Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2014 Armine And JJ

Chapter 2014  Armine And JJ

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 15:24

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air Space

After serving as Wyatt's bodyguard, Aria Art applied for transfer from the Southern Royal Palace to the Way Beyond. She was done serving the willful people and guests in the Royal palace and would rather risk her life on the battlefield. Her experience with Wyatt was very disappointing and it was the turning point in her career. Still today Aria wasn't clear on why she was assigned as Wyatt's bodyguard as he outclassed her in every way. Sometimes, she pondered whether Lorenzo intended to use her as a honey trap for Wyatt. However, looking at her underdeveloped curves she shook her head and reluctantly concluded she was a spy planted by Wyatt's side. To earn his trust and report his every move to the Royal family. She was hesitant to conclude this because if she was assigned by Wyatt's side to do so then, she failed her mission. This did not sit right with her. In the Southern Watch, it was said it's easier to transfer to the Way Beyond but Aria found it false in her case. She applied for a transfer five times and was rejected all five times. During her fifth application, Ann came in person to deny Aria's transfer request. But seeing Aria was death set on transferring from the Royal Palace base, Ann transferred her to the Southern Capital garrison. The Southern Royal family was never shy of sending their cubs to the Way Beyond especially the ones with potential but ever since they learned about the three mischiefs and the Matron targeting them. They have made protecting their talents a priority over nurturing their talents. This was why regardless of how many times Aria applied to transfer to the Way Beyond she was denied and finally moved to the Southern Capital garrison where she would have to patrol the city streets and help citizens and tourists. Though it was a routine job it was better than facing the mood swings and whims of the royal family and their guests. So, Aria was enjoying a slow life in the Southern Watch's Southern Capital garrison until this late morning when Wyatt's speech and miraculous use of silver milk powder were aired on the grimoire network. It was supposed to be an ad for silver milk powder that the Royal family plans to distribute in the market this month. However, the fame that came with it made Wyatt a source of envy and jealousy, especially among the wealthy kids of the southern region. Not that he wasn't already a source of envy for these kids with all his achievements. This time it was different, Wyatt's speech 'You are the hope of the South' stuck with them. The poor orphans who were uncertain about their future outside of the orphanage could not afford hope let alone become someone else's hope so they were not moved by Wyatt's speech however it was different for the rich kids. Wyatt's speech ignited an untold passion in them all. Especially seeing how Wyatt was being revered by the general populace. So why were they targeting Wyatt? What better way to show their friends and family that they can be the Southern Hope than defeating the existing Southern Hope? After all, the Card World despite its magical advancement at its core still was the world where the strong ruled and were respected while the weak followed and worshipped the strong. Aria and her squad were supposed to be on the night shift but as a child from a prominent family and carrying the royal unparalleled bloodline, Aria was an integral part of many social groups. Where she picked up the chatter that the high school gangs from the Southern Capital were gathering other high school gangs from other prominent cities at the Sky Blossom City planning to dethrone the current hope of the southern region. At first, Aria scoffed at the idea of these rich kids thinking that they could dethrone Wyatt but then fearing the consequences of these kids being killed by Wyatt, she reported the matter to Ann her immediate superior, and called her squad. Then, they rushed to the Sky Blossom City using the city's teleportation array. Aria planned to disperse the gathering crowd using her identity as the captain in Southern Watch, but noticing that Cervos was leading the gangs she was no longer confident that she could stop them from making the stupidest mistake of their life that could cost their life. "Cervos, I see you still like to bully the weak. I wonder what your parents did to you for you to grow up like this," A voice sounded from all directions, listening to it the rowdy crowd of teenagers surrounding Jaya immediately became alert of their immediate surroundings. Cervos's smug face instantly turned ugly listening to this voice and he responded grudgingly, "Armine, one of these days I will capture you and torture you to my fill. Then gift you to my pet as a toy to satisfy its urges." "Cervos, when you make statements like that I can't help but wonder if you were sexually abused by your father for you to cultivate such a deviant fetish. After all, your father's notorious reputation precedes him," Armine remarked. His physical body was nowhere in sight however his voice was audible to everyone and sounded from all directions making it harder to pinpoint his location. "You son of bitch I dare you to come out of hiding and say that to my face," Cervos lost it listening to Armine bring up his father and his notorious reputation. He frantically scanned the edge of the void but he could not find any clue as to where Armine was hiding. "Hahaha, I dare you to find me if you can," Armine laughed aloud in satisfaction. Listening to the conversation between Armine and Cervos, Aria frowned her brows and requested aloud, "Sir Armine, please do not provoke the crowd any more. If possible please help me disperse them." "Sorry, Captain Aria. I cannot be of any help to you today. I also want to see what Southern Hope is capable of," Armine rejected Aria's request. "Haha, it seems I wasn't alone to think as such," A loud immature voice sounded as a group of about two hundred teenagers appeared behind the crowd of teenagers surrounding Jaya. This caused the tension in the air to soar by several notches. "JJ, not you too? Didn't Her Highness Southern emperor warn you not to mess with Wyatt? Besides, shouldn't you be the most aware of what Wyatt is capable of," Aria frowned looking at her younger cousin who appeared by her side. She wondered if he dared to show himself here because Anna was in closed-door training. "Don't worry cousin, I have created a new card just for this occasion. Today, I will show the world who is better, me or Wyatt. I am sick of constantly being compared to him," JJ uttered under his breath just for his cousin to listen. He was hailed as a genius in the royal palace but ever since the appearance of Wyatt, his nightmare began. Today, he will put an end to that nightmare or die trying. "JJ, Grandma is here to guard him. So, if you provoke him she will watch you get killed by him but not save you even if you have the royal bloodline," Aria whispered to her cousin, warning him. She was aware that Field Marshal Heatsend was guarding Wyatt, she wasn't sure if most of the kids gathered here knew that. Mostly like they didn't otherwise they would not dare to show up here, but she was clear JJ knew about it therefore she reminded her cousin not to expect Field Marshal Heatsend to save his ass if things turned ugly. "I would not want it otherwise," JJ replied with resolute eyes. "It seems we are late to the party." Pretty soon other gangs began to appear in the edge of the void. Some seemed to be harmonious with Cervos's group while others joined JJ but most stayed independent. The people leading these groups each oozed an intimidating and authoritative aura. Looking at them Jaya frowned brows grew narrower almost joining in to a single brow. Unconsciously she moved closer to Aria as the rest of the people here were eyeing her as if she were their prey. Usually, Jaya would not be intimidated by such gazes but the size of the crowd kept growing with the passing second and the odds of her leaving here alive grew smaller and smaller. Jaya no longer cared about surprising her sister and tried to call her but for some reason, her grimoire call would not connect. After repeated failed attempts, Jaya gave up trying to contact her sister believing that someone among the crowd had equipped a grimoire network jamming card. Seeing the smug face of Gloria, Jaya guessed, 'It must be this bitch who is jamming my grimoire's network.'

"What's the matter cow can't call for help?" Gloria said wanting to enjoy the look of despair on Jaya's face. 

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