Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 32 (Part 1)

Chapter 32.1 Shen Indelible Tavern’s Grand Opening (2)

Shen Shaoguang urged Yu San to practice carving radishes and cucumbers into flowers.

Many people who learn traditional Chinese Painting could tinker with their own personal stamps. Shen Shaoguang once carved a ‘Shen’ stamp for herself, which was used for the crepe packaging, but no matter how she tried, she could never carve out a decent radish flower. What she hadn’t expected was for Yu San to succeed on his first few attempts, this was probably what people called ‘innate talent’.

Seeing that they were having fun, A’Yuan joined in as well. When she was half done, A’Yuan looked at the flower in Yu San's hand, then at the one in Shen Shaoguang's hand, and stuffed her piece in her mouth in a huff. Crunch! Crunch! Since then, she completely dropped any interest in carving.

With the accumulation of her previous eatery, Shen Shaoguang's tavern achieved success much faster than ordinary traverns—whether it was in terms of customer flow or her own business management.

Lunch was not as lucrative, after all, many officials and merchants were busy then. However, it was almost always a full house during the evenings, among which weren’t lacking in the rich and powerful.

Shen Shaoguang was in the midst of settling the ledger, when an old man with a three-edge-beard[1] and a brocade fur coat walked in.

It was still early so there wasn’t many guests in the restaurant, so Shen Shaoguang allowed the elderly to sit whenever he liked, brought him cup of beverage on a small tray, and said with a smile, "Senior, drink some hot red date and wolfberry beverage, it’ll warm you up."

It was already past autumn, with the weather welcoming the early winter; the first snow imminent. In order to drive out the cold, Shen Shaoguang boiled ginger, red dates, and wolfberries to make a warming beverage. A few sips was enough to warm the body.

Since the addition of Yu San and the discontinuation of breakfast, Shen Shaoguang enjoyed much more leisure time, and would often use it to test different beverage variations for her own pleasure. She would sometimes give out some to the regular customers, and later it gradually transitioned to free drinks provided by the tavern.

Hearing Shen Shaoguang call him ‘senior’, the elderly ruefully smiled and thanked her. While holding his beverage, he looked at the layout of the store, and fell upon the painting of the boy sitting by the scenic storefront.

When Shen Shaoguang handed over the menu, the old man looked at the words on the menu, and then at the painting. "Who did you hire to write this menu, Miss?"

"As a humble store, it is difficult to afford the standards. I could only randomly write without basis."

The elderly looked at Shen Shaoguang in surprise, "The picture of the village store on the wall was also drawn by you?"

"Yes, it is a casual painting, incurring the ridicule of you, senior."

"May I ask who you learned from, Miss?" As soon as the old man asked, he laughed at his own momentary befuddled mind. Who can the owner of this small shop learn from? 

However, on second thought, she may be a descendant of a fallen influential family. When the old man recalled the name of the tavern, ‘Shen Indelible,’ he studied Shen Shaoguang’s face carefully, as if he wanted to see the shadow of another person within.

Shen Shaoguang blathered, "Missus Li, who pounded rice, was my master." It wasn’t all nonsense, her middle-aged palace-maid teacher had indeed been assigned to pounding rice before. Even though she was transferred to a teaching department later, the calluses on her hands remained.

The old man couldn't see the resemblance of an old friend from this charming girl's face, so he silently nodded. There were many capable individuals with outstanding talent amongst the common masses, and also just as many living life full of frustrations and dashed hopes. While revisiting an old haunt, his mind was still reminiscing about past affairs, so everything he saw always raised some doubt.

The elderly randomly ordered the signature ‘Lion Head’, ‘Cornelian Meat’, ‘Diced Chicken and Eggplant’, ‘Crispy Fried Chicken’, ‘Fresh Fish Mutton Soup’, and ‘Lotus Meat’ dishes. He also ordered ‘Vinegar Gravy Fish’, ‘Cabbage Stew’, ‘Balsamic Celery’, ‘Eight Treasure Tofu’, as well as a jug of wine.

The dishes began to be served one after another as A’Yuan personally delivered each plate to his table.

