Blue Phoenix

Chapter 656: Information Dealer

Chapter 656: Information Dealer

The following day Hui Yue, Wei, and Deng Wu set out from Yanluo's mansion to get as much information about the Archaic World as they could find.

"The best place to find information is the underground marketplace," Wei said as they walked through Youdu, and Hui Yue nodded his head. During their time in the City of Endless Clouds, both Wei and Deng Wu managed to get their hands on their own invitations to enter the underground marketplaces that were spread throughout the galaxy, and now all three were headed towards this location.

Hui Yue and Wei had been there before, and they quickly found the entrance to the marketplace.

Displaying their emblems which showed that they had the rights to enter, no one blocked their path as they entered the underground marketplace.

Many of the surrounding citizen's eyes widened when they saw these three experts who had the right to enter the underground marketplace. Only esteemed experts could enter, and now three such people were together. This was indeed a rare sight.

Hui Yue, Deng Wu, and Wei did not waste any time on the shocked citizens and headed straight for the entrance. In front of them was a massive underground bazaar. Everything that one could dream of was present in front of them. Humans and beasts were sold as slaves; souls were sold for their energy to cultivators who used them, and pills of every kind were available to buy.

Some places specialized in treasures and others in living creatures and beasts. Some places specialized in pills and others in corpses. Anything you could dream about was here for sale, but what Hui Yue and his friends were seeking were people that dealt in information.

Information was easy to buy, but the more details one wished to know, the higher the price would be. The ones who dealt with information prided themselves on knowing everything which happened in the galaxy.

There was more than one stall which sold information, but Hui Yue knew too little about the underground marketplace in Youdu to know which one was the best, and thus he headed straight for the one closest to him.

The shop was a large tent. Outside were a few desks with a clerk seated in each to talk with and see what the customers wished to know about, and when a subject had been decided upon, and payment had been made, then the customer would enter the tent.

The tent was reinforced by formations and inscriptions to ensure that no one outside would be able to hear what was being said inside.

Hui Yue headed straight for an open desk and smiled at the clerk who just looked back at him with arrogance. Although only formidable experts were able to enter the underground marketplace, the shops that had been allowed to do business inside were equally the cream of the crop, and only the very best items were sold. This obviously included their information.

Because of this, this clerk felt superior in front of Hui Yue. Something that made the usually calm and collected Hui Yue feel slightly taken aback and a little annoyed. Should he not treat him better considering they were customers?

Although Hui Yue was annoyed, he said nothing about it. He understood that if one caused problems in the underground marketplace, then they would have their right to enter revoked and they would no longer be able to use their emblem. Such a situation was one he would prefer to avoid.

It was also because of this that the sellers had gotten haughty. They quickly understood that they were protected by the underground marketplace and many started acting as if they were small kings that the customers should revere.

Hui Yue sighed but otherwise kept a straight face as he looked at the clerk in front of him.

"Well say something," the clerk said impatiently. "What do you want from us? What can we help you understand? If you have enough Worldpower Stones, then we will help you, but if you don't, then stop wasting our time and scram!"

Hui Yue's mood was turning incredibly sour the more he talked with this arrogant clerk.

"Archaic World. I want all the information you have on it." Hui Yue managed to reign in his annoyance and said that one sentence but as soon as he had said it, the clerk looked at him as if he was looking at a cockroach.

"The Archaic World? I guess you are another treasure seeker like the others? Scram! You definitely cannot afford to buy all the information we have about the Archaic World," he said arrogantly, and by now Hui Yue had really had enough.

He was not here to make friends, but on the other hand, he was not here to be insulted either. His eyes glistened with anger, and it was hard for him to suppress the killing intent. After merging with the red wolf, his killing intent was overwhelming, and even Hui Yue could have problems suppressing it when it erupted

"Do you not believe I have the power to ensure that your little business will never again set foot in Youdu?" Hui Yue asked in a low, growling voice. Although he knew that the underground marketplace would revoke his rights to be here, he could no longer accept how he was treated. He was sure that if he mentioned it to Yanluo, then the latter would ensure that this shop no longer existed in the Youdu underground marketplace any longer.

"Overrating your own ability are you?" the clerk sneered, his face filled with disdain. "I dare you to attack me, and we will see what the guards will do!"

By now the voice was so loud that many of the experts that had been strolling the stalls nearby had heard him and many looked over to see what was going on.

