Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 60 (Part 2)

Chapter 60.2 Dragon Boat Festival’s Longevity Bracelet (2)

After selling herself with a favorable public persona, Shen Shaoguang didn't overlook the importance of offering proper holiday greetings. "Esteemed guests, may you continue to prosper in life, blessed with good fortune and longevity."

As floral cakes were considered a luxury commodity, even a casual purchase amounted to fifty wen. Therefore, nearly every customer received a Longevity Bracelet as a complimentary gift. Occasionally, some individuals only bought one or two cakes for their children, but Shen Shaoguang still bestowed a bracelet upon them. After all, it was the holiday season—time to enjoy and spread joy.

While Shen Shaoguang's craftsmanship was nothing remarkable, the techniques she learned from the palace were innovative and intriguing enough to captivate the interest of the common folk.

Occasionally, those more astute would inquire, "This resembles those from the 'inner palace'?"

Shen Shaoguang evaded a direct response and simply smiled, replying, "As long as our esteemed guests find it pleasing."

The men of this dynasty were notably fashion-conscious. In addition to donning bright-colored garments and flamboyant attire, they showed no aversion to accessories such as the Longevity Bracelet. Some would eagerly don the bracelet themselves, while others requested their servants or A’Chang for assistance. Meanwhile, A’Yuan and Shen Shaoguang attended to the female guests and children, assisting them in tying the bracelets, while Yu San focused on crafting pastries.

Thanks to the repeat customers and the increasingly beautiful presentation of the pastries adorned with fresh fruits, business today was thriving more than ever before. None of them could find a moment to spare for a leisurely stroll around.

Shen Shaoguang took a moment to pour a cup of iced sour plum drink for all four of them. As she surveyed the amount of food already sold and reminisced about her repeat customers. ‘Heh, the people of the Tang Dynasty are really adorable,’ she mused to herself.

Of course there were some that were not so adorable.

A young man dressed in exquisite attire, adorned with gorgeous garments, appeared to be around twenty-three or twenty-four years old. While his appearance was pleasing, his demeanor and speech exuded a hint of flamboyance. "Miss, your floral cakes are exceptionally crafted!"

"Your praise is overly generous, esteemed guest. Which ones would you like to try?" Shen Shaoguang inquired, her smile faint but courteous.

"Whatever you recommend, Miss." 

"How about the ones that the Tanhua Envoy selected previously?" Shen Shaoguang suggested, taking care to specially pack the same assortment purchased by the Tanhua Envoy into a 'Bright Prospects' gift set. This set was her best-selling mid-priced option, and she recommended it to every undecided young man.

The young man furrowed his brows slightly and offered a casual smile. "That's fine," he replied, then proceeded to engage Shen Shaoguang further. He pointed to various cakes, inquiring about their names, ingredients, and unique features. Eventually, he remarked, "I believe the Tanhua Envoy's praise may not have been entirely accurate. He should have said, 'the person is more delicate than flowers.'" As he spoke, he flashed a flirtatious smile at Shen Shaoguang, displaying a somewhat foppish demeanor.

Shen Shaoguang, having lived through two lifetimes and even encountered harassment in the subway before, didn't take this level of harassment too seriously. However, she was wary that it might escalate and become incessant. With a polite smile, she responded, "From your words, Sir, it seems your talents rival those of this year's Tanhua Envoys..."

The young man appeared slightly embarrassed, but he regained his composure quickly. "To be honest, Miss, I didn't need to take the imperial examinations to secure an official position. Therefore, whether my talents rival theirs or not, remains untested…"

"How about composing a poem on the spot, inspired by today's splendid scenery?" Shen Shaoguang proposed, as if channeling a literature teacher, she suggested the technique of ‘writing a composition while out on an excursion during a festive occasion.’

Indeed, this dynasty was an era where poetry flourished. From the mundane activities of eating, drinking, and even excreting, to the significant moments of birth, old age, sickness, and death, as well as moments of feasting and recreation, all aspects of life were ripe for poetic expression. It was customary for scholars to compose poetry at every opportunity, and others were equally accustomed to this practice. Whenever someone announced an intention to compose poetry, the surrounding crowd eagerly awaited to hear their verses.

After hearing the entire explanation of the situation and understanding the rationale behind Shen Shaoguang's request, some customers were filled with moral indignation. They took the initiative to shout, urging the young man to promptly compose his poem.

The young man, a hedonistic son of affluent parents, wasn't particularly skilled in scholarly pursuits. If he hadn't been pressured, he might have been able to cobble together a few verses. However, under the scrutiny of everyone present, especially with the young lady looking at him with a half-smile, he found himself unable to compose anything at all.

