Chaos' Heir

Chapter 1043: Bullet

Chapter 1043: Bullet

Miss Christen swiftly retreated, more displeasure appearing on her face. However, she didn't stop looking at her opponents, who remained still for some reason.

Miss Christen could have expected similar behavior from Colonel Norrett, but Major General Arngan's fighting style was more oppressive and overbearing. He wouldn't have stood still and wasted that opportunity to retaliate, especially with that element of his.

An explanation promptly arrived. Major General Arngan bent forward, groaning. His voice grew even deeper and hoarser, becoming something similar to a monstrous growl.

The changes didn't only involve the General's voice. Actually, that was merely a tiny detail in the overall transformation. Major General Arngan's skin imitated his eyes, turning dark red, and his grey hair grew, gaining scarlet shades.

Major General Arngan seemed in pain during the transformation but quickly straightened his figure, looking at Miss Christen to show his new, monstrous appearance. His face was now devoid of wrinkles, and his dark red skin radiated a metallic luster. His features had become sharper, and his nails had grown into quasi-claws.

The transformation didn't surprise Miss Christen. The Global Army had done extensive research on Major General Arngan's peculiar element, as well as the forms he could assume. Except for slightly inflated muscles and overall reddishness, the General still looked somewhat human, reassuring the evolved warrior about the danger level.

Major General Arngan briefly glanced at his artificial right arm. Its silver alloy had turned darker but didn't experience any deeper transformation. The General didn't expect it to grow claws out of nowhere, but the result still disappointed him.

"Piece of trash," Major General Arngan snorted, faint smoke accompanying the grotesque voice coming from his mouth.

"It's quite a sight, Major General," Miss Christen praised. "Elements truly come in all kinds of shapes and colors. Though it's rather underwhelming compared to the stories I heard."

"It's this useless thing," Major General Arngan cursed, pointing at his artificial arm, his seemingly easy-going mood conflicting with his appearance and voice. "I could easily grow horns when I was still in one piece."

The Major General had tried to brag, but Miss Christen and Colonel Norrett wondered whether the ability to grow horns was something to be proud of. Nevertheless, they were aware of his element's nature, and the current transformation gave birth to opposite reactions.

Truthfully, the Global Army didn't have a suitable name for Major General Arngan's element. It knew what it did, how it worked, and how it affected the Major General, but the human language lacked words that could encompass all of that.

At the core, Major General Arngan's element had something to do with something he had labeled bloodlust. However, he didn't see it as a simple emotion and treated it like an energy no different than mana.

The Global Army wasn't sure of how or why. It only knew Major General Arngan was strangely perceptive to that untraceable energy and could almost feed on it to store it. Full reserves also improved his growth as a warrior, making looking for bloodlust necessary to increase his attunement level.

Ultimately, Major General Arngan could use that energy for various abilities, the most striking and powerful being his transformation. The "Demon" in his title didn't only come from his performance on the battlefield. It was primarily due to that monstrous appearance, which had different levels.

The more humanoid Major General Arngan looked, the smaller the transformation's improvements were. The General had only gained a redder complexion and longer nails, so his power couldn't have changed too much.

Major General Arngan loudly inhaled, almost resembling a dog checking for something. His attention fell on a tiny wet spot at his left. A drop of Miss Christen's blood had fallen there, and grass quickly grew from it.

The Major General tracked the scent back to Miss Christen's right hand, where he found no injury. It seemed she had already healed, even removing the wound's stain. Nothing could taint her figure's purity.

However, Major General Arngan saw different details through his completely dark red eyes. Miss Christen looked pure on the surface, but the battle had stirred awake new, conflicting emotions inside her, emotions he recognized.

"Mark, we might be able to win," Major General Arngan announced.

"What do you see, General?" Colonel Norrett asked.

"The drawbacks of the aided metamorphosis," Major General Arngan explained shortly. "It seems she still isn't in complete control of her element."

Of course, the issue was deeper than that, but the Major General explained it as well as he could, and Colonel Norrett understood him. After all, everyone at their level knew about the aided metamorphosis' shortcomings.

Getting rid of troublesome elements in favor of far better ones sounded like a dream come true. The Global Army didn't spare expenses when it found the Life Mineral, and many wealthy and powerful parties were willing to pay a fortune to use it. That vouched for the practice's popularity.

However, transformations required time and effort to take root and even longer to be mastered. The evolved realm also needed a deep understanding of the mana and its elements, and it seemed Miss Christen had yet to get there.

It wasn't easy, really. Elements affected people who lived their entire lives with them. Changing them meant revolutionizing their whole being, and some conflicting habits were bound to stick around for a while, reducing the overall theoretical power.

Miss Christen should be pure, but her element joined forces with some of her previous habits, making it hard for her to control a few weaknesses. Her displeasure toward those fights came from her mana, but her desire to extirpate its sources was a twisted side effect of her personality, something Major General Arngan could sense.

"I believe I made a mistake," Miss Christen suddenly announced. "Forgive me, Colonel, Major General. I thought searching for peaceful resolutions would have changed your minds, but it only made you underestimate me."

Miss Christen slowly lifted her right hand, stretching two fingers while a white light gathered on their tips. She merely tapped on it, and the glowing sphere shot forward, triggering a

painful grunt.

Colonel Norrett's left leg lost strength, forcing him to one knee. A scorching pain spread from above his joint, and inspecting the area revealed a finger-sized hole in his thigh. In a single, swift gesture, Miss Christen had crippled his ability to move.

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