Blue Phoenix

Chapter 523: Back to the Inn

Chapter 523: Back to the Inn

The dragon had been sent into the vast galaxy, and although it could return to Skydragon Fortress in the future it would take quite a long time, likely years, and by then Yanluo would already have known what had happened. He would have, by then, located the dragon and sent it back to the prison below Skydragon Fortress. At least this was what Hui Yue assumed.

Seeing that the dragon was gone for good, Hui Yue hurried to leave the battleground. He did not wish to stay around especially since he was currently getting by on Lan Feng's energy. His energy would also eventually run out, and then they would be sitting ducks.

So Hui Yue decided to rush back to the inn. As long as it had not collapsed from the many tremors and shockwaves, then it would be the ideal place to recuperate. The formation which guarded the buildings, ensuring that no one could attack within the buildings of Skydragon Fortress, had never been lifted. Hui Yue’s plan was to enter the inn which was protected by the formation and heal Huli while recovering to his peak condition.

As he reached the end of the city where the inn was located, he heaved a heavy sigh of relief as he saw that the inn was safe and sound. He quickly entered only to see that he was not the only one who had decided to return to the inn.

Both guests, staff members, and the owner were back at the inn, and Hui Yue, who had already rented a room just walked past these people and up the stairs. As they saw him, no one tried to stop him.

Some had seen his battle against the dragon and looked at him with veneration while others were filled with jealousy. Not only had he comprehended an amazing dao, the dao of space, but he also had a black nine-tailed fox by his side.

Ignoring all the people who were staring at him, Hui Yue went up the stairs and entered his room. After entering, he ensured the door was locked before he reached into the Universe Box and picked up Huli whom he gently placed on the bed.

She was no longer in her beast form but was now a frail woman; her clothes were in pieces, and her body was covered with wounds. Seeing the shape she was in, Hui Yue was filled with anger towards the dragon. He wished to rip it to pieces, but he also understood that he was far from strong enough to challenge the dragon that not even Huli could defeat. Had it not been for the memories of his previous life, then it was likely that they would have been forced to hide within the Universe Box for a very long time.

With a wave of his hand, the Chaos Cauldron appeared in front of him together with quite a lot of herbs. At first, Hui Yue started creating medicinal pills to assist Huli with her recuperation. He mainly concocted pills which restored the Ancestral Worldpower of one’s body.

These pills did not require much skill to create and the herbs needed were also rather ordinary so Hui Yue was able to create four sets of pills while constantly watching Huli with worry in his eyes.

As the pills finished, he quickly stored the Chaos Cauldron and the items within the Universe Box once more and went to the bed. He placed Huli's head in his lap and searched his core for the Nirvana Phoenix Flame alongside summoning his lifeforce.

First, he poured his lifeforce into Huli to heal her soul. He ensured that the years of life she had lost during this battle were restored and under his constant nurturing, Huli's pale face slowly regained its previous color.

After Hui Yue had used up more than half of his lifeforce, he finally felt that he could no longer expand Huli's lifeforce anymore and thus he found a small wisp of Nirvana Phoenix Flame which he forced into Huli's body.

The moment it left his body he felt weak and feeble. All the energy within his body had vanished, and he quickly placed one of the previously concocted pills in his mouth to restore some energy. He had to look after Huli until she was back to the way she had been before.

As the flame entered her body, she heated up, and steam started to leave her body as the wounds slowly closed one after another. Even the more serious wounds started closing, albeit at a very slow pace.

Hui Yue was seated with Huli in his lap and he never dared to close his eyes. He was constantly alert as he consumed one pill after another to restore his energy. He also ensured that he had spread out his devouring force as much as he could to devour all the Ancestral Worldpower that was present in the surroundings.

Hui Yue was seated like this for three hours. His senses spread everywhere; he was focused on every single sound, scent, or thing he experienced and would not allow even a speck of dust to land upon Huli's body.

During these three hours, Huli's body was undergoing a strange transformation. The wounds were healing and thanks to the lifeforce she had gained it ensured that she did not lose any of her years, in fact, she had actually gained some longevity. In such a state, she quickly returned to her peak condition.

Hui Yue could feel that although Huli's body was being restored, she had used too much of her energy during the battle and it was hard for her body to fully restore itself.

Thinking this, Hui Yue placed a medicinal pill in his mouth and waited for it to turn into energy before he gently placed his lips on top of Huli's and then gently sent it all into her mouth.