A’Yuan grew up in the marketplace and had a bit of a boorish temperament. Although Shen Shaoguang taught her a little bit, her movements were still not meticulous enough. The old man frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Shen Shaoguang took the kettle from A’Yuan's hand, and asked with a smile, "Allow me to pour you a cup first, senior?"

The elderly nodded.

Shen Shaoguang was sitting at the edge of the table, slowly pouring hot water into the wine heating vessel[2] which contained the wine jug, and then peacefully waited. Then she used her hand to feel the temperature of the jug, once warmed enough, she picked up the wine jug and shook it slightly to even the temperature of the alcohol inside. Only when the bottom of the jug was wiped with a snow-white cloth towel did she pour a cup for the old man.

The old man nodded with a smile, but instead praised "Your Cornelian Meat is well made, Miss."

He had not yet taken a bite but already complimented it. It could either be a thoughtless praise or something he had eaten before—it should be the latter.

Shen Shaoguang politely thanked him, and told him to enjoy his meal, then went to the kitchen with the kettle.

Truth be told, the wine heating vessels were usually served directly as was. Once hot water was poured inside, it was up to the customers to warm the wine by themselves, but A’Yuan careless movements just now seemed to have annoyed the guest, so Shen Shaoguang decided to step in.

This senior must be from a wealthy and respectable family, having strict rules, and all their servants acting with prudence and care. This may be the first time he was served by someone like A’Yuan...

Shen Shaoguang defended her shortcomings, and felt that although A’Yuan's actions were a little careless, they were not considered crude, at most— it could be described as candid and cute. It seemed that the others didn't share her sentiments. Alas, customer service...

Shen Shaoguang was puzzled; if the elderly was a wealthy noble, why did he run out to eat wine by himself without bringing a servant?

Just as she was mulling over this question, the old man's servant arrived and even brought an acquaintance– Deputy Magistrate Lin.

"An Ran, come here!" The elderly greeted Deputy Magistrate Lin with a smile.

To call him by his courtesy name[3], and seeing Deputy Magistrate Lin so respectfully greeting him back, the elderly’s seniority may not just be from his age but also status. Shen Shaoguang guessed that he must be a senior member of the imperial court, third-rank or above.

Sure enough, Deputy Magistrate Lin stepped forward to salute, and called him ‘Chancellor Li’.

Whoa! He’s a Grand Chancellor!

When the two senior officials greeted each other, the servant of the Grand Chancellor came over and asked to book the entire venue.

Shen Shaoguang smiled and agreed, she preferred for the entire venue to be booked; this meant with less work for the same amount of money. She immediately wrote on a piece of paper, ‘The venue has been reserved for distinguished guests, many apologies.’, personally pasted it on the bulletin board that used to advertise her season specialities, and took it outside.

A breeze snuck into the collar of her cotton robe, Shen Shaoguang gathered her collar, looked at the sky; it was a bit cloudy, and very likely to snow tomorrow. After entering the building, she closed the door behind her, lowered the felt curtain, and went into the kitchen to inform Yu San and A’Yuan. Afterwards, she inwardly wished the guests would have a good meal and that they would give a generous tip on top of the booking fee—the rich often splurged.

After returning to the counter, Shen Shaoguang realized she had forgotten to serve Deputy Magistrate Lin a cup of red date and wolfberry beverage, but seeing that they were already drinking the wine, she dropped the idea and continued to sit by the counter.

A’Yuan soon served the Vinegar Gravy Fish on a tray; this time, her movements were much gentler. Shen Shaoguang inwardly sighed, the child could still be taught.

Li Yue sampled the Vinegar Gravy Fish and exclaimed, "It's refreshing and light, this flavor is reminiscent of Jiāngnán River’s misty rain!"

Lin Yan faintly smiled, and also took a piece. Indeed, it was light and fresh, different from the city’s Steamed Fish, which was heavy in flavor, it was more similar to raw fish slices. 

Lin Yan glanced at the shop owner behind the tall counter from the corner of his eyes. His grandmother's tastes were truly sharp, Shen Indelible had indeed changed chefs.





[1] three-edge-beard (三绺美髯) -  this is a style of beard in ancient china. This one specifically has three ends, with the two sideburns grown out and the chin beard all together, makes up three. They are distinctly separate from each other. The person who has a similar style would be Zhuge Liang from the three kingdoms.

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