But the young man was not devoid of intelligence. When he grasped Shen Shaoguang's intentions, he became incensed with humiliation. "You're nothing but a seller of floral cakes. What right do you have to demand that I compose poetry?"

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind him, "Who wants to compose a poem? Let's hear it."

It was none other than Deputy Magistrate Lin.

Upon seeing the high-ranking official in scarlet robes, the young man's arrogance waned, and he respectfully cupped his hands. "Salutation, distinguished official."

Lin Yan looked at him calmly and said, "Sir, please share your work. I am also eager to learn from it."

Feeling thoroughly unable to compose any verse under the pressure, the young man muttered, "I–I'm not adept at poetry."

Someone nearby, observing the commotion and unafraid of becoming involved, suggested, "This man has been appointed as an official without the need for the imperial examinations, perhaps out of meritorious service."

Lin Yan nodded, "In this case, it makes sense that he is not good at rhetorics."

The young man just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard, "As a son of a high-ranking official, you must be acquainted with the central government agencies and government repository affairs... There has been a lot of rain this year. Why don't you give us some policy advice on flood prevention?"

The young man: "……"

Everyone suppressed their laughter.

Lin Yan addressed the crowd, saying, "Everyone, please disperse."

They all respectfully cupped their hands and departed.

Once the crowd had dispersed, Lin Yan flattened his lips and inquired, "Who is your esteemed father?"

"My father is the Chief Secretary of the Administrative Governor of Andong."

Dou Qi, the Chief Secretary of the Administrative Governor of Andong, was known for his propriety and uprightness. It was unexpected that he would have such a son. Lin Yan's expression turned solemn as he advised, "Do not bring trouble upon your esteemed father."

"Thank you for your guidance, distinguished official." The young man cast a furtive glance at Lin Yan before asking, "May I ask, distinguished official, you are…?"

"Deputy Magistrate of the capital city, Lin Yan."

The Chief Secretary of the Administrative Governor of Andong held an upper fourth-rank official position, whereas the Deputy Magistrate of the capital city held a lower fourth-rank position. However, according to convention, officials in the capital held a rank one level higher than those stationed elsewhere. Therefore, this scarlet-robed official, who appeared to be of similar age, was actually on par with the young man's father in terms of seniority. Moreover, being an official of the capital city suggested that he was someone whose presence was acknowledged and valued by the Emperor.

Accompanying his father to the city for the Dragon Boat Festival rites, the young man had been cautioned multiple times during the journey. He was not one to act blindly rude or impetuous. Upon receiving no further instructions from the Deputy Magistrate, he promptly performed another respectful gesture and withdrew.

Lin Yan glanced at him, noting, ‘At least he knows when to show deference…’

When Shen Shaoguang noticed Lin Yan's intervention, she smiled gratefully and expressed her thanks. Lin Yan gently emphasized, "As a maiden, you should exercise more caution."

Shen Shaoguang understood he meant well, but how could she afford to be cautious when she was out conducting business?

Lin Yan cast a glance at her and sighed softly. "Forget it. It's not often one would encounter someone who lacks a sense of priorities. Since you usually stay within the Lane, it's not a significant concern."

Shen Shaoguang: "..." The little bit of annoyance that just arisen could only now dissipate. 

Shen Shaoguang, now composed and smiling, inquired, "What would you like to have today, Sir Lin?"

To her surprise, instead of leaving the arrangements to her as usual, Lin Yan replied, "Sour plum beverage, please."

Shen Shaoguang promptly poured him a bowl of iced sour plum drink.

As Shen Shaoguang poured the sour plum drink, Lin Yan noticed the Longevity Bracelets in the gift boxes. "In addition to selling food, are you also offering Life-Extending Bracelets?"

A’Yuan clarified, "They are complimentary, it comes with any purchase of a gift set of floral cakes."

Lin Yan nodded thoughtfully. "It's inconvenient for me at the moment. Could your store deliver a couple of boxes to my humble home after returning?" He then directed a smile at Shen Shaoguang.

Shen Shaoguang: "..."

Shen Shaoguang reluctantly selected a VIP Longevity Bracelet from the tray and stated in a somewhat perfunctory manner, "Your purchase of the sour plum drink also entitles you to one."

Lin Yan licked his lips and cast a glance at Shen Shaoguang, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his eyes. After a brief pause, he accepted the bracelet and expressed his gratitude. "Thank you."

Shen Shaoguang couldn't shake off the feeling that she had been somewhat taken advantage of. Did he expect me to help him put it on just now?




The author has something to say:

Once again, Deputy Magistrate Lin and his shameless behavior.

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