Blue Phoenix

Chapter 672: New Companion

Chapter 672: New Companion

"What was wrong with him?" Hui Yue asked curiously, but the sylph just looked at him, and her face suddenly turning hostile.

"It is all because of people like you! People who hunt him down and pressure him to constantly improve. If it were not for the pressure that was placed on him, then how in the world would he have become injured so terribly? He was burning his lifeforce every time he concocted a pill for others, and because of this he was constantly suffering from internal injuries."

The eyes of the sylph were filled with pain as if she were the one who was injured, and Hui Yue was completely stunned hearing this. The reason that the Alchemist God's pills were so outstanding was that they had been imbued with his lifeforce?

Although Gods could live forever, their lifeforce was not endless. At some point, it would be completely used up, and then when that was the case, he would die. His body would collapse, and his soul crumble.

There were different ways to absorb lifeforce from other living beings. Hui Yue's green pearl had specialized in it before he became a God ranked cultivator, but even as a God one could steal away lifeforce from the people they killed or even from herbs or plants they found in nature. Anything with lifeforce could potentially be absorbed by an expert who had figured out how to do so.

"When I was born he was already here. It was him who taught me how to speak and behave. We lived in this little hut and shared many memorable moments together, unfortunately, he got more and more ill. Eventually, he had no other option than to continue his journey towards the elusive world that is said to contain the legendary, sentient pill."

The sylph sighed. "The truth is that he would have been able to refine a body for me so that I could follow him, but to do so, he would just deepen his wounds and cause even more lifeforce to be wasted. Because of this, I decided to stay behind."

Looking at the sylph, Hui Yue could see regret and sadness alongside longing. It was clear that she had wanted to join him on his journey, but it had been impossible for her to allow for him to wound himself even more on her behalf.

"How long has it been since he left?" Hui Yue asked worriedly. It was clear that this sylph had been important to the Alchemist God, but he had not returned to give her another body. For this reason, Hui Yue feared that he had encountered some sort of mishap.

"I am unaware of how long it has been. I have spend most of my time in constant sleep. Staying awake is too painful, and when I merge with the world once more not only does the pain subside, but I become stronger and stronger. Though the effect of this is that I’m losing track of reality."

"Not many have managed to enter my hut because it is hidden. Only those who walk the same path as the Alchemist God can see it. You were lucky enough to walk the same path as him around the herb garden."

"Tell me. I can see that you are an Immortal of Creation, and it is obvious you have some interest in the Alchemist God. What exactly do you want with him?" the sylph finally asked what had been on her mind for quite some time.

"I share no enmity with you," Hui Yue assured her instantly. "In my group, there is someone who previously followed the Alchemist God, and she told me all she knows about him, but the main reason that I am looking for him is because my beloved is just a soul now. I need to learn how to refine bodies so that I can resurrect her. So that I can allow her to once more awaken and share life with me."

The sylph's eyes turned softer when she heard what Hui Yue said. "You are going to ask him to refine a body for you?" she asked tentatively, but Hui Yue shook his head. "No, I want to learn how to refine bodies," he said honestly.

"I wish to refine a body for everyone around me. I wish for all of us to be as strong as we possibly can in this chaotic galaxy."

Hui Yue was honest when speaking with the Sylph. He could feel that this sylph clearly cared about the Alchemist God. She would be able to sense if he lied and then it was rather obvious that she would no longer be as helpful.

The sylph looked at Hui Yue deeply. She could sense that he was honest, and she was astonished. In some ways, this person reminded her of the Alchemist God himself.

Looking at Hui Yue for a long time, the sylph started fidgeting with her hands. Her eyes darted around randomly as she bit her lip before she finally looked at Hui Yue.

"I know that right now my body is one of the strongest bodies that exist, but this body also has a limitation." The sylph finally worked up the courage to talk again, and Hui Yue listened almost already aware of what she was going to ask.

"My body is not able to leave this realm. It is tied to the Ancestral Worldpower of this world the core formation of the world. For this reason, I am forced to stay within this land for the rest of my life."

"But I would like to leave this world together with you. I have waited for him for so long, and he has not come to find me, so it is only fair that I can go find him."

"You are an Immortal of Creation therefore it is possible for you to make a temporary body for me."

"I understand that the body will be many times weaker than the one I have now, but if weakness is what I must accept so that I can leave this place then so be it."

