Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1543 Snuffing The Flames

Chapter 1543 Snuffing The Flames

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 9:55

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital

As soon as Wyatt activated the SSS-rank curse Cursed Blood Rejuvenation, Intense, scorching heat radiated from Wyatt's body, transforming his skin into a vivid red shade. His veins bulged and created raised, intricate designs on his flesh, resembling pulsating rivers on elevated pathways. This metamorphosis was also visible on the elven floating heads and elven pair of arms trailing behind him matching his incredible speed. 

Upon transforming, Wyatt's velocity surged to unprecedented heights. The very air around him crackled and roared as a result of his sudden and explosive acceleration. Through the skies of the southern capital, he soared like a comet. 

With a mind-boggling speed coupled with a nearly impervious body Wyatt sliced through the very fabric of the wind barrier, giving rise to a series of deafening thunderous sonic booms. He had overcome the force of nature defying the constraints of the mundane world, his passage left behind deafening sonic booms and explosive shockwaves that echoed through the air.

The reverberating sonic booms were of an ear-splitting magnitude, shattering every pane of glass in the vicinity, their explosive force resonating through the very bones of the surrounding buildings. The tangible shockwaves produced by them possessed an overwhelming might that wreaked havoc upon the feeble structures that stood in their path, reducing them to mere rubble and debris. 

Fearlessly Wyatt advanced closer to the colossal, blazing blade that had manifested through the intricate fusion of the Wind and Fire rule. As he approached it he witnessed that the manifestation of the crescent wind and fire rule blade was a swarm of countless minuscule blades, each a manifestation of the intricate and fierce Wind and Fire rules. 

As Wyatt was about to collide with the wind and fire blade, the scorching wave of intense heat radiated from his body clashed with the searing inferno emanating from the approaching blade as a result the air between the two ignited. 

As Wyatt hurtled forward with unyielding momentum he collided with the colossal crescent blade of fire. At the instant of impact when the raw power of his body came in contact with formidable rule power a transformation began to unfurl—a mesmerizing ripple, akin to a stone cast into a placid pond, surged through the blade's fiery expanse. 

This ripple was a result of Wyatt's indomitable physical power as he breached the infernal barrier of the huge crescent blade solely through the sheer physicality of his being. The blade, initially a boundless and ever-expanding force, now came to a halt in front of his unstoppable advance. The ripple that was the result of the devastating impact further evolved with collusion into a seismic shockwave that rippled outward from the point of contact.

This shockwave, an embodiment of Wyatt's insane speed supported by his supernatural physique, radiated a force that surpassed mere physicality. Its fore dominated the blade, quenching the volatile flames that had once seemed unstoppable. The unrestrained winds, which had fueled the blade's ferocity, now bowed before the sheer magnitude of the shockwave, their wild frenzy was silenced by the force. 

The Fire rule shaping the once-mighty crescent blade was extinguished and the Wind rule that stroked fire rule had now halted and dispersed by the shockwave, just like snuffing out a candle's flickering flame with a bullet. At that moment, Wyatt had snuffed the raging boundless crescent blade created by the swift wave of Belphegor's hand with his swift movement. 

Observing his attack being stopped, the formerly lighthearted look on Belphegor's face underwent a complete shift. The cheerful attitude that had been evident earlier gave way to a sense of aloofness, combined with a visible frown. Despite the uncertainties that had existed between them before, Belphegor had been confident that Wyatt was not impervious to Fire rule attacks, as he was to time and Physical attacks. Nevertheless, he had not anticipated Wyatt swiftly nullifying his Fire and Wind rule combined assault merely through extraordinary swiftness and power of his physical body.

Belphegor instinctively retreated a pace, his fingers curling into taut fists as he assumed a combat stance, extending his clenched hands before him. The eerie atmosphere enveloping him underwent an abrupt transformation, spiraling into turbulence before gradually subsiding, its tranquility solidifying into the resolute essence of a devastating fist. Then in a rapid succession of fluid motions, he unleashed a relentless barrage of punches into the air, each aimed with unwavering precision at Wyatt, who surged forward with unparalleled swiftness. 

Belphegor's punch erupted a blazing fist in the air like a comet, its fiery essence ignited by the embodiment of the wind rule whose tempestuous force was harnessed by the speed of his fist's movement. 

Previously, a mere flick of Belphegor's wrist had conjured forth a colossal crescent blade, its form expanding voraciously as it devoured the very air around it. Yet now, his focus intensified, his onslaught of precisely calculated punches painted the heavens with a grandeur beyond imagination. Immense fists wreathed in scorching flames materialized, their intricate contours and meticulous details surpassing the earlier crescent's elegance. A masterpiece of conjured might, they swelled in magnitude as they advanced toward Wyatt, a testament to Belphegor's refined control and unyielding over his fist arts.

As Wyatt charged he was met with a congregation of colossal fiery fists, akin to miniature suns, radiating a searing heat and light that painted the surroundings with an ethereal luminosity. The once-shaded corners of the southern capital were banished into brilliance, the blinding radiance of these celestial fists casting away the veil of darkness. Amidst this otherworldly display, Wyatt's determined advance came to an abrupt pause feeling the sheer power and intensity that lay before him.

Wyatt's body seamlessly transitioned into a poised combat stance, his every movement a testament to the harmonious union of his physical form and the world around him. With a graceful fluidity, he lifted his leg, an action that seemed to unravel like a coiled whip. Yet, the boundaries between his body and the environment blurred, intertwining seamlessly to form an extension of his limb. The world itself molded into a continuation of his leg's trajectory, crafting an optical illusion of a sinuous and elongated whip, streamlined and poised for action.

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