Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1715 Fated Meeting

Chapter 1715 Fated Meeting

Date- 15 April 2321

Time- 20:03

Location- Card World, Way Beyond, ????, Secret Hideout

Wyatt soon appeared on a majestic platform in the middle of a luxurious garden covered by a large array formation. Soon he felt three different soul energy signatures rush to his locations. Wyatt did not have to wait long for them, they appeared next to him in what seemed like an instant. 

Of the three figures, Wyatt recognized Cuth Diya. Among the other two, one resembled Cuth Diya but his size was a lot bigger and his features were more dominant than Cuth Diya's while the last one was a human Card Apprentice. 

Based on their soul energy signature, Wyatt determined the two figures were a Devil and a Card Demigod. If his guess was correct then the devil must be Devil Muth Diya, Cuth Diya's father. As for the Card demigod, it must be the one and only Card World's devil merchant. 

Being in the presence of the enemy he has been searching for, Wyatt immediately made use of his soul pupil to record the soul records of three figures. Considering the realms of the Muth Diya and his demigod friend, it was impossible for them not to notice that Wyatt was using a sensory skill on them. So, just to be on the safer side Wyatt blatantly scanned all three of them instead of the card apprentice alone.

Though the devil and the card apprentice found the Choas Dwarf's blatant action provocative, they did not point it out instead tolerated it. If not for their recent discovery that the demon master realm Chaos Dwarf in front of them was related to a Chaos Dwarf who was an Executive VVIP member of the infinity library they would not even bother to come to receive him in person let alone tolerate his flagrant actions. However, they used this as an excuse to use their spirituality to check the Chaos Dwarf for any abnormality and record his soul energy signature. 

"Welcome, Master Ezra. This Is my father devil Muth Diya and this is our host Demigod Handsome Fox," Cuth Diya was first to greet Wyatt and introduce the other two to him. 

Cuth Diya did not expect the Chaos Dwarf to be so fearless in the face of two devil-realm experts in a foreign realm with no bodyguards to protect him. Well, it was already surprising that a Chaos Dwarf was willing to come to a foreign realm all by himself. Especially one still in the card master realm. Either this one was confident or just ignorant. 

"Welcome, Master Ezra," Both Devil Muth Diya and Demigod Handsome Fox greeted the Chaos Dwarf in unison. They chose to be the bigger person because the 'Seven Prince of Hell' faction had assigned the task of recruiting Chaos Dwarf Ezra and the Elder behind him into their faction. Though they were afraid of the penalty of failing the faction's task the reason they were so docile was the merits points they would gain from completing this task. 

"Demigod Handsome Fox, Who are you?" Wyatt asked not bothering to be subtle about his hatred toward him. The body frame of the Card Demigod Handsome Fox matched Corey's description of Handsome Fox. 

"I am sorry?" Demigod Handsome Fox was confused by the hate and killing intent he felt from the Chaos Dwarf Ezra because this was their first meeting. He wasn't alone both Devil Muth Diya and Cuth Diya were puzzled by Choas Dwarf Ezra's unceremonious killing hatred toward Demigod Handsome Fox. They could not help but wonder if there was a history between the two. However, Demigod Handsome Fox had become a Devil Merchant just recently, it was impossible for Chaos Dwarf Ezra to have run in with him. 

The confusion aside, Wyatt could not help but 

"You heard me, who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you come in front of me using an undead incarnation? You might as have not come to receive me," The reason for Wyatt's sudden outburst was the soul records of the demigod Handsome Fox. 

When Wyatt's mutant consciousness and Hive AI analyzed the soul records of the demigod Handsome Fox, they found that he was not alive but actually dead. Upon further probing, they realized that the demigod Handsome Fox had refined the corpse of a demigod into an undead incarnation. 

An undead incarnation was where a card apprentice refines a corpse as an ingredient to create their incarnation, the stronger and more complete the corpse, the more powerful the undead incarnation. The most important part about this was that the regular card apprentices could not tell an Undead incarnation apart from the living unless they had special sensory skills. 

This meant the soul records that Wyatt collected from the Demigod Handsome Fox were useless except for his soul energy signature. Wyatt was pissed that could not use the facial reconstruction program he had designed to reconstruct the demigod's face based on his soul records thus his sudden outburst. Fortunately, he regained his calm quickly and modified his act based on the circumstances. 

"What?" Listening to the Chaos Dwarf, Devil Muth Diya looked at Demigod Handsome Fox in shock. He did not expect that the native devil merchant he was looking down on was actually an incarnation not the original. He felt betrayed and embarrassed at the same time. As a devil being fooled by a primitive native demigod was not something he could stomach. His exaggerated reaction was the evidence of it. 

Even though Muth Diya and Handsome Fox came together to receive Wyatt, this did not mean that they got along. They were colleagues but the ingrained discrimination in the dark realm's native devil merchant against non-native devil merchant was not something that could be overcome over a few conversations. If not for Muth Diya planning to use this realm to cultivate his son into a powerhouse and requiring Handsome Fox's help for that, he would not even bother to spare a few glances at Handsome Fox.

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