did not explain more than this for now as he was unaware who was listening to his words. He was unaware if this sudden increase in his awareness was due to something a God gained when their strength rose, or if it had to do with his memory which had forcefully broken free earlier. Though no matter which one it was, Hui Yue was very grateful for the ability. To feel anything happening around him without even having to open his eyes, truly amazed him.

The rest of the auction was rather plain. Hui Yue bid now and then on very popular items but never enough to really contend for the winning bid; it was clear that he was just bidding for fun.

As the auction ended, Hui Yue and Huli stood up in their seats and headed towards the room where they would pay and pick up the cauldron they had purchased. While they were leaving a group of experts inquired about Hui Yue while the ones who had inquired about him before were getting the information.

Looking at the information they had about Hui Yue, everyone was dumbfounded. Name Hui Yue, age unknown, strength unknown, history unknown, cultivated for thousands of years in a minor world with his companion. Currently residing at the Violet Phoenix Inn. Proven to have a net worth of ten million Worldpower Stones.

The information was so lacking that they were all shocked. There was really no information that was useful to explain his real strength. No matter how they looked at it, everyone felt uncomfortable about this cultivator. He was someone who they knew nothing about but displayed outstanding strength. He was likely to be a real rival when it came to the trials.

Accepting his cauldron and paying the many Worldpower Stones, Hui Yue stored it within his Universe Box, and together the two friends left the auction house.

Although they seemed to be just walking casually while chatting about the architecture around them and Skydragon Fortress, Hui Yue and Huli were vigilant and focused on their surroundings.

Hui Yue said nothing but he knew that eleven people were following behind them. With his newfound ability to feel and see everything around him, he could easily pinpoint their location, and therefore he did not feel too worried.

Since he could see them, he could also feel their average strength. A few were stronger than Hui Yue but only to the extent of having comprehended two daos while the majority had only mastered a single dao path.

Expanding his search, he noticed that further behind them was a group of another seven. All of them were much stronger than the ones closer by, and when he noticed these experts, Hui Yue became serious.

"Oh, the guards!" Hui Yue said with a smile on his face as he looked at the guards in front of him. These guards were all Gods of Creation, and they had all mastered at least three daos. The guards of Skydragon Fortress were simply overpowering, but they also gained tremendous benefits in the form of resources to pay for their loyalty.

Hui Yue mentioned the guards more so for the ones following behind him rather than for Huli knowing about them, and true enough, the group of experts following behind hesitated a bit before they once more continued tailing Hui Yue. They were all waiting for the moment he would be alone so that they could ambush him. His wealth was simply too attractive, and although it was impossible for anyone to gauge Hui Yue's true strength, they all felt that it was worth the risk. With great rewards came great risks; one could not gain without suffering some pain.

"Should we just face them?" Huli finally asked, and Hui Yue contemplated for some time, "The eleven people I think we can take, but behind them is a group of experts I fear."

"Although they are fewer in number their strength is far superior to these eleven. I fear that the few guards here will even have a hard time stopping them. For now, I suggest we just go home. At the inn, I will try to see what this Chaos Cauldron does exactly."

"You don't know what it does?" Huli asked shocked as she looked at Hui Yue. He had bid such an extravagant amount of money for something he had no idea about? That was absurd!

"I have a general idea," he grimaced. "The spirit told me that it was worth it, so I had no other choice than to buy it. I'll ask him later what is so amazing about it."

Hearing this, Huli nodded her head. If it the spirit was the reason, then it was obvious where all those Worldpower Stones had suddenly come from.

"Let us rush home then," Huli said, and the two sped up as they moved closer and closer to the inn. The inn was a safe haven. It was like all the other buildings of Skydragon Fortress, filled with formations which made it impossible to fight within the building. As soon as someone launched an attack on a person in the buildings, the formation would activate and lock down the person in question until the guards could arrive and decide whether or not a battle was to begin.

These formations were not present on the streets, and thus sometimes people died within Skydragon Fortress, but to kill within such a restricted zone was a bold and crazy thing to do. Only those new to these cities or ones crazed by greed would do so.

But were these supreme experts following at a distance new to the city or just simply blinded by greed? Hui Yue did not know. Another option was that they were there to observe Hui Yue and see how he would fare if a battle broke out. There were many possibilities, and Hui Yue could not come up with all of them. So he couldn’t decide what to make of them.

'Focus on the ones close by,' Lan Feng's voice resounded in Hui Yue's mind, 'although they are weaker they are more likely to attack. But if you can make it back to the inn first, then that will be the best.'

Hui Yue agreed with the phoenix, and he reached out and took Huli's hand into his own. Smiling at her, they started running through the streets at a high speed.

At first, Huli was surprised, but then a small smile appeared on her lips as she happily followed behind Hui Yue.

The inn was mediocre and not placed in the middle of the fortress much like Treasure Mountain. To reach the inn they had to move through quite a few districts, and on the way, the sun had long since set in the sky. Now the moon cast its gentle light down upon the streets. As they left one district and entered another, the first person pursuing him finally made his move.

This district they were now in was rather small, and it was rare for guards to come here. It was clear that this person was rather familiar with the city, but even so, he was willing to risk his life to attack Hui Yue and gain his treasures.

Seeing that a man suddenly appeared in front of Hui Yue, the young man stopped in his tracks. Looking at the idiot obstructing him, Hui Yue's eyes turned icy, and he said in a cold voice, "Scram!"

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