Blue Phoenix

Chapter 663: Arriving at the Archaic World

Chapter 663: Arriving at the Archaic World

Hui Yue’s group was feeling rather dejected. The bazaar was filled with people. It was so crowded that it looked like a sea of people and the later in the day it became, the more people arrived at the bazaar.

"This is not going to be an easy task," Hui Yue repeated as he felt a headache coming his way. Even so, he dove right into the mass of people closely followed by the group that had gone to the Blissful Pavilion with him.

Elbows flew knocking into anyone who dared to get in the way of the experts who were trying to get towards the stalls and see the wares that were up for sale.

The first person Hui Yue found was Wan Qiao. She was standing on her own in front of a stall, and the many experts around her had backed away slightly. They let her have enough space to enjoy the stall's items to her fullest.

Her eyes were focused on a specific instrument, a beautiful zither that seemed to have been carved from some special materials.

"Do you want it?" Hui Yue suddenly asked bringing Wan Qiao back from her thoughts, and the woman, who was usually proud and arrogant, was flustered for the first time.

"It is very special," she said with a sigh. "I have a feeling that this is a true treasure. Although it is not sentient, it is not far off."

Everything was said so low that only Hui Yue could hear it and he nodded his head. It was indeed a special zither.

Wan Qiao was specialized in ranged attacks, and he knew that her hobby was playing music. If she were to get such a zither, her ability to fight would at least double and right now what they needed was strength.

"Mister, how much for this zither?" Hui Yue asked with a smile on his face.

"Fifty thousand Worldpower Stones," the man said with a greedy glint in his eyes. He had said a price so outrageous that he doubted anyone would ever pay it, but Hui Yue had gained access to the full amount of wealth that was hidden within the Universe Box, and he was not in the mood to haggle, so he just took out fifty thousand Worldpower Stones and handed them over.

"Please count," he said, and the stunned seller smiled and nodded his head repeatedly. Wan Qiao felt grateful, but at the same time, she had an urge to kick him for paying such a high price. Even if it was a half sentient treasure, that was too steep a price.

"Have you seen any of the others?" Hui Yue asked as they left the stall and Wan Qiao nodded her head. She had an alluring and confident smile on her face as she was back to her usual self, "Little Lei, Jo, and Lao went to get something to eat. I can take us there right away," she said as she led them to a restaurant that was at the end of the bazaar.

This restaurant was also bustling with life as patrons kept entering and exiting, but suddenly, a loud boom sounded out. A young master was knocked through the door just as Hui Yue and his friends were about to enter.

"You little bitch! I am going to rip you to shreds!" The young master growled as he got to his feet, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and rushed into the restaurant.

"I fear that they have caused problems," Hui Yue sighed as they entered behind the young master, and his fears turned out to be correct. In the middle of the restaurant was Jo standing on a table. Ancestral Worldpower was fluctuating around her together with the many daos she had comprehended, and Lao and Lei were standing on either side of her.

There were at least a dozen guards lying on the floor, and none of them had died, but all had sustained some injuries.

"That's enough, play time is over," Hui Yue called out, and the three who had caused problems instantly stopped their Ancestral Worldpower from sending out another attack. Then they all went towards Hui Yue.

"Who do you think you are, butting into our fight like this?" The young master, who had been kicked all the way out of the restaurant, said with anger unhappy with Hui Yue's interruption. But when he looked into Hui Yue's eyes, he stuttered and backed away. This young man with white hair was even more fearsome than the ferocious ancient beasts in the Archaic World!

Hui Yue sighed as he waved his hand and yet another bag of Worldpower Stones appeared. He threw them to the innkeeper to pay for the damage they had caused and then turned to leave.

Lao, Jo, and Lei all wore big smiles on their faces as they followed Hui Yue and the others out of the restaurant.

Like this, Hui Yue and the others went through the bazaar. Everywhere they went they either purchased items that the beast Gods or friends had their eyes on, or they stopped fights that had broken out because of the beast Gods or other friends.

While looking through the bazaar, Hui Yue was quite satisfied. Almost all of them had gotten new weapons or armor. Their combat ability and ability to survive had soared compared to before, but Hui Yue's wealth had taken a hit. He had spent almost a full million Worldpower Stones on his friends, but he felt no regret. Their lives were much more important to him than some Worldpower Stones.

