Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1598 Help

Chapter 1598 Help

Date- ???

Time- ???

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plain Planet, Freedom Fighter's Base, Plague Palace, Sector DS0909, Infinity Library

Above all, Wyatt wondered, since the Librarian had decided to ban him as a favor to Belphegor then why did Zaltan accept his appeal and patiently explained to him what actually had transpired.

"How can you just ban a paid member?" Wyatt asked Zaltan.

"Since you are already a paid member, we could not completely ban you so we flagged your card over suspicious activities such that you will not be able to access the books of the Infinity library. Once your subscription ends we do not plan on extending it instead we will permanently ban it, stopping you from ever stepping foot into any branch of the Infinity Library. After all, we reserve the right to whom we want to provide our service," Zaltan patiently explained to Wyatt what was actually going on.

Listening to Zaltan's explanation Wyatt wondered why he was revealing what they did to him. Was he not worried that he would use it against them when in the trial by devil merchant code? Or was he that confident that regardless of what Wyatt did the Infinity Library will come on top always.

Apart from this Wyatt's best guess was that Zaltan wanted something from him. This confused Wyatt because what could the son of the arguably richest devil merchant in the devil merchant code want from a nameless demon merchant such as Wyatt?

Besides, since the Librarian has banned him from the Infinity Library what could Zaltan even do to stop it? Did he even have the authority to do something like that? Wyatt did not see what he could offer Zaltan and as well that Zaltan couldn't offer him what he wanted. So he wondered what was the point of this meeting.

Zaltan noticed that with the passing of time, Wyatt was losing interest in the meeting. This surprised him as any regular demon merchant would be thinking of using this meeting to impress him, get on his good side, and establish a connection. Especially, if they had an enemy like Belphegor gunning for them.?However, Wyatt showed no such tendency. Prompting him to believe that either Wyatt was ignorant or just the person he was looking for.

"What if I tell you that I have the authority to undo the Librarian's ban on you?" Zaltan said hoping to reignite Wyatt's interest in their meeting.

"If you do have the authority to do so, what do you want from me in return for lifting the ban on me?" The Infinity Library was an important arsenal in his hand, Zaltan knew it otherwise he would not use it as a bargaining chip. Therefore, Wyatt did not try to beat around the bush and directly asked him what it would cost him to regain his privileges as a member of the Infinity Library.

"Before I answer you that, you need to understand that if I were to help you lift your ban I would be going against the Librarian. Regardless of my status, for having done that I will have to pay a hefty price. Therefore, the price I ask you will not be cheap in any way so, I need to know if you are sure about this," Zaltan warned Wyatt that he would be taking a huge risk to lift the ban on him so he wanted to know that Wyatt was all in and would not back way in the last second leaving him hanging.

"Yes, do not worry. If the price you are asking is within my limits then I will not mind paying it as long as you deliver on what you claimed," Listening to Zaltan say that changing the Librarian's arrangements would cost him a lot Wyatt understood where he was coming from. After all, attempting something like that would be equal to challenging the authority of the Librarian even if Zaltan was a part of the Librarian as he claimed. He would not be forgiven for something like. It would be a surprise if he was not labeled as a traitor. That was if Zaltan could actually do that and was willing to do that.

"Great, I need your help with one thing. Don't ask me what, I will tell you when the time comes. But know this I will not ask you anything that would harm your interest. It will be dangerous you might die but that is the cost of my help to you," Zaltan spoke explaining what he needed from Wyatt in exchange for his help.

"Sounds simple enough, but why me? I am just a nameless demon merchant with an average prowess. Why chose me when there are countless demon merchants that you can ask to help you," Wyatt asked Zaltan unable to understand Why someone of his influence would approach him when he could easily find better options out there.

"What I am searching for is not strong people, I am confident in my strength. What I am searching for is people I can trust my life to in dire situations. And you fit the bill," Zaltan answered, which only further confused Wyatt.

"I don't understand. We haven't met each other until today and you believe that you can trust your life in my hands during a dire situation, How does that work?" Wyatt started to feel like Zaltan was one of those people who never let others guess their next move. Helping Zaltan once to regain his privileges as a member of the Infinity library, sounded like a good deal to Wyatt. From the voice of it, Zaltan did not plan to let him fight.

This was a good as Wyatt knew even if he involved devil merchant code in this he would only fail against the librarian. After all, the librarian was someone who made use of the devil merchant code to gain the copyright of the newly invented words of various dark tongues despite the resistance of the native dark tribes to whom those languages belonged. Someone who was capable of that would not have a hard time dealing with Wyatt.

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