Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 50 (Part 1)

Chapter 50.1 Clear Streams and Hidden Tides

As promised, Second Young Lady Pang arrived in the evening, and Shen Shaoguang guided her to a secluded corner. Above the table, a wall shelf showcased garlic sprouts nurtured in blanc de chine porcelain pots. Due to Shen Shaoguang's oversight, these sprouts were left to mature without being harvested at their most tender stage, aging within a span of a few days. Consequently, she chose to retain them, resembling pots of narcissus patiently awaiting their natural conclusion. While not fit for consumption, their lush and verdant appearance added a touch of beauty to the setting.

Beside the garlic sprouts stood cowhide dolls, acquired from the West Market, their lips and cheeks delicately dotted with cinnabar rouge, lending them a silly yet festive appearance.

Second Young Lady Pang settled into the seat beneath the garlic sprouts and ‘silly dolls’. Shen Shaoguang inquired about her culinary preferences. Second Young Lady Pang hadn't harbored high expectations for delicacies at Shen Shaoguang's modest tavern. After all, it was merely a small establishment in the urban landscape—how could it possibly rival the culinary offerings of the Imperial Duke Residence's private kitchen?

However, since Second Young Lady Pang expressed her intention to dine, she naturally approached the matter with seriousness. As such, she asked Shen Shaoguang to recommend the most delectable dishes.

Truly rich and overbearing! Without holding back, Shen Shaoguang presented her with an expensive feast, including the exquisite Squirrel Fish and five other equally indulgent dishes. The spread also featured soup, rice, and a delightful dessert, crowding the entire table tray.

As Second Young Lady Pang beheld the vibrant Squirrel Fish on the porcelain-white plate, the plump and glistening red Cornelian Meat, the deep green Jadeite Rounds, and the white, tender Monkey Brain Tofu, her mouth couldn't help but water involuntarily. The mere sight of it... was indeed a rarity in the market. No wonder there was a considerable lunchtime crowd, and no wonder Senior Buddhist Nun Yuanjue held such a fondness for it.

Eagerly, Second Young Lady Pang delicately picked up a piece of Squirrel Fish with her chopsticks. The delightful combination of sour, sweet, and fragrant flavors made it truly exquisite!

Second Young Lady Pang couldn't resist indulging in two more mouthfuls.

Her serving maid, standing nearby, expressed surprise. Their Second Young Lady was known for her discerning palate, rarely opting for a second serving.

Then, Second Young Lady Pang savored a whole piece of Cornelian Meat and four or five petite Jadeite Rounds. The Monkey Brain Tofu, somehow crafted to eliminate the usual bean aroma, offered a fresh and tender taste without any lingering bean scent. Second Young Lady Pang even indulged in half a small bowl of it. The Sharpened Mutton Jade bore similarities to those served during royal banquets in the palace—meticulously crafted, exquisite, with delectable fillings. Before she realized it, she had already enjoyed three of them. The green glutinous rice balls on the adjacent plate, with a green exterior and red bean paste interior, were not overly sweet but possessed a soft and glutinous texture. Perfect for the spring season, Second Young Lady Pang found herself reaching for another one.

Amid the surprised and even concerned gazes of the maids, Second Young Lady Pang lived up to expectations—she had eaten to her heart's content.

Shen Shaoguang, after attending to other matters, approached to check on her. Surveying the remnants on the table and observing Second Young Lady Pang, who appeared slightly languid yet wore a contented expression, Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but appreciate her hearty appetite. Reflecting on their initial encounter, she had merely assumed Second Young Lady Pang practiced fasting for meals.

Witnessing the joy of others relishing the dishes from her establishment brought happiness to Shen Shaoguang. She personally crafted a bowl of hawthorn and licorice beverage, presenting it to Second Young Lady Pang to aid digestion and prevent any discomfort after indulging in a substantial evening meal.

The weather took a turn for the worse, with the rain intensifying in the evening. The store saw a decline in customers, especially after peak hours, leaving only Second Young Lady Pang's table occupied.

With a sense of relief, Shen Shaoguang took a moment to unwind. She brought a cup of sweet-scented osmanthus water and joined Second Young Lady Pang at the table.

The rain whispered on the peach blossom oil window paper, creating a soft melody. The lamps and candles danced with a gentle sway, casting a warm and intimate glow as Shen Shaoguang and Second Young Lady Pang exchanged words across the table in tranquil harmony.

What topics could they explore? They delved into discussions about current popular trends in the capital—how peony pins seemed more appealing when slightly askew, the notion that adorning a gold-foiled huadian felt too ostentatious in the seasons of spring and summer, favoring emerald green feathers instead. They even touched upon the resurgence of distant mountain eyebrows[1] in recent fashion trends.

"Look at my eyebrows," Second Young Lady Pang leaned in, "They've already been changed."

Shen Shaoguang nodded earnestly, "Indeed, it’s much more pleasant than the previous lianjuan brows. Those lianjuan brows were likely crafted for the offspring of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye[2], and we ordinary individuals can't quite do them justice."

Second Young Lady Pang wasn't familiar with the 'Mei Jian Chi'[3] allusion, yet she too found lianjuan brows unattractive. Nevertheless, regardless of personal opinions, this brow style remained popular in the palace. Styles of the times! Styles of the times![4] If she didn't keep up, wouldn't others perceive her as unfashionable?

Shen Shaoguang sensed that this young lady had succumbed to the allure of fashion trends. However, fashion and beauty were distinct concepts! In an attempt to rescue Second Young Lady Pang's sense of makeup and appearance, Shen Shaoguang shared the timeless words of Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel from a thousand years in the future, "A Madam surnamed Chan once stated, ‘Fashion changes, but style endures.’ Reflect on it as much as you'd like, but that remains the truth."

The allure of famous quotes lied in their ability to transcend time and space, leaving an impact across eras. Second Young Lady Pang furrowed her brow. The more she contemplated it, the more she found the statement resonant. She pondered on the individual who coined the phrase, wondering about the aristocratic family in this dynasty bearing the surname Chan. However, because her own family belonged to the nouveau riche, Second Young Lady Pang hadn't delved deeply into aristocratic genealogy. Simultaneously curious and hesitant, she refrained from asking Shen Shaoguang, fearing she might reveal her lack of knowledge.

Second Young Lady Pang belatedly grasped that Miss Shen possessed a wealth of knowledge about the capital's fashion trends. How could she be so well-informed while seemingly engrossed in her life's daily routines?

Shen Shaoguang offered a subtle smile. "While trends may come and go, beauty endures eternally."

Shen Shaoguang sketched a face on the table with her finger, moistened with water, while elucidating the concept of 'three courts and five eyes[5]' to Second Young Lady Pang. "In general, the closer one's features align with this standard, the more beautiful they are considered. Makeup serves to compensate for any shortcomings, bringing our facial features closer to this ideal."

Second Young Lady Pang found herself introduced to a whole new world. Her mouth slightly agape in surprise, she gazed at Shen Shaoguang and then shifted her gaze to the liquid illustration on the table. After contemplating for a moment, she abruptly nodded.





[1] distant mountain eyebrows (远山眉)

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