It was not only outsiders who noticed that something was amiss, but the guards and the true lord of this stall, the information dealer from within the tent also knew something was happening.

He was rather grumpy when he left the tent to see who dared cause strife outside of his shop, but when his eyes landed on Hui Yue, and they saw the ugly expression on the latter's face, his own face froze in a grimace.

Looking at the clerk and seeing his unmasked arrogance and disgust, he did not need to think for long to realize what had happened.

The information dealer was usually incredibly haughty himself, but he was aware of certain things. For one, he knew that he had settled down in Youdu. This was the capital of Diyu, and here they took pride in their Ten Courts of Hell and the ten Judges of Hell.

Anyone understood that these ten judges could order for anything to happen in Youdu and it would happen.

He was also aware of the fact that fifty years prior a young man had become the new Second Judge of Hell, and back then he had seen a painting of the young man.

The moment he saw Hui Yue, this painting surfaced in his memory. He did not doubt that the young man in front of him was, in fact, the second King Chujiang.

"So King Chujiang has graced us with his presence," the information dealer said with a humble voice as he clasped his hands together.

"Can this lowly one assume that young master wishes to purchase information from me?" he continued, completely ignoring the many shocked expressions on everyone present when they heard him refer to Hui Yue as King Chujiang.

Everyone knew about the fact that the Second Judge of Hell had changed fifty years prior. It had been a major deal after all, and it was not until recently that the news started to become old.

Because of this everyone understood what the information dealer was talking about. This was the new King Chujiang!

The clerk, who had been filled with arrogance, looked at the information dealer and saw his humble appearance and then his world went black.

He knew just how haughty this information dealer was, but he was treating this young man like someone incredibly important. Not only this, but he also called him young master! It was clear that he was not just some poor adventurer as he had assumed, and he had for once kicked a metal board.

Seeing the clerk faint did nothing to elevate Hui Yue's foul mood. It was clear that he could not act now that the information dealer had stepped forward in such a humble manner; therefore, Hui Yue took a deep breath.

It was uncharacteristic for him to get so annoyed over something so small, but he also understood that the more he merged with the different memories of his past, the less characteristic he would become. From time to time some of the old personalities would resurface, and this time it had been the red wolf.

The red wolf truly had a low tolerance when it came to being disrespected, and even shorter tolerance when being challenged.

Taking yet another deep breath, Hui Yue finally felt how he returned to his normal self, and he forced himself to send a smile to the information dealer.

"I am here to purchase some information," he said, but this time he did not mention what kind of information it was. Everyone was now listening to him, and if he said out loud what kind of information he wanted to buy, it would be a great subject for discussion. Who knew how many would end up talking about it, and eventually, it might even reach An He's ears.

If An He found out that he was going to the Archaic World, it was highly likely that the already difficult trials they were to face would become even more difficult, and this was something he could not afford to let happen.

The information dealer instantly understood that Hui Yue wished to be secretive, and he nodded his head seriously. He might be haughty, but he had his own pride in his job and would be secretive if the customer requested it.

"Follow me," he said as he turned around and entered the tent once more. Deng Wu and Wei followed behind Hui Yue, and the three also entered the tent.

The inside of the tent was bigger than the outside. It was split into multiple rooms, one of each belonged to an information dealer, but the majority of the doors were closed, displaying that the dealers had customers that they were currently helping.

At the very back of the tent was the part which belonged to the information dealer that Hui Yue had followed, and they all entered the room before a heavy curtain dropped blocking all sound from escaping.

"Now no one can listen. Tell me what you need to know," the information dealer said, his heart trembling slightly with excitement. What on earth could be so important to a King of Hell?

"I wish to hear all the information you have about the Archaic World," Hui Yue said seriously, stunning the information dealer.

"The Archaic World?" he asked dumbfounded. It was indeed something treasure hunters would look for, but not someone as exalted as the Second King of Hell. Was there perhaps something happening in the Archaic World?

As an information dealer, the man was extremely curious, and he looked at Hui Yue through narrowed eyes.

"I can tell you about this," he said finally. "I will tell you everything I know about the Archaic World, but you have to tell me why you need this information," he continued.

If there was something major going on in the Archaic World, this could be great news for him. News that he could sell to the highest bidder.

Hui Yue laughed and flicked his hand after which five thousand Worldpower Stones appeared. Placing them on the table, he nodded his head.

"I don't wish to cheat you," he said politely and continued, "but a friend of mine has gotten lost in the Archaic World, and we wish to rescue him."

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