Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1609 Crisis Averted...?

Chapter 1609 Crisis Averted...?


Date- ???

Time- ???

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plain Planet, Freedom Fighter's Base, Conference room

Henricks went through the list that Wyatt shared with his grimoire, the situation was so grave that he did not have the time to be shocked he instinctively yelled, "Damn it."

Then he immediately began to contact the reverse dungeon patrol department to share the information with them and have them warn the regular members regarding the compromised dungeons.

Listening to Henricks's yell, Ned who was staring intently at the chair that Wyatt destroyed and fixed jumped in a scare. Turning his attention to Henricks he saw urgency written all over his face, so he chose to wait.

After Henricks was done sharing the list of compromised reverse dungeons connecting the Card World to Yellow Plains to the patrol department and explaining the gravity of the situation to them, he shared a copy of the list with Ned too.

"What is this?" Ned asked Henricks in confusion, he was aware that they were the names of a few of their reverse dungeon but he did not understand why Henricks was sharing it with him.

"That's the thank you gift from Wyatt," Henricks said taking a set at the round table. His knees grew weak understanding the consequence of the grave mistake he almost made believing that only a third of their reverse dungeons were compromised when more than half were compromised.

"Did he say where he got this list from?" Based on Henrick's reaction and the origin of the list, Ned immediately put two and two together. Since Henricks had already taken the necessary precautionary measures, he was rather interested in knowing how Wyatt got this list.

"I have no idea, he did not say. But, how did he get his hands on this list?" After being pointed out by Ned, Henricks too began to wonder how Wyatt was able to get such an important piece of information.

"I am telling you that boy is more than what meets the eye. He has a big secret to him," Ned's mind almost overloaded trying to figure out how Wyatt had the list of reverse dungeon uncovered by the World Leaders.

"Why does it matter how he got it? We should be content with the fact that he decided to share it with us," Hearing Ned, Henricks immediately understood, where the conversation was headed and decided to put an end to it.

"Henricks, you don't under—" Ned knew that Henricks had taken a liking to Wyatt and was not willing to go against him anymore but in this game, there was no room for personal feelings. Ned was about to remind that to his friend but was interrupted midway by Henricks, "Enough, Ned! These past few days I am feeling like I am back in the central government. Freedom Fighters used to mean something now we are like a bunch of bandits stealing from children and our own families. This doesn't feel right."

"I did not know you were feeling like this," Ned knew that they were making a few morally questionable choices lately but he had no idea how much of a toll it was taking on Henricks and the rest.

After a pause, Henricks continued to say, "I am starting to think we should never come out of hiding. We should not have lusted for the Silver Milk Powder. We were not ready for something this big. Instead of facing the central government now we are facing the whole world. Ned, Freedom Fighters has always been for the world never against the world."

"Woah, Henricks. This is not the time to throw in the towel, it's time for us to struggle so hard that the shackles should snap off of us. I know these past few days have not been easy but like always we will soldier through—" Ned tried to motivate Henricks but he was once again interrupted.

"Ned! Open your damned eyes. If Wyatt had not shared that list with us— I can't even imagine the consequence of that. Ned, I know our cause is important but it is not greater than the lives of our people. I do not doubt their faith in our cause, they will willingly lay their life for it but what is the use of a cause when everyone who believes in it or the loved ones of those who fought for it is dead?" Henricks's hands, they were shivering. The room wasn't cold yet they were shivering as if the room temperature was in negative.

His hands did not shiver when he fought the strongest of foes in the coldest of mountains but now they were shivering imagining the consequence had Wyatt not shared the list with him. He was not worried about the members of the Freedom Fighters being ambushed, they knew what they signed up for. He was worried for their families. He used to sit in the same room and chairs as the world leaders and he knew full well about the worst they were capable of. He could not imagine that for his enemies let alone the members of Freedom Fighters and their families.

"You are thinking too much into it, Henricks. We managed to avoid the incident remember? Why don't you relax?" Ned could see that Henricks was shaken up by this incident.

"Ned, you don't get it," Henricks was pissed that his friend was not able to grasp the gravity of the situation if they had not avoided it thanks to Wyatt.

"I get it, Henricks. I get it. I know I messed up, Instead of getting greedy and trying to create a supply and distribution line for silver milk powder we should have gone into hiding and used the silver milk powder to strengthen our manpower. But we did not because I decided that expanding our influence with the help of silver milk powder would be the right way. I know I was wrong. Our present is the evidence of that," Ned immediately shoulder all the blame for what could have been the biggest blunder in the history of the Freedom Fighters. Unfortunately for him, Henricks was not having it.

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