Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 73 (Part 1)

Chapter 73.1 Deputy Magistrate's Plight

The sky finally cleared up the next day.

After the morning meal, the four members of Shen Indelible Tavern were busy cleaning up the bloodstains and broken items in the establishment. The two chamberlains left behind by Lin Yan also pitched in, following orders obediently, as if they were servants owned by Miss Shen. 

In the afternoon, Shen Shaoguang, accompanied by others, ventured to the West Market to procure necessary supplies. She also arranged for the walls to be repainted the following day. Embracing the challenges faced, she opted for a complete redecoration of the store. As the adage goes, ‘the more you strike, the stronger it becomes; adversity only fuels its popularity’.

As she stepped out to discard the broken furniture, Shen Shaoguang encountered some of her neighbors and patrons. In truth, many had heard the commotion the previous night. When they ventured out to investigate and saw the sight of people wielding knives and swords, they quickly retreated back into their homes.

Shen Shaoguang explained to them with a smile, "Some criminals escaped and managed to get into this lane, ending up in our tavern. Thankfully, the bailiffs from the government repository came over and arrested them. The whole experience was quite frightening..." Everything she said was true, though she omitted some 'less important' details.

The neighbor took a peek inside the store and clicked his tongue in regret. "Your store was badly damaged..."

Shen Shaoguang shared the sentiment. "You don’t say!"

"It happens, there is nothing we can do..."

Shen Shaoguang nodded in agreement. "Yes, indeed."

Lin Yan remained busy until evening before taking his carriage back home. Having been absent from home the prior night, he quickly washed and changed clothes before greeting his grandmother. They shared a meal together before he bid her farewell and made his way to Shen Indelible Tavern.

Lin Yan found the door of the tavern locked, with a sign reading: "The owner has some business to attend to; the tavern will be closed for five days." Undeterred, he made his way around to the alley leading to the back house, where the tantalizing aroma of cumin-roasted lamb wafted toward him. Approaching the door, he could discern the sounds of laughter emanating from within, including those of his own chamberlains.

Lin Yan smiled. A’Ji ah...

Lin Yan knocked on the door, and A’Chang came to open the door. "Sir Lin——" He hurriedly welcomed him in.

Upon entering, he found the clay brick floor covered with woven mats and felt pads, while skewers of meat, chicken, vegetables, and tofu sizzled on the barbecue furnace at the center. Yu San, sporting an apron and a muslin futou[1] askew on his head, was ardently tending to the grilling, with Chamberlain Zhou Kui offering assistance. Others sat around, engaged in the hearty meal, while Miss Shen presided over the gathering with a contented smile.

As Lin Yan entered, his chamberlains rose promptly, offering respectful salutes with cupped hands and solemn expressions. Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. Deputy Magistrate Lin had inadvertently spoiled their party. What was once a lively feast was now tinged with an air of formality.

"Have you had dinner yet, Deputy Magistrate? Would you like to join us?" Despite her inner conflict, Shen Shaoguang maintained her politeness.

Observing her expression, Lin Yan cleared his throat and offered a smile to the group. "I've already eaten, please don't let me interrupt your meal." Pausing briefly, he added, "The aroma of the roasted lamb with pepper and cumin is truly enticing; the whole alley is filled with its fragrance."

The chamberlains exchanged covert glances. Master was unusually amiable today... and even conversational!

Shen Shaoguang understood the discomfort his presence brought. Since she had no intention of joining the barbecue, she opted to offer beverages and fruits instead. "Since it's quite smoky and crowded outside, would you prefer to relax indoors, Sir?"

Lin Yan's lips curled upwards. "Alright."

It marked Lin Yan's inaugural visit to Shen Shaoguang's abode, albeit confined to the main room.

The room was humble in size, furnished with a raw-silk-colored rug adorned with a few simple elmwood reclined chairs and a long table. On the table lay half a sheet of precious rouge paper, two pairs of scissors, and a small pile of intricately crafted flower, bird, fish, and insect huadians. Nearby, books, a teapot, teacups, and a lotus leaf-shaped fruit plate were casually placed. The fruit plate held a plethora of fresh water chestnuts, with a pile of water chestnut peels remaining beside them, awaiting disposal.

Lin Yan looked down and silently smiled. It seems A’Ji was a bit disorganized.