Huli was still unconscious, but her body reacted instinctively to the fact that liquid energy entered her mouth and she swallowed it. Afterwards, Hui Yue stopped devouring the surrounding energy and no longer consumed all the Ancestral Worldpower in his surroundings. He had already gained around seventy percent of his energy back while Huli now needed to absorb energy to fully reach her peak again.

As he was seated with her head in his lap, he could hear that the inn was getting busy once more. It seemed that guests were reappearing and even new ones were arriving. The servants returned and since the threat had vanished everyone was in the mood for celebration. The restaurant alone was filled to the brim with people laughing, drinking, and talking about the terrifying battle which had occurred in the city earlier.

Many of those who had seen the battle had escaped halfway through, but they had friends amongst the guards who had explained everything which happened in detail. The biggest topic amongst everyone was the white-haired young man who had comprehended the dao of space and his beast companion, a black nine-tailed fox which had comprehended the major dao of wind.

Those who had left the battlefield found the story almost inconceivable and hardly believed it, but everyone knew that the people were not lying. There was simply no reason for these guards to lie, and even more, every guard told the same story.

This probably meant was that there was an extreme expert who had appeared for the sake of this trial, and when thinking about this everyone felt their hearts grow cold. The dao of space was no ordinary minor dao, it was at least as powerful as a major dao, and if comprehended completely then the user would prove to be truly dangerous.

What frightened them, even more, was that the guards said that this expert had comprehended more than one dao. He also knew a minor dao under the major dao of fire. A dao which had enough explosive power to cause the scales of the dragon to shatter. This was not all either! He knew a third dao, but none of the guards had been able to fully understand this dao which had seemed like a wolf head, yet the dao was so overpowering that even the dragon screamed in agony when it was subjected to its torments.

While all of the city were busy discussing this shocking new, Hui Yue was solely focused on Huli and her well-being.

It took her three hours to wake up, but when she awoke, Hui Yue's heart beat rapidly with relief.

Huli frowned slightly as she noticed that she was laying in Hui Yue's lap. The last thing she remembered was her body being blasted away by the dragon, yet now there was no pain nor was there any signs of her wounds.

"Are we dead?" She asked full of confusion with a hoarse, low voice, but the question just made Hui Yue laugh as he gently placed a hand on her forehead to check that she was not sick.

"When you were injured my previous memory exploded forth and saved us," he said truthfully with a smile on his face.

"How could you possibly be beaten into such a sorry figure by that dragon? You are a majestic black nine-tailed fox which has comprehended a full major dao! How could it be that you were not this beast's match?"

Hui Yue asked honestly, but Huli just smiled a self-deprecating smile and shook her head. "It has been a very long time since I last fought," she explained. "After following you, I never had to display my abilities, and before then I was stuck within that lonesome grave for thousands of years. I must have gotten rusty. I have not felt the dao for so long that I feel as if I lost some of my control over it."

Huli sighed as she realized that she was maybe not as strong as she used to be, and then she continued, "The dragon was many times stronger than me anyway. It could not use its daos to confront us as it is bound by Yanluo and I bet the dragon has made some sort of oath making sure that it can not directly attack the city."

"That dragon should have at least comprehended two of the major daos; it might even have comprehended a third. It must be very confident in itself to challenge the slave seal within it, and Yanluo is known as the strongest expert in the entire galaxy."

Nodding his head, Hui Yue understood that it made sense, but before anything else, he helped Huli up so that she could sit down before he dragged her into his warm embrace.

"Never do something like this again!" He said with a hoarse voice. "If you know that it is dangerous don't stay; instead, make sure we escape. I can't handle to see you wounded like this, especially not when it was for my sake. What makes me the happiest is not a thrilling battle against an overpowered beast, but to know for sure that you are healthy and safe!"

Hui Yue's words made Huli warm, and she nodded her head unable to say anything as she had a frog in her throat and tears in her eyes. It had been so long since she had last felt this emotion. Since she felt the love from Hui Yue warm her, and at this moment, she was truly blissful.

Just as they were hugging each other, their eyes were drawn to one another, and as they looked at each other, both held their breath before their lips softly touched each other, only to once more be interrupted. This time they were not interrupted by tremors that ran through the ground, but instead, by someone knocking on the door.

Withdrawing from the warm kiss, Hui Yue felt like killing someone for ruining the mood yet again, but he knew that it would not solve his problem. Instead, he stood up and went to the door, uncertain of who and why anyone would bother him. He knew no one apart from Huli within this massive city, so for them to come visit him was rather confusing.

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