None of the treasures that they had purchased were sentient treasures, but all of them were of the highest quality. They were truly diamonds in the rough. At first glance, one could not see their amazing abilities, but upon closer inspection, they were such marvelous treasures that they could bring about a disaster in the hands of the right person.

Usually, such magnificent weapons and armor would be sold by the Blissful Pavilion, but when working with them, they took a fee for selling it at auction. For this reason, many experts tried to see if they could sell them in the bazaar first. If they could sell them for outstanding amounts of money themselves, then they did not need to share their wealth with the Blissful Pavilion.

"Let’s find an inn for the night," Hui Yue suggested, and together all of them went to find an inn. The first few inns they visited did not have room for all of them, but after walking around for some time, they found a place where all of them could get a room.

The night went by without any problems. All of them spent their time cultivating and focused on connecting with their new weapons or armor.

Hui Yue attempted to make contact with a new dao, but no matter how much he tried, it was impossible for him to sense even the slightest traces of any new dao around him.

He could only sigh and spend his time cultivating Ancestral Worldpower instead.

While Hui Yue was sighing and feeling unfortunate that he could not sense any daos, he looked at Lan Feng.

Lan Feng and Hui Yue shared a body, and their souls were connected, but Lan Feng had the ability to enter into meditation and cut off every connection with the outside world whenever he felt like it.

Since they had comprehended the dao of wind, he had entered into a meditative state where he had not awoken even once. It was clear that he had sensed a dao, but it took a long time for him to be able to completely grasp it.

However, from looking at his performance, Hui Yue assumed that Lan Feng would not awaken again before he had comprehended the dao he was currently understanding.

"Old friend, you focus on comprehending the dao, I will get us to the Alchemist God. When you wake up next time, you will be in your own body!" Hui Yue said with determination. He had gained so much from Lan Feng throughout the years. It was only fair that he repaid it sooner rather than later as he wished to let the phoenix get his own body soon.

The following morning Hui Yue gathered all his friends and informed them that they would be leaving the Blissful Realm and heading towards the Archaic World instead.

"Finally time to go!", "I have been looking forward to this!", "I can't wait to see what a real fierce beast with an ancient bloodline is like!", "We will manage to find that Alchemist God!"

Everyone was ecstatic and filled with excitement as they heard Hui Yue's declaration. This was what they had set out to do, and now they just needed the final push to reach the Archaic World.

They all left the realm and boarded the shuttle. There was still ten days before they reached the outer perimeter of the Archaic World and all of them were doing their utmost to increase their strength.

The atmosphere was filled with dense Ancestral Worldpower, and the closer they came to the Archaic World, the denser it became. It was clear that the Archaic World was a heavenly area for cultivators to cultivate in, but it was a place where opportunity and danger went hand in hand.

Ten days went by in a blur. There were no bandit attacks, but the void was filled with experts traveling to and from the Archaic World. Some had faces filled with excitement, others wore defeated expressions.

Some groups had gained treasures while most had lost comrades. Some were filled with anticipation; others were nervous and worried.

Everyone aboard Hui Yue's shuttle was filled with anticipation. They had trained for years on end without getting out to experience the galaxy, and now that they were finally getting a chance to see the galaxy, it was going to be a place as marvelous as the Archaic World.

Although they were filled with anticipation, all of them were also alert. They understood the dangers connected with what they wanted to do, and thus, they would not let their guard down.

After eight days everyone stopped training and stood on the deck of the ship-like shuttle. They were staring into the distance. Every one of them eager to be the first to see the Archaic World.

Although they were Gods and time felt different for them, every moment felt like an eternity while they waited for the Archaic World to appear in front of them and they chatted energetically amongst each other about what it might look like.

Soon they glimpsed a chaotic area in front of them. It was as if space itself was twisted and everyone was heading for it. The Ancestral Worldpower was so dense that just standing within this void was as beneficial as cultivating back in the Celestial Sword Sect. There was no doubt that this place was a heaven-sent place for cultivators to cultivate Ancestral Worldpower.

In the middle of this twisting, chaotic space one could see that there were multiple worlds, but at the same time, there was also a sense of danger entering the minds of everyone who looked at it.

"Seems like we have arrived at the Archaic World," Hui Yue declared, and the others nodded their heads seriously. Although they had been joking previously, now was no longer the time to joke around. It was time to head into this chaotic space and see if they would be able to find the Alchemist God or if they would lose their lives in this place.

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