Shen Shaoguang set down the fruits and beverages and illuminated the room with a lamp. As her gaze fell upon the cluttered table, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment. Earlier that afternoon, she had visited the West Market to replenish supplies for the tavern, and had also stopped by a stationary shop to purchase a new ink slab to replace the one that had been damaged in the previous night's altercation. Unexpectedly, she had come across some exquisitely beautiful rouge paper adorned with gold accents, and had purchased a few sheets on a whim. Later in the evening, when she had some free time, she had begun teaching A Yuan how to craft huadian papercuts, but had neglected to tidy up afterwards...

Shen Shaoguang considered tidying up the clutter, but Lin Yan gestured for her to take a seat. "There’s no need to busy yourself," he said.

Deciding there was no use in concealing her true character since it was already evident, Shen Shaoguang pushed the items to the side and poured a cup of sour plum beverage for Lin Yan.

"Why the light dinner tonight?" Lin Yan had noticed earlier that there were only some cakes, peaches, grapes, and the like on her tray, but no meat like the others.

Shen Shaoguang smiled and replied, "It's nothing of importance, just a bit of throat discomfort." The previous night, she had been lifted while strangled by the evildoer which left bruises and a noticeable red mark. While she initially thought the injuries were superficial, the next morning brought a fiery sensation in her throat. Upon examination, she discovered that her tonsils were swollen—could the superficial injuries have become internalized? In this situation, Shen Shaoguang dared not eat roast mutton.

Lin Yan glanced at her neck. The bruises were a deep purple, and there was even a strip of angry red. Against her fair complexion, they seemed particularly striking.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Yan asked softly.

Those words triggered an unspeakable scene in Shen Shaoguang's mind. She quickly halted her thoughts and let out a dry laugh, "It doesn't hurt. A few doses of Sanhuang or Shangqing Pills[2] will take care of it."

Lin Yan nodded, and the two lapsed into a brief silence.

In order to cover up her dirty mind, Shen Shaoguang invited Lin Yan to eat some fruit. "The newly grown grapes from our yard are very sweet and juicy! These water chestnuts are also excellent, very tender."

"Mmm," Lin Yan responded.

Next to the fruit plate filled with water chestnuts in front of him was a clasped book titled, "Autumn Coping Collection". Lin Yan gently took a bird feather-shaped huadian, using it as a bookmark on a poignant page: "Until white swords can be seen again, spattered with red blood…When death becomes a duty, who stops to think of fame?[3]" Lin Yan silently closed the book and placed it aside, then picked up the fruit plier in the plate and began to open a water chestnut. Once he had extracted the tender meat from its shell, he extended it to Shen Shaoguang, who sat across from him.

Shen Shaoguang was momentarily stunned but accepted the chestnut. She peeled off the skin and took a bite, savoring its crisp, tender texture.

"A’Ji," Lin Yan began, his voice steady and sincere, "how about I formally send a matchmaker with a marriage proposal?"

Shen Shaoguang almost choked on her mouthful of water chestnut, caught completely off guard by his words.

Lin Yan’s brows slightly furrowed in concern. He slid over the beverage she had just poured for him to her.

Shen Shaoguang waved her hand. "No, Deputy Magistrate Lin… A little more nuance in your communication would have been preferable."

"I'm truly worried about you living here alone like this."

Shen Shaoguang nodded understandingly and said with a smile. "There’s nothing of great importance. I can simply recruit two more male servants, ones with sturdy builds and heights of over three meters."

Lin Yan: "..."




T/N: Our MC is definitely from the modern age, just a simple ‘does it hurt’ will run her mind to the gutters XDD. Also, it’s finally here! Our Deputy Magistrate Lin is finally proposing marriage (or about to)! I love the fact he’s asking for her permission to even send a matchmaker, unlike Liu Three. Communication is so sexy ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


[1] futou (幞头) - was one of the most important forms of headwear in ancient China with a history of more than one thousand years.The futou first appeared in Northern Zhou under the reign of Emperor Wu where it became prevalent. It was also commonly worn in the Tang and Song dynasties.The futou was typically worn by government officials; originally turban-like headwear which was tied at the back of its wearer's head, with the two corners going to opposite directions and acting as decorations.


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