"When we find the Alchemist God, I will request that you make another body for me too, and in return, I promise I will help you out in the future if needed."

Hui Yue instantly accepted her offer. His group was already very large and taking one extra person in was no trouble at all. Especially since it was someone who was familiar with the Alchemist God.

"I need soil," Hui Yue said. He knew the theory behind creating bodies, but he had never done it himself so he was quite curious to see how it worked.

"Let’s get out of here," Hui Yue smiled, and the sylph nodded her head. "My name is Little Green," she said after hesitating for some time.

"I don't have a real name, but he always called me Little Green, and since then I have adopted it as my name."

Hui Yue nodded his head. To someone like her, it was obvious that what mattered was the time she had spent together with the Alchemist God. She truly valued the time she had spent with him, so she wanted to cherish every moment they had together and of course this included cherishing her name.

The two looked at one another. Hui Yue and Little Green understood that they were going to be companions in the future and their eyes glistened with excitement.

For Hui Yue, it was excitement because of finally having found a clue towards the Alchemist God while Little Green had finally taken the first step towards the outside world. The first step towards reuniting with her most important person.

"Look, it's Yue!" Deng Wu exclaimed the moment they stepped out of the hut, and hearing his voice, everyone lifted their heads from the herb field and looked over.

Huli and Sha Yun's pupils constricted when they saw the woman by Hui Yue's side, and their entire demeanor turned as cold as frost.

When Hui Yue saw their sudden change in behavior, he could only smile slightly and shake his head subtly. Huli and Sha Yun were both incredibly fast to get jealous.

"Gather up," Hui Yue called out, and everyone stopped plucking herbs and gathered around him. All of them were glancing curiously at Little Green some with badly hidden hostility.

"This is Little Green. She is a person very dear to the Alchemist God, and the Alchemist God is a person very dear to her." he introduced, wanting to have Huli and Sha Yun quickly understand that there was nothing between the two of them.

As expected as soon as Hui Yue introduced her in such a manner, the two women instantly eased up, and the hostility they were showing was instantly withdrawn. This confused Little Green at first, but when she thought about it a knowing smile appeared on her lips.

"She will be traveling with us in the future," Hui Yue said as he smiled gently while looking at the soil beneath his feet.

"I need to create a body for her so that she can travel with us. While I go out and create a body for her, you guys can continue to pick herbs. I want us to have as many herbs as possible as we might need them when it comes to refining bodies later on," Hui Yue said seriously. Although most treasures were easy to ignore, something like the precious and rare herbs here could not be ignored as they were used for all kinds of things and also to refine bodies.

Everyone resumed picking herbs. They were all eager to obtain a refined body and felt greatly motivated to pick these herbs. Although they were curious about Little Green, they also understood that Little Green would travel with them in the future so they would have plenty of time to chat with her whereas they would not have that much time in this herb field.

Hui Yue and Little Green were left alone just outside of the hut and they both stood there, contemplating how to do this.

'There are plenty of ways to create life and bodies,' Lan Feng said. 'One way is to simply use your dao of earth and make a body from soil. Imbue it with Ancestral Worldpower and give her that body. That would be the weakest body possible though.'

'Another way is to take the Ancestral Worldpower from the surrounding air, refine it, and cut its connection with this world, after which you form a body from it. This is neither a strong nor a weak body.'

'Finally, you can choose to take some Ancestral Worldpower from your own Ancestral Worldpower Pool and shape a body from it.'

'You will lose all the Ancestral Worldpower used to create the body, and your Ancestral Worldpower pool will grow smaller, but the body will be many times more powerful than the ones you could make otherwise. Since we are in the Archaic World, I suggest that we make one from your Ancestral Worldpower pool and then we slowly accumulate the energy again. Either way, I don't think we will lose much from doing it this way."

Hui Yue agreed with the phoenix. Little Green was not only someone he would be able to consider a companion, but she was also an investment for him, she was someone who could bring more and more clues for how to find the Alchemist God, and he could not let her go.

Since this was the case, he decided to make a body from his very own Ancestral Worldpower pool. He reached inside himself and started pulling out strand after strand of Ancestral Worldpower which he folded together. He started to mold the energy he was withdrawing into the shape and appearance of Little Green.

He even went as far as to make the wings she had on her back, and in front of him, a small figure started to take shape. At first, it was just strands of translucent energy, but slowly it turned into a real person.

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