Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 68 (Part 1)

Chapter 68.1 Like Cat Like Owner

Chu Di arrived in Chang'an City with a purpose. Firstly, he intended to arrange the transportation of Teacher Jiang Chou's coffin back to his hometown for burial. Teacher Jiang, his senior from the academy of classical learning, was a person of impeccable character and reputation, but he had no descendants. Chu Di felt a deep sense of duty to fulfill this final obligation to his dear friend and mentor. Additionally, Chu Di wished to reconnect with Li Yue and their other old friends. Since the Prince of Wu's incident, they had all pursued their individual paths, navigating the complexities of officialdom or wandering the realms beyond. Though they exchanged occasional letters, they had not met in person for a decade. With time slipping away, Chu Di was uncertain when they would have another chance to reunite.

Encountering A’Ji again was an unexpected but delightful surprise for Chu Di.

Originally, Chu Di harbored a strong desire for A’Ji to leave with him. He envisioned accepting her as his adopted daughter, allowing her to enjoy her days in a lady’s boudoir, selecting a husband of exemplary character and appearance for her, and witnessing her lead a tranquil life. In this way, when his time came to depart this world, he could reunite with Shen Five in the afterlife without any lingering remorse.

During his visits to Shen Indelible, Chu Di observed how she seemed to relish the warmth and vibrancy of the common folk’s haunts, as if a fish returning to water. She possessed a resolute spirit and strong opinions, making it difficult to impose any decisions upon her. Moreover, with Deputy Magistrate Lin residing in the same lane, albeit with ulterior motives, Chu Di contemplated the situation repeatedly, ultimately sighing, "A’Ji, Uncle will always welcome you with open arms."

Deputy Magistrate Lin, who was marked with carrying ulterior motives, visited Chu Di two more times later. Observing his gentlemanly demeanor and recalling the shrewd glint in A’Ji’s eyes, Chu Di couldn't help but feel some sympathy for him. However, he maintained a stern facade as he cautioned, "With the noble Deputy Magistrate present, I feel more at ease."

Lin Yan respectfully replied with cupped hands. "Yes."

The ‘not so noble’ Shen Shaoguang slipped back into her usual routine after bidding farewell to her uncle from the Chu Residence. Days were filled with experimenting with new dishes, managing finances, enduring the oppressive heat of summer…. and stealing glances at Beauty Lin.

With the rising temperatures, Beauty Lin opted for less formal attire, favoring crossed-lapel or the trending hu-style garments.

While the hu-style garments suited him fine as they accentuated his figure, there was something particularly striking about him in crossed-lapel gowns.

The loose, gauzy outer layer with its ample sleeves echoed the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, exuding an air of ease and elegance. With each step, it seemed to dance gracefully with the breeze; and while seated by the window, savoring tea with his brows slightly furrowed, he resembled a living painting.

Shen Shaoguang was keen on ‘details’, and her gaze often drifted to the small red mole adorning his neck. Tiny and crimson, it resembled a delicate cinnabar dot, undeniably cute and appetizing. Had this feature adorned a beauty within the imperial harem, it would undoubtedly have stimulated the mind. As for the scene beneath the garment, under that red mole...

Lin Yan reached for the mung bean cake, and the colorful Longevity Bracelet on his wrist caught Shen Shaoguang's eye momentarily. As if stung by the sight, she quickly averted her gaze.

As Lin Yan looked up at her with a smile, Shen Shaoguang attempted to smile as honorably as possible. "Sir, please try this water chestnut pastry. It’s crafted from this year's early-harvested water chestnuts and filled with delectable jujube paste, offering a delightful and sweet flavor."

Lin Yan simply smiled at her, not saying a word.

Shen Shaoguang cleared her throat lightly, maintaining her composed smile. "Please enjoy, Sir," she said, then turned around and walked back to her counter.

In the kitchen, A’Yuan asked Yu San quietly, "Do you think our Miss has taken a liking to Deputy Magistrate Lin?"

Yu San: "..."

A’Yuan whispered, "Miss really has good taste. Deputy Magistrate Lin is the most handsome sir in our Lane."

Yu San couldn't help but retort, "What's wrong with your eyes? It's obvious that Deputy Magistrate Lin has taken a liking to our Miss."

A’Chang stopped his kitchen duties and joined in the conversation.

A’Yuan corrected herself, "Then Deputy Magistrate Lin really has good taste. Our Miss is truly—-" Before she could finish her sentence, A’Chang interjected, "The prettiest miss in the Lane."

A’Yuan nodded strongly.

Yu San couldn't bear it anymore and pushed the two heads away, "Back to work!"

A’Chang looked at a short glance out of the open window before turning to alert A’Yuan, "The cats are here!"

A’Yuan swiftly carried a large tray outside, laden with a mixture of cooked chicken and rice. As the four stray cats spotted the familiar tableware, they quickly gathered around the food.

Shen Shaoguang also stepped out to observe the cats.

A’Yuan couldn't comprehend their Miss's habit of feeding stray cats, "That black one even stole our meat once, and it doesn’t even catch mice for us."

Shen Shaoguang chuckled and remarked, "It's okay, let's just feed them. We're not short of food anyway."

After the four cats finished their meal, they sauntered off. Shen Shaoguang couldn't hug them even if she wanted to, so she couldn't help but laugh and scold them, "Heartless little things."

There was a slight cough behind her, and Shen Shaoguang turned around to see Deputy Magistrate Lin. Perhaps due to the heat, his ears seemed a little flushed.

Shen Shaoguang offered a polite smile and said, "Sir Lin, take care on your way."

Deputy Magistrate Lin nodded, then turned and departed.

As she watched him leave, Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but lament inwardly, ‘Why must you be so handsome? It's like winning a five-million-dollar lottery ticket only to accidentally shred it in the washing machine. Alas, we were destined to meet but not to be together. It's all in vain!’

Unexpectedly, two days later, Deputy Magistrate Lin arrived with a cat in his arms.

Shen Shaoguang glanced at the adorable feline in his arms. Did Deputy Magistrate Lin also have a soft spot for cats? Just as she was about to feel a twinge of jealousy, he explained, "This cat was a gift from a friend, but unfortunately, my grandmother seems to have a sneezing fit whenever it draws near. So, I thought to ask if you would be interested in adopting it, Miss?"

Shen Shaoguang maintained her rationale. "As you witnessed the other day, Sir, I'm already caring for four cats, each with their own strong character." She regarded the cat nestled in Lin Yan's arms. "Your cat seems accustomed to a more luxurious lifestyle. I fear it may struggle to adapt to our coarse lifestyle."

Lin Yan smiled faintly, placing the cat gently on the floor before taking his seat.

Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but admire the cat. Its appearance was striking; white fur dominated its body, save for a patch of black atop its head. A subtle amber stripe ran down its forehead, giving the impression of a stylish headpiece, while its ears remained pristine white. Shen Shaoguang couldn't shake the feeling that the cat exuded a certain charm—almost like a dashing gentleman.

TL Note: There were just too many mentions of mens’ traditional wear that I couldn’t not include some visuals. Oh and I made all these names up, they are not official names, so do not quote me on